LO1 - QUESTIONS Flashcards
A library is removing borrowers from its database who have not borrowed a book for three or more years.
Describe one disadvantage to the borrowers if the data is not removed safely from the database.
1.8 - advantages and disadvantages of using the WWW
Data could be accessed by hackers / unauthorised users (1)
leading to identity theft (1).
Information is held by individuals and organisations globally.
Explain one reason why working from home in a rural location might affect an individual’s ability to work remotely. (2)
1.4 - the internet
There could be poor connectivity (1) due to poor communication infrastructure (1).
The online surveys could be completed using a portable device. Identify two portable devices that could be used. (2)
Laptop (1)
Tablet (1)
Smartphone / mobile phone (1)
A market research company collects, stores and processes data and information for its clients. The data and information is collected by email, online surveys and in person.
The online surveys are accessed through the internet.
Describe what is meant by the internet. (3)
A network (1) of interconnected networks / devices (1) spanning the world (1).
During each event, the results of each sports competition are uploaded to the event webpage on the PhWSSE website.
Schools can access the results using an RSS feed.
1.6 - information formats
What is the purpose of the RSS feed? (2)
To keep viewers up-to-date (1) about the results and points awarded for each sport (1)
(b). Describe one advantage to the competing schools of using RSS feeds. (2)
Schools do not have to constantly update / refresh the feeds (1) so the RSS feed shows the most up-to-date details (1)
a). Identify two magnetic media devices (2)
1.2 - information storage media
- (Internal / external) hard drive (1)
- Magnetic tape
(b). Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of using magnetic media to store a back-up copy of a database. (4)
Advantage: (2 marks)
Can store a large amount of data (1) so multiple backups can be stored (1)
Cheap form of storage (1) per megabyte of storage (1)
Disadvantage: (2 marks)
External / portable devices (1) can be easily damaged/lost (1)
a). A UK-based university provides a range of free online courses each academic year.
Students need to register to access the course content.
Courses can be completed online or can be downloaded. Students could use a solid state storage media to store the downloaded courses.
Identify and describe ONE characteristic of solid state media. (3)
1)Robust / durable (1st)
2) Storage capacity (1st)
3) Fast transfer of data.
1 - there are no moving parts (1) so less likely to be damaged (if dropped / moved (1)
2 - can be high (1) at a lower cost (1)
3 - is faster than HDD (1) increase in efficiency/saves time (1)
(b). Describe one advantage to a student of using solid state media to store the downloaded course.
Course can be accessed (1) if no internet connection is available (1)
Course can be completed (1) at any place/device is portable (1)
Large storage capacity (1) can store lots of downloaded courses/topics (1)
A small independent theatre puts on events such as plays and talks by celebrities.
Identify the category of information holder the theatre would be included in. - (1)
Business (1)
Organisation (1)
Identify two characteristics of an intranet.
1.5 WWW technologies.
Private (1)
Only accessed internally / Closed (1)
Identify and describe one characteristic of an extranet.
1.5 WWW technologies (3)
Characteristic: (1 mark)
1 - (Part) shared access (1)
2 - Private (1st)
Description: (2 marks)
1 - Restricts access (1) to those with log-in details / credentials (1)
2 - access is only (1) to specified file(s) / the survey (1)
Use the case study on PHIH in Insert June 2023 (Unit 2) to answer the question.
The PHIH website includes a blog and podcasts.
Compare the use of blogs and podcasts on the website. (4 marks)
1.6 - information formats.
Podcasts: - 2 marks
Usually a sound / video file
Can be downloaded and played or can be streamed from PHIH website.
Blogs: - 2 marks
Usually read online / directly from PHIH website
(a). Identify two characteristics of the internet. - 2 marks
1.5 - www technologies
Public (1)
Open Access (1)
Global / worldwide (1)
(b). Identify the type of internet connection that would be used when using a smart phone to access a website. - 1 marks
1.4 - internet connections
Mobile data (Network) (1)
Wi-Fi (hot spot) (1)
Wireless (1)
Satellite (1)
3G / 4G / 5G (1)
(c). An insurance website has static and dynamic webpages.
Compare static and dynamic webpage. (4 marks)
To achieve full marks: 2 complete comparisons need to be made
1.6 - information formats
For static webpages the content stays the same and every user sees the same content.
For dynamic webpages the webpage is built afresh every time it is loaded and the content changes based on user behaviour/ cookies.
Identify the type of storage device a tablet would be included in. - 1 mark.
1.3 - storage devices.
Handheld (1)
Portable (1)
Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to a theatre of using social media. (4)
1.6 - information formats
Advantages - 2 marks:
Can reach a larger number of customers (1) over a large geographical area (1)
Posts can be shared (1) and therefore a greater number of potential customers can be reached (1)
A direct connection can be made to customers (1) as they have chosen to follow the pages (1)
Disadvantages - 2 marks:
Need to have a dedicated member of staff / hire a new employee (1) which will mean an increase in costs / wages. (1)
Negative comments / posts (1) can reach a large audience very quickly (1)
- This question relates to the case study on PH Your Flowers (see also Insert for Unit 2, January 2019).
PH Your Flowers has just created a social media account.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to PH Your Flowers of using social media to promote the business.
Increased online presence.
Increased contact with customer.
Updates to range of flowers/options/additions can be shared on the page.
Good comments left by customers can be seen by a wide audience.
Customers can post pictures of the flowers/additions that have been delivered.
People can like posts/pictures.
Posts/pictures can be shared so increasing number of people who see them.
May need to employ a member of staff to manage the social media account, so increasing wages.
Page needs to be monitored and maintained.
May become a victim of trolling.
Negative comments/posts will be seen very quickly.
Posts may be altered to become negative.
- This question relates to the case study on Book_Shelve (see Insert for Unit 2, January 2022).
Some of the schools that order books from Book_Shelve are located in developing countries.
Discuss the access issues that could arise in these countries when the schools are ordering books from the Book_Shelve website.
10 marks