Face, neck, and deep back muscles Flashcards
Face, neck, and deep back muscles
What is the muscle labeled A?

Epicranial Epineurosis
What is the muscle labeled B?

Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis
What is the muscle labeled C?

What is the muscle labeled D?

Orbicularis Oculi
What is the muscle labeled E?

Levator Labii Superioris
What is the muscle labeled F?

Zygomaticus Minor
What is the muscle labeled G?

Zygomaticus Major
What is the muscle labeled H?

What is the muscle labeled I?

Depressor Anguli Oris
What is the muscle labeled J?

Depressor Labii Inferioris
What is the muscle labeled K?

What is the muscle labeled L?

Corrugator Supercilli
What is the muscle labeled M?

Levator Palebrae Superioris
What is the muscle labeled N?

What is the muscle labeled O?

Levator Anguli Oris
What is the muscle labeled P?

What is the muscle labeled Q?

What is the muscle labeled R?

Orbicularis Oris
What is the muscle labeled S?

What is the muscle labeled T?

What is the muscle labeled U?

Epicranial Aponeurosis
What is the muscle labeled V?

Frontal Belly of Occipitofrontalis
What is the muscle labeled W?

Occipital Belly of Occipitofrontalis
What is the muscle labeled X?

What is the muscle labeled Y?

What is the muscle labeled Z?

What is the muscle labeled 1?

What is the muscle labeled 2?

Orbicularis Oculi
What is the muscle labeled 3?

Levator Labii Superioris
What is the muscle labeled 4?

Zygomaticus Minor
What is the muscle labeled 5?

Levator Anguli Oris
What is the muscle labeled 6?

Zygomaticus Major
What is the muscle labeled 7?

Orbicularis Oris
What is the muscle labeled 8?

What is the muscle labeled 9?

Depressor Labii Inferioris
What is the muscle labeled 10?

Depressor Anguli Oris
What is the muscle labeled 11?

What is the muscle labeled A?

What is the muscle labeled B?

What is the muscle labeled C?

Anterior Belly of the Digastric
What is the muscle labeled D?

Posterior Belly of the Digastric
What is the muscle labeled E?

What is the muscle labeled F?

What is the muscle labeled G?

What is the muscle labeled H?

What is the muscle labeled I?

What is the muscle labeled J?

What is the muscle labeled K?

What is the bone labeled L?

Hyoid bone
What is the muscle labeled M?

What is the muscle labeled N?

What is the muscle labeled O?

Scalene Muscles
What is the muscle labeled A?

Semispinalus Capitus
What is the muscle labeled B?

What is the muscle labeled C?

Splenius Capitus
What is the muscle labeled D?

Levator Scapulae
What is the muscle labeled E?

Splenius Cervicis
What is the muscle labeled F?

Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor
What is the muscle labeled G?

Rectus Capitus Posterior Major
What is the muscle labeled H?

Obliquus Capitus Superior
What is the muscle labeled I?

Obliquus Capitus Inferior
What is the muscle labeled J?

Longissimus Capitus
What is the muscle labeled K?

Semispinalus Capitus
What is the muscle labeled L?

Splenius Capitus
Which neck muscles are NOT innervated by cervical nerves?
Digastric (trigeminal ant, facial post)
Mylohyoid (Trigeminal)
Stylohyoid (Facial)
Obliquus and Rectus (Suboccipital)
What is the muscle labeled A?

Longissimus Capitus
What is the muscle labeled B?

Splenius Capitus
What is the muscle labeled C?

Serratus Posterior Superior
What is the muscle labeled D?

External Intercostals
What is the muscle labeled E?

Splenius Cervicis
What is the muscle labeled F?

Erector Spinae Iliocostalis
What is the muscle labeled G?

Erector Spinae Longissimus
What is the muscle labeled H?

Erector Spinae Spinalis
What is the muscle labeled I?

Serratus Posterior Inferior
What is the muscle labeled J?

Internal Oblique
What is the muscle labeled K?

External Oblique
What is the muscle labeled L?

Semispinalis Capitus
What is the muscle labeled M?

Semispinalis Cervicis
What is the muscle labeled N?

Semispinalis Thoracis
What is the muscle labeled O?

What is the muscle labeled P?

Quadratus Lumborum