LOIT Simulator Quizzes Flashcards
The following plant conditions exist: NC lost due to a pipe rupture A EW cross connected to NC What will isolate EW to the RCPs A. PZR pressure 1900 psia B. CNTMT Press 4 psig C. IA header pressure 60 psig D. Loss of power to the EW/NC cross connect valves
Unit 1 in Mode 1
A NC Pump under permit
B NC pump trips with an 86 lockout
The crew has how long to restore NC flow
A. 10 min or trip the reactor, stop all RCPs and ensure CBO isolated
B. 3 min or commence a controlled shutdown
C. 3 min or trip the reactor, stop all RCPs and ensure CBO isolated
D. 10 min or commence a controlled shutdown
U1 at 100% power
An RCS Leak to the NC system is in progress
Which of the following would indicate a leak into the letdown HX
A. BPCV opening
B. indicated letdown flow increasing
C. NC flow from the letdown HX is decreasing
D. BPCV closing
Unit 1 is in Mode 1
Due to a loss of NC pumps EW A is connected to NC
Based on these conditions EW A is
A. OPERABLE as long as it is not supplying SFP Cooling
C. OPERABLE since the crosstie valves will auto isolate on SIAS or LO-LO EW Surge tank level
D. OPERABLE since it was analyzed to support the plant during an accident while supplying the NC system
EW will supply which of the following loads A. Letdown HX B. CNTMT Normal ACUs C. Normal Chillers D. Waste Gas Compressors
U1 100% PW Pump A removed from service for repair PW B trips on ground fault What action is required A. Trip RX and enter SPTAs B. Immediately cross tie EW and NC C. Trip turbine and stabilize
U1 100%
Seal Injection isolated to RCPs due to a leak in Aux Building
What effect (if any) does this have on RCP temps
A. No impact
B. HP Seal cooler inlet temp will rise 200-220 degF all other seals should increase by 70 degF
C. HP Seal cooler inlet temp will remain constant and all other seals rise by 70 degF
D. HP Seal cooler inlet temp will rise 200-220 degF and all other seals remain normal
U1 100% Reg Group 4 CEA drops to bottom of core The crew must A. begin a power reduction in 10 min B. have the CEA restored in 15 min C. be less than 80% in 30 min D. begin efforts to restore the CEA in 10 min
U1 100% CHB-UV-515 failed closed PZR Lvl is 55% All CHP have been stopped NC flow is lost To avoid securing all RCPs what must be restored A. seal injection in 10 min B. both seal injection and NC in 3 min C. NC in 3 min D. both seal injection and NC in 10 min
U1 100% with all rods at 150” withdrawn
A reg group 3 CEA slips to 135” withdrawn
shortly after this a reg group 5 rod falls to the bottom of the core
what must the crew do
A. monitor CPC ASI and trip RX if it approaches +0.5
B. Reduce turbine load to maintain Tavg/Tref 3 degF of each other
C. trip the RX immediately
D. monitor CPC DNBR and LPD margins to trip and trip RX if the setpoint is approached
When a CEA drops what action satisfies the requirement of initiating a power reduction A. when boration started B. as soon as CEA drops C. the crew notices effect on temp D, when load is taken off turbine
U1 100%
RX power is lowering
Tavg/Tref HI-LO alarm (4A08B)
RCS temp is lowering
One four fingered rod bottom light and LEL lit
PZR level and pressure are lowering
COLSS, CPC and PDIL alarms
CVCS is responding as expected to a lowering PZR lvl
What condition would most likely be observed in the next five minutes with no operator action
A. RX power stabilizes at ~100% with a higher Tavg
B. RX power stabilizes at ~100% with a lower Tavg
C. RX power stabilizes at 50% with a lower Tavg
D. The RX would trip on low PZR pressure
Following RPCB how will the crew comply with LCO 3.1.7
A. Enter the appropriate action but add 2 hrs to the completion time
B. Enter the appropriate action but add 4 hrs to the completion time
C. Do not apply the LCO for up to 2 hrs following the RPCB
D. Do not apply the LCO for up to 4 hrs following the RPCB
Which RRS failure would result in AMI and AWP with all switches in average A. Tcold fails HI B. Tcold fails LO C. TLI fails HI D. UIC fails LO
U1 100%
CEA exercising in progress
CEA #14 is being moved and CEDMCS Trouble alarm comes in
Area 3 reports the breaker for CEA #14 is tripped open
CEA 14 is indicating within 2.5” from its group
What actions are needed
A. Trip RX and enter SPTAs
B. Continue with testing
C. Perform procedure for CEAC INOPERABLE
D. Enter TS 3.1.5 for an inoperable CEA
U1 100% RRS Tavg is selected to Loop 2 TAVG-TREF HI-LO Alarms LOOPS TEMP HI alarms All control systems in a normal lineup what is the immediate consequence of this failure A. PZR spray full on B. CEAs driving in C. Letdown flow increasing dramatically D. SBCS permissive for all 8 valves
U1 5% PZR lvl controller in REMOTE AUTO PZR lvl control selector switch CH X RRS is aligned to monitor Tave Tc instrument 111Y fails HI What is the plant response A. No impact B. Letdown flow lowering C. Normally running CHP stops D. Standby CHP starts
U1 100% Single NI channel failed to 0% With no operator action how will DFWCS respond A. Both DFWCS will go through swapover B. SG level will rise rapidly C. No effect on the plant D. both downcomers will go closed
U1 90%
Crew performs 72ST-9RX03 for DNBR and LHR
LHR is not in the acceptable region of the curve
what action is required
A. restore LHR to within limits in 15 min
B. restore LHR to within limits in 30 min
C. determine trend in LHR in 15 min
D. determine trend in LHR in 30 min
TS 3.4.9 addresses which of the following PZR parameters for PZR operability A. Level and temperature B. Level and heater capacity C. Temperature and pressure D. boron concentration and pressure
Faults that are not expected to occur, but are postulated nonetheless because of their consequences include the potential for the release of significant amounts of radiation.
The preceding statement is a definition of what?
A. Limiting Event
B. Safety Limit
C. Limting Fault
D. Design Basis Accident
Which of the following is a consequence of NOT restoring power to WRF in a timely fashion following as SIAS concurrent with a low SWCHYRD voltage?
A. Double Sequencing
B. Higher concentration of silica in CW
C. NAN-S05 and NAN-S06 control power is lost after 2 hrs
D. SBOGS won’t start
The BDAS must be confirmed operable within \_\_\_\_ following a Rx Trip A. 30 min B. 1 hr C. 2 Hr D. 4 Hr
Given the following:
CRS Diagnosed a LOAF with a inadvertent SIAS
CRS directs starting AFN-P01
Tc is 565 DegF
The NHN-M19,M20,M71,M72 have been reenergized
CTA-HV1 and HV4 are open
PKA-D21 is powered
You take the handswitch for AFN-P01 to start
AFN-P01 is…
A. running feeding both SG
B. running not feeding any generators
C. not running, to start AFN-P01 take the handswitch to stop then start
D. not running, to start AFN-P01 take the handswitch to start twice
Unit 1 100% CNTMT press 0.1 # LEG 1-3 CSAS A LEG 2-4 alarm window lit LEG 1-3 CSAS B LEG 2-4 alarm window lit CSAS alarm window lit SIAS alarm window not lit RX does not trip The RO stops the CS pumps as directed in procedure If a SIAS were now to occur, which one of the following describes how the CS pumps would be restarted? A. Take the HS to start twice B. The pumps auto start C. Take the HS to start twice D. The pumps can ONLY be started at the breaker
U1 6% and rising Inadvertent MSIS Which actions will the operators take? A. Adjust ADV position to 30% both SG B. Stabilize power and reset MSIS C. Borate the RCS and use ADVs for temp control D. Trip Rx and perform SPTAs
Inadvertent CSAS
DG A started as expected
The mode control switch for DG A is in remote
How does the RO stop the A DG?
A. Go to stop on the handswitch on B01
B. Reset CSAS then stop the DG
C. Override CSAS by taking the switch to start then stop
D. Have the AO press stop at the local control panel
Inadvertent CSAS
The CS pumps and spray valves have been stopped/closed
A LOP on PBB-S04 occurs followed by DG B starting and loading on the bus
What is the status of CS B and its spray valve?
A. Pump running and valve closed
B. Pump stopped with valve closed
C. Pump stopped with valve open
D. Pump running with valve open
Unit 1 Mode 5 with SDC I/S
The A LPSI is running
Inadvertent RAS train A occurs
What actions are required to stabilize the plant?
A. No actions due to RAS A only
B. Override LPSI A and restore SDC
C. Override and open the LPSI mini flow valve to protect the pump
D. Override and open LPSI injection valves to restore SDC
U1 in M3 RCP 1A in Hot STBY Seal inj lost When is the closure of CBO required? A. Within 3 min B. Within 10 min C. Prior to Seal #2 Outlet >250 DegF D. Prior to Seal #2 Inlet >250 DegF
Unit 2 Mode 3 RCP 2A in STBY CBO Valve open When is the CBO valve NOT required to be closed? A. Two RCP 2A seals failed B. HPSC Leak C. CBO 9.8 gpm D. Loss of NC and cannot be restored
NC flow to each RCP 500 fpm all CBO valves open 2B RCP #2 Seal inlet pressure 2200# 2B RCP #2 Seal outlet pressure 500# These parameters are indicative of a failure of: A. Seal #1 Failure B. Seal #2 Failure C. 1 and 2 Seals Failed D. #3 Seal Failure
RCP 1A has the following
Seal 1 inlet 2250#
Seal 2 inlet 1950#
Seal 2 outlet 1740#
CBO flow 7.9 gpm
Seal temps 105 DegF
What is the action required for this case?
A. Trip Rx and stop RCP 1A
B. Trip 1A RCP and then perform SPTAs
C. Trip Rx stop ALL RCPs then isolate CBO
D. Commence plant shutdown using Power Operations Procedure
1A RCP Seal Inj Flow 6.8 gpm NC Flow 520 gpm Seal 2 inlet press 1300# Seal 2 outlet press 320# CBO flow 2.3 gpm Based on this the crew should... A. Enter RCP Emergencies AOP B. Enter Excessive RCS Leakage AOP C. Trip Rx and 1A RCP D. Continue with normal ops
A RCP maintained in hot stby following a loss of NC and Seal Inj could experience seal damage in as little as.. A. 3 min B. 10 min C. 20 min D. 60 min
1A RCP Seal 1 inlet 2250# Seal 2 inlet 1200# Seal 2 outlet 80# CBO flow 1.2 gpm these readings are indicative of? A. #1 Seal Failure B. #2 Seal Failure C. #3 Seal Failure D. No Seal Failure
U1 100%
150 gpm HPSC leak exists
what is the impact on operation of the plant?
A. The plant must be in Mode 3 in 72 hrs
B. The plant must be manually tripped and the affected pump stopped
C. the pump must be stopped thus tripping the reactor
D. NC flow the the affected pump must be secured
U1 100% RCS leak into NC is in progress Which of the following would be indicative of a leak into the LDHX? A. Backpressure valves opening B. letdown flow rising C. Backpressure valves closing D. NC flow from the LDHX lowers
The following alarms come in Regen HX Hi Temp LD line low pressure Low flow in the process rad monitor What is the REQUIRED action? A. Trip RX immediately B. Trip RX in 10 min or less C. Isolate LD in 10 min or less D. Restore seal inj in 3 min or less
What action is required upon a valid RU-1 (CNTMT atmosphere) High alarm?
A. Initiate an RCS leak rate calc in 1 hr
B. Verify the operability of the CNTMY sump monitors in 1 hr
C. Trip Rx and manually initiate CIAS
D. Mode 3 in 6 hrs
TS 3.1.4 places limits on both positive and negative of MTC. These limits ensure that during the limiting accident a violation of the accident analysis assumptions will not occur. What is the most limiting accident for negative MTC? A. CEA Ejection B. LOAF C. Continuous rod withdrawal D. Main Steam line break
Mode 3 with breakers open. Adequate SDM does not exist A boration to restore SDM is required.... A. immediately B. 15 min C. 30 min D. 60 min
The basis for meeting the LHR LCO is…
A. During a LOCA fuel clad temp will not exceed 2200 DegF
B. On a loss of flow the calc DNBR will be
A shutdown CEA slips to 145” withdrawn
Iaw TS the operator will…
A. not enter 3.1.6 for 2 hrs
B. enter 3.1.6 immediately and restore shutdown CEAs in next 4 hrs
C. no action needed
D. enter 3.1.6 immediately and restore shutdown CEAs to limits in next 2 hrs
100% CEA slip caused AZtilt to exceed limit in COLR COLSS in service What action is required by TS... A. Reuce VOPT setpoint to