LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling Flashcards
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What is the max design temperature of the SFP?
150.7 ˚F
- 1 Train of SFP Cooling
- CCW inlet 105 ˚F
- Full SFP with full core offload.
- Note:*
- 2 Trains of SFP Cooling: 155.4 ˚F*
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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With regards to tech specs, what is the minimum water level of the SFP?
23 ft above the fuel assemblies

Bases: Minimum water level ensures 99% of the iodine gap activity released from a ruptured assembly will be removed.
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What are the sources of makeup to the SFP?
- Losses due to Evaporation:*
- *Demin Water**
- *RMWST**
- Losses due to Leakage:*
- *RWST**
- Emergency:*
- *Firewater (LHSI pump)**
- *Flex**

- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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Where can the SFP discharge water to?
- *RHUTs**
- Only procedurally defined method*
- *RWST**
- *Waste monitor tanks**
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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With regards to tech specs, what is the minimum boron concentration of the SFP?
2500 ppm

Bases: Protects against putting fuel in wrong spot
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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If cooling to the SFP is lost, what must be done?
Place 1 FHB HVAC exhaust filter train in service
Take Temp logs on SFP Boron Concentration, Level, and Temperature
Minimizes radioactive release to environment as SFP heats up and radioactive materials come out of the SFP.
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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Where does the suction and discharge lines enter/exit the SFP?
- Suction:*
- *≈ 23’ above the fuel**
- Discharge:*
- *6” below water line (anti-siphon hole)**
- *Discharges in bottom of pool**
Design ensures we cannot drain pool more than 4’.

- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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Where can SFP level be read remotely?
- *Radwaste Control Room**
- Behind the panel*

- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What will auto close the RWST purification pump’s suction valves?

Will not trip the pumps
Valves will fail close on loss of IA or DC control power.
- Note:*
- Controlled on CP001*
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What will trip the SFP pumps?
Controlled on CP022
- Note:*
- Refueling water purification pumps and SFP skimmer pumps controlled locally*
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What is the purpose of the SFP cleanup system?
Maintains purity and clarity
Maintains dose rate < 2.5 mr/hr on SFP Surface
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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Where are the SFP pumps physically located?
FHB 22’
SFP HX is in same room
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What provides air to the SFP gate seals?
- Normal:*
- *Instrument Air**
- Backup:*
- *Nitrogen bottles near PASS lab**
- LOT 201.42 SFP Cooling*
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What powers the SFP pumps and the RWPPs?
- Pump “A”:*
- *LC E1B1**
- Pump “B”:*
- *LC E1C1**