lower limb muscles Flashcards
gluteus maximus
O: iliac crest, posterior gluteal line, lateral surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx and TL fascia
I: IT tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur
A: extension and lateral rotation of hip, superior fibers abduction
N: inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius
O: anterior iliac crest, lateral surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: abduction and MR of hip
N: superior gluteal nerve
gluteus minimis
O: lateral surface of ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: abduction and LR of hip
N: superior gluteal nerve
Tensor Fasciae Latae
O: Iliac crest and lateral surface of ASIS
I: Iliotibial tract
A: extension of knee and lateral rotation of leg throughout the IT tract (abduction and MR of thigh-femur)
N: superior gluteal nerve
Obturtators (internus, externus)
O: lateral and medial margins of obturator foramen
I: Trochantric fossa of femur (externus) medial surface of greater trochanter (internus)
A: lateral rotation and abduction of hip, maintain stability
N: obturator nerve (externus)
- special nerve from sacral plexus (internus)
O: anterolateral surface of sacrum
I: greater trochanter of femur
A: lateral rotation and abduction of hip, maintain stability
N: branches of sacral nerve (S1-S2)
Gemelli (superior and inferior)
O: ischial spine (superior) , ischial tuberosity (inferior)
I: medial surface of greater trochanter via tension of Obturator internus
A: lateral rotation and abduction of hip
N: nerves to obturator internus and quadrates femoris
Quadratus femoris
O: lateral border of ischial tuberosity
I: intertrochantric crest of femur
A: lateral rotation of hip (no abduction)
N: special nerve from the sacral plexus
*the only lateral rotator that does not abduct
O: iliac fossa
I: femur distal to lesser trochanter (tendon fused with psoas major)
A: flexion at hip- also helps to flex intervertebral joints (lumbar flexion)
N: femoral nerve
Psoas Major
O: anterior surfaces and TP of vertebrae T12-L5
I: lesser trochanter with iliacus
A: flexion at hip and lumbar flexion
N: branches of lumber plexus
Adductor Magnus
O: inferior ramus of pubis posterior to adductor brevis and ischial tuberosity
I: linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur
A: adduction of hip (main function)
- anterior (flexion / MR) posterior (extension)
N: obturator and sciatic nerves
Adductor longus
O: inferior ramus of pubis anterior to adductor brevis
I: linea aspera of femur
A: adduction, flexion and MR of hip
N: obturator nerve
Adductor brevis
O: inferior ramus of pubis
I: linea aspera of femur
A: adduction and flexion of hip
N: obturator nerve
O: superior ramus of pubis
I: pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter of femur
A: flexion and adduction of hip
N: femoral nerve
O: inferior ramus of pubis
I: medial surface of tibia inferior to medial condyle (pes anserinus)
A: flexion and MR of knee, adduction and MR of hip
N: obturator nerve
rectus femoris
O: AIIS and superior acetabular rim of ilium
I: tibial tuberosity via quad tendon and patella via ligament
A: extension of knee, flexion of hip
N: femoral nerve
vastus medialis
O: entire length of linea aspera
I: tibial tuberosity
A: knee extension
N: femoral nerve
vastus intermedius
O: anterolateral surface of femur and linea aspera (distal surface)
I: tibial tuberosity
A: knee extension
N: femoral nerve
vastus lateralis
O: anterior and inferior greater trochanter and proximal half of linea aspera
I: tibial tuberosity
A: knee extension
N: fermoral
I: medial surface of tibia, pes anserinus
A: flexion at knee, abduction, flexion and lateral rotation at hip
N: femoral nerve
*cross legged muscles
Biceps femoris
O: ischial tuberosity and short head linea aspera
I: head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia
A: flexion at knee, extension and LR of hip
N: long head- sciatic
short head- common fibula nerve
O: ischial tuberosity
I: posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia
A: flexion at knee, extension and MR at hip
N: sciatic nerve
O: ischial tuberosity
I: proximal medial surface of tibia , pes anserinus
A: flexion at knee, extension and medial rotation of hip
N: sciatic nerve
O: femoral condyles
I: calcaneus via calcanea tendon
A: PF at ankle (knee flexion)
N: tibial nerve
O: lateral supracondylar ridge
I: posterior portion of calcaneus
A: PF at ankle (knee flexion)
N: tibial nerve
O: head and proximal shaft of fibula, posteromedial shaft of tibia
I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
A: PF at ankle, postural support with standing
N: sciatic nerve- tibial
O: lateral condylar of femur
I: posterior surface of proximal tibial shaft
A: medial rotation of tibia (LR of femur) at knee and flexion of knee
N: tibial nerve
Flexor digitorum longus
O: posteromedial surface of tibia
I: inferior surface of distal phalanges, toes 2-5
A: flexion of toes 2-5, plantar flexes ankle
N: tibial
tibialis posterior
O: interosseous membrane and adjacent shafts of tibia and fibula
I: navicular, 3 cuneiforms, cuboid, 2-4th metatarsal
A: inversion of foot, PF at ankle
N: sciatic nerve, tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis Longus
O: posterior surface of fibula
I: inferior surface, distal phalanx of great toe
A: flexion great toe, PF ankle
N: tibial
Fibularis longus
O: head and proximal shaft of fibula
I: base of first metatarsal and medial cuneiform
A: eversion and PF of ankles, arch support
N: superficial fibular nerve
Fibularis brevis
O: mid lateral margin of fibula
I: base of fifth metatarsal bone
A: eversion of foot and PF at ankle
N: superficial fibular nerve
tibialis anterior
O: lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia
I: base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform
A: DF at ankle, inversion of foot
N: deep fibular nerve
extensor digitorum longus
O: lateral condyle of tibia, anterior surface of fibula
I: superior surface of phalanges, toes 2-5
A: extension of great toes, DF ankle
N: deep fibular nerve
extensor hallucis longus
O: anterior surface of fibula
I: superior surface, distal phalanx of great toe
A: extension of great toe, DF ankle
N: deep fibular nerve