LO3 - QUESTIONS Flashcards
The DVLA database is an example of big data.
Explain, using an example, what is meant by the term big data. (4)
An insurance company has a website. Customers can use the website to request a quote for new
motor insurance. The calculated quote, including the customer details, is stored in the insurance
company’s secure cloud area for retrieval by the customer.
The insurance company uses data analysis tools to analyse and manage the data collected during the
quotation process.
Discuss the use of data analysis tools by the insurance company when analysing and managing their
stored data. (10)
A competition takes place in Leeds. The competition consists of three events: swimming, cycling and
running. There are different classes, for example, girls under 18, men 19–50 and over 55s.
Each competitor pays an entry fee. There are also classes for those who have additional needs such
as visual or physical impairments.
After each event the times for each competitor are recorded. At the end the times for each event are
added up to provide a total time for the competition.
After the competition has completed, analysis is carried out on the data to identify the competitors in
each class who completed each event in the fastest time.
Identify the data analysis tool that would be used to complete this analysis.
Justify your choice.
Explain what happens during the ‘identify potential sources’ stage of data analysis. (4)
Identify and describe the next data analysis stage. (3)
Identify one other data analysis stage. (1)
Using an example related to surveys, describe the difference between data and information. (3)
A small independent theatre puts on events such as plays and talks by celebrities.
After each event, the theatre uses charts and graphs to analyse the sales of each type of seat.
The graphs and charts could be included in the marketing, promotion, and sales category of
Explain why the graphs and charts would be included in the marketing, promotion, and sales category
of information.
*Owners and customers renting their cottage communicate by email.
Discuss the benefits and limitations of using this communication method (10)
At the end of each academic year the university analyses the type of courses that have been taken by
students and uses this information to decide what courses to offer in future.
The university uses a Management Information System (MIS) when deciding what courses to offer.
What is the purpose of an MIS? (2)
A crime prevention charity provides help and assistance to people who have been the victims of crime.
The charity also collects and collates crime statistics for publication on neighbourhood websites.
When the statistics have been collected, they are collated and analysed.
When the statistics have been collated and analysed the visualisation of data analysis tool is used to
present the data.
(i) Justify the use of the visualisation of data analysis tool to present the data. ($)
(ii) One type of visualisation of data analysis tool that could be used to present the data is a bar chart.
Identify two other types of visualisation of data analysis tools that could be used to present the
data. (2)
This question relates to the case study on the Response Team (see Insert for Unit 2, January 2020).
Each car has a tracking system which enables its location to be found.
Identify the data analysis tool the tracking system would be included in. (1)
11 A market research company collects, stores and processes data and information for its clients. The
data and information is collected by email, online surveys and in person.
Primary and secondary data are collected and used by the marketing company.
(i) What is meant by data? (2)
Describe one difference between primary and secondary data. (2)
A market research company collects, stores and processes data and information for its clients. The
data and information is collected by email, online surveys and in person.
Data analysis is carried out on the data and information to ensure the processing meets the needs of
the client.
Identify and describe two stages of data analysis. (4)
A school holds records, in a database, about its students and staff. The records include personal
details including name, gender, date of birth, any disabilities or medical problems and contact details.
The database uses separate tables to hold details of the students and the staff.
Explain one advantage of using separate tables for students and staff. (3)
A hotel is redeveloping its booking website.
(i) Identify the type of information system structure into which the booking website would be included. (1)
(ii) Describe one benefit and one limitation of using this type of information system structure for the
booking website. (4)
A library is removing borrowers from its database who have not borrowed a book for three or more
Identify the data analysis tool which would be used to complete this task. Justify your choice. (4)
Many organisations have employees who work remotely.
Identify two ways a secured online area could be used by employees to communicate.
2 marks
(b) Explain two benefits of using a secured online area for communication. (6)
This question relates to the case study on Progress Vision (see Insert for Unit 2, Specimen).
Data relating to all of the glasses in stock is stored in the database table ‘Jobs’ (see Fig. 3).
The table contains a wide range of data about the work carried out in the optical workshop.
Justify one data analysis tool the manager of the optical workshop could use to obtain useful
information. (4)
An online retailer wants to analyse
Table 1 below shows some of the phases of data analysis. (1)