LO 8.3.1: Determine which education tax credits may be utilized to reduce the net cost of education in a given client’s situation. Flashcards
American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
To help families pay for the first four years of college.
How much does the AOTC reduce a family’s tax liability?
- (2019) 100% of the first $2,000 of qualified education expenses in 1st 4 years,
- 25% of the next $2,000.
AOTC | What is the max credit?
Max credit of $2,500 is allowed.
AOTC | What are qualified expenses?
Tuition, fees, and course materials (books, equipment).
AOTC | Are room and board included as a qualified expense?
AOTC | If no tax liability, how much of the credit is refundable?
- 40%, so $1,000 for each eligible student.
- However, no refund of the credit if:
- (1) taxpayer is under 18 (or a student who is at least 18 and under age 24 and whose income does not exceed 1/2 of her own support)
- (2) Has at least 1 living parent, and
- (3) does not file a joint return.
AOTC | How does one qualify?
- Must be in an educational program leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized credential, and
- Must be enrolled in at least half the minimum hours of a full-time student.
AOTC | Is the $2,500 maximum considered and issued on a per student basis?
AOTC | Does the qualifying child have be listed on the tax return of the dependent of the taxpayer?
AOTC | What are the phaseout ranges?
- (2019) $160K-$180K of modified AGI for married filing jointly;
- $80K-$90K for filing single.
AOTC | Is this available to married taxpayers who file jointly?
AOTC | is this available for students who have felony drug convictions?
Lifetime Learning Credit
- May be claimed for an unlimited number of years while the student is pursuing their education.
- Neither requires enrollment in a degree program, nor at least half-time enrollment.
How much does the Lifetime Learning Credit reduce a family’s tax liability?
(2019) 20% of the first $10,000 of qualified tuition expenses paid by the taxpayer in which the AOTC is not claimed for the same student
What is the maximum nonrefundable Lifetime Learning Credit per return or per family?