Maam Flashcards
It focuses onstudent curiosity. Instead of delivering content as a
statement, the approach develops questions for students to
investigate, research, and try. Students then go through anInquiry
Cyclethat includes orientation, conceptualization, investigation,
conclusion, and discussion.
Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL)
It entails using play toexplore ideas, experiment with materials,
and create new understandings.
distinct from a general sense of play in
thatlearning is fundamentalto any activity. Open-ended invitations
to free or guided play capitalize on young students’ natural
curiosity and ability to make discoveries. In the art room, students
engage with exciting materials and construct meaning through
imagination and creativity
Play-Based Learning
It is aniterative processin which students seek to understand users,
challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create innovative
solutions they can prototype and test. The goal is to identify
alternativestrategies and solutionsover time. Through data
gathering, idea generation, and testing with users, design thinking
helps students thinkoutside of the box.
Design Thinking
It creates opportunities for students todeepen and enrich their
understandingby considering the world, their community, and their
societal place. The goal is to provide safe and equitable
classrooms, discussions, and assignments whereall students feel
includedandhave a voice.
Social Justice Learning
It is an integrative, interdisciplinary approach to learning that uses
science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics.
These are access points for guiding studentinquiry, dialogue, and
critical thinking. This approachenhances students’ creativity,
problem-solving skills, and interest in core fields.
STEAM education
It providesreal-world contextsto situate learning. Students solve
problems adult professionals face, often with involvement from the
teachers move fromdirectors to facilitators of
learning. The learning community poses a driving question for the
problem at hand, consults experts, and conducts research aspart
of the learning process.
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
It refers to visual art that is written, drawn, or printed. This includes
skillfully executed lettering and calligraphy as well as all forms of
drawings and printed images.
Graphic Arts
It is the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant
energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (such as film or
an optical sensor).
It is the art of beautifulhandwriting.
isa form of visual art in which an artist uses instruments to mark
paper or other two-dimensional surface.
It isan artistic process based on the principle of transferring images
from a matrix onto another surface, most often paper or fabric.
It is the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of
certain aesthetic qualities in a two-dimensional visual language.
It isa planographic printmaking process in which a design is drawn
onto a flat stone (or prepared metal plate, usually zinc or
aluminum) and affixed by means of a chemical reaction.
It isa fancy term for silkscreen printing.
printing consists offorcing an ink, by pressing with a
squeegee, through the mesh of a netting screen stretched on a
frame, onto the object to be printed. The nonprinting areas of the
screen are protected by a cutout stencil or by blocking up the
It isthe art and technique of arranging type to make written
language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.