LOT 201.19 DRPI Flashcards
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What will cause a rod deviation alarm?

- *Control Bank misalignment of ± 12 steps**
- Any rod and bank*
S/D Banks > 18 steps from full out
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What will cause a DRPI Non-Urgent Alarm?

Data A OR Data B failure
Any test switch out of normal
1 or 2 timing and data cards failed/loose **
Rod Deviation Cards disagree**
12VDC P/S Failure**
Generates a RPI Trouble Alarm (CP005).
- Note:*
- The general warning light will actuate for any urgent or non-urgent alarm condition, except P/S Failure, Rod Deviation, or Timing and Data card disconnect.*
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What will cause a DRPI Urgent Alarm?

Data A AND Data B failure
Detector Failure
Control Unit Failure
Generates a RPI Trouble Alarm (CP005) and General Warning.
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What will cause a rod supervisory monitor rod position trouble alarm?

- ICS*
- *Control Bank Rod ± 12 step deviation between rod and bank**
Control Bank Rod ± 12 step deviation between rod and group
Sequencing (Overlap) error
Control Bank D withdrawn past full out position
- *Rod Deviation Alarm**
- Control Bank Rod ± 12 step deviation between rod and bank*
- Shutdown bank > 18 steps from top*
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What would be the indications on CP005 if Data Card A AND Data Card B were to simultaneously fail?
General Warning Lights Flashing
DRPI Rod Bottom Lights Lit
DRPI Urgent Alarm
RPI Trouble Alarm
Rod Supv Mntr Rod Pos Trouble Alarm
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What will cause a rod bottom alarm?

ALL S/D and control banks on bottom
- *ANY S/D rod OR Control Bank A rod on bottom**
- Occurs after ALL S/D rods on top and CB “A” 12 steps off bottom*
- *ANY Control Bank B/C/D rod on bottom**
- Occurs after respective bank 12 steps off bottom*
- Note:*
- Rod Bottom alarm will clear when all S/D rods on top and CB “A” rods 12 steps off bottom.*
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What is the half accuracy of DRPI when channel A fails?
-4 / + 10 Steps

- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What is the accuracy of DRPI with no failed channels?
± 4 Steps

- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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Where are the DRPI data cabinets physically located?
- *52’ RCB**
- North End*

- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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How many coils does the control bank rods and the shutdown bank rods have?
- Control Bank Rods:*
- *48 Coils**
- Shutdown Bank Rods:*
- *22 Coils**
- 12 at the bottom and 10 at the top*
- “A” and “B” coils alternate every 6 steps. (Starting at step 3)
- Every step is 5/8”
- Note:*
- Shutdown banks indicate 0-18 steps, transition, and 234-258 steps*

- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What is the half accuracy of DRPI when channel B fails?
+4 / -10 Steps

- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What powers DRPI?
- Data Cabinets:*
- *DP003**
- Control Unit:*
- *DP003 / DP004**
- LOT 201.19 DRPI*
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What is the purpose of the bank demand position system?
Senses rod control pulses to provide:
- Group/Bank position indication
- Rod insertion limit monitoring