LOT 202.01 S/G Flashcards
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is the minimum Rx power that the SGs can be fed through the main feed nozzle?
Prevents thermal stratification at low feedwater flows
Cannot use main feed when RCS temperature < 340 ˚F.
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is the quality of steam the SGs will provide to the secondary?
99.9% Quality
First stage moisture separator: 18 Swirl Vanes
Second stage moisture separator: 6 dryers (Torturous Path)
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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How many level, pressure, and steam flow instruments are there per S/G?
- Level:*
- *4 Narrow Range**
- 2 NR on CP006*
- Selected Level on CP006 Recorder*
- *1 Wide Range**
- Recorder on CP018*
- ASP*
- Steam Pressure:*
- *4 SG Pressure**
- 2 SG Pressures on CP006*
- Steam Flow:*
- *2 Steam Flow**
- Both on CP006*
- Selected Flow on CP006 Recorder*

- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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When will AMSAC trip the turbine?
SGNR Level ≤ 15% [1/1 on 3/4] [25 sec TD]
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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When will the SG Safeties lift?
1285 psig ± 3%
1295 psig ± 3%
1305 psig ± 3%
1315 psig ± 3%
1325 psig ± 3%
- Limits SG pressure to 110% (1413.5 psig) of design pressure (1285 psig) during most severe system transient.
- Located in IVC 58’
Relieves to atmosphere (Roof)

- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is the maximum D/P between the primary and secondary?
- Primary → Secondary:*
- *1600 psig**
- Secondary → Primary:*
- *670 psig**
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What are the the DBAs for the SG PORVs?
Small Break LOCA
Feedwater break
Loss of Feedwater

- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is the normal level and pressure of the SGs?
- SGNR Level:*
- *70.7%**
- Full Load Pressure:*
- *1050 psig**
- No Load Pressure:*
- *1185 psig**
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is the purpose of the outlet flow restrictor?
- *Restricts blowdown of S/G during SLB****
- Safety Function*
- *Develops steam flow signal**
- Normal Operations*
- Limit primary cooldown rate
- Limit stress on the S/G internals
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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If the primary or secondary is ≥ 200 psig, what must the temperature of the SG be?
≥ 70 ˚F

TRM 3.7.2 SG Pressure/Temp Limitation
Applicability: All times
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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What is on the ASP for the SG system?
Wide Range Level
- LOT 202.01 S/G*
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When will the SG PORVs lift?
1225 psig (± 7 psig)
- Used to Cooldown plant when condenser not available
- All four PORVs together have capacity of 25% (6.25% each)
- Located in IVC 58’
Relieves to atmosphere (Roof)