M4 Formative Questions Flashcards
Satre claims that according to existentialism, there is no reality except in:
Critique of Dialectical Reason, vol. 1 was published in 1960
Sartre’s earliest philosophical writing were very phenomenological in orientation, written very much under the influence of Husserl.
Sartre was never a Marxist of the strict observance
Sartre claims that the value of one’s affection is determined by:
the way one acts
Transcendence of the Ego, published in either 1936 or 1937
true 36
The first of these two works is L’imagination, which appeared in 1936, and has been translated under the title: Imagination: A Psychological Critique.
sartre’s earliest philosophical writings were very phenomenological in orientation, written very much under the influence of heidegger.
false (influ by husserl)
It is a work by Martin Heidegger, in which the author discusses the essence of technology. Heidegger originally published the text in 1954, in Vorträge und Aufsätze.
The Question Concerning Technology
These answers makeup what Heidegger calls the current anthropological (which is aimed at getting things done) and instrumental (a human activity) definition of technology.
false (instrumental [aimed at getting things done] and anthropological [a human activity] definition of technology”
sartre’s third main period, he moves to a kind of marxism
“The first paragraph establishes the essay’s objective: to investigate technology in order to prepare us for a “free relationship” to it. This is from The End of Philosophy (book) by Heidegger”
false (The Questions Concerning Technology)
Even our attempts to maintain control over technology, to master it so that it doesn’t destroy us, are informed by our instrumental conception of what technology is. Group of answer choices
No Exit (1944). A short and very fine play with strong philosophical overtones.
In Sartre’s view, when one chooses how to live one is choosing
for all people
sartre was an idealist, believing that we have no direct way of perceiving the external world and that all we have access to is our ideas of the world, including what our senses tell us.
false (kant)
Heidegger opposes the view that technology is a human activity
A habilitation thesis is a requirement for teaching at the university level in Germany. It’s something Heidegger pursued in 1915 but was never completed.
false (nacomplete niya yung thesis niya)
In Messkrich, Heidegger was a son of a sexton of the local Roman Catholic Church.
To uncover the truth about the central question of Being, Heidegger uses logic but insisted that it cannot lead to spiritual and historical renewal.
Protestant texts were studied by Heidegger that led to his spiritual crisis. Some of those are from:
calvin and luther