Lecture Chapters 7, 8, 9 Flashcards
What are the six functions of bones?
Mineral Homeostasis
Blood Cell production
Triglyceride storage
What is hydroxypatite?
A mineral salt, the “concrete” of bone
What is collagen?
The elastic fibers that give bone its flexibility (rebar)
What are the zones in epiphysial plates?
Zone 1: Zone of resting cartilage
Zone 2: Zone of proliferating cartilage
Zone 3: Zone of hypertrophic cartilage
Zone 4: Zone of calcified cartilage
Zone 5: Zone of occification
How does prenatal cartilage grow (also true of postnatal)?
Intersitial and Appositional growth
What signaling causes bones to grow?
Hormone signaling, especially growth hormone from the thyroid and sex hormones
What is calcium necessary for?
Transmission of nerve impulses
Muscle contraction
Blood coagulation
Secretion by glands and nerve cells
Cell division
What is the most common fracture in children?
Colles fracture: distal radius splits into a fork-like fracture
Distinctions of knee X-rays
Bucket handle fracture belongs to a child
The patella is not visible
Osteomalacia: large gaps at epiphesial lines in adult
What is Ricketts caused by?
Vitamin D defiency
Phosphorus defiency
Calcium Deficiency
What are the three types of abnormal Skull shape due to craniosynostosis?
Saggital Synostosis
Coronal Synostosis
What is a Hallux Valgus?
A bunion, a misalignment of the great toe
What is a dislocation called?
A luxation
What is the most common shoulder injury, and what are the structures involved?
Anterior luxation, Anterior subglenoid shoulder dislocation
Glenohumeral ligaments, subscapularis tendon, coracohumeral ligament, tedon of the biceps brachii muscle
Where are the secondary ossification centers in long bones?
Insufficient ossification is a condition known as…?
Which class of lever has the point of resistence between the fulcrum and the point of effort?
Which class of lever has the fulcrum between the point of resistence and the point of effort?