M2. Wellness for Different age group Flashcards
a major cause of serious bacterial infections
including meningitis, epiglotitis, facial cellulitis,
pneumonia, septic arthritis, bacteremia and
empyema in young children from three months
to five years of age.
Hemophilus influenza Type
The U.S. preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) concludes that evidence is insufficient
to recommend for or against routine screening of
newborns for hearing loss during the postpartum
Hearing screening
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
concludes that evidence is insufficient to
recommend for or against routine screening for
iron deficiency anemia in asymptomatic children
aged 6 to 12 months.
Iron defiecinecy screening
Risk factors of not having lipid screening
cardiovascular disease
Coronary heart disease
4 types of depression screening
→ Zung Self-assessment Depression Scale, → Beck Depression Inventory, → General health Questionnaire (GHQ), → Center for Epidemiologic Study Depression Scale (CES-D).
____ is recommended for
men with two or more cardiac risk factors (high
blood cholesterol, hypertension, cigarette
smoking, diabetes mellitus, family history of
coronary artery disease).
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
should be done for prostitutes,
persons who engage in sex with multiple
partners or comes in contact with persons with
active syphilis.
should be done among
household members of persons with
tuberculosis, or others at risk for close contact
with the disease.
Tuberculin skin test
is recommended for all young
adults not previously immunized and for all persons
at high risk for infection.
Hepatitis B test
is recommended for persons at high risk such as those living in, traveling to or
working in areas where hepatitis A is endemic.
Hepatitis A test
has been used in behavioral counseling
interventions such as smoking cessation and may be
a useful tool to help clinicians guide interventions for
weight loss. Initial interventions paired with
maintenance interventions help ensure that weight
loss will be sustained overtime.
The 5-A framework
the most common
benign tumor in men, is responsible for more than
1.7 million office visits every year.
benign prostatic hyperplasia
is second only to lung cancer
as the leading cause of cancer deaths in men, with
41,000 deaths reported in 1997 alone. An estimated
one in 10 men develop this malignancy at some point
in life.
Prostate cancer
Including high levels of low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol and low levels of high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, are known risk factors for CHD.
The USPSTF recommends screening for type 2
diabetes in asymptomatic adults with sustained
blood pressure greater than ___mmHG
Women should be screened for cervical cancer with
Pap tests beginning at __ years of age