Lower Extremity Muscles Flashcards
Lower Extremity Muscles
What is the name of the muscle labeled A?

Iliopsoas muscle
What is the name of the muscle labeled B?

Adductor longus
What is the name of the muscle labeled C?

Quadriceps Femoris Vastus medialis
What is the name of the muscle labeled D?

Tibialis Anterior
What is the name of the tendon labeled E?

Tendon of extensor hallucis longis
What muscle origin is labeled F, and what is it called?

Sartorius, Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
What muscle is labeled G?

Tensor fascia latae
What muscle is labeled H?

Quadriceps Femoris Vastus Intermedius
What muscle is labeled I?

Quadriceps Femoris Vastus Lateralis
What muscles are labeled J?

Fibularis longus and brevis
What tendon is labeled K?

Tendons of extensor digitorum
What tendon is labeled L?

Tendon of fibularis tertius
What is the muscle labeled A?

Psoas major
What is the muscle labeled B?

What is the muscle labeled C?

Adductor Brevis
What is the muscle labeled D?

Adductor Longis
What is the muscle labeled E?

Gluteus medius
What is the muscle labeled F?

What is the muscle labeled G?

Tensor Fascia Latae
What is the muscle labeled H?

Quadriceps Femoris Rectus Femoris
What is the muscle labeled A?

What is the muscle labeled B?

Vastus lateralis
What is the muscle labeled C?

Tibialis Anterior
What are the tendons labeled D?

Tendons of extensor digitorum
What is the tendon labeled E?

Tendon of fibularis tertius
What is the muscle labeled F?

Gluteus Medius
What is the muscle labeled G?

Tensor Fascia Latae
What is the tendon labeled H?

Iliotibial Tract
What is the muscle labeled I?

Shorthead of the biceps femoris
What is the tendon labeled J?

Tendon of the biceps femoris longhead
What is the tendon labeled K?

Tendon of the fibularis longis
What is the tendon labeled L?

Tendon of fibularis brevis
What is the muscle labeled A?

Gluteus Maxiumus
What is the muscle labeled B?

What is the muscle labeled C?

Quadriceps Femoris Vastus Lateralis
What is the muscle labeled D?

Longhead of Biceps Femoris
What is the muscle labeled E?

Shorthead of biceps femoris
What is the muscle labeled F?

Adductor Magnus
What is the muscle labeled G?

What is the muscle labeled H?

What is the muscle labeled A?

What is the muscle labeled B?

Lateral head of the gastrocnemius
What is the muscle labeled C?

What is the muscle labeled D?

Quadriceps Femoris Vastus Medialis
What is the muscle labeled E?

Medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle
What is the muscle labeled A?

Gluteus Medius
What is the muscle labeled B?

Quadratus Femoris
What is the muscle labeled C?

Quadriceps femoris Vastus Lateralis
What is the muscle labeled D?

Longhead of biceps femoris
What is the muscle labeled E?

What is the muscle labeled F?

Gemellis Superior
What is the muscle labeled G?

Obturator Internis
What is the muscle labeled H?

Gemellus Inferior
What is the muscle labeled I?

Adductor Magnus
What is the muscle labeled J?

What is the muscle labeled A?

Flexor Hallusis Longis
What is the tendon labeled B?

Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
What is the tendon labeled C?

Tendon of flexor hallusis longus
What is the tendon labeled D?

Tendon of Tibialis Posterior
What is the tendon labeled E?

Tendon of tibialis Anterior
What is the tendon labeled A?

Tendon of tibilias anterior
What is the tendon labeled B?

Tendon of extensor hallusis longus
What is the tendon labeled C?

Tendon of fibularis Tertius
What are the tendons labeled D?

Tendons of tensor digitorum longus
What is the innervation for the gluteus medius and minimus?
Superior gluteal nerve
What is the innervation for the superior gamellus and obturator internus?
Nerve to obturator Internus
What is the innervation for the inferior gamellus and quadratus femoris?
Nerve to quadratus femoris
What is the innnervation for the anterior thigh compartment (thigh flexors) and anterior thigh muscles (leg extensors)?
Femoral nerve
What is the innervation for the anterior compartment of the leg (dorsiflexors)?
Deep fibular nerve
What is the innervation for the lateral compartment of the leg?
Superficial nerve
What is the innervation of the posterior compartment of the leg?
Tibial nerve