Lower limb Flashcards


Psoas major

Gluteus maximus

Gluteus medius

Gluteus minimus

Tensor fasciae latae

Superior gemellus

Inferior gemellus

Quadratus femoris


Psoas minor

Adductor magnus

Adductor longus

Adductor brevis

Adductor minimus


Rectus femoris

Vastus lateralis

Vastus medialis

Vastus intermedius

Quadriceps femoris


Biceps femoris




Tibialis posterior



Flexor digitorum longus

Flexor hallucis longus




Interosseous membrane

Extensor hallucis longus

Tibialis anterior


Extensor digitorum longus

Fibularis longus

Fibularis brevis

Lumbrical muscles
What are the superficial muscles of the gluteal region?
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
What are the deep muscles of the gluteal region?
Quadratus femoris
Gemellus superior and inferior
Obturator internus
What are the muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
Quadriceps femoris (vastus medialis and lateralis, rectus femoris)
Iliopsoas muscle
Which nerve innervates the anterior thigh?
Femoral nerve
What are the muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh?
Obturator externus
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Adductor magnus
What is the function of the muscles in the intermediate compartment of the thigh?
Hip adduction “hip adductors”
Which nerve innervates the muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh?
Obturator nerve
What are the muscles of the posterior component of the thigh?
Biceps femoris

What is the function of the muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Extension at the hip and flexion of the knee
Which nerve innervates the muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh?
Sciatic nerve
What are the branches of the sciatic nerve?
Sciatic –> tibial + common fibular
Common fibular –> superficial fibular
What is the motor function of the femoral nerve?
Anterior thigh muscles
Hip flexors + knee extensors
What is the motor function of the obturator nerve?
Muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh
What is the motor function of the sciatic nerve?
Posterior compartment of the thigh
Tibial nerve - the muscles of the posterior leg (calf muscles), and some of the intrinsic muscles of the foot
Common fibular nerve - the muscles of the anterior leg, lateral leg, and the remaining intrinsic foot muscles
What is the motor function of the tibial nerve?
Muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg
What are the motor functions of the common fibular nerve?
Short head of the biceps femoris
Superficial fibular - lateral compartment of the leg (fibularis longus and brevis)
Deep fibular nerve - anterior compartment of the leg (tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus)
What are the muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg?
Tibialis anterior
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
Fibularis tertius (not present in all individuals and often considered part of the extensor digitorum longus)

What are the muscles in the lateral compartment of the leg?
Fibularis longus
Fibularis brevis
(eversion of the foot)

What are the superficial muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg?
(all insert into the calcaneus of the foot via the calcaneal tendon)

What are the deep muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg?
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus

What are the features of a femoral nerve compression?
Quadriceps weakness and sensory loss
What are the features of a sciatic nerve compression?
Leg pain and weakness affecting most lower leg muscles
Normal knee jerk, absent ankle jerk
What are the features of damage to the common fibular nerve?
Foot drop
Commonly caused by damage to the fibular
What are the features of a peroneal neuropathy?
Peroneal nerve = common fibular
Weakness on foot dorsiflexion and eversion, sensory loss on dorsum of foot, reflexes normal

Anterior cruciate ligament

Lateral collateral ligament
(fibular collateral ligament)

Gerdy’s tubercle

Head of the fibula

Intercondylar eminence

Lateral condyle of the tibia

Lateral malleolus

Lateral meniscus

Medial condyle of the tibia

Medial malleolus

Medial meniscus

Neck of the fibula

Oblique popliteal ligament

Patellar ligament

Posterior cruciate ligament

Medial collateral ligament
(tibial collateral ligament)

Transverse ligament of the knee

Anterior lateral malleolar artery

Anterior medial malleolar artery

Anterior tibial artery

Common fibular nerve

Deep fibular nerve

Popliteal artery

Popliteal vein

Posterior tibial artery

Superficial fibular nerve

Superior medial genicular artery

Tibial nerves
Inside of which structure does the patella lie?
Quadriceps tendon

What is the blood supply of the knee?
Genicular anastomoses
(from the femoral and popliteal arteries)
What are the four major bursae of the knee?
- Suprapatella
- Prepatella
- Infrapatella
- Semimembranous

Damage to the tibial collateral ligament is likely to also affect which structure?
Medial meniscus
What is the common insertion for the superficial muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg?
Calcaneus of the foot via the calcaneal tendon
Which three muscles insert into the pes anserine?
- Sartorius
- Gracilis
- Semitendinosus
What inserts into Gerdy’s tubercle?

What structures pass through the popliteal fossa?
Popliteal artery
Popliteal vein
Tibial nerve
Common fibular nerve
What forms the superior margin of the popliteal fossa?
Hamstring muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris)

What forms the medial margin of the popliteal fossa?

What forms the lateral margin of the popliteal fossa?
Biceps femoris

What forms the inferior margin of the popliteal fossa?

What are the attachments for the ACL?
Anterior intercondylar tibia
Lateral femoral condyle (medial aspect)

What are the attachments for the PCL?
Posterior intercondylar tibia
Medial femoral condyle (lateral aspect)

Which part of the knee menisci are vascularised?
Peripheral (central tears do not cause haematoma formation)
The inner 2/3 are nourished by synovial fluid
When does the femoral artery become the popliteal artery?
As it passes through the adductor hiatus

What are the 3 branches of the deep femoral artery?
- Perforating branches - perforates the adductor magnus, supplying muscles in the medial and posterior thigh
- Lateral femoral circumflex
- Medial femoral circumflex

The femoral artery is a branch of which major vessel?
External iliac
The obturator artery is a branch of which major vessel?
Internal iliac
The gluteal arteries arise from which major artery?
Internal iliac
Which muscle separates the superior and inferior gluteal arteries?
Piriformis divides the arteries as they pass through the greater sciatic foramen

What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
Superior: inguinal ligament
Lateral: sartorius
Medial: adductor longus

Where does the small saphenous vein empty?
Popliteal vein

Which nerve supplies the muscles of the anterior leg?
Deep fibular
Which nerve supplies the muscles of the lateral leg?
Superficial fibular
Which nerve supplies the muscles of the posterior leg?
What are the actions of the sartorius?
Hip flexion, abduction and lateral rotation
Knee flexion

What action does the long head of the biceps femoris do that the short head does not?
Extension and lateral rotation of the hip
(both do knee flexion)

What is the innervation of the long and short heads of the biceps femoris?
Long: tibial division of the sciatic nerve
Short: common fibular division of the sciatic nerve

Which muscle is not in the posterior compartment of the thigh but has a hamstring component?
Adductor magnus
Can also extend the thigh
What is the innervation of the hamstring part of the abductor magnus?
Tibial part of sciatic nerve
When does the femoral artery become the popliteal artery?
Adductor canal
What is the blood supply to the ACL/PCL?
Middle geniculate artery

Which two muscles in the lower limb run counterintuitively and cross over?
Flexor hallucis longus
Flexor digitorum longus

What is the most commonly fractured tarsal bone?

What are the five tarsal bones?
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Navicular
- Cuboid
- Cuneiformis

What landmark can be used to help find the dorsalis pedis pulse?
Externsor hallucis longus tendon

Which structures pass through the tarsal tunnel?
- Tendon of the tibialis posterior
- Tendons of the flexor digitorum longus
- Posterior tibial artery
- Associated veins
- Tibial nerve
- Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus
Tom, Dick And Very Naughty Harry

What makes the navicular prone to stress fractures?
Central navicular is in a watershed zone between the dorsalis pedis artery and the tibialis posterior artery

What is the clinical term for bunions?
Hallux valgus
Which muscles are involved in foot eversion?
Fibularis longus and brevis (lateral - superficial fibular nerve)
Fibularis tertius (anterior - deep fibular nerve)
Which muscles are involved in foot inversion?
Tibialis anterior and posterior
What are the two major superficial veins of the lower limb?
Great saphenous
Small saphenous
Which veins form the great saphenous vein?
Dorsal venous arch of the foot
Dorsal vein of the great toe
(runs medially)
Which veins form the small saphenous vein?
Dorsal venous arch
Dorsal vein of the little toe
What is the venous drainage of the plantar arch?
Posterior tibial and fibular veins
Which arteries supply the knee?
Genicular (from the femoral artery)
What are the borders of the adductor canal?
Anteromedial: sartorius
Lateral: vastus medialis
Posterior: adductor longus and adductor magnus

What are the contents of the adductor canal?
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Saphenous nerve (largest cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve)
Nerve to the vastus medialis