LO2 - QUESTIONS Flashcards
Some data can be partially anonymised.
Explain what is meant by the term partially anonymised.
2.2 - Information Classification. 2 marks.
Data Partially anonymised (1).
Addition of symbols which partially anonymise the data/ part of original data still present but some has been replaced by symbols. (1)
Compare the use of the information styles braille text and tactile images. - 4 marks
2.1 - information styles
used for photographs / maps / images (1).
generated through the use of software which creates raised lines (1).
Makes a ‘feelable’ image (1)
(a). An on–line clothing retailer is carrying out market research.
Qualitative data can be collected during market research.
i. Using an example, describe what is meant by qualitative data. (3)
Data that can be observed (1) but not measured (1)
Deals with description / text / written form. (1)
Example - colour of clothes
Identify two items of non–sensitive data which could be collected during the market research. (2)
2.2 - info classification
Name (1)
Gender (1)
Age (1)
Preference for types of clothing (1)
(b). The market research will be carried out using an online survey.
Discuss how the importance of collecting good quality information should be considered when creating a market research survey. - 10 marks.
2.3 - quality of information
If quality of information is not good then the information collected will be worthless
Good quality information needs to be collected to enable retailer to analyses the collected information
Information collected should be:
Survey needs to be targeted at a range of demographic categories
Range of types of questions, e.g. opinions etc.
(c). Describe two benefits and one limitation of using a spreadsheet to manipulate the information gathered in the survey.
2.1 - info styles
Survey can be linked to a spreadsheet (1) so results are directly imported (1)
Cell names (1) can be used to categorise data (1)
Data can be incorrectly imported (1) if survey does not follow format of spreadsheet (1)
A spreadsheet cannot manipulate text (1) so questions on survey need to be numerical (1)
Inexperienced users (1) could delete data (1)
(d). Explain how a spreadsheet could be used when analysing the results of the survey.
6 marks
Many people can use the spreadsheet (1) with cells being locked to avoid changes (1)
Graphs / charts (1) can be used to convey numerical information (1)
Statistical data can be found (1) by using functions / formulae (1)
6(a). A retail organisation uses data and information.
i. Explain what is meant by the public information classification type. - 3 marks
Information which can be seen by anyone (1) and is in the public domain (1) does not include sensitive information (1)
Example provided (1) e.g. shop address / Census records / Electoral Roll
Identify two stakeholders of this type of information. - 2 marks
2.3 - quality of info
Office of National Statistics / ONS (1)
Credit Reference Agencies (allow examples e.g. Equifax) (1)
N.H.S (1)
The general public (1)
Government (1)
(b). Comparability is one characteristic of information.
Identify two other characteristics of information and explain why each is important. (6)
2.3 - quality of info
Validity (1st) the information must be appropriate / valid for the purpose for which it is being used / held (1) invalid information detracts from the purpose of the information (1)
Bias (1st) information that is one–sided (1) it may be correct but ignores alternative views (1)
Reliability (1st) information must not be wrong, out of date or inaccurate (1) reliable information has value / unreliable information is less valuable (1)
Accuracy (1st) information must be accurate / correct / (1) or it is worthless (1)
Age / up–to date (1st) information can change over time (1) information from the past may no longer be useful / relevant (1)
Relevance (1st) if information isn’t relevant (1) then it is useless / worthless (1)
Completeness (1st) all information must be present (1) if any is missing then the information cannot be used (1)
(c). The organisation needs to send a targeted mailshot to customers about a new range of children’s toys.
Describe how the text style used in the mailshot should be considered.
2.1 - information style
2 marks
The text style must be easy to read / appealing to customers (1)
Have to fit in with company house style / may be defined in house style (1)
Text style must be appropriate to the contents of the mailshot (1)
d). Explain how a database of customer records could be used to produce the mailshot to customers.
Possible ways that a database could be used to produce the mailshot to customers include:
Criteria for receiving mailshot is determined (1)
Example e.g. customers who have ordered children’s toys in last 6 months (1)
Query is used in database (1)
To select relevant / appropriate customers (1)
Mail merge set up / run (1)
Some of the customers of the organisation have a visual impairment.
Identify the information style of the mailshot which could be used for these customers.
Braille (1)
Audio / speaking / voice advert (1)
b). * Discuss the possible impacts that poor quality information could have for an online retailer.
2.3 - quality of information
Indicative content:
Quality of information that may be poor:
time frame
Negative impact of poor quality information:
on reputation due to negative reviews from customers online.
on ability to respond to customers’ needs.
on delivery times caused by inaccurate stock information.
on profits due to poor management decisions based on out of date information.
on sales due to declining customer base.
on returns as incorrect items sent out due to unreliable order details.
Information is held by individuals and organisations globally.
Analyse possible issues for organisations when transmitting sensitive data.
10 marks
Compliance with legislation locally and globally
Cost of infrastructure to ensure security of systems against cyber attacks
Methods to use to secure systems and data against cyber attacks
Impacts to organisations if transmitted sensitive data gets into the wrong hands
9(a). A school holds records, in a database, about its students and staff.
The records include personal details including name, gender, date of birth, any disabilities or medical problems and contact details. Some of the data held in the database can be classified as private.
Using an example from the database, explain what is meant when classifying information as private.
2.2 - info classification
4 marks
(b). Explain one impact to the student if the data is not transmitted securely.
2.4 - information management.
Identity theft (1) can result in financial loss / loans being taken out (1) so future credit may be affected (1)
Identity theft (1) may not be able to take exams (1) so limiting accessibility to jobs / college (1)
- This question relates to the case study on PH Your Flowers (see also Insert for Unit 2, January 2019).
PH Your Flowers has just created a social media account. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to PH Your Flowers of using social media to promote the business.
11(a). A dental practice is creating a new contact management system to record details of its patients, appointments and treatments.
The dental practice is updating its website.
Explain, using an example, how the dental practice could make use of animated graphics on its website.
b) The updated website will include an interactive form which will enable new patients to register and current patients to book appointments.
Discuss how the integration between the interactive form and the contact management system enable the system to be more efficient in the collecting, retrieving and storing of patient data and information.
13(a). A market research company collects, stores and processes data and information for its clients. The data and information is collected by email, online surveys and in person.
When the data and information has been processed it can be transmitted.
Explain, using an example, how the data could be transmitted.
4 marks
b). Some of the clients of the marketing company have asked that the results are accessible to people who have a disability.
Identify and describe two information styles that could be used to ensure the results are accessible to people with a disability.
- A crime prevention charity provides help and assistance to people who have been the victims of crime.
The charity also collects and collates crime statistics for publication on neighbourhood websites. Some of the statistics can be classified as sensitive.
Explain, using an example, what is meant by the term sensitive.
3 marks
- A crime prevention charity provides help and assistance to people who have been the victims of crime.
The charity also collects and collates crime statistics for publication on neighbourhood websites.
When the statistics have been collected, they are collated and analysed.
Identify and describe two advantages of using a spreadsheet when collating the statistics.
6 marks