Information Holders definition
entities that COLLECT, STORE, PROCESS information.
What is the difference between data and information?
Data is RAW unorganised facts whilst Information is PROCESSED facts.
List the categories of holders
individual citizens
educational institutions
community organisations
healthcare services
organisations that are trying to make a profit
What type of information do businesses hold?
- financial info
- customer info
- employee info (personal info, pay, absence etc)
- competitor info (products, sales etc)
What type of information do individual citizens hold?
information about themselves, as well as other people and organisations they know.
- personal info (address, DoB)
- hold info on others (phone number, email, etc)
Educational institutions
- what type of info will they hold?
schools, colleges, unis..etc
- personal info on staff
- personal info on students
- time in education (such as 5 yrs)
- assessment grades
- attendance
Government - what type of info will they hold?
departments that run the country
- info on citizens and other governments
- earnings + tax records
- info individual may not be aware of through investigation (e.g tax affairs)
- electoral roll (address, family members)
Charities - what type of info will they hold?
- info on donors, staff, the patient receiving donor
Healthcare services - what type of info will they hold?
- hold info of patient’s records - prescriptions
- medical history
- doctor/gp
- surgeries, pharmacies
community organisations - what type of info will they hold?
hold info on :
- charities in local areas (mosques, churches)
- gym subscriptions
- info about events going on and its members
location of information
developing country
developed country
underdeveloped country
developing country -
less developed industrial base. HDI - a measure of life expectancy/education/ income per population is lower than developed country
underdeveloped country -
less developed industrial base, less access to computers + internet. making info gathering difficult for developed countries
How does being in a rural area (location) affect information access?
- weaker mobile network coverage
(slow broadband speeds) - INTERMITTENT network coverage: drops in and out
How does being in a urban area affect information access?
it has a better mobile network coverage BUT
blackspots can occur - in buildings (obstruction + interference)
digital/global divide
- what is it
the gap between those that have access to the digital resources/technology and between those that do not in different areas of the world.