(M) L3: Art History (Prehistoric and Classical) Flashcards
T or F: Art history shows the extrinsic value of art as a form of language per generation that has passed
T or F: Art history tackles how humanity from the past up until now has clearly stipulated wanting to live an indifferent life
False (better life)
T or F: Artists have served mankind for its entire existence
This refers to all artworks produced by ancient men before any preconceived culture and known methods of writing and record keeping ever existed
Prehistoric Art
This refers to “art before history”
Prehistoric Art
Cave Paintings are also known as?
This refers to any parietal art which applies color pigments on walls, floors, or ceilings of ancient rock dwellings inhabited by prehistoric man
Cave Paintings or Petrographs
These are cave paintings with only 1 color
Monochrome (e.g. black)
An example of a monochrome cave painting was found where?
Chauvet cave in France
These are cave paintings having 2 or more colors
An example of a polychrome cave painting was found where?
Altamira cave in Spain
The polychrome painting found in Altamira cave (Spain) was that of an image of what animal?
Cave drawings are also known as?
These refer to engraved drawings that are etched or done by cutting lines on rock surfaces by a sharp object (e.g. flint or stone tools)
Cave Drawings/Petroglyphs
T or F: Petroglyphs also refer to drawing lines using charcoal or manganese
T or F: Most prehistoric cave paintings were figurative
T or F: Almost 90% of cave paintings were done in the figures of primitive man
False (animals)
Artists from which age painted both predator and game animals?
Stone Age
What are some examples of game animals that dominated the imagery among cave paintings?
Bison and reindeer
T or F: Pictures of humans were rarely shown in cave paintings as they were usually highly stylized and far less naturalistic than animal figures
T or F: Abstract images such as signs, symbols, and geometric markings weren’t as common in cave paintings
False (they were)
This comprised the oldest type of Paleolithic Art found in caves of the late stone age
Abstract images
Which cave paintings were dated and revealed to have been one of the oldest types of Paleolithic art found during the late stone age?
Paintings found in the El Castillo and Altamira caves
T or F: There is clear evidence of when cave paintings first began
False (none)
How many caves scattered across Spain were revealed to have contained cave paintings older than 65,000 years old?
Which cave in Spain did researchers find perforated seashell beads and pigments at least 115,000 years old?
Cueva de los Aviones (southeastern Spain)
This period was the time when primitive artworks were created with the use of primitive stone tools
Paleolithic Period
The Paleolithic Period was commonly represented by naturalistic images of what?
Prey animals that the men use to hunt
T or F: Prehistoric caves were heavily decorated with painted hand-stenciled rock art
This period began when man developed culture and lifestyle changes, it also describes the transition from Old Stone Age to Paleolithic and so on
Neolithic Period
T or F: Paleolithic art reflected the great shift in living conditions
False (Neolithic)
T or F: The Neolithic Period began to embrace geometrically abstract art of farmers who started civilization
Man became civilized when he stopped being what?
Nomadic (they settled down and created communities that grew crops and raised animals)
Clay pot designs during the Neolithic Period were commonly derived from what?
Plant and animals forms
T or F: The Philippines being a colony only of Spain saw the destruction of ancient customs because of the strong influence of conquering nations
False (Japan and the US also colonized us)
T or F: Philippine primitive art refers to artworks that were made after the arrival of the conquerors
False (before)
Where is the Angono Petroglyphs Site Museum located?
Binangonan, Rizal
Who accidentally discovered the Angono Petroglyphs Site Museum during their field trip with a troop of boy scouts in 1965
Carlos “Botong” Francisco
Carlos “Botong” Francisco notified which establishment after his discovery of the Angono Petroglyphs?
National Museum
The National Museum conducted an interdisciplinary research on the Angono Petroglyphs headed by?
Archaeologist Alfredo Evangelista
How many stone tools did Archaeologist Alfredo Evangelista recover from the site?
What year did the National Museum establish the Angono Petroglyphs Site Museum?
The Angono petroglyphs were dated back to what period?
Late Neolithic Period
What Presidential Decree declared the Angono Petroglyphs a national cultural treasure?
PD No. 260
Another petroglyph site in the Philippines carved on boulders on top of cliffs, dated back not earlier than 1500 BC, was found where?
Alab, Mountain Province
Where were the charcoal drawings on cave walls found in the Philippines?
Hint: 2 locations
Peñablanca, Cagayan Province
Singapan Caves, Southern Palawan
Where were the red hematite prints found in the Philippines?
Anda Peninsual, Bohol
Where was the 2nd burial jar found in the Philippines?
Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan (1960)
This is considered one of the Philippines’ national cultural treasures perceived as a work of a great craftsman, a master potter
Burial jars
The image on top of the jar cover (a boat with 2 humans) symbolizes what?
Their voyage to the afterlife (shows that Filipinos believed in life after death)
The Burial Jars were dated back to what period?
Late Neolithic Period (890 - 710 BC)
Where were the earthenware pots found which resembled human figures and were used as secondary burial jars?
Ayub Cave in Pinol, Maitum, Saranggani Province
The earthenware pots of Ayub Cave were dated back to what period?
Metal Age (5 BC - 225 AD)
Refers to the art form from Greece and Rome
Classical Art
This favors the classical arts, classical antiquity (ancient times) in the Western tradition, as standard for taste, which classicists want to imitate
Describes the long period of time in cultural history when the Mediterranean Sea was the center
Classical Period
The classical period started with the earliest record of Greek poetry by who?
T or F: The classical period encapsulates the rise of Rome and Christianity
T or F: The classical period encapsulates the start of the Western Roman Empire
False (the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the start of the Early Middle Ages)
The art that is held as the standard or measure by which all art will be judged
Art of the Ancient Greeks
T or F: Roman art has shaped our minds into what perfection looks like
False (Greek)
T or F: Classical Greek art was an original concept
False (it is a product of previous influences)
Stone figures prior to the Greek arts were commonly called as?
Whose influence did rigid statures of human anatomy come from?
T or F: The reason why ceramic sculptures developed during the Greek period is because only a few large paintings could endure this era
This refers to when ancient Greece achieved new heights in art, architecture, theater, and philosophy
Greek’s Golden Age or the Classical Period of Ancient Greece
Democracy in Athens was improved under the leadership of who?
The Classical Period began after the Greeks won over which race?
This temple was rebuilt as a symbol of devotion to Athena on the Acropolis, it is also one of the most wonderful accomplishments Athens has ever done
Pericles planned the rebuilding of Parthenon with his friend named?
He created a new statue of Athena with ivory and gold on the Acropolis
This famous mathematician lived during the Greek Arts period
He is known as the Father of Philosophy
The 2 greatest known works of the Classical Period
Massive Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Statue of Athena Parthenos in Parthenon
The Massive Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Statue of Athena Parthenos in Parthenon were both made of?
Chryselephantine (gold, ivory, chrysus, and elephantine)
T or F: Pheidias also made the Massive Statue of Zeus
T or F: Roman Art influenced the Greek Art
False (reverse)
These artworks were both an inspiration for the Renaissance
Greek and Roman Art
T or F: The Greeks were described to be idealistic and imaginative
T or F: The Romans were described to be bounded to what they saw in the world
This is when Greece reached its height during 457 BC to 430 BC when great temples were built in Athens and Olympia
The Golden Age of Athens
This type of art copied life realistically, especially in the form of sculpture and literature
Hellenistic Arts
T or F: Almost all Greek paintings survived the ages until the 20th century
False (almost no paintings survived)
T or F: The art forms that survived up to the 20th century were mainly vases made during the Archaic Age (750 - 500 BC)
T or F: Ancient vases did not survive up until the Golden Age of Greece (457 - 430 BC)
The Greeks adorned their warships with what?
Pigments made with hot wax (the Romans copied this technique afterwards)
Ancient Greek paintings had subjects that included a snake-haired lady named?
This technique, which was one of the great innovations of the Renaissance, was a rediscovery according to Boorstin
Linear Perspective
Greek vase painters used this technique to illustrate depth
He wrote his book on perspective that states “given a center in definite space, the line should naturally correspond with due regard to the point of sight and divergence of visual rays”
Agatharchus of Samos
He defined scenography as the “shading of the front and the retreating sides, and the correspondence of all lines to the vanishing point, which is the center of the a circle”
Viruvius (Roman Architect)
T or F: The Romans were master sculptors
False (Greeks)
T or F: Greeks were much more highly skilled than the Egyptians who came before and the Romans who came afterward
T or F: The skill and sense of aesthetics on how the Greeks created their sculptures were unmatched until the Renaissance
What were the favorite subjects of Greek Art?
For over a millennium, this was the most powerful nation on Earth, defeating all others at military organization and warfare, engineering, and architecture
Ancient Rome
It was during the age of these 2 emperors that Rome reached the peak of its architectural glory, attained numerous buildings of monuments, baths, and aqueducts, palaces, temples, and mausoleums
Emperor Trajan and Emperor Hadrian
This Italian architect was the designer of the dome of the Florence cathedral
Filippo Brunelleschi
These 2 were the designers of St. Peter’s Basilica
Donato Bramante and Michelangelo
It was during this time when Rome experiences its last great building programs, including the completion of the Baths of Diocletian, Basilica of Maxentius, and the Arch of Constantine
Time of Constantine
T or F: Romans were practical people who wanted their art and architecture to be useful
T or F: The art forms of Rome were influenced by Greeks only
False (also the Etruscans)
T or F: The practical usage of art was a unique trait for the Romans
These people were the most powerful in Italy during the late 600 BC, they came from Asia Minor and settled in Tuscany which was north of Rome
T or F: The Etruscans imitated Roman Art
False (Greek)
They developed life-like types of portrait sculptures and even introduced the first use of stone arches in architecture
T or F: The Romans put into practical use what they have learned from the Etruscans
T or F: Roman architecture was on a much larger scale compared to Greek architecture
T or F: The Greeks built massive structures while Romans used post and lintel (beams supported by 2 columns)
False (reverse)
T or F: Much more weight could be supported by posts and lintel than arches
False (reverse)
How many piled arches were always done for Roman aqueducts?
This material could be made into any shape for arches, vaults, or domes as this also allowed architects to build structures of great size
This ruler built the Temple of Fortune in Praeneste in 80 BC
This architecture by Sulla made use of concrete to support terraces and to build what was in effect, a skyscraper
Temple of Fortune in Praeneste
T or F: The Greeks showed originality by portraying their emperors, generals, and senators with a degree of realism
False (Romans)
Wall paintings that were reserved in rock tell us everything we knew about Roman paintings, it was during the eruption of which volcano that this was recognized?
Mt. Vesuvius (79 AD)
In this city of Italy, painting was usually done as a form of decoration and was executed on the interior walls of houses in fresco (painting on wet plaster)
T or F: Frescos in Pompeii were used to create the illusion of depth or a pastoral landscape with no window or view to make the room seem smaller
False (to make the room seem LARGER)
The Romans achieved a high level of this technique in painting through the artists’ understanding of perspective and the use of light and shade
T or F: The colors red, black, and cream-white were common in Roman paintings