Littérature Flashcards
Outcomes following balloon dilation in dogs with urethelial carcinoma: 12 cases (JAVMA, 2019)
- Improvement of instruction in 75% (most of the dogs that did not improve had prostatic carcinoma)
- recurrence in 55% within 48-296 days
- hematuria, urinary incontinence, dysuria
Endoscopic nephrolithotomy for removal of complicated nepthroliths in dogs and cats (JAVMA 2019)
Indication for removal
Caracteristics of neproliths
Indication: calculi displacing the parenchyma (44%), recurent UTI (31%), ureteral outflow obstruction (25%)
Caracteristics: 2.5 cm, 44% mixed, 31% calcium, 12.5% xanthine, 12.5% cystine
Outcome: 100% resolution of complicated stones + improvement of creatinine, 94% nephroliths free
Complications: hemorrhage requiring transfusion, renal capsule tear, ureteral puncture (6% each)
Factors associated with postobstructive diuresis following decrompressing surgery with SUB or stent in cats: 37 cases (JAVMA 2019)
Note: post-obstive diuresis = > 2ml/kg/h
- Factors associated with diuresis
- Survivial to discharge
- Azotemia resolved in how many cats
- When was maximal urine output
- CKD - less severe POD
- anuria prior to surgery: longer POD
- Lower BSC, signs of V+/A-: POD more severe
- USG negative correlation with POD and positive correlation with severity
92% survived
50% had resolution of azotemia
Maximal POD: at 12 hours
Can ligation caudal to a vesicovaginal fistula resolve signs of urinary incontinence (JAVMA 2019)?
Complications and clinical utility of AUS guided pyelocentesis and antegrage pyelography in cats and dogs (48 cases) JAVMA 2019
Diagnostic rate
Complication (minor / major)
Advantage of sampling pelvis over bladder
minor 24% and major 2%
No advantage
Effect of urinary bladder lavage on in-hospital recurrence of urethral obstruction and duration of urinary catheter retention and hospitalization for male cats (JAVMA 2019)
No significant effect of bladder lavage
- Recurrence 13% vs 19% in non-flush
- Duration of U-cath 37 hours vs 36
- Hospitalization: both 3 days
Is ultrasound sensitive for detection of cause and location of ureteral obstruction ? (JAVMA 2019)
Sensitive for detection of ureteroliths
Evaluation of association between U-cath placement and risk of recurrent urethral obstruction in cats (JAVMA 2018)
Recurrence rate between 2 groups
Risks factors for recurrence
11% for inpatient and 31% for outpatient (95% of them was within 1 week)
Risk factor: abnormal urine color at the time of catheter removal
Outpatient care is reasonable alternative
Characterizaton of subclinical bacteriuria, bacterial cystitis and pyelonephritis in dogs with CKD (JAVMA 2018)
Positive urine culture
Most common infectious organism
Was CKD associated with presence of bacteriuria
18.1% of dogs had positive urine culture
(45% subclinical, 40% pyelonephritis, 15% cystitis)
Ecoli (then klebsiella and staph pseudointermedius)
The presence or stage of CKA that not associated with the presence of bacteriuria, which was actually lower than in dogs with other systemic diseases (DM, Cushign’s)
Survival analysis of associations between peridontal disesa and risk of development of CKD in cats (JAVMA 2018)
How many cats developed CKD and was peridontal disease a risk?
Which cats were at greater risks? Lower risks?
1.8% of cats with CKD and increased risk with cats with peridontal disease
Higher risks: purebred, female, undergo anesthesia, having cystitis, older and lower BSC. Lower risk: history of hepatic lipidosis and DM
Effect of refrigeration on urine sample (JAVMA 2018)
significant lower CFU count in samples refrigerated in TSB
Treatment of congenital distal ureteral orifice stenosis by endoscopic laser ablation in dogs: 16 cases (JAVMA 2018)
Was treatment succesful
Labrador, with history of incontinence, infection, vomiting and diarrhea. Left side most affected
Treatment successful in all without complication
Associations of patient characteristics, disease, stage and biopsy technique with the diagnostic quality of core needle renal biopsy specimens from dogs with suspected kidney disease (JAVMA 2018)
Dogs with elevated creatinine had better or worse specimen?
Which type of needle is best?
What was the diagnosis in the samples obtain?
What was the complications?
Dogs with creatinine > 5 were more likely to have insufficient specimens sample
16 needle yielded slightly more specimen than 14 and more than 18. Also 16 were less likely to contain medulla
Note: samples obtain via laparotomy/laparoscopy were more likely to contain medulla also
Immune-mediated glomerulonephritis (40.6%), focal segmental to global glomerulosclerosis (18.4%), amyloidosis (12.3%), tubulo-interstitial disease (8.2%), non-immune mediated nephropathy (7.3%)
Present in 3.4% - hematuria was the main
More serious with 14 gauge needle
Clinicopathologic and microbiologic findings associated with emphysematous cystitis in 27 dogs (JAAHA 2018)
Location of gas
Infectious agent
Wall and lumen (51.9%)
Wall (33%)
Lumen (14.8%)
Diabetes (33%), neurologic disease (26%), adrenal disease (19%)
Does silver coated urinary catheters provide clinical benefits over standard catheters?
No - it is associated with earlier bacteriuria but not UTI
Evaluation of diagnostic utility of cytology of renal FNA from dogs and use of AUS features to inform cytologic diagnosis (JAVMA 2018)
How many specimen adequate for interpretation?
Renal FNA are more useful for which purpose?
72% were adequate
sensitivity/specificity for neoplasia: 78% and 50%
sensitivity/specificity for non-neoplasia: 50% and 77%
Lymphoma had 100% sensitivity
Presence of neoplasia, especially if presence of mass on AUS
Outcome of ureteral stent placement for treatment of benign ureteral obstruction in dogs: 44 cases (JAVMA 2018)
Underlying reason for stenting
- obstructive nephrolithiasis (84%), stricture (9%), both (7%)
- Sucessful in 45/55 via endoscopy and 100% via surgery
Note: median hospitalization 1 day and improvement of creatinine (from 2 to 1.3)
UTI: 59% prior to stenting and 26% after
Treatment of pyonephrosis with a SUB device in four cats (JAVMA 2018)
Cystotomy tube became occluded with purulent materia; 1/4 cats
One cat had persistent bacteriuria without clincia signs
US evaluation of the bladder following cystotomy (JAVMA 2018)
Medial wall thickeness of the ventral aspect peaked at 1 day post-op, but was still present after 3 months in 50% of cases
Recurrence of hyperechoic foci occured in 11/18 dogs , with a median of 17 days post-op
Use of SUB for treatment of benign ureteral obstruction in 134 cats (174 devices) (JAVMA 2018)
Underlying cause for SUB
Pre/post op findings of creatinine and pelvic dilation
Outcome (survival rate)
Ureterolithiasis (65.5%), stricture (16.1%), both 16.7%, pyenephrosis (0.6%)
Note: 39% of cats had bilateral involvement
Pre-op: azotemia in 95% of cats with a creatinine of 6.6 and 3 months post-op 2.6. Pelvic diameter 9.2 pre op and 1.5 post op
Complications: occlusion with blood clots in 8.1%, device leakage in 3.5%, kinking in 4.6%. Most common long term was catheter mineralization in 24.2% 463 days after placement (especially if high iCa post-op)
Survival rate 94%
Long term complication:
Is cystoscopic-guided laser ablation of an orthotopic ureterocele secondary to ureterovesicular stenosis a safe and effective treatment ? (JAVMA 2018)
Clinical performance of commercial point-of-care urine culture system for detection of bacteriuria? (JAVMA 2018)
All results for stroed cultures were identical to those from reference lab (sensitivity 93%, specificity 100%)
77-58% of bacteria were correctly identified and 39% antimicrobial susceptibility were accurate - inaccuracy of some antimicrobial
Which group of cats with SUB or sent had lower risk of complications and longer survival time? (JAVMA 2018)
Should urinary tract obstruction be considered as a differential for cats with pleural effusion? (JAVMA 2018)
Yes - removal of hydronephrotic kidney was curative
Comparison of BSC and UA variable between dogs with and without CaOx (JAVMA 2016)
UA pH vs age or CaOx
Characteristics of dogs with CaOx
UA - pH negatively associated with age, not associated with BCS or presence of CaOx
Dogs with CaOx - greater BSC, hematuria and proteinuria
Urine sample submitted for immediate quantitative bacterial culture should be transported in which tube? If going to be stored at room temperature? (JAVMA 2016)
plain sterile
Perioperative morbidity and long-term outcome of nephrectomy in feline donors: 141 cases (JAVMA 2016)
How many cats had no associated long term effect?
84% had no associated long-term effect
7% developed renal insufficiency or diet of urinary tract disease
Outcome in cats with benign ureteral obstruction treated by means of ureteral stenting vs ureterotomy (JAVMA 2016)
What was the outcome of cats with stents
Significantly greater decrease in BUN and creatinine concentration 1 day post-op
Is poviodine iodine sclerotherapy an effective renal-sparing treatment for idiopathic renal hematuria in dogs ? (JAVMA 2016)
Was percutaneous fluoroscopic assisted perineal approach succesful in allowing access to the pelvic urethra? Complications ?
Yes and no complications
Outcome of ureteral surgery and stenting in cats: 117 cases (JAVMA 2016)
Complications stent vs surgery (perioperatve and long term)
Mortality rate
Perioperative: higher with stent (14%) than without (3%)
Long term: chronic lower urinary tract disease/ infection more common in cats with stents
Similar (8 and 9%) mortality rates and similiar reobstruction (22%)
Use of percutaneously controlled hydraulic occluder for treatment of refractory urinary incontinence in 3 female cats (JAVMA 2016)
Allpatients had complete continence
Complications: urethral tear (1), constipation (1), stranguria (1), hematuria (2) and UTI (2)
CT for measurement of kidneys in dogs without kidney disease (JAVMA 2016)
Kidney:aorta ratio
Kidney:L2 ratio
Kidney:aorta ratio - 7.4
Kidney:L2 ratio - 2.7
Comparison of foods for long-term management of acute nonobstructive idiopathic cystitis in cats (JAVMA 2015)
8 times less if eating C/D
Note: wet had lower USG, and lower pH
Are UPC samples with manual compression a reliable alternative to cystocentesis? (JAVMA 2015)
Yes, if taken midstream and provided that postrenal proteinuria was excluded
Can SUB be consider for renal decompression in kitten with iatrogenic ureteral ligation? (JAVMA 2015)
Restrospective associations between obstruction and renomegaly, USG and creatinie in cats: 29 cases
Is renomegaly associated with ureteral obstruction
No - and abdominal palpation was not a reliable method for detection
Double pigtail ureteral stenting and renal pelvic lavage for renal-sparing treatment of obstructive pyonephrosis in dogs: 13 cases (JAVMA 2015)
During surgery
Short term
Long term
During surgery - 2/13 (stent oclusion, wire penetration of ureter)
Short term - bladder hematoma (1) and dysuria (1)
Long term - stent encrustation (1), migration (1), tissue proliferation at ureterovesicular junction without clinical signs (5), recurrent UTI (7)
Influence of anesthesia variables on short-term and overall surival rates in cats undergoing renal transplantation (JAVMA 2015)
Which factors reduce survival
Which factor increase survival
Which factors reduce survival - prolonged anesthesia, older than 12 years, saturation < 90% during surgery
Which factor increase survival - opoid reversal, high HCT
Associations of diet and breed with recurrentce CaOx (JAVMA 2015)
Which breed is more at risk
Miniature Shnauzer had 3 more times risks of recurrence
Electrophoretic patterns of proteinuria in feline spontaneous chronic kidney disease (JFMS 2019)
What was the pattern for cats with
- At risk
Was proteinuria associated with progression of CKD?
Which type of main pathological feature is seen in cats with CKD
At risk: glomerular pattern (84%) or none (12%)
CKD: glomerular (54%), mixed (29.5%), tubular (11.4%)
Not associated with progression of CKD
Tubular interstitial nephritis
Efficacy of oral potassium supplementation in cats with kidney disease (JFMS 2019)
Does it work ? If so, which formulation is the best ?
Was potassium citrate efficient in correcting acidosis ?
Yes - 36/37 had increased in K, but only 24 increased over 4
No, no difference in pre and post bicarbonate
Age-based ultrasound criteria for diagnosis of autosomal dominant PKD in Persian cats (JFMS 2019)
How many cysts were needed for diagnosis: < 15 months 16-32 months 33-49 months 50-66 months
What other changes were present?
< 15 months - at least one
16-32 months - 2 or more
33-49 months - at least 3
50-66 months - 4 or more
Higher longitude, increased cortical echogenicity, irregular contour and corticomedullary blurring, higher calcium
Specific immunoassay for detection of feline kidney injury molecule 1 (JFMS 2019)
Which assay is sensitive and specific for KIM1?
What did KIM-1 do ?
Marked through transient increase in cats with sepsis and urethral obstruction associated AKI
Factors associated with hematuric struvite crystalluria in cats (JFMS 2019)
Increased odds if -
Young cat fed dry diet, un-neutered, thin BSC, cystitis, elevated UPC, alkalinne urine pH, pyuria or bacteuria
Investiation of hallmarks of carbonyls stress and formation and product in feline CKD as markers of uremic toxin (JFMS 2019)
What was the conclusion?
High concentration of both intermediate and end product of carbonyl/oxidative stress were detected in CKD
(malondialdehyde and hexanoyl-lysine)
Recurrent episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease with different causes: possible clinical implications (JFMS 2019)
Is the different episodes usually related to the same isssue ?
No, cats presented with different causes at different times.
Total serum magnesium in cats with CKD and nephrolithiasis (JFMS 2019)
What was the change in Mg seen in cats with CKD?
Which subset of cats had the highest mortality?
Was the presence of Mg changes associated with nephrilithiasis?
What was other electrolytes abnormalities associated with Mg
Hypermagnesemia in 38.1% and hypomagnesemia in 14.3%
(Note: marked hypermagnesemia noted in CKD 4 with nephroliths)
Cats with nephrolithiasis and abnormal magnesium had higher mortality rates
NO difference in total Mg between CKD cats with and without nephrolithiasis
Negative correlation with Ca and positive correlation with Mg
Ultrasonographic findings in cats with AKI (JFMS 2019)
What were the US findings?
The presence of retroperitoneal fluid was associated with what?
Most common: nephromegaly, pyelectasia and increased echogenicity
(Note: 6.7% were normal)
Oliguria and anuria
Water intake in laboratory cats from still, free-falling and ciculating water bowls and its effects of urine parameters (JFMS 2018)
What was similar?
What was different?
Similar; daily intake, urine volume, RSS, struvites and calcium
Different: urine somolalit was higher in cats with circulating water bowl
Feline idiopathic cystitis in Seoul (JFMS 2018)
What were the 5 risks factors ?
Absence of vantage point (4.6), cohabiting with cats (3.1), non-clumping litter (2.6), apartment (2.5) and male (2.3)
Feline urine metabolomic signature: characterization of LMW (JFMS 2018)
Dominated by carbohydrate, carbohydrate conjugate, organic acid and derivatives, aminoacids and analogs
(similar to their food)
US findings in cats with and without azotemia (JFMS 2018)
What were the characteristic for cats with and without?
What were the findings on AUS that would suggest AKI?
Without: lenght 4 cm, higher in male and on the right side
With: higher pelvis diameter, kidneys either larger or smaller
Perinephric fluid (26), small kidney (8), hyperechoic renal cortex (4), loss of corticomedullary differentiation (4), renal calculi (2.7), enlargeed kidneys (2.5), dilated renal pelvis (1.6)
Effect of a high phosphorus diet on indication of renal health in cats (JFMS 2018)
What were the changes seen in cats fed a high phosphorus diet?
Glucosuria and microalbuminuria - 70%
Higher BUN and calcium
Decreased creatinine clearance
Increased renal phosphorus excretion
Evaluation of three herbal components (San Ren Tang, Wei Ling Tand and Alisma) for management of LUTD in healthy cats (JFMS 2018)
No differences
on analyte excretions, urine volume, pH or urinary saturation
No side effects
Evaluate the potential use of renal resistive index as preliminary diagnostic tool for CKD in cats (JFMS 2018)
What is the cut-off ? Should both kidneys be measure
Cut-off of 0.639
Only one kidney is sufficient
Can contrast-enhanced CT-scan can provide qualitative and quantitative data regarding renal allograft perfusion ? (JFMS 2018)
Measurements of renal function in evaluating its decline in cats (JFMS 2018)
Was there within-indivudual variability?
Yes, lower variability of creatinine in azotemic cat and higher GFR variabililty
As such, GFR is more useful monitoring marker in non-azotemic cats and creatinine for azotemic cats
Effect of acid-suppressant therapy on clinicopathologic parameters of cats with CKD (JFMS 2018)
Can cats of PPI therapy develop alteration in electrolytes ?
cats with CKD receiving PPI developed increased in blood sodium +/- decrease in magnesium
SDMA and creatinine in Birman cats (JFMS 2018)
SDMA was higher than reference in 20% and creatinine higher in 40%
SQ fluid practices in cats with CKD (JFMS 2018)
What was the stage the most represented?
Were owners ok with SQ fluids?
Which size of needle?
Stage III (37%)
85% said it was ok for them and 89% ok for their cats
Ultrasound in diagnosis and management of cats with ureteral obstruction (JFMS 2018)
Presentation ?
Did pyelography confirm the suspicion for obstruction?
Death in hospital was associated with what?
7 years, clinical signs 7 days, creatinine 417
Pyelography positive for obstruction in 71% of suspicion
Death associated with peritoneal fluid and serum creatinine
Evaluation of renal pelvis in cats with ureteral obstruction treated with a SUB: 27 cases (JFMS 2018)
Was retroperitoneal or peritoneal effusion commonly seen?
What improved after SUB placement ?
Rarely seen
Improvement in hyperechogenicity of perirenal adipose tissue and decrease in width of pelvis (11.7 –> 2.7 –> 1.7)
Electrophoretic method to detect albuminuria (JFMS 2017)
HRE - accurate and precise, and also provide information on urine protein with a profile
UAC correctly classify proteinuria and discreminate between healthy and diseased cats
Urine protein, UPC and N-acetyl-B-D-glucosamidase in cats with idiopathic cystitis vs healty (JFMS 2017)
What was higher in cats with cystitis ?
Protein (4x), UPC (5x) and NAG (2)
Subclinical bacteiuria in cats (JFMS 2017)
Prevalence, organism ?
Risk factors
Prevalence 6.2% - E.coli (58%), enterococcus (25%)
Female, bacteiuria, pyuria, abnormal sediment, lower urine specific gravity and presence of CKD
Overall conclusion: little indication to perform culture in a cat with no clinical signs and inactive sediment
Risk and protective factors in cats with CKD (JFMS 2017)
Decrease risk: dry cat food, filetered water and indoor
Increase risk: male (2.8), tap water (3.4), outdoor (3.77)
Renal pelvic and ureteral US characteristics of cats with CKD vs normal or pyelonephritis or obstruction (JFMS 2017)
CKD cats should have baseline US so that abnormalities documented during uremic crisis can be better interpreted
(no significant differences in pelvic width between cats - except with UO)
Placement of SUB without fluoroscopy guidance (JFMS 2017)
Was the procedure sucessful ?
What were complications ? (SUB vs surgery)
Outcome ? (SUB vs surgery)
Sucessful in all cats (1 kinked and one misplaced)
SUB - anemia 2/13, UTI 4/13, cystitis 5/13, obstruction 1/13
Surgery - anemia 7/10, UTI 6/10,m cystitis 1/10, obstruction 4/10, stricture 1/10
76.9% of cats with SUB and 40% of surgery were still alive
Renal abscess in 6 cats (JFMS 2017)
Clinical findings
Surgery or medical treatment?
Lethargy, dehydration, abdominal pain, nephromegaly and fever in 50%
Medical seems preferable
Diagnostic utility of FNA cytology and ultrasound in cats (JFMS 2017)
Diagnostic samples in ? which one were more likely to yield a diagnostic samples ?
More likely if subcapsular renal infiltrate or diffuse renal enlargement without pelvic dilation (100%), infiltrative/nodular changes (84%)
Cytology was 100% sensitive and specific for neoplasia (whether carcinoma or lymphoma)
The presence of a mass was non-neoplastic in 20%
Effects of adipose-derive allogenic stem cells for treatment of CKD (JFMS 2017)
No adverse effect and not useful (no change in creatnine, BUN, K, Ph, GRF or UPC)
Efficacy of intravesical pentosan polysulfate sodim in cats with obstructive cystitis (JFMS 2017)
No influence of recurrence or clinical signs
Evaluation of meloxicam for treatment of obstructive feline idiopathic cystitis (JFMS 2016)
Did not influence the incidence or recovery
Was the resistive index for kidney evaluation in normal and diseased cats a valuable tool for diffuse renal disease? (JFMS 2016)
What are the risks factors for idiopathic cystitis in Norwegian cats ? (JFMS 2016)
Overweight and nervous
Use of maropitant for management of vomiting and inappetence in cats with CKD (JFMS 2015)
Decrease in vomiting
No change in appetite, activity, creatinine or weight
No adverse effects
Management of AKI with continuous venovenous hemofiltration in cats (JFMS 2015)
Effective in controlling uremic signs
No major complications
Factors affecting USG in healthy cats (JFMS 2015)
Which factors affected USG?
Age (increase = decrease USG)
Moisture in diet (decreases USG)
Female (decreases USG)
In-house (lower than lab)
Routine kdiney variable, GFR and cystatine C in cats with DM, CKD and healthy (JFMS 2015)
DM had lower creatnine (123 vs 243) and BUN (11 vs 18) and lower urine cystatin.
DM had higher USG and GFR
Correlation of gross urine color with diagnostics findings in male cats with ureteral obstruction (JFMS 2015)
Factors associated with darker urine ?
More likely to be azotemic, more significant metabolic deragement and negative correlation with USG
Is FGF-23 and idoxyl sulfate associated with phosphate and CKD ? (JVIM 2019)
Aminoacid status in dogs witn PLN (JVIM 2019)
AA profile
9.4 years, mix breed/labrador/fox terrier/Yorkie. UPC 4.8, 23% had hypoalbuminemia
PLN dogs had lower concentration of essential AA (leucine, threonine, histidine) and non-essential AA (glycine, proline, asparaginase, tyrosine, hydroxyproline and serine)
Efficacy of 2 treatement for preventing recurrence of signs in male cats with obstructive cystitis (JVIM 2019)
Heart rate was predictive of which abnormality ?
Overall recurrence rate ?
Did meloxicam help?
24% for FIC and 15% for obstruction
Diagnostic value of SDMA, cystatin C and creatinine for detection of decreased GFR (JVIM 2019)
What was the sensitivity of SDMA and creatinine for detection of abnormal GFR?
Was cystatin C as good ?
Cystatin 72% - lower
Is Idexx sedivue good ? (JVIM 2019)
Good aggrement with lab, but need improvement for epithelial cells
Which simplified method for measuring GFR of dogs with CKD granted the best measure? (JVIM 2019)
180 minutes sampling
Endoscopic laser ablation for treatment of orthotopic and ectopic ureterocels in dogs (JVIM 2019)
Which ureterocel was the most frequent
Did incontinence and pollakiuria resolved
Ectopic with stenoic or imperforated
Clinical signs resolved in 8/9, but imaging showed resolution in all
Evaluation of CaOx in dogs in US (JVIM 2019)
High risk / low risk
Mean age
High risk = small breeds and low risk = large breed
Age was 8 years - start screening around 5-6
Bacteriuria in dogs with CKD: 201 cases (JVIM 2019)
Prevalence, isolate
Risk factors
32% of dogs with CKD (even stage 1) had positive culture
(only 8% were clinical)
E.coli in 67%
Risk factors: female (3.2), isosthenuria (2.5), positive leukocytes and presence of micro-organism
Predicting early risk of CKD in cats using laboratory test (JVIM 2019)
Creatinine, BUN, USG and age can predict with sensitivity of 90.7% and specificity of 98.9%
Relashionship among of UPC, USG and bacteriuria in canine samples (JVIM 2019)
Weak correlation between UPC and USG
Positive culture did not aggree with abnormal UPC
Risk factors for Candida UTI in dogs and cats (JVIM 2019)
ATB within 30 dogs (dogs and cats), immunosuppression (dogs), lower urinary tract disease other than UTI (cats)
Risk factors for positive urine culture in cats with SUB and stent (JVIM 2019)
Prevalence and isolate
Was post-op U-cath associated with positive culture?
11% positive
Enterococcus (38%), E.coli (19%), Staph (13%)
No association
Does SDMA correlates better than creatinine with renal function in dogs with CKD stage 4 undergoing IF and IH?
Fecal microbiome and indoxyl sulfate and p-cresol suldate in cats with CKD (JVIM 2019)
Cats with CKD and decreased fecal bacterial diversity
Higher IS concentration for cats with stage 2-4 CKD
Use of tEDTA for treatment of SUB device mineralization (JVIM 2019)
Resolution in all 8 SUBs
uNGAL in dogs with kidney diseaes (JVIM 2019)
uNGAL can be useful to predict risk of progression in dogs with CKD (higher with progressive, lower with prerenal azotemia)
Variability of first morning urine in 103 healthy dogs (JVIM 2019)
Important variation (0.015)
Vitamin D metabolism in dogs with and without CaOx (JVIM 2019)
Decrease conversion of 25(OH) to 24,25(OH)2D in a subset of dogs
Clinical histopathology, cystoscopy and FISH analysis of proliferative urethritis in 22 dogs (JVIM 2018)
Results of histopathology
FISH results
German Shepherd
Lymphoplasmacytic (41%), lymphoplasmacytic + neutrophilic (27%), pleocellular (18%) and neutrophilic (14%)
Note: none had pyogranulomatous
FISH positive in 53% even with negative urine and tissue culture negative
Serum cytokine profiling in cats with cystitis (JVIM 2018)
Which 4 cytokines were increased ?
IL-12, CXCL12, IL-18 and Flt3L
Serological test for early detection of lepto antibodies in dogs (JVIM 2018)
Seroconversion detected in how many dogs by day 7 ? day 10 ?
Day 87.5% and 100%
SDMA concentration as marker for masked CKD in cats with hyperthyroidism (JVIM 2018)
How many became azotemix 4-8 months after I-131 treatment? What were their characteristics ?
Did SDMA had a good sensitivity to predict development of CKD
What was fairly sensitive to predict azotemia ?
How many cats developed hypothyroidism?
- 16% became azotemic (older, lower BSC, higher pre-tx creatinine, BUN, SDMA and lower USG)
- SDMA had a low (33%) sensitivity
- Pretreatment USG < 1,035
- 20% developed hypothyroidism, but only 2% needed treatment
Beraprost sodium treatmetn for cats with CKD (JVIM 2018)
Creatinine did not increase if they received beraprost (vs placebo, where it did increase over the 6 months period)
Appetite, physical activity were improved if received beraprost
Overall safe and well tolerated
Pyelonephritis in dogs: 47 cases (JVIM 2018)
Clinical signs ? Did they all have azotemia? How many had evidence on AUS? Culture results? Most common predisposing factor ?
A- (57%), lethargy (51%), vomiting (36%), dehydration (25%). Only 21% had signs of UTI
Absence of azotemia should not preclude the diagnosis
US evidence in 72%
Culture positive in 79% - E.coli
Most common predisposing factor is neooplastic disease unrelated to urogenital tract
Effects of fenoldopam on kidney functions in dogs with heatstroke (JVIM 2018)
No difference in mortality or kidney function
cPL and outcomes in dogs with hemdialysis AKI (JVIM 2018)
62% had elevated cPL, but did not affect survival
Calcitonin in cats with hypercalcemia and CKD (JVIM 2018)
Does calcitonin appears to have a role in calcium metabolism in cats with CKD ?
Note: correlate negatively with ALP
Dogs with biofilm forming E.coli UTI (JVIM 2018)
Prevalence and characteristic
52.6% - less likely to be drug resistant
Is single, averaged or pooled UPC better?
All comparable
Can CT-enhanced contrast detect perfusion changes in cats with CKD
Detection of morbillivirus and paramyxovirus in geriatric cats with/without CKD (JVIM 2018)
No significant differences between groups (43% azotemic positive and 73% nonazotemic)
Infection does not appear to be associated with development of CKD
Can an eGFR formulation that adjust creatinine for muscle mass provide an accurate estimate of GFR ? (JVIM 2018)
Does storage temperature or container affects UPC results ? (JVIM 2018)
Is live biotherapeutic product safe in dogs with or without UTI? (JVIM 2018)
Which factors are associated with survival in dogs with CKD ? (JVIM 2018)
BSC < 4 Muscle atrophy Increased creatinine Hyperphosphatemia Elevated UPC or CaPP or FGF-23
Effect of urine concentration and pH on growth of E.coli (JVIM 2018)
In which samples were the lowest CFU observed ?
Alkaline (pH 8.5) and concentrated (1.030)
Influence of CKD on structural and mechanical properties of canine bone (JVIM 2018)
Which changes were noted in dogs with CKD?
Was is clinical?
Smaller lacuna size, resorption cavity density, higher porosity
Not clinical
Urethral senting using radiographs for guidance (JVIM 2017)
Causes for stenting ?
Was the procedure succesful ?
Complication ?
TCC, prostatic carcinoma, HSA, proliferativ urethritis, vaginal leomyosarcoma, sphincter dyssynergia
Yes, in all cases
2 complications included penetration of urethral wall and improper placement
Use of darbe to stimulate erythropoiesis in treatment of anemia from CKD in dogs (JVIM 2017)
Which dose is best, and at which interval?
What were the complications?
- 8 ug/kg SC weekly, not less than q21 days
* * Improved PCV in 85% within 3-4 weeks
Hypertension (36%), seizures (15%), vomiting (9%), diarrhea (9%), PRCA (6%)
Acute phase proteins and iron status in cats with CKD (JVIM 2017)
What were the changes seen with CKD
What were the correlation with creatinine
Did any of those changes correlate with survival
CKD: higher SAA + hepcidin, lower iron + TIBC. 37% were anemic with lower TIBC
Creatinine correlates with SAA and hepcidin
No changes in survival
Those results suggest systemic inflammation and altered iron metabolism
Association between vitamin D metabolites with PTH, FGF-23, calcium and phosphorus in dogs with CKD (JVIM 2017)
Vitamin D metabolite concentration were significantly lower in dogs with CKD 3 and 4 and were negatively correlated with PTH, FGF-23 and phosphorus
Changes in creatinine and AKI in dogs treated with hetastarch (JVIM 2017)
AKI grade not different, except if use for > 10 days
Is CKD a risk to hypercalcemia (JVIM 2017)
Yes and most cats will have concurrent iCa elevation
Benazepril for survival of dogs with CKD (JVIM 2017)
No benefit for survival, but significant decrease in UPC
Is hetastarch associated with AKI for cats ? (JVIM 2017)
No - neither dose nor number of day
Is their difference in gastric pH and gastrin in cats with CKD ? (JVIM 2017)
FGF-23 in dogs with CKD (JVIM 2017)
What was FGF-23 associated with
Increased severity of CKD (stage 3-4 vs 1-2)
NGAL and UNCR in cats with CKD (JVIM 2017)
What were they correlated with
Cutoff values
NGAL and UNCR higher in CKD and correlated with creatinine –> UNCR associated with faster deterioration
uNGAL 2.06 UNCR 4.08
SDMA in dogs with AKI or CKD (JVIM 2017)
Higher in both categories (cannot differentiate)
Proteinuria in healthy ederly dogs (JVIM 2017)
What was the prevalence of proteinuria?
Proteinuria (11%), borderline proteinuria (14%), 75% were non-proteinuric
Of those, proteinuria persisted in 19%
RAAS in greyhounds and non-grehounds (JVIM 2017)
Which parameters were higher in greyhounds? Lower?
Creatinine, sodium, SDMA higher
Aldosterone lower
Bacteriuria in chronically paralyzed dogs (JVIM 2017)
35/47 had at least one positive culture
Urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence in 163 neutered female dogs (JVIM 2017)
risk factors
Dogs > 25 kg spayed before their first year of age
Urinary F2-isoprostanes in cat with CKD stage 1-4 (JVIM 2017)
Decrease from stage 1 to 4 and inversely correlated with creatinine
Urine and serum biomarkers with renal damage and survival in dogs with proteinuric CKD (JVIM 2016)
Which correlated with glomerular damage
Which correlated with tubular damage
Factors associated with survival
-Glomerular damage : IgM_Fe, IgG_Fe
Note: IgM/creatinine and uNAG/creatinine had higher sensitivity (75%) and specificity (78%) for IMGN
- Tubular damage: creatinine
- Survival: creatinine IgM_FE and severity of damage on TEM
Fenoldopam infusion on GFR and FeNa (JVIM 2016)
Increases GFR and FeNa
Is cystatine C a reliable marker of reduced GFR in cats ? (JVIM 2016)
Weight loss in cats with CKD (JVIM 2016)
Presentation - age and stage
Weight loss
survival factor
14.9 years
6% stage 1, 61% stage 2, 25% stage 3 and 9% stage 4
Cat loss 8.9% of body year in the year prior to diagnosis (early marker of CKD)
Cats < 4.2 kg had shorter survival time
How often is hypothermia present in cats and dogs with uremia ? (JVIM 2016)
38% of cats, 20.5 % in dogs
What are the risk factors for development of CKD in cats ?
Annual vaccination and dental disease
Subclinical bacteriuria in older cats and its association with survival (JVIM 2016)
Also prevalence
Not associated with survival
Prevalence 10-13%
UNCR as marker for identification of AKI and recovery in dogs with gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity (JVIM 2016)
Was it helpful?
Detect AKI earlier with UNCR, and improved 2 days earlier than creatinine
Relashionship between body mass and renal biomarkers in dogs (JVIM 2015)
Creatinine, but not SDMA are influenced by body weight
BUT SDMA is influence by time of food
ATB susceptibility pattern with UTI in dogs (JVIM 2015)
Bacterial isolates?
What was associated with bacterial resistance ?
Which isolate showed the most frequent resistance
Isolate: E.coli (52%), then Staph (13.6) then enterococcus (13.3%)
Resistance: administration of amoxi, doxy or fluoroquinolone (but not clavamox)
E,coli and Staph were associated more frequently with resistance
Serum and urine SAA in Abyssinian with amyloidosis (JVIM 2015)
Was SAA and UPC useful for early detection of amyloidosis ?
Not, but uSAA is
Outcome of cats with obstruction from circumcaval ureter (JVIM 2015)
Same outcome than obstruction with good long term prognosis
Note: right in 80%
Compare UPC from home and hospital (JVIM 2015)
hospital samples were higher in 50%
Efficacy of long-term telmisartan and benazepril in cats with CKD (JVIM 2015)
Is telmisartan inferior to benazepril ?
Noninferior - UPC in groups with telmisartan was lower
Does extracellular fluid volume is different in azotemic cats ? (JVIM 2015)
Does not differ than healthy cats
Urinary calcium to creatinine and oxalate-to-creatinine ratios in dogs with CaOx urolithiasis (JVIM 2015)
UCa/Cr ratio is ____ in dogs with CaOx
UCa/Cr ratio is higher in dogs with CaOx
GFR, Urine production, fractional clearance of electrolytes in AKI in dogs (JVIM 2015)
What was associated with oucome
Markers of renal recovery
Not GFR, fractional clearance of Na decrease in the survival group
Increased GFR, increased urine production, decreased FC of Na
Iron status of cats with CKD (JVIM 2015)
Iron binding capacity was significantly lower in CKD
Is plasma FGF-23 a prognostic indicator in cats with CKD (JVIM 2015)
Long-term outcome and risk factors associated with death or the need for revision surgery in dogs with permanent tracheostomies (JAVMA 2019)
Presentation: dyspnea (58%), stridor (10%), coughing/collapse (9%)
Complications: 61%
Aspiration pneumonia (19%), skinfold occlusion (19%), stoma stenosis (17%)
35% needed revision surgery - more likely if brachycephalic
MST 5 years
Lung AUS in dogs with cough (JAVMA 2019)
Underlying cases
Changes on US with pneumonia, neoplasia, CHF
Causes: dynamic airway collapse (37%), CHF (12%), bronchitis (10%), pneumonia (7%)
Pneumonia: subpleural shred signs
Neoplasia: subpleural nodule signs
CHF: B-lines (score > 10 on > 2 sites)
* Sensitivity 92% and specificity 94%
Outcome for dogs with stent placement for tracheal collapse (JAVMA 2019)
Underlying reason for collapse
Survival: to discharge and MST (along with risk factors)
51% malformation and 49% traditional collapse
Survival: 90% for MST 1005 days (younger male had longer survival)
Outcome: improvement of cough (89%) or raspy breathing (84%)
Complication: stent fracture and ingrowth which required additional stent in 47%
Causes of pleural effusion in cats (JAVMA 2018)
Clinical signs Diagnosis Association- Age Birman
Clinical signs: dyspnea (45%), dysorexia (20%)
- CHF (41%) - from Hyperthyroidism in most cases, lower temperature and male
- Neoplasia (25%)
- Youger with FIP, trauma and lymphoma
- Older with CHF, neoplasia, uremic pleuritis and idiopathic chylothorax
- Birman and FIP
Treatment of benign nasopharyngeal stenosis and imperate nasopharynx in dogs and cats: 48 cases (JAVMA 2018)
- Presentation and main diagnosis (dogs vs cats)
- Outcome per treatment (balloon vs stent)
- Complication
Presentation: dog 1 year, cat 3 years. All animals had stertor
Diagnosis: dog 50% each cat 90% had stenosis
Balloon: success in 41% (never if stenosis and only if caudal third)
Stent: success in 78% (100% if covered metallics, more likely if cat, if stenosis and if causal)
Complication: 68%
Most common if unconvered (more tissue ingrowth). Also infection and fracture. Fistula if covered
Restrospective study on aspiration pneumonia in 3 brachycephalic breeds (JAVMA 2018)
- Presentation
- Risk factors
- Susceptibility
- Surivival rate
- brachycephalic had overall higher prevalence of aspiration pneumonia (1.9% vs 0.46%)
- Age: 7 months (except for Pugs who were 7 years)
Risk factors
- GI signs (66%) except for pug (neurological signs)
Pathogens: Pasteurella, E.coli and Staph and bordetella. Susceptible to baytril (100%) and clavamox (87%)
Survival: 78% (less if older)
CT-scan for diagnosis of bronchic bronchitis (JAVMA 2018)
Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
Was the bronchial wall thickness to pulmonary artery diameter accurate?
Accuracy 57%, sensitivity 46% and specificity 90%
Not accurate
Does the addition of cisterna chyli ablation to thoracic duct ligation plus subphrenic pericardiectomy is a good idea? (JAVMA 2018)
No - add significant duration to procedure without improved outcome
Effect of brachycephalic and BSC on respiratory regulation (JAVMA 2017)
Both airway conformation and BSC had impact on thermoregulation, (BSC had highest impact)
Lung torsion in 7 juvenile dogs (JAVMA 2017)
BW changes
Lung lobe most commonly affected
Young male pugs with dyspnea and lethargy
BW: leukocytosis, anemia
Left cranial lung lobe was most commonly affected
All dogs survived
CT-scan for stereotactic biopsy system - does it work ? (JAVMA 2016)
Biopsies were safely collected from masses within the nasal and sinus passages of dogs by use of CTSBS allowing definitive diagnosis
Should dog with coughing along by examine for laryngeal paralysis ? (JAVMA 2015)
19% of cough examine for cough alone and laryngeal dysfunction
Effects of twice daily famciclovir administration on infectious upper respiratory disease in shelter (JFMS 2019)
Reduces viral shedding but do not prevent or reduce clinical signs
Upper respiratory infections and disease in Australia (JFMS 2019)
Prevalence and presentation
URI in 49% (43% were < 1 year)
Mycoplasma 21.5%, calicivirus 16%, both 13.4% and herpesvirus 7%
Is a litterbox the best sample to diagnose Aelurostrongylus abstrusus ? (JFMS 2019)
No - L1 survival was decreased in cats with litter (80% of larva dead by 3 hours)
Clinical and imaging findings in cats with single and mixed lungworm infection (JFMS 2019)
Most common radiographic/CT-scan abnormalities
Mixed infection showed higher clinical signs
Rads: multifocal interstitial and bronchial pattern
Ct-scan: main lesions with Aelurostrongulosis were multiple nodules
What histopathologic changes are seen with toxocara canis in puppies? (JFMS 2019)
Parasitic pneumonia with necrotizing hepatitis and pancreatitis
Restrospective analysis of pleural effusion in cats (JFMS 2019)
- Diagnosis
Cardiac disease (35%) - had lower body temperature, higher ALT, lower protein and nucleated cells in pleural fluid Neoplasia (31%), pyothorax (had lower BG) (9%), FIP (8.5%) (younger), chylothorax
Anesthetic complication during bronchoscopy? (JFMS 2018)
Desaturation (30%)
use of E-tube or laryngeal mask lowers risk (vs tracheal catheter) as does the use of terbutalline pre-op
Pneumothorax (2.5%), with cardiac arrest in 1.3%
Pleural lymphocytic-rich transudate in cats (JFMS 2018)
- Diagnosis
Cardiac disease (70%) and neoplasia (24%) (either mediastinal lymphoma, carcinoma, thoracic mass)
Single and mixed feline lungworm infection (JFMS 2017)
Coughing, dyspnea, tachypnea
Rads: interstitial or bronchial pattern
25/26 recovered
Positive and expiratory pressure and 30% inspired oxygen on pulmonary mechanics and atelectasia in cats BAL (JFMS 2017)
What was seen following BAL?
What gave better aeration (less atelectasis)
Increase in airway resistance and decrease in lung compliance
30% oxygen
Tracheobronchial FB in cats: 22 cases (JFMS 2017)
4 y/o with coughing (75%)
Thoracic radiographs allowed diagnosis in 92%
50% in tracheal (mineralized or undetermined FB) and 50% in bronchial tree (mostly vegetal), mostly right caudal bronchus
Follow-up in dogs with idiopathic bronchopneumopathy treated with fluticasone (JFMS 2016)
Fluticasone resulted in decrease severity and frequency of cough in all dogs within 1 months, but sometime relapse occurred.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome in dogs and cats: 54 cases (JFMS 2016)
Underlying origin
Survival if on ventilator and overall survival
Aspiration pneumonia (60%) 4/21 were able to come off the ventilator 16% of dogs survived to discharge, no cats survived
Does neurokinin-1-receptor antagonist (maropitant) helps with acute or chronic asthma ? (JFMS 2016)
Light’s criteria and albumin gradient for pleural effusion (JFMS 2016)
Light’s criteria: either transudate or exsudate. If grey zone, use albumin gradient
Stem cell therapy for treatment of feline asthma (JFMS 2016)
By month 9 - normalization of eosinophils within airway, diminished airway hyperresponsiveness and reduce lung attenuation and bronchial wall thickening
Could cyclosporine be consider for feline asthma? (JFMS 2015)
What pulmonary changes are noted in obese cats ? (JFMS 2015)
Decrease tidal volume, decrease minute volume, decrease peak inspiratory and expiratory flow
75 dogs presented for eosinophilic airway disease (JVIM 2019) Presenting complaints Describe the following: Eosinophilic bronchitis Eosinophilic granulomam Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy
Complaints: cough (92%), nasal discharge (28%)
Eosinophilic bronchitis
Less likely to have peripheral eosinophilia, 61% had normal radiographs, airway hyperemia was the main change on bronchoscopy and less likely to have bronchiectasia
Eosinophilic granuloma
Rads: all had bronchial pattern and more likely to have nodular infiltrate on radiographs
Eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy
More likely to have leukocytosis
Recurrent bacterial pneumonia in Irish Woulfhounds (JVIM 2019)
Most common abnormality on CT-scan
Underlying reason
5 y/o with acute tachypnea (100%), dyspnea, fever and cough
Bronchiectasis was the most common finding on CT (but was not noted on other diagnostic means)
No Ig or lymphocytes deficits found
50% eventually die of BP
Major complications after stent in dogs (JVIM 2019)
Yorkie and pomeranian
56% had long-term complications
(25% stent fracture, 19% tissue ingrowth and 12% progressive collapse)
57% have short minor complication (pneumonia and tracheal infection)
MST: 1270 days if no fracture, 600 days if fracture
Longer if < 7 years
Activation of upper respiratory tract innate immune response in cats by liposomal toll-like receptor ligand complex topical (JVIM 2019)
Activates rapid recruitment of monocytes to the nasal and oropharyngeal mucosa
BAL lymphocytosis in 104 dogs (JVIM 2019)
Likely represent a common response to airway injury
Evaluation of metabolic probile and CRP in brachycephalic dogs with upper airway obstructive syndrome (JVIM 2019)
Did if offer valuable information?
Note 76% of those dogs had GI signs with chronic inflammation on histopathology
What are the changes that we can see on videofluoroscopy in brachycephalic breeds (JVIM 2019)
Esophageal disease, prolonged esophageal transit time (21/26), GER (18/28) and hiatal hernia
Can heliox improve flow rate and flow patterns in brachycephalic breeds ?
Liposome toll-like receptor for mucosal protection for herpesvirus (JVIM 2018)
When administered 24 hours prior to inoculation, what was seen in kittens?
less conjunctivitis, higher respiratory scores and decrease shedding
Thoracic ultrasound and NT-proBNP for diagnosis of CHF in cats with respiratory distress (JVIM 2018)
What was the auscultation of those cats?
Which B-line location was most consistent with CHF ?
Is blood or pleural fluid better for BNP assessment?
40% had heart murmur. all cats with gallop had CHF
B-lines were located perihilar with CHF and right cranial with non-cardiogenic diseases
Does air pollution affects respiratory diseases in dogs and cats ? (JVIM 2018)
Nope, except for incent in dogs and cats living in small area
Effect of pheronome for reactivation of herpesvirus (JVIM 2018)
Which finding was associated with herpesvirus?
Placebo were more likely to have ? and less likely?
Placebo: 2.7 x more sneezing, 3.9 less sleeping
Changes in stent diameter and positioning in dogs with tracheal collapse (JVIM 2018)
Is there shortening of stents after placement?`
How to adjust to different between CT and rads?
What can be use to provide accurate mean of measurement to adjust for rads magnification?
Yes (about 10%), but minimal and not relevant<
Add 2-3 mm when selecting the stent should compensate for difference between rads and CT-scan
Lenghts of dorsal cricoid cartilage, C7 and T4 vertebral bodies
Per scintigraphic studies, is nebulization or metered dose inhaler better to acheive higher respiratory tract disposition and uniform disposition?
But still pretty low
Utility of acute-phase proteins for assessment of treatment response in dogs with pneumonia (JVIM 2017)
Which dog required longer hospitalization?
Which protein would be the best diagnostic and follow-up marker?
E.coli (and could also have coagulation abnormalities)
Dogs monitored with CRP received antibiotics less longer than with radiographs, but SAA has a wider range and therefore more pronounced magnitude of change
Dogs with bronchiectasis (JVIM 2016)
Mean of diagnostic (rads vs scope vs CT)
Final diagnosis
Prevalence: 14%
rads: 60%, scope 92% and CT-scan 100%
Diagnosis: pneumonia in 52% (strep, pasteurella), eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (12%) inflammatory airway disease (36%)
Can intermittent esophageal suctioning at home in dogs with megaesophagus that continues to regurgitate despite gastrotomy feeding tube reduce episodes of aspiration pneumonia? (JVIM 2016)
Can neurokinin-1 receptor agnist treat chronic bronchitis in dogs? (JVIM 2016)
Can improve clinically, but do not diminish airway inflammation
Dogs with epiglottic retroversion (JVIM 2015)
Middle age to older overweight small breed female
Clinical sign: stridor and dyspnea
60% Medical (cough suppressor, steroid, sedative and antibiotics ) and 52% surgical: improved with MST at least 2 years
Dogs with dynamic pharyngeal collapse(JVIM 2015)
6.6 years old with 7/9 BSC
Coughing (20/28) and stertor (5/28)
COncurrent disorder: mainstem bronchial collapse (18/28), tracheal collapse (17/28), brachycephalic airway disease (8/28)
Flurosocopy in 20/28
Can we see co-infection of bacterial pneumonia with virus? (JVIM 2015)
Yes - parainfluenza and coronavirus
Does brush cytology is accurate (vs BAL) ? JVIM 2015)
Yes for detection of inflammation, but not the type of inflammation
Use of maropitant for the control of pruritus in non-flea, non-food-induced feline hypersensitivity dermatitis: an open-label, uncontrolled pilot study, JFMS, 2019, Maina
Describe efficacy and tolerability
Efficacy - dose of 2.2 mg/kg PO SID resulted in decreased of both SCORFAD and puritus score
Tolerability - no side effects
- MRI in 30 cats with traumatic brain injury.” Caine. JFMS 2019.
Negative prognostic indicator
70% good outcome (no or minor deficits), 20% died and 10% had poor prognosis
Poorer outcome: extend of paranchyma affected multifocal/bilateral lesions, parenchymal hemorrhage, mass effect (especially caudal transtentorial herniation)
- Comparison of medical and/or surgical management of 23 cats with intracranial empyema or abscessation, JFMS, 2019
MRI findings/location
CSF findings
- 7 y/o male cats with history of bites
- Altered mental status and absence of menance (forebrain localization)
MRI findings/location
- 14/21 had extra-axial lesions
- Forebrain (from bites) 13/21, brainstem (from otitis/retrobulbar) 4/21
CSF findings
- all had neutrophilic inflammation
- E.coli, Corynebacterium, bacteroides, strep, Staph, Actinomyces, Nocardia, enteroccocus (more than one specie)
- Surgical: 9/10 survived (MST 730 days)
- Medically: 8/10 days survived ( MST 183 days) - unasyn and metronidazole
Radiation therapy for intracranial tumours in cats with neurological signs, JFMS 2017
* 20/23 had altered neurological status
* 11/22 had meningioma, 8/22 had pituitary tumor
Outcome * 64% died * 95.5% had improvement * PFS 510 days * MST 515 days No variable associated with survival
Measurement of the normal feline pituitary gland in brachycephalic and mesocephalic cats, JFMS, 2018
Different pituitary measurements between brachycephalic and mesocephalic
Feline hyperesthesia syndrome with self-trauma to the tail: retrospective study of seven cases and proposal for integrated multidisciplinary diagnostic approach.” Batle. JFMS 2018.
1 year
5/7 cats improved on gabapentin
MRI and clinical characteristics of suspected cerebrovascular accident in nine cats JFMS 2018
MRI location
rostral or caudal cerebellar arteries
8/9 survived 48h
Efficacy of zonisamide on interictal electroencephalography in familial spontaneous epileptic cats, JFMS 2018
Interictal praoxysmal discharge post zonisamide was reduced
Meningoencephalitis in cats in Austria: a study of infectious causes, including Encephalitozoon cuniculi, JFMS, 2017
Underlying cause of meningoenceophalitis
48.3% had FIP
15% had toxoplasma
2.3% had fungal
None had encephalitozoon
Therapeutic effects of an alphacasozepine and L-tryptophan supplemented diet on fear and anxiety in the cat, JFMS 2017
Test diet reduced the anxiety response to placement in unfamiliar location, but fear in presence of unfamiliar person was not affected by diet
Neurogenic urinary retention in cats following severe cluster seizures, JFMS 2017
Cluster seizures can lead to urinary retention, but all cats in this study recovered normal micturition within 4 weeks
Levetiracetam in the management of feline audiogenic reflex seizures: a randomised, controlled, open-label study, JFMS 2017
Adverse effects
Reduction in the number of myoclonic seizures was seen in 100% of patients with levetiracetam and 3% in patients with phenobarbital
Lethargy, inappetence and ataxia (mild and transient with keppra and persisted with phenobarbital)
Diagnostic utility of cerebrospinal fluid immunocytochemistry for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis manifesting in the central nervous system, JFMS 2017
Sensitivity / specificity
CSF ICC is highly sensitive (10/11 of cats with FIP without neurological signs had macrophages who were positive) but had low specificity
Glial response in the central nervous system of cats with feline infectious peritonitis, JFMS 2017
Strong astrocytes response, including the presence of less differentiated vimentin-positive astrocytes and gitters cells positive for RCA-1 in severe lesion of cats with FIP
Detection of feline coronavirus in cerebrospinal fluid for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis in cats with and without neurological signs, JFMS 2017
Specificity, sensitivity, PPV and PPN
specificity of 100% in diagnosing FIP
sensitivity of 42.1%,
Increase to 85.7% in cats with neurological or ocular involvement
PPV of 100%
NPV of 57.7%.
Confirmatory field study for the evaluation of ciclosporin at a target dose of 7.0 mg/kg (3.2 mg/lb) in the control of feline hypersensitivity dermatitis, JFMS 2017 Roberts
Adverse effects
Cyclosporine improved lesion score (reduce by 65%)
GI signs, but did not require cessation of therapy
Audiogenic reflex seizures in cats, JFMS 2016, Lowrie
Clinical signs
- About 50% had hearing impairment or were deaf
- 15 years
Main signs: myoclonic seizures (90/96) that was triggered by high-frequency sounds in 20%
Note: 30% of owner felt like this affected their pets’ quality of life
Levetiracetam gave good control
- Cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers-Danlos-like syndrome) of Burmese cats,
What is this disease?
How do you suspect it?
Hereditary collagen dysplasia that is characterized by skin extensibility, fragility and joint hypermobility
Seen in young kitten with local skin lesion post OVH (fluid extravasation in SQ and subsequent necrosis)
Diagnosed by increased skin extensibility by > 23%
Periodic hypokalemic polymyopathy, JFMS 2015
Presentation (breed, clinical signs)
Mutation ?
Genetic disease is burmese with intermittent musclle weakness and muscle pain < 1 year of age
Mutation in the gene WNK4
PCR could help eliminate the condition
Acute motor and sensory polygangluoradiculoneuritis in a cat: clinical and histopathological findings , JFMS 2015
Clinical: acute and rapid progressive LMN and sensory signgs
Histopath: inflammatory infiltrates with necrosis, degeneration and demyelinisation
Therapeutic serum phenobarbital concentrations obtained using chronic transfermal administration of phenobarbital in healthy cats (JFMS 2015)
Topical 9 mg/kg BID dose can be an alternative
Results of oral prednisolone administration or ventrivuloperitoneal shunt placement in dogs with congenital hydrocephalus: 40 cases (2005-2016), JAVMA, 2019, Gillespie
improvement in 50% of medically treated and 54% of surgically treated
Prevalence of electrographic seizure in dogs and cats undergoing EEG and clinical characteristics and outcome for dogs and cats with and without electrographic seizure: 104 cases, JAVMA, 2019, Granum
ES/ESE were common, especially in young animals with a history of cluster seizures, even with only subtle signs of seizures (81%) and mortality rate was high (48 vs 19%)
Evaluation of concurrent analysis of cerebrospinal fluid samples collected from the cerebellomedullary cistern and lumbar subarachnoid space for the diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis arteritis in dogs, JAVMA 2019
CSF results
1 year old males (64%)
85% fever, 52% had focal hyperesthesia (cervical) and 47% had multifocal pain
CSF: usually similar between 2 sites, but 7% would have had false negative with only one sample (especially in older dogs)
Evaluation of diffusion weighted MRI at 3.0 Tesla for differentiation between intracranial neoplastic and noninfectious inflammatory lesions in dogs, JAVMA, Macclellan, 2019
FA values
ADC values
- Meningioma (labrador and boxer, frontal lobe) > Glioma (boxer, frontal and temporal) and noninfectious inflammation (dachshund thalamus, frontal and pons)
FA value were higher for neoplasia and noninfection (vs healthy)
ADC was similar for all but cutoff > 1.443 may be suggestive of neoplasia
Note: Metastatic HSA had dramatically altered apperance
Incidence of and risk factors for major complications or death in dogs undergoing cytoreductive surgery for treatment of suspected primary intracranial masses, JAVMA, 2018,
Negative prognostic indicators
13% died and 18% had major complications (seizures, 11%, worsening neuro status 4% and aspiration pneumonia 4%)
Negative factors: abnormal preop neuro exan and suboccipital surgical approach
Long-term outcome following surgical and radiation treatment of vertebral angiomatosis in a cat, JAVMA, 2018, Hans
Vertebral angiomatosis should be considered as a ddx for any young cat with thoracolumbar myelopathy secondary to mass associated with vertebral pedicle and surgical decompression and radiation therapy provided an excellent outcome
Outcomes of nonsurgical treatment for congenital thoracic vertebral body malformations in dogs: 13 cases (2009–2016), JAVMA, 2018, Wyatt
Clinical signs
Ambulatory paraparesis and ataxia in all dogs
4/13 were euthanized due to progressive neurological status
No treatment worked
Congenital laryngeal paralysis in Alaskan Huskies: 25 cases (2009–2014), JAVMA, 2018
Neuro/histo findings
6 month old huskies with blue eyes (92%), white facial marking (76%) and oral mucosal tags/tissue (52%)
Neuro: mononeuropathy and histo: only atrophy of cricoarythenoid dorsalis muscle
Lateralization showed clinical improvement
Autosomal recessive mode of CLP inheritance with variable penetrance
Acute masticatory muscle compartmental syndrome should be consider as ddx for?
Dogs with sudden onset of severe skeletal muscle swelling, signs of pain and dysfunction, for which an emergent fasciotomy and medical management (steroids) should treat
Seizure etiologic classification and long-term outcome for cats with juvenile-onset seizures JAVMA, 2018, Qahwash
Classification with outcome
Structure epilepsy (47%) (FIP, trauma, congenital or inflammation) 1 year survical = 57%
Idiopathic epilepsy (26%) 1 year survival = 100%
Reactive seizure (26%) from PSS - survival 25% at 1 year
Suspected zonisamide-related anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome in a cat JAVMA, 2017, Collinet
Lymphadenopathy, hyperglobulinemia and cytopenia
Effects of a single preappointment dose of gabapentin on signs of stress in cats during transportation and veterinary examination JAVMA, 2017,
Adverse effects
Lower stress during transport and higher compliance with the vet
Sedation, ataxia, hypersalivation and vomiting
Effect of different types of classical music played at a veterinary hospital on dog behavior and owner satisfaction JAVMA, 2017, Engler
Owner happier if classical music
Pet less anxious if placed in exam room upon arrival (vs waiting room)
Medical management of spinal epidural empyema in five dogs – JAVMA, 2016,
Underlying disease
Disko, prostatis/UTI, penetrating injury, pyothorax
E.coli, pasteurella and corynebacterium
Excellent with medical management (ATB)
Features of stimulus-specific seizures in dogs with reflex epilepsy: 43 cases (2000–2014) – JAVMA, 2016,
5 years
Stimulus: visit to vet clinic, grooming, boarding (often more than 1)
No treatment were efficient
Risk factors for diskospondylitis in dogs after spinal decompression surgery for intervertebral disk herniation – JAVMA, 2016, Canal
Risk factors
- German shepherd (OR 10)
- Older than 8.8 years
- Weight > 20 kg
- Disk protrusion
- Early diagnostic imaging findings in juvenile dogs with presumed diskospondylitis: 10 cases (2008–2014) – JAVMA, 2016, Kirberger
Presentation Rads US CT Conclusion
Signs of vetebral pain less than 3 weeks after blunt trauma, bite or systemic illness
1) narrowed disk space (first)
2) subluxation of adjacent vertebrae (within 2 weeks)
3) vertebral end plate lysis (last)
US: ventral buldging hypoechoic material, loss of normal reverberation artifact
* often detected prior to rads
CT: altered coloration
Atypical compared to adults
Epilepsy in dogs five years of age and older: 99 cases – JAVMA, 2015, Ghormley
Presentation (primary vs secondary)
23% 5-7 years, 45% 8-10 years, 39% 11-13 years and 28% > 14 years
Similar age
Usually associated with abnormal neuro exam (sensitivity 74% and specificity 62%)
Putative precipitating factors for hepatic encephalopathy in dogs: 118 cases – JAVMA, 2015, Lidbury
Severity not associated with ammonia
No association with precipitating factors
Results of magnetic resonance imaging performed within 48 hours after head trauma in dogs and association with outcome: 18 cases – JAVMA, 2015,
Changes on MRI
14/18 had good outcome
Intra-axial changes, extra-axial hemorrhage - best seen on T2-weighted and FLAIR
Subural hemorrhage were most common on side of injury
Open-label clinical trial of rectally administered levetiracetam as supplemental treatment in dogs with cluster seizures JVIM 2019, Cagnotti
Response rate 94% in rectal LEV and 48% in control group
“Predictors of urinary or fecal incontinence in dogs with thoracolumbar acute non-compressive nucleus pulposus extrusion” –JVIM Lorenzo
Outcome UI vs FI
Labs, border collies, Staffordshire terriers
More likely if paraplegic at time of presentation and higher (> 40%) PCSAL
Paraplegic, PSCAL higher than 40%, did not receive NSAIDs and signs of spinal shock at presentation
Cerebrospinal fluid lactate in dogs with inflammatory central nervous system disorders” – JVIM Marianii
47% of dogs with inflammatory CNS disease had elevated CNS lactate, especially with lymphocytic pleocytosis
“Clinical characteristics, breed differences, and quality of life in North American dogs with acute steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis” – Lau, JVIM, 2019
CSF results
Prognosis (include relapse)
Golden, Bernese, Boxer and Wire haired pointing griffon
2/3 fever (wax and wane)
CSF: 72% had neutrophilic inflammation, IgA increased in Europe
Resmission 98%, resolution 54% with relapse 47%
Diagnostic accuracy of stereotactic brain biopsy for intracranial neoplasia in dogs: Comparison of biopsy, surgical resection, and necropsy specimens” – Kani , JVIM 2019
Accuracy of biopsies
24/31 gliomas, 7 meningioma
Glioma grade was under estimated with biopsies
Comparison of intranasal versus intravenous midazolam for management of status epilepticus in dogs: A multi-center randomized parallel group clinical study “ – Charalambous, JVIM 2019
Status stopped in 5 minutes via IN midazolam (76%) and IV midazolam (61%)
Association between improvement of clinical signs and decrease of ventricular volume after ventriculoperitoneal shunting in dogs with internal hydrocephalus, JVIM, 2019, Schmidt
Associated with resolution of > 1 preop clinical signs
Altered vision most often persisted
Focal epilepsy with fear-related behavior as primary presentation in Boerboel dogs, JVIM, 2019, Stassen
Clinical signs
Signs: 3 months - howled, fearful facial expression and trembled
Histo: single large vacuoles in perikaryon of neurons throughout the brain (more so in deep cerebral cortical regions)
Autosomal recessive
Presence of cerebrospinal fluid antibodies associated with autoimmune encephalitis of humans in dogs with neurologic disease, JVIM, 2019, Stafford
19/32 had inflammatory diseases, 10/32 had non-inflammatory
Anti-N-methyl-D-asparate receotir 1 (NMDAR1) were detected in 9.4% of dogs that responded to treatment for MUE
Prevalence of congenital sensorineural deafness in a population of client-owned purebred kittens in the United Kingdom, JVIM, 2019, Mari
Physical characteristic
Physical characteristics
- Present only in white kittens with a prevalence of 30.3% (16% bilateral, 14% unilateral)
Higher in kittens with blue eyes (1 eye 44% and 2 eyes 50%)
Breed: Turkish Vankedisi (47%), Maine Coon (44%), Norwegian Forest (27%)
“Behavioral and clinical signs of Chiari-like malformation-associated pain and syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles spaniels” – Rusbridge
Clinical signs
Vocalization (65%) and spinal pain (55%) - no associated with syrinx severity
Specific to SM: phantom scratching, scoliosis, sensory/motor
“Clinical findings and outcomes of dogs with unilateral masticatory muscle atrophy” – Milodowski
Final diagnosis
30/63 = nerve sheet neoplasia (trigeminal nerve)
13/63 extra-axial mass
18/63 = idiopathic
Absence Seizures as a Feature of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy in Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs, JVIM, 2018, Wielander
New presentation
Clinical Risk Factors for Early Seizure Recurrence in Dogs Hospitalized for Seizure Evaluation, JVIM, 2018, Kwiatkowska
Risks factors for recurrence of seizures
Cause for seizures
Abnormal neurological examination, cluster seizures/status within 72 hours prior were predictor of recurrent (happened in 50% of patients)
Idiopathic (53%)
Structural (52%)
Reactive (40%)
Comparison of electroencephalographic findings with hippocampal magnetic resonance imaging volumetry in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy, JVIM, 2015
Hippocampal asymmetric ratio greater in epileptic dogs
Aleteration on the PTPRQ gene was associated with which disease in which breed?
Congenital hearing and vestibular disorder in young Doberman Pinsher
- Investigation of the Role of Campylobacter Infection in Suspected Acute Polyradiculoneuritis in Dogs, JVIM, 2018, Martinez-Anton
Risk factor
Consumption of raw chicken
Juvenile-onset polyneuropathy in American Staffordshire Terriers, JVIM, 2015
Onset 1-6 months
Clinical signs: generalized motor and sensory disease (100%), laryngeal paralysis (10/14) and megaoesphagus (1)
** Those signs were progressive
Could an etiology could be found in metagenomic investigation of Idiopathic Meningoencephalomyelitis in Dogs?
No infectious agent found
Pharmacokinetics of Single Oral Dose Extended-Release Levetiracetam in Healthy Cats, JVIM, 2018, Barnard
Single 500 mg OP XRL safely maintained serum levetiracetam for at least 21 hours
Population pharmacokinetics of extended-release levetiracetam in epileptic dogs when administered alone, with phenobarbital or zonisamide, JVIM, 2018,
Drug monitoring may be beneficial to determine the most approriate dose of LEV-XR in dogs
Seizure occurrence in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK: prevalence and risk factors, JVIM, 2015
Prevalence - OR
Prevalence: 0.82% with higher risks with
- Pug
- Males
- 3-6 years
- > 40 kgs
- Testing for Bartonella ssp. DNA in cerebrospinal fluid of dogs with inflammatory central nervous system disease, JVIM, 2018, Bartner
None were positive for bartonella - combination of PCR and culture is still the most sensitive tests
Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound Examination in Dogs with Suspected Intracranial Hypertension Caused by Neurologic Diseases, JVIM, 2015
Dogs with increased ICP had higher systolic/diastolic ratio and it could be use to diagnosed ICP
Paroxysmal Dyskinesia in Border Terriers: Clinical, Epidemiological, and Genetic Investigations, JVIM, 2017, Stassen
Signs during episode
Dystonic, muscle fasciculation and falling over
Anti-epileptic drugs: 29/43 and hypoallergenic diet (gluten free)
Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Phosphorylated Neurofilament Heavy as a Diagnostic Marker of Canine Degenerative Myelopathy, JVIM, 2017, Toedebusch
CSF finding
Increased concentration of pNF-H in all stages of DM
> 20.25 was 80% sensitive and 94% specific
Clinical Features, Imaging Characteristics, and Long-term Outcome of Dogs with Cranial Meningocele or Meningoencephalocele, JVIM, 2017, Lazzerini
Clinical Features
Imaging Characteristics
Long-term Outcome
6 months old dogs with seizures and behavioral abnormalities
Imaging - Intra-nasal most common (enhanced protruded tissue)
10/17 dogs ahd adequate seizure control with drugs
Clinicopathologic Features and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in 24 Cats With Histopathologically Confirmed Neurologic Feline Infectious Peritonitis, JVIM, 2017, Crawford
Presentation Clinical syndrome MRI MST Histopathology
Abnormal mentation, tetraparesis, nystagmus and vestibular ataxia
Clinical syndrome
Multifocal CNS (14/24)
Central vestibular (7/24)
T3-L3 myelopathy (3/24)
Meningeal contrast enhacement (22/24), ependymal contrast enhacement (20/24), ventriculomegaly (20/24), synringomyelia (17/24)
MST 14 days
Histo: perivascular pyogranulomatous infiltrates, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate
Affects leptomeninges, choroid plexuses, periventricular parenchyma
Effect of Cranberry Extract on the Frequency of Bacteriuria in Dogs with Acute Thoracolumbar Disk Herniation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial, JVIM, 2017, Olby
No benefit
Genetics of Hereditary Ataxia in Scottish Terriers, JVIM, 2017, Urkasemsin
region on CFA X associated with disease trait
Homozygous PPT1 Splice Donor Mutation in a Cane Corso Dog With Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, JVIM, 2017, Kolichesk
previously unreported breed
Prognostic Factors Associated with Recovery of Ambulation and Urinary Continence in Dogs with Acute Lumbosacral Spinal Cord Injury, JVIM, 2017
Physical examination
Fewer dogs with L4S3 regained continence (vs T3-L3)
Exam: loss of CP, LMN incontinence and non-compressive lesions
Putative Cerebral Microbleeds in Dogs Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Head: A Retrospective Study of Demographics, Clinical Associations, and Relationship to Case Outcome, JVIM, 2017, Kerwin
Risk factors
Older (>10 years) and small breeds (poodles, shih tzu) with vestibular signs
Telencephalon most primary site
The Relationship between Brachycephalic Head Features in Modern Persian Cats and Dysmorphologies of the Skull and Internal Hydrocephalus, JVIM, 2017
High grades of brachycephaly is associated with malformation of calvarial and facial bones and dental malformation - dont breed
A Homozygous RAB3GAP1:c.743delC Mutation in Rottweilers with Neuronal Vacuolation and Spinocerebellar Degeneration, JVIM, 2016, Mhlanga
Similar phenotype than Black Russian Terrier
Characterization of an Inherited Neurologic Syndrome in Toyger Cats with Forebrain Commissural Malformations, Ventriculomegaly and Interhemispheric Cysts, JVIM, 2016, Keating
Clinical signs
Mild (more quiet)
Autosomal recessive mode
Note: MRI had good correlation with histopathology
Clinical and Diagnostic Imaging Features of Brain Herniation in Dogs and Cats, JVIM, 2016, Lewis
Can be quantified on MRI
Degenerative Encephalopathy in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers Presenting with a Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder, JVIM, 2016, Barker
2 months to 5 years
Progressive: movement during sleep, increased anxiety, noise phobia and gait abnormalities
MRI: necrosis secondary to gray matter degeneration, mostly in caudal nuclei
Autosomal recessive
Minimal response to treatment
Longitudinal Study of the Relationship among Craniocervical Morphology, Clinical Progression, and Syringomyelia in a Cohort of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, JVIM, 2016, Cerda-Gonzalez
Craniocervical junction anomalies assessed in this study did not appear to predict future clinical status or SM
Noninvasive Assessment of Neuromuscular Disease in Dogs: Use of the 6-minute Walk Test to Assess Submaximal Exercise Tolerance in Dogs with Centronuclear Myopathy, JVIM, 2016, Cerda-Gonzalez
The Influence of Pituitary Size on Outcome After Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy in a Large Cohort of Dogs with Pituitary-Dependent Hypercortisolism, JVIM, 2016, J. Van
MST: 781 days DFI 951 days
Recurrence: 27% after 555 days. More common with higher pituitary height/brain area ratio and preop UCCR
Pharmacokinetics of Single-Dose Rectal Zonisamide Administration in Normal Dogs, JVIM, 2015, Brewer
Vehicle in which zonisamide is dissolved influence bioavailability - PEG better than H2O
Association between Estrus and Onset of Seizures in Dogs with Idiopathic Epilepsy, JVIM, 2015
Two patterns noted: during heat (38%) and 13% 1-3 months after heat
Clinical Features and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in 7 Dogs with Central Nervous System Aspergillosis, JVIM, 2015, Taylor
3 y/o male German shepherd with multifocal neurological abnormalities (vestibular 5/7)
MRI: normal (3/7) with neutrophilic inflammation on CSF
Clinical Phenotype of X-Linked Myotubular Myopathy in Labrador Retriever Puppies, JVIM, 2015, Snead
Blood work
Presentation: male puppies with XLMTM were smalll and thin, with generalized weakness and muscle atrophy by 7 weeks of age and progressed quickly
Exam: arched spine, low head carriage, short choppy stride, absence patellar reflexes, larygenal, esophageal dysfunction with weakness of masticatory muscles
Blood work: normal CK
Cognitive Function, Progression of Age-related Behavioral Changes, Biomarkers, and Survival in Dogs More Than 8 Years Old, JVIM, 2015
Aimless wandering, staring into space, avoid getting patted, difficulty finding dropped food and anxiety
Plasma Ab42 were increased in CCD
Effect of Chronic Administration of Phenobarbital, or Bromide, on Pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam in Dogs with Epilepsy, JVIM, 2015
Concurrent administration of PB increased LEV clearance in epileptic dog (vs bromide alone)
Effect of Screening Abdominal Ultrasound Examination on the Decision to Pursue Advanced Diagnostic Tests and Treatment in Dogs with Neurologic Disease, JVIM, 2015
Only 1.3% did not pursue MRI due to AUS finding
Note non-dachshund had higher probability of abnormal AUS
Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Multi-slice Computed Tomography for the Detection of Cervical Syringomyelia in Dogs, JVIM, 2015, Kromhout
Computed tomography can be used as a diagnostic tool for SM when MRI is not available, but CT cannot replace MRI as the standard screening technique
Prevalence of Chiari-like Malformations in Clinically Unaffected Dogs, JVIM, 2015, Harcourt-Brown
No asymptomatic non CKCS dogs showed herniation
High prevalence of cerebellar indientation and impaction suggests that they may be normal variants and unsuitable as definition of CM
Risk Factors and Outcomes in Cats with Acquired Myasthenia Gravis (2001–2012), JVIM, 2015
Clinical feature
Abyssinian and Somali cats
Cranial mediastinal mass (thymoma) observed in 52%
Generalized weakness without megaesophagus or dysphagia in 50%
Evaluation of orally administered telmisartan for the reduction of indirect systolic arterial blood pressure in awake, clinically normal cats JFMS 2019, Coleman
BP was lower in cats treated with telmisartan (1-3 mg/kg/days), within 3 hours, up to 2 days after d/c treatment
Effects of oral trazodone on echocardiographic and hemodynamic variables in healthy cats JFMS 2019
Did not affect echocardiogram variables
Did decrease BP
Cardiac troponin I in cats with compromised renal function, Langhorn, JFMS 2019
Cats with compromised renal function had increased serum cTnI (similar than cats with heart disease)
Pharmacokinetics of furosemide after intravenous, oral and transdermal administration to cats, Sleeper, JFMS 2019
IV and oral plasma furosemide had half life of 2.25 h (IV) and 1.2h (plasma) - give at least BID
Furosemide levels very low after transdermal - maybe better after 72 hours - do not use
High-resolution CT evaluation of bronchial lumen to vertebral body (BV), pulmonary artery to vertebral body (BA) and bronchial lumen to pulmonary artery ratios (BA) in Dirofilaria immitisinfected cats with and without selamectin administration, Lee-fowler, JFMS 2018
BV and AV ratios were most consistent in identifying abnormalities when disease was present in bronchial and arteries concurrently
Survival and prognostic factors in cats with restrictive cardiomyopathy: a review of 90 cases JFMS 2018
Prevalence (in cats with cardiomyopathy)
Prevalence (in cats with cardiomyopathy) - 15%
10 y/o male DSH with respiratory distress
Rare heart murmur
MST in cats with respiratory distress = 69 days vs without = 466 days
Infrared thermography: a rapid and accurate technique to detect feline aortic thromboembolism JFMS 2018, Pouzot
Hindlimb temperature lower than 2.4C from FL
Sensitivity 80% (right), 90% (left)
Specificity 100% (PPV 100%)
NPV 75% (right) and 86% (left)
Effects of sedation with dexmedetomidine and buprenorphine on echocardiographic variables, blood pressure and heart rate in healthy cats, JFMS, Johard 2018
Which factors were increased?
Increase in wall thickeness, left atrium, systolic/diastolic and mean arterial BP
Decrease aortic/PA velocity, FS, PA time and HR
Determination of multidirectional myocardial deformations in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography, 2017, Suzuki, JFMS
- Longitudinal and radial deformation were reduced in cats with HCM despite normal systolic function
- If severe symptomatic: lower peak systolic circumferential strain
Increased detection of Dirofilaria immitis antigen in cats after heat pretreatment of sample, 2017, JFMS Gruntmeir
Shelter cats: prevalence from 0.5% to 5.9% and roaming 2.4% to 7.9%
Computed tomography, radiology and echocardiography in cats naturally infected with Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, JFMS, 2017, Lacava
Presentation: coughing (10/14) and dyspnea (5/14)
Rads: generalized unstructured interstitial pulmonary pattern (8/14) with sternal lymph node enlargement (10) - severity associated with changes
CT-scan: mixed bronchointerstitial pattern with ground-glass appearance (6), interstitioalveolar with multiple nodules and lymph node enlargement
Echo: no pulmonary hypertension
Biologic variability of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in adult healthy cats, JFMS, 2017
High individual variability for NT-proBNP
Ambulatory electrocardiogram recordings in cats with primary asymptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, JFMS, 2017
Heart rate (145) and VPC (80% of cats with 3 VPC) was similar than healthy cats
Serum acute phase proteins in Dirofilaria immitis and Wolbachia seropositive cats, JFMS 2017
Which one were elevated
SSA and ceruplasmin were higher in animal with clinical signs
Haptoglobin was elevated in all seropositive animals
Evaluation of red blood cell distribution width as a prognostic indicator in cats with acquired heart disease, with and without congestive heart failure, JFMS 2017
RDW associated with? not associated with ?
RDW no associated with survival in cats
- cats with CHF had higher value (16.3%) vs cats without (15.8%)
- Higher in cats with unclassified cardiomyopathy (16.3%) vs other (15.8%)
Survival in cats with primary and secondary cardiomyopathies, JFMS 2016
Final diagnosis
53% HCM (purebred and male) - most had asymmetrical IVS. MST 865 days (worst if aymmterical LVFW)
14% RCM (higher proportion of female). MST 273 days
32% seconday
< 50% of cardiac deat
Familial cardiomyopathy in Norwegian Forest cats, Marz JFMS 2015
Exam: none had heart murmur
25% had mild LV hypertrophy, all a false tendon
Necropsy: myocyte hypertrophy, myofibre disarray and interstitial fibrosis (HCM), endomyocardial fibrosis (RCM)
Associations between valentine heart shape, atrial enlargement and cardiomyopathy in cats
Conclusion of echo findings
93% had cardiac disease
83% had evidence of cardiomyopathy
- 41% had biatrial enlargement
- 41% UCM, 38% HCM, 21% RCM
** Not accurate to associated valentine heart with HCM
Effects of IM sedation with alfaxolone and butorphanol on echocardiographic measurements in healthy cats, Ribas, JFMS 2015
LA:Ao and FS/EF were significantly decreased
Which complication can be seen with long-term PPA?
Myocardial hyperthrophy
Effects of milbemycin oxine, combined with spinosad, when administered orally to microfilaremic dogs infected with adult heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) JAVMA 2018, Grant
Side effects
Dogs remain positive - should not be used
Diagnostic value of vertebral left atrial size as determined from thoracic radiographs for assessment of left atrial size in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease JAVMA 2018, Malcolm
How to measure it?
Line draw from center of ventral carina to caudal left atrium (by the vena cava) and draw line from T4
If > 2.3 - predictor of LA enlargement
Echocardiographic evaluation of velocity ratio, velocity time integral ration, and pulmonary valve area in dogs with pulmonary valve stenosis JAVMA 2018, Ruiz
Does medication (torb and atenolol) can affect?
Butorphanol - did not affect
Atenolol - decrease mean pulmonary gradient but does not alter less flow dependent methods of assessment of PS severity
Comparison of major complication and survival rates between surgical ligation and use of a canine ductal occlude device for treatment of dogs with left-to-right shunting patent ductus arteriosus JAVMA 2018, Ranganathan
CDO - patients, outcome
Surgical ligation
Old and bigger, with more remodeling. Female Labradors, Border Collie, German Shepherd
Longer procedure
No complication and all survived
Surgery Young and small, female Shorter procedure, more arrhythmia Complication: ligation of ascending aorta, lung laceration, hemorrhage, residual ductal flow Suvival: all but one
Ambulatory electrocardiographic evaluation of the occurrence of the occurrence of arrhythmias in healthy Salukis JAVMA 2018, Sanders
40% had complexe arrhythmia, HR 56 and BAv 2nd degree
Entomological and sociobehavioral components of heartworm (Diroliaria immitis) infection in two Florida communities with a high or low prevalence of dogs with heartworm infection JAVMA 2018, Ledesma
How many preventative?
71% gave prevention
If not - lack of information or cost
Retrospective comparison of short-term outcomes following thoracoscopy versus thoracotomy for surgical correction of persistent right aortic arch in dogs JAVMA 2018, Nucci
Complications: hemorrhage, chylothorax, cauterization of lung tissue
Similar outcome
- Seroprevalence of heartworm infection, risk factors for seropositivity, and frequency of prescribing heartworm preventives for cats in the United States and Canada, JAVMA, 2017, Levy
Seroprevalence 0.4% in USA and 0% in canada
- Higher in south, coinfection with retrovirus, outdoor access, unhealthy, intact male
Effects of various factors on Doppler ultrasonographic measurements of radial and coccygeal arterial blood pressure in privately owned, conscious cats, JAVMA, 2017, Wittermore
Which one is best
Coccygeal artery is recommended to reduce confounding effects of age and sarcopenia
Neuromuscular blockade and inspiratory breath hold during stereotactic body radiation therapy for treatment of heart base tumors in four dogs JAVMA 2017, Kelsey
Which drugs?
atracurium or veruconium
Accuracy of point-of-care lung ultrasonography for the diagnosis of cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs and cats with acute dyspnea, JAVMA 2017, Ward
Sensitivity 84%
Specificity 74%
- False positive with diffuse interstitial or alveolar disease
- Higher specificity in cats
Ventricular arrhythmias in Rhodesian Ridgebacks with a family history of sudden death and results of a pedigree analysis for potential inheritance patterns JAVMA 2016, Meurs
30% had ventricular tachyarrhythmia
No structural lesion on echo or necropsy
Autosomal recessive pattern
Sensitivity, specificity, and interobserver variability of survey thoracic radiography for the detection of heart base masses in dogs, JAVMA 2016, Guglielmini
Rads are specific for not sensitive
- Epidemiological, clinical, and echocardiographic features and survival times of dogs and cats with tetralogy of Fallot: 31 cases (2003–2014), 2016, Chetboul
Echocardiogram findings
Terriers with exercise intolerance (90%), dyspnea (58%) and/or cyanosis (52%)
1) PS with single (64%) obstruction and mostly valvular or subvalvular lesions (84%) and severe in 59%
2) Hypoplasia of pulmonary trunk (> 33%)
3) Large ventricular defect
Median age at death was 2 years
25% survived to 7 years
Detection of heart rate and rhythm with a smartphone-based electrocardiograph versus a reference standard electrocardiograph in dogs and cats, JAVMA 2016, Kraus
Surgical and nonsurgical management of patent ductus arteriosus in cats: 28 cases JAVMA 2015, Hutton
All cats had murmur (>4 in 78%)
- only 32% had continuous murmur (vs 100% in dogs
65-81% did not have signs
- If signs: exercise intolerance, S+/C+, thinner, dull, tachypnea, strong pulses and increased respiratory effort
Surgical ligation succesful in 73% (complication: hemorrhages, laryngeal paralysis, voice change, fever, chylothorax)
No-sugery: 75% died
- Signalment, clinical features, echocardiographic findings and outcome of dogs and cats with ventricular septal defects: 109 cases (1992-2013) JAVMA 2015, Bomassi
Isolated in 48%
81% of those were asymptomatic and remained as such
If signs: dyspnea, cough, paradoxal breathing, exercise intolerance
Breeds: Terriers/Frenchie (14%) and DSH (66%)/maine coon (11%)
Echo: 75% membranous or perimembranous with 96% left to right
VSD diameter and VSD-to-aortic diameter ratio were significantly correlated with pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratio
A pilot study investigating circulating trimethylamine N-oxide and its precursors in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease with or without congestive heart failure, Karlin – 2019, JVIM
TMAO, L-carnitine, carnitine esters / free carnitine ratio were higher in dogs with CHF
Cardiorenal and endocrine effects of synthetic canine BNP1-32 in dogs with compensated congestive heart failure caused by myxomatous mitral valve disease, yata – 2019, JVIM
SQ injection resulted in rapid absorption
Did not influence measured cardiorenal variables
Plasma aldosterone were below quantifiable levels in majority of dogs
Clinical features of canine pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis – 2019, JVIM Reinero
Diagnosis (rads/CT)
Older (11 y/o), large breed, acute respiratory distress
Diagnosis (rads/CT)
Rads: patchy/diffuse interstitial to alveolar pattern, enlarged pulmonary arteries
CT: pulmonary arterial enlargement and perivascular diffuse nodular ground-glass opacity
Outcome (MST 3 days)
10/15 died within 1 day
Combined interventional procedure and cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in a dog with cor triatriatum dexter, patent foramen ovale, and pulmonary stenosis– 2019, JVIM Marchesotti
surgical correction under CPB was an efficient treatment choice for CTD associated with PFO
- Comparison between real-time 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional biplane echocardiographic assessment of left atrial volumes in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease – 2019, JVIM, Tidholm
SMOD systematically underestimated (7%) whereas ALM systematically overestimated (24%) LA volumes in dogs with MMVD
Echocardiographic indices and severity of mitral regurgitation in dogs with preclinical degenerative mitral valve disease – 2019, Larouche-Lebel JVIM
i. Regurgitant fraction, EROA, and QMR:QAo quantify MR severity in dogs with preclinical DMVD in a manner that 1-dimensional measurements do not.
Echocardiographic quantitation of left heart size and function in 122 healthy dogs: A prospective study proposing reference intervals and assessing repeatability– 2019, Visser, JVIM
LA and LV were correlated with body weight
Intervals for linear measurements of LV chambers size were narrower than previously reported
Efficacy of long-term oral telmisartan treatment in cats with hypertension: Results of a prospective European clinical trial – 2019, Glaus, JVIM
Efficacy - reduce BP by 19 mmHg at day 14 and 25 mmHg at day 28
Safe (dose 2mg/kg)
Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evaluation in dogs with hypothyroidism before and after levothyroxine supplementation: A prospective controlled study – 2019, Guglielmini, JVIM
• significantly decreased heart rate, P wave amplitude, and R wave amplitude, E-point-to-septal separation normalized to body weight (EPSSn), trans-mitral E wave velocity at T0
Normalized after treatment
This study do not justify considering hypothyroid-induced cardiac changes as identical to DCM
Evaluation of a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I assay compared to a first-generation cardiac troponin I assay in Doberman Pinschers with and without dilated cardiomyopathy – 2019, Klusser, JVIM
hs-cTNI > 0.113 had sensitivity of 81% and specificity of 73% for detection of DCM
- those dogs may benefit from earlier recheck
Incidence and risk factors associated with development of clinical cardiotoxicity in dogs receiving doxorubicin – 2019, Hallman, JVIM
Prevalence of cardiomyopathy (risk factors)
Prevalence of 4%
Higher risks:
- Breed (boxer, doberman, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Newfoundland, Cocker)
- Higher cumulative dose, higher body weight, decrease FS after 5 doses (<15%), VPC
MST after clinical signs = 29 days
Layer-specific myocardial function in asymptomatic cats with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy assessed using 2-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography – 2019, Suzuki,
In cats with HCM
- Longitudinal strains were lower
- Circumferential strains were lower
- Circumferential endocardial-to-epicardial strain ratio was higher in cats with HCM
Lidocaine for chemical cardioversion of orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia in dogs – 2019, Wrigth, JVIM
27/32 experienced cardioversion before/at time of side effects (dose 2mg/kg)
** Higher in dogs with right free wall accessory pathway
Plasma and tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity and plasma equilibrium concentrations of angiotensin peptides in dogs with heart disease – 2019, Larouche-Lebel, JVIM
ACE2 present in kidney and myocardial tissue and was significantly increased in dogs with CHF
increases in the median concentrations of beneficial angiotensin peptids (1-7) in dogs with CHF vs preclinical disease
Risk factors and select cardiac characteristics in dogs naturally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi presenting to a teaching hospital in Texas – 2019, Meyers, JVIM
Prevalence: 16.8% were younger and had increased risk if infected housemate/littermate
Features: more likely to have ventricular arrhythmia (but 20% had normal ECG) and had cTnI > 0.129
Speckle tracking echocardiography in cats with preclinical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – 2019, Spalla, JVIM
preclinical HCM have decreased long axis and radial deformation
Anatomy, baseline characteristics, and procedural outcome of patent ductus arteriosus in German Shepherd dogs” – Wesselowski. 2019, JVIM
12 months 10 kg dogs with 50% having clinical signs (8/14 CHF manifested by pulmonary edema, ascites and Afib) and 8/28 arrhythmia (3 Afib, 5 VPC)
Features: 17/28 dogs had type IIA
Also 10 had concurrent disease (9/10 subaortic stenosis and 3 persistent left cranial vena cava)
MST: 8 years
Clinical, epidemiological and echocardiographic features and prognostic factors in cats with restrictive cardiomyopathy: A retrospective study of 92 cases (2001-2015). JVIM, 2019, Chetboul.
Classification Presentation (breed, signs, concurrent diseases) Echo MST
83/92 had myocardial RCM and 9/92 had endomyocardial
DSH and Birman
70% had clinical signs (68% CHF signs, 5 % ATE)
81% abnormal cardiac auscultation (59% heart murmur, 26% gallop, 17% arrhythmia)
21% had infectious disease (FIV, pyometers, UTI, bronchitis, FIP, pyometra)
Echo: 38% bilatrial enlargement, 24% LAE
MST: 667 days
Shorter if bialtrial enlargement, arrhythmia, increased LA:Ao
Clinical features and outcome in 25 dogs with respiratory-assocaited pulmonary hypertension treated with sildenafil” – JVIM 2019 Johnson
Correlation between tricuspid regurgitation and QOL
Underlying diagnosis
- 12 y/o with Chihuahua, westies with syncope (64%), cough (56%), difficulty breathing (32%)
Correlation between tricuspid regurgitation and QOL : NO
Underlying diagnosis: interstitial lung disease> tracheobronchomalacia> inflammation/ infectious > BOAS
Sildenafil lower tricuspid regurgitation (except BOAS)
50% died within 6 months.
Eosinophilic bronchitis survived over 5 years
Clinical and laboratory findings and survival time associated with cardiac cachexia in dogs with congestive heart failure” – JVIM 2I19 neson
Characteristics of dogs with cachexia
MST with risks factors
11 y/o Chihuahua and CKCS
Characteristics of dogs with cachexia (130/269)
- Older
- Tachyarrhythmia/DCM
- Lower HCT, BP, Cl, albumin
MST (294 days) with risks factors
- Shorter if cachexia, arrhythmia, azotemia, under/overweight
Evaluation of a sensitive cardiac troponin I assay as a screening test for the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats. JVIM, 2019, Hertzsch.
cTnI - cutoff 0.06 ng/mL (sensitivity 92%, specificity 95%) and the value correlates with LVFWd
The use of focused cardiac ultrasound to screen for occult heart disease in asymptomatic cats. JVIM, 2019, Loughran
Risk factors
86% of cats with heart disease were identified by non-specialist
Older, heavier, male cats
Evaluation of benazepril in cats with heart disease in a prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. JVIM, 2019, King.
Safe at 0.5-1 mg PO SID
Not useful
Comparison between the effects of torsemide and furosemide on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system of normal dogs. Journal of veterinary cardiology, 2019, Potter.
Torsemide had 38% greater diuresis, but no difference in renin, Angiotensin, aldosterone, UCCR, weight, HR, BP, BUN, creatinine, Na or K
Transient Myocardial Thickening (TMT) in Cats Associated with Heart Failure, Novo Matos JVIM 2018,
Characteristics of cats with TMT
- 2 years (vs 8 years)
- Thinner left ventricular walls
- Mild increase in LE and decrease atrial FS
- Normalized wtihin 3 months
CHF resolved in 20/21 in cats with TMT and 15/21 in HCM
Plasma NT-proBNP and Cell-Free DNA Concentrations after Prolonged Strenuous Exercise in Working Farm Dogs, Hunt, JVIM 2018,
Baseline increase after work
Baseline increase after work
Evaluation of point-of-care thoracic ultrasound and NT-proBNP for the diagnosis of congestive heart failure in cats with respiratory distress, Ward, JVIM 2018
- LAE: sensitivity 97% specificity 100%
- Pericardial effusion sensitivity 60% specificity 100%
- Better > 1 site with > 3 B-lines
- sensitivity 94% specificity 72%
Establishment of reference values of the caudal vena cava by fast-ultrasonography through different views in healthy dogs, Darnis JVIM 2018,
mesured at HV and PV
Diagnostic utility of cardiac troponin I in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Hori JVIM 2018,
- higher in diseased cat and higher than CHF
- 0.163 = sensitivity 62% and specificity 100% for normal vs asymptomatic
- 0.234 = sensitivity 95% vs specificity 78% for CHF
Longitudinal Analysis of Quality of Life, Clinical, Radiographic, Echocardiographic, and Laboratory Variables in Dogs with Preclinical Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease Receiving Pimobendan or Placebo: The EPIC Study, Boswood JVIM 2018,
Effect of pimobendan
- Reduces heart size
- Improve outcome and increase time CHF
- Mild increase in FS
- Lower RR and HR
Symmetric dimethylarginine in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus JVIM 2018, Langhorn
Compare SDMA with disease
SDMA higher for renal
SDMA lower with DM
SDMA normal with HCM/CHF
Restrospective evaluation of the effect of the effect of heart rate on survival in dogs with atrial fibrillation JVIM 2018, Pedro
Presentation: male Dogue Bordeaux, Labrador, GSD
Outcome: MST with HR<125 (1037) vs HR>125 (105)
** stricter rate control aproach
Clinical finding and survival time in dogs with advanced heart failure JVIM 2018, Beaumier
Duration of stage C to D
163 days
MST stage D 281 days
Longer if high furosemide dose, non-hospitalization
Angiostrongylosis in dogs with negative fecal and in-clinic rapid serological tests: 7 cases (2013-2017) JVIM 2018, Canonne
How to diagnose
ELISA for Ab and qPCR on BAL
Atrioventricular accessory pathways in 89 dogs: Clinical features and outcome after radiofrequency catheter ablation JVIM 2018, Wright
Labradors (47%), Golden, Boxer, English Bulldogs
Lethargy, GI (V+, A-)
Echo: dilation of left side
ECG: mostly right sided
Treatment: radiofrequency catheter ablation successfull in elimination of AP conduction in 99%
Vfib, electrical dissociation, neuro deficits from CPR
Efficacy of pentamidine analogue 6 in dogs with chronic atrial fibrillation JVIM 2018, Szatmari
Side effects
Did not cause cardioversion, no change in QRS and no change in RR interval
Adverse include VPC, laryngeal paralysis
Prognostic value of echocardiographic indices of left atrial morphology and function in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease JVIM 2018, Toaldo
Predictor of cardiac death
- mitral valve E wave velocity
- LAVmax (left atrial maximal volume) appears the strongest predictor
Comparison of the mitral valve morphologies of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and dogs of other breeds using 3D transthoracic echocardiography JVIM 2018, Menciotti
-Smaller annulus and tenting height (flatter)
A prospective randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of sacubitril/valsartan (Entresto) in dogs with cardiomegaly secondary to myxomatous mitral valve disease JVIM 2018, Newhard
Adverse effects
Urinary aldosterone to creatinine ratio was lower in Entresto group (inhibitory effect of RAAS activation)
No adverse effects
Echocardiographic evaluation of the right ventricular dimension and systolic function in dogs with pulmonary hypertension JVIM 2018, Vezzosi
Right ventricular end diastolic area
- increase in dogs with moderate/severe PH
- increased in R-CHF
- correlates with severity of TR
Echocardiographic evaluation of the RAA index in dogs with pulmonary hypertension JVIM 2018, Vezzosi
RAA index
- Higher in dogs with moderate/severe PAH
- Higher in dogs with R-CHF
- Value of >12.3 had sensitivity of 100% and specificity 90% for R-CHF
Acute echocardiographic effects of sotalol on ventricular systolic function in dogs with ventricular arrhythmias JVIM 2018, Visser
Most indices had mild decrease in systolic function
Decrease HR, VPC/5minutes and arrhythmia grade
Effect of calibration methods on the accuracy of angiographic measurements during transcatheter procedures in dogs JVIM 2018, Markovic
Angiographic image calibration using ruler placed on fluoroscopy table underestimates size and structure by about 10% as compared with a marker catheter placed within the esophagus
Effect of prespecified therapy escalation on plasma NT-proBNP concentration in dogs with stable congestive heart failure due to myxomatous mitral valve disease JVIM 2018, Hezzell
Decision to escalate treatment made on NT-proBNP concentration rather than clinical signs allows effective targeting of treatment with CHF in dogs
Comparative, multidimensional imaging of PDA and proposed update to the morphology classification system for dogs JVIM 2018, Doocy
TEE-3D provided view that cannot be replicated, especially in diastole
Short-Term Efficacy and Safety of Torasemide and Furosemide in 366 Dogs with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease: The TEST Stud JVIM 2017,
Torsemide was associated with 2 fold reduction in risk of reaching the composite cardiac endpoint as compare to furosemide
Relationship between Device Size and Body Weight in Dogs with Patent Ductus Arteriosus Undergoing Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder Deployment, Wesselowski JVIM 2017
Weight-based assumptions about expected ACDO device size for a given patient are not recommended
Naturally Occurring Biventricular Noncompaction in an Adult Domestic Cat, Kittleson, JVIM 2017
Echo appearance
moth-eaten appearance to the inner wall of the mid- to apical region of the left ventricle (LV) in cross section and trabeculations of the inner LV wall that communicated with the LV chamber
Mitral Regurgitation Severity and Left Ventricular Systolic Dimension Predict Survival in Young Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Reimann JVIM 2017,
Moderate to severe MR, even if intermittent, and increased LVIDSN in CKCS <3 years of age were associated with cardiac death later in life
Markers of Oxidative Stress in Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease are Influenced by Sex, Neuter Status, and Serum Cholesterol Concentration, Reimann JVIM 2017,
Results - heart vs non-heart
None associated with clinical stage
oxLDL lower in female
c-tocopherol higher in neutrered animals
vitamin E and BSC
- Long-term Stability of a Compounded Suspension of Torsemide (5 mg/mL) for Oral Administration, Adin JVIM 2017,
OraPlus:Sweet (1:1) buffered to ppH of 8.3
Investigation of an N-Terminal Prohormone of Brain Natriuretic Peptide Point-of-Care ELISA in Clinically Normal Cats and Cats With Cardiac Disease, Harris, JVIM 2017,
Positive= cardiac disease likely present
Effect of Body Position, Exercise, and Sedation on Estimation of Pulmonary Artery Pressure in Dogs with Degenerative Atrioventricular Valve Disease, Rhinehart, JVIM 2017,
Significant increase in peak TR flow velocity after sedation in 80%
Clinical Characteristics of Adult Dogs More Than 5 Years of Age at Presentation for Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Boutet, JVIM 2017
7 y/o female (65%)
Cardiomegaly with left ventricular (91%) and atrial (86%) enlargement
None had right to left shunt
Outcome: signs improve or resolve with PDA closure and PH should not be consider a contra-indication
Cardiac Troponin I and Amino-Terminal Pro B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in Dogs With Stable Chronic Kidney Disease, Pelander, JVIM 2017,
increased circulating concentrations of cTnI and NT-proBNP can be interpreted similarly in dogs with stable CKD as in dogs without CKD
Blood Pressure Measurements in 780 Apparently Healthy Cats, Payne JVIM 2017,
Median systolic BP: 120 mmHg
Higher with old age,, nervous, male, neuter, stray
- Balloon Valvuloplasty of Tricuspid Stenosis: A Retrospective Study of 5 Labrador Retriever Dogs, Lake-Bakaar JVIM 2017,
SIgns: weakness/syncope (4/5), abdominal distension (4/5), lethargy (2/5), exercise intolerance (2/5)
4/5 R-CHF
3/5 persistent left cranial vena cava
Right atrial pressure decreased in 4/5, but only 2 had resolution of CHF and clinical signs can recur
Association between Survival Time and Changes in NT-proBNP in Cats Treated for Congestive Heart Failure, Pierce, JVIM 2017
Longer survival
- larger decrease in NT-proBNP from admission to discharge
- receiving pimobendan
Assessment of Lung Ultrasound B-Lines in Dogs with Different Stages of Chronic Valvular Heart Disease JVIM, Vezzosi, 2017,
LUS detected pulmonary edema with sensitivity on 90% and specificity 93%
N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Phonocardiography in Differentiating Innocent Cardiac Murmurs from Congenital Cardiac Anomalies in Asymptomatic Puppies Marinus, JVIM 2017
No difference
No difference
- Puppies with and without murmur
- Male vs female
- Healthy adult vs puppy
- Puppy with heart disease = higher
BUT some with severe PS had normal values, do if within difference range do not rule out congenital abnormalities
Innocent murmur had shorter murmur to systole duration ratio and lower murmur to S1 amplitude ratio
Plasma N-Terminal Probrain Natriuretic Peptide, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Cardiac Troponin I as Novel Biomarkers of Hypertensive Disease and Target Organ Damage in Cats, Bijsmans JVIM 2017
Higher HT-ocular disease had higher VEGF, but was not useful diagnostic for hypertension
NT-proBNO decrease with antihypertensive treatment
Factors Influencing the Relationship Between the Dose of Amlodipine Required for Blood Pressure Control and Change in Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Cats, JVIM, 2016, Bijsmans
The decrease BP was associated with the level of elevation at time of diagnosis and plasma amlodipine concentration
Effects of 0.5% Timolol Maleate Ophthalmic Solution on Heart Rate and Selected Echocardiographic Indices in Apparently Healthy Cats, JVIM 2016, Gunther-Harrington
Decreases HR
Serum Concentrations of Leptin and Adiponectin in Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease, JVIM 2016, Martinelli
Leptin higher in dogs with MVD
Adiponectin lower in dogs with MVD, but increases according to severity of signs. Also associated with FS and LVIDs
Preliminary Investigation of Cardiovascular–Renal Disorders in Dogs with Chronic Mitral Valve Disease, JVIM 2016, Martinelli
Dogs with MVD had higher prevalence of CKD and anemia
Anemia did not correlated with survival, but CKD did
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width, Hematology, and Serum Biochemistry in Dogs with Echocardiographically Estimated Precapillary and Postcapillary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, JVIM 2016, Ledesma
Higher RBC width with:
- Severe hypertension (from chronic respiratory disease, HW, PTE, MVD)
- Elevated BUN
- Decrease HCT
- Increased age
- Increased WBC
Effect of Body Weight on Echocardiographic Measurements in 19,866 Pure-Bred Cats with or without Heart Disease, JVIM 2016, Romano
Dimension increased with higher weight
Predictors of Sudden Cardiac Death in Doberman Pinschers with Dilated Cardiomyopathy JVIM 2016, Kluser
Volume overload of left ventricle (LVEDV/BSA > 91.3 mL/m2)
Atrial Fibrillation as a Prognostic Indicator in Medium to Large Sized Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valvular Degeneration and Congestive Heart Failure JVIM 2016, Jung
Prevalence: 50% had Afib
MST With Afib (142 days) Longer if well controlled, which was done via diltiazem and digoxin
Without Afib (234 days)
Long-term Intrinsic Rhythm Evaluation in Dogs with Atrioventricular Block JVIM 2016, Santilli
The degree of AV block shoud not be considered definitive because > 30% of cases either worsened of improved
Prognostic Value of Right Ventricular Tei Index in Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valvular Heart Disease, JVIM 2016, Nakurama
Right ventricular Tei index had a strong correlation with prognosis
Differentiation of Cardiac from Noncardiac Pleural Effusions in Cats using Second-Generation Quantitative and Point-of-Care NT-proBNP Measurements JVIM 2016, Hezzel
Plasma sensitivity 95%, specificity 82%
Pleural sensitivity 100%, specificity 76%
greater in pleural than plasma – should have different cutoff
Plasma sensitivity 95%, specificity 87%
Pleural sensitivity 100%, specificity 65%
Long-term Outcome of Irish Wolfhound Dogs with Preclinical Cardiomyopathy, Atrial Fibrillation, or Both Treated with Pimobendan, Benazepril Hydrochloride, or Methyldigoxin Monotherapy JVIM 2016
Pimonben prolonged time to onset of CHF more than benazepril or methydigoxin
Complication Rates Associated with Transvenous Pacemaker Implantation in Dogs with High-Grade Atrioventricular Block Performed During versus After Normal Business Hours JVIM 2015, Ward
Prevalence 18%
Included lead dislodgement, infection (all afterhour), pacing failure
Higher afterhour (28%) vs during hours (9%)
Prevalence and Prognostic Importance of Pulmonary Hypertension in Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease, JVIM 2015, Borgarelli
Prevalence - risk factors
Prevalence 39% - higher in stage C
MST - 567 days
Worst if stage C, PH, LA:Ao > 1.7
Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of a Chewable Formulation of Amlodipine for the Treatment of Hypertension in Client-Owned Cats JVIM 2015, Huhtinen
Efficient to reduce BP
Serum Cardiac Troponin I Concentrations in Dogs with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome JVIM 2015, Hamacher
Prognostic indicator
Survivor had lower cTnI concentration
Monitoring did not provide additional information
Canine Pancreatic-Specific Lipase Concentrations in Dogs with Heart Failure and Chronic Mitral Valvular Insufficiency JVIM 2015, Han
Increase cPL with advanced heart failure
correlation to serum cPLI concentration was found with LA:Ao
Relationship of Body Size to Metabolic Markers and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Cats JVIM 2015, Lee
Presentation - 5y/o
24% had heart murmur, 10% had gallop and 4% had arrhythmia
Cuf-off of 0.6 cm for hypertrophy might not be appropriate for all size
Use of Multidetector Computed Tomography in the Assessment of Dogs with Pericardial Effusion JVIM 2015, Scollan
Underlying reason
Neoplasia 6/11 (right atrium in 5, heart base in 1)
Did not improve detection over echo
Echocardiographic Evaluation of Myocardial Changes Observed After Closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Dogs JVIM 2015, Lee
Closure of PDA resulted in decreased preload because of alleviation of LV volume overload, which caused transient deterioration of LV systolic function
The Role of Hypothyroidism in the Etiology and Progression of Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Doberman Pinschers JVIM 2015, Beier
did not confirm a role of hypothyroidism in the etiology or progression of DCM. Treatment of hypothyroidism did not improve the clinical outcome
Response and outcome following toceranib phosphate treatment for stage 4 anal apocrine gland adenocarcinoma in dogs: 15 cases (2013-2017), JAVMA, Elliot, 2019
Presentation: cocker with tenesmus / flat stools
Outcome: 13/15 had clinical improvement, no had side effects and PFI/MST was 350 days
However, no dogs had complete or partial response to palladia and it may not be an appropriate treatment alone
Adverse events and outcomes in dogs with appendicular OSA treated with limb amputation and a single SQ infusion of carboplatin JAVMA, Santamaria, 2019
MST 196 days (vs 8-18 months) and 3/45 required hospitalization for GI signs
Do not recommend SQ protocol
Comparison of body condition score and other minimally invasive biomarkers between dogs with gastric carcinoma and dogs with chronic gastritis , JAVMA, Seim-Wilkse, 2019
Characteristics of dogs with gastric carcinoma
Dogs with carcinoma were:
- Older (> 8 years)
- Thinner (BSC < 4)
- Had lower folate
- Increased CRP (> 25)
Retrospective evaluation of anemia and erythrocyte morphological anomalies in dog with lymphoma or inflammatory bowel disease, JAVMA, Cyril!!, 2019
Characteristics of dogs with lymphoma
- Higher frequency of anemia (53% vs 22%)
- > 3 RBC abnormalities (sensitivity and specificity about 70%)
- Presence of eccentrocytes (29% vs 4%)
Prevalence of malignancy in masses from the mammary gland region of dogs with single or multiple masses , JAVMA, Litterine-Kaufman, 2019
Frequency of malignancy?
Substitution of mitoxantrone for doxorubicin in a multidrug chemotherapeutic protocol for first line treatment of dogs with multicentric intermediate to large cell lymphoma, JAVMA, Elliot, 2019
Difference ?
Adverse effects
No difference in PFI 165 vs 208) and MST (348 vs 234 days)
Averse event were 20% and mild
Outcomes and adverse effects associated with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in dogs with nasal tumors: 28 cases (2011-2016), JAVMA, Mayer, 2019
Comparable, but lower frequency of acute adverse effects
Histologic evaluation of mandibular and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes during staging of oral malignant melanoma and SCC in dogs, JAVMA, Grimes, 2019
- Local was similar: melanoma (37%) and SCC (29%)
- Median retropharyngeal affected in 13/16
- Distant was most frequent with melanoma (41% vs 1)
Histologic evaluation of only 1 mandibular LN is insufficient and lymphadectomy is recommended
Retrospective study of survival time and prognostic factors for dogs with small intestinal adenocarcinoma treated by tumor excision with or without adjuvant chemotherapy, JAVMA, Smith, 2019
Most common location
Male with v+, weight loss, A-, D+, abdominal pain and constipation > 3 months
26% had palpable abdominal mass and only 48% had mass visualized during AUS
30% were anemic
Jejunum, mets to mesentery in 41% and omentum in 21%
MST: 544 days
* Longer if < 8 years old
Conclusion: fair prognosis even with LN metastasis
Complication and outcomes associated with unilateral thyroidectomy in dogs with naturally occurring thyroid tumors, JAVMA, Reagan, 2019
Complications: 20%
8% had hemorrhage and 3% had aspiration pneumonia
Outcome: 98% survived to discharge. MST 911 days, even with tumor > 7 cm
Apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma in cats: 30 cases (1994-2015)
13 y/o cat with perineal ulceration or discharge (85%). Also tenesmus (21%) and hyporexia (10%). Most (90%) are normocalcemic
Outcome: MST/DFI 250 days. Lower with local recurrence (37%) and high nuclear pleomorphic score
The Utrecht Score: A novel histopathological scoring system to assess the prognosis of dogs with cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumors. Sanders, VCO, 2019
Survival and risks factors
Recurrence 40%
MST: 4.5 years Lower (died within 2.5 years) with: - > 3 cm - clear vacuolated cytoplasm - Necrosis - Ki67 PI
Molecular markers of prognosis in canine cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumors. Sanders, VCO, 2019
Poor survival associated with:
Poor survival associated with:
- Steroidogenic factor-1
- Pituitary tumour-transforming gene-1
- Topoisomerase II alpha
- Utrecht score
Use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound in the Differential Diagnosis of Adrenal Tumors in Dogs. Bargellini, JAAHA, 2016
Contrast agent Presentation Histopathology AUS CT
Contrast agent
10y/o with or without clinical signs (Cushing`s, collapse, retinal detachement)
40% adenoma, 28% adenocarcinoma, 28% pheo 4% lipoma
Irregular margins more frequent with tumor
Pheo had increased enhacement
Outcome and clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical factors associated with prognosis for dogs with early-stage anal sac adenocarcinoma treated with surgery alone: 34 cases (2002–2013), JAVMA, Skorupski, 2018
- those dog had tumor < 3.4 cm and no metastasis
MST 1237 days
7/34 had recurrence
9/34 developed metastasis
Association of magnetic resonance imaging–based preoperative tumor volume with postsurgical survival time in dogs with primary intracranial glioma, JAVMA, MacLellan, 2018
MST 185 days
Volume not associated with outcome
Evaluation of metronomic cyclophosphamide chemotherapy as maintenance treatment for dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma following limb amputation and carboplatin chemotherapy, JAVMA, Mastuyama, 2018
No increase in PFT or survival time
Intestinal lymphoma in dogs: 84 cases (1997–2012), JAVMA, Sogame, 2018
MST (with risk factors)
Vomiting, anoreixa and diarrrhea x 2-3 months
AUS: altered thickening with loss of layering (41/84) and > 1 discrete mass
91% had T cell lymphoma
MST 62 days
Shorter if anorexia, septic peritonitis or metastasis
** Not improved with CHOP or CCNU
Association of surgical approach with complication rate, progression-free survival time, and disease-specific survival time in cats with mammary adenocarcinoma: 107 cases (1991–2014), JAVMA, Gemignani, 2018
Outcome (risk factors)
Complication present in 20% if unilateral, 36% if bilateral, but staged, 41% if single bilateral
PFI 542 days if bilateral and 289 days if unilateral
Also shorter if ulceration, LN metastasis, fourth mammary gland
Chemotherapy associated with decreased risk of disease specific death
Outcomes following surgical excision or surgical excision combined with adjunctive, hypofractionated radiotherapy in dogs with oral squamous cell carcinoma or fibrosarcoma
Effects of RT (SCC vs FSA)
Not reached with SCC
557 daus for FSA
SCC longer MST if incomplete excision
FSA no effect
Outcomes of the addition of pasireotide to traditional adrenal-directed treatment for dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism secondary to macroadenoma: 9 cases (2013–2015), JAVMA, 2018
no adverse effect
After 6 months: 6/9 had decreased size and 3/9 had increased
Safety and efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone administration for treatment of mast cell tumors in dogs: 23 cases (2005–2011), JAVMA, 2018
Response rate
Adverse reaction
67% had either complete (4/16) or partial (12/16) response
Adverse: local hemorrhage vs ulcer
Can bilateral SUB device placement enlable en bloc mass resection and provide relief for ureteral obstruction?
Usefulness of chemotherapy for the treatment of very elderly dogs with multicentric lymphoma, JAVMA, Moore, 2018
MST (risk factors)
Adverse effects
MST 202 days
Shorter with anemia, longer if CHOP vs prednisone alone
27% had adverse effects
Cytologic comparison of the percentage of mast cells in lymph node aspirate samples from clinically normal dogs versus dogs with allergic dermatologic disease and dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumor, JAVMA, 2017
% of mast cell (healthy, atopy, MCT)
% of mast cell
healthy 0%
atopy 0.05%
MCT 0.4%
Mets: 3/16 had normal palpable LN
Colonoscopy and histologic features of rectal masses in dogs: 82 cases (1995–2012), JAVMA, Adamovich, 2018
71% benign (polyp vs adenoma)
29% adenocarcinoma
Discrepancy in 5/16
Evaluation of clinical and histologic factors associated with survival time in dogs with stage II splenic hemangiosarcoma treated by splenectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy: 30 cases (2011–2014), JAVMA, 2018
MST - risk
MST 158% and shorter with higher mitotic score
Incidence of blood transfusion requirement and factors associated with transfusion following liver lobectomy in dogs and cats: 72 cases (2007–2015), JAVMA, 2018
Incidence of blood transfusion (dogs vs cats)
17% dogs and 44% of cats
Mortality rate: 8% dogs and 22% of cats - higher in dogs than required transfusion
Malignant collision tumors in two dogs, JAVMA, Scott, 2017
2 most common combilation
1) MCT + STS
2) HSA + carcinoma
Can endovascular stent placement provide a useful palliative treatment for chylothorax secondary to vascular compression by heart based mass
Palliative radiation therapy for solid tumors in dogs: 103 cases (2007–2011), Tollett JAVMA, 2016
Tumor/clinical response
134 days
Prevalence of adrenal gland masses as incidental findings during abdominal computed tomography in dogs: 270 cases (2013–2014), Baum, JAVMA, 2016
Prevalence (risks)
9.3% - higher if older and other neoplasia
Comparison of conventional magnetic resonance imaging and nonenhanced three dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography findings between dogs with meningioma and dogs with intracranial histiocytic sarcoma: 19 cases (2010–2014), Ishikawa JAVMA, 2016
Meniogioma vs Sarcoma
Meningioma: hyperintense
Histiocytic sarcoma: iso or hypointense
Is surgery an adequate treatment for myxomatous neoplasia of the temporomandibular joint?
No - clinical signs recurred within 2 weeks
Evaluation of local toxic effects and outcomes for dogs undergoing marginal tumor excision with intralesional cisplatin-impregnated bead placement for treatment of soft tissue sarcomas: 62 cases (2009–2012), Bergman JAVMA, 2016
47% had toxicosis (including neutropenia)
29% reocurred
Better prognosis if grade 1 or 2 STS
Does excluding prednisone for the L-CHOP protocol result in an improved PFS for dogs with stage III lymphoma?
Transfusion practices for treatment of dogs undergoing splenectomy for splenic masses: 542 cases (2001–2012), Lynch JAVMA, 2015
Transfusion (risk factor)
Transfusion in 44%
Higher if hemoperitoneum and malignancy
92% survived, higher odds of death if received transfusion
Transcatheter arterial embolization for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in a cat, Iwai JAVMA, 2015
1) marked increase in LE post procedure
2) Necrosis
3) No recurrence
Survival time of dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma treated by splenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy: 208 cases (2001–2012), Wendelburg JAVMA, 2015
MST (risk factors)
MST longer with lower clinical stage and prolonged within the first 4 months with chemotherapy
Splenic liposarcoma in dogs: 13 cases (2002–2012), Gower, JAVMA, 2015
Outcome (risk factors)
Similar to dog with other splenic issue. Mass was 5-20 cm
MST 623, lower if metastasis (ALL TO LIVER) and higher than grade 1
Outcomes of dogs undergoing radiotherapy for treatment of oral malignant melanoma: 111 cases (2006–2012), Kawabe JAVMA, 2015
Stage 1: 758 days (longer)
Stage 2: 278 days
Stage 3: 163 days
higher with orthovoltage x-ray vs megavoltage x-ray
Stage 4: 80 days
Implant-associated neoplasia in dogs: 16 cases (1983–2013), Burton JAVMA, 2015
Type of cancer
5.5 years post placement
More in HL and more in diaphysis
All sarcoma (OSA 13/16)
Comparison of 2- and 3-category histologic grading systems for predicting the presence of metastasis at the time of initial evaluation in dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors: 386 cases (2009–2014), Stefanello JAVMA, 2015
More likely to have metastasis if
Panaik grade 3 or Kiupel high grade
Clinical effects of vinorelbine administration in the management of various malignant tumor types in dogs: 58 cases (1997–2012), Wouda, JAVMA, 2015
43% had stable disease and 43% had progressive disease
Appears effective
Surgical excision of anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinomas with and without adjunctive chemotherapy in dogs: 42 cases (2005–2011), Potanas, JAVMA, 2015
Risk factors for MST and DFI
Presentation: 50% female, all neuter and 20% had hypercalcemia
MST: shorter with sublumbar lymphadenopathy or underwent LN excision
DFI: shorter if ublumbar lymphadenopathy or underwent LN excision
“Feline Ocular Post-Traumatic Sarcomas.” Wood. JFMS 2019.
6 years post trauma and change in color
Enucleation is gold standard
MST 7-11 months (usually have recurrence)
Feline large-cell lymphoma following previous treatment for small-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma: incidence, clinical signs, clinicopathologic data, treatment of a secondary malignancy, response and survival – Wright, JFMS 2019
Prevalence 10% after 543 days
MST once new diagnosis 25 days
Duodenum 8/9, ileum 6/9
Response, disease-free interval and overall survival of cats with nasal planum squamous cell carcinoma treated with a fractionated vs a single-dose protocol of strontium plesiotherapy – Berlato, JFMS 2019
One dose: response, DFI
Fractionated: DFI
One dose had complete response in 74% and DFI 250 days
Fractionated DFI 2000 days
Overall MST 1040 days
Better with early stage, absence of concurrent problem and complete response
Comparison of definitive-intent finely fractionated and palliative-intent coarsely fractionated radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment of feline microscopic injection-site sarcoma – Rossi, JFMS 2019
PFI 2000 days which is similar between both groups, except if first occurance which benefited from finely fractionated radiotherapy
No cats developed metastasis
Feline injection site sarcoma: immunohistochemical characteristics – Carneiro, JFMS 2019
86% FSA (22% grade III, 30% grade II and 50% grade I) and 14% other sarcoma
IHC 81% desmin 100% vimentin 95% S-100 19% c-KIT 62% COX-2 42% FeLV stains
Prognostic factors for cats with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal planum following high-dose rate brachytherapy – Lino , JFMS 2019
Presentation Outcome - Response rate - PFI - MST
11 y/o cats with single lesion
- Response rate: complete 72%, partial 24% and none in 2%
- PFI: 316 days (recurrence 316 days)
- MST: 835 days
Shorter with male, upper lip affected, larger lesion, existance of previous treatment and tumour response
Feline maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis: a retrospective study of 13 cases and proposal for a new classification – Ngo, JFMS 2019
Clinical form
Response to treatment
Female (9/13), sphynx (9/13), duration 8 months
Clinical forms
- Polymorphic maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
Large papular lesion on head, shoulder, neck and axillar that may spontaneously resolve
- Monomorphic maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
Erythematous dermatitis with crusts. Poor prognosis - Pigmented maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
chronic dermatitis with lichenification and hyperpigmentation
Variable response to treatment
Evaluation of long-term outcome and prognostic factors of feline squamous cell carcinomas treated with photodynamic therapy using liposomal phosphorylated
Response rate
Response rate 84% (complete 61%, partial 22%)
PFI 35 months
MST 40 months
Worst with invasion, larger lesions
No difference between 10 and 20 J protocol
Flow cytometry for feline lymphoma: a retrospective study regarding pre-analytical factors possibly affecting the quality of samples – Martini, JFMS 2018
21G yielded highest cellularity
Mechlorethamine, vincristine, melphalan and prednisolone rescue chemotherapy protocol for resistant feline lymphoma – Martin, JFMS 2018
Response rate
Adverse effect
Response rate: 7/12 (3 complete and 4 partial)
Adverse effect:
5/12 had neutropenia
1/12 had mild GI toxicity
Pilot study: duodenal MDR1 and COX2 gene expression in cats with inflammatory bowel disease and low-grade alimentary lymphoma – Castro, JFMS 2018
IBD (20/29)
Younger and higher BSC
Male DSH and siamese
fPL increased in 50%
LGAL (9/29) - mostly T cells
MDR1 and COX2 were increased
More likely to have low proteins, low albumin and low B12
Post-chemotherapy perforation in cats with discrete intermediate- or large-cell gastrointestinal lymphoma – Crouse, JFMS 2018
Prevalence and risk factor
Prevalence of 17% and weight loss within 15-28 days meant greater risks for perforation
Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) use in cats with mast cell neoplasia– Berger, JFMS 2018
Categoris with clinical efficacy
cutaneous (22/50)
86% had clinical benefit for 36 weeks
Gastrointestinal (17/50)
76% had clinical benefits for 23 weeks
splenic/hepatic (visceral) (10/50)
80% had clinical benefits for 48 weeks
Association between ultrasonographic appearance of splenic parenchyma and cytology in cats – Bertal, JFMS 2017
Moth apperance
Splenic mass > 1 cm
Best transducer
Moth appearance had sensitivity of 13% and specificity of 85%
Splenic mass had sensitivity of 21% and specificity of 95%
High frequency transfucer improved detection of changes
Feline glioma: a retrospective study and review of the literature – Rissi, JFMS 2017
Final diagnosis
Presentation: 8 y/o MN (9/13) DSH (12/13)
Telencephalon (8/13)
Oligodendrioma (6/13) and anaplastic astrocytoma (2/13)
Histologic evaluation of Ki-67 and cleaved caspase-3 expression in feline mammary carcinoma – Griffin, JVIM 2017
Diagnosisi: 47% had tubulopapillary carcinoma and most were grade I
Ki67 positive in 28%
Caspase-3 positive in 21%
Non-ocular melanomas in cats: a retrospective study of 30 cases – Chamel, JFMS 2017
Location: 13/33 oral, 11/33 cutaneous non-auricular (mostly on the head) and 6/33 pinna
Prognosis poorer with achromic phenotype and better with surgery
Recurrence 45% and 30% of metastasis
Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) in cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma – Wiles, JFMS 2017
Response rate
Side affects
Effects of NSAIDs
Response rate
56% with MST 123 vs 45 days
Side affects: mild GI, hepatotoxicity
Effects of NSAIDs improved survival
Role of thyroid transcription factor-1 in the diagnosis of feline lung–digit syndrome – Finotello, JFMS 2017
What method was used to confirm diagnosis
TEM confirmed ciliated epithelium
Safety of administering the canine melanoma DNA vaccine (Oncept) to cats with malignant melanoma – a retrospective study – Sarbu, JFSM 2017
Side effects
Pain, muscle fasciculation, A-, depression, nausea and pigment at injection site
Tolerability of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) when used in conjunction with other therapies in 35 cats with feline oral squamous cell carcinoma: 2009–2013 – Olmsted, JFMS 2017
6/35 cats (5 GI and 1 metabolic)
Toxicity and response in cats with neoplasia treated with toceranib phosphat – Harper, JFMS 2017
10/14 cats (10 myelosuppression or GI, 2 hepatotoxicity and 1 CHF)
Clinical findings, diagnostics and outcome in 33 cats with adrenal neoplasia – Gideon, JFMS, 2016
Final diagnossis
Complaints: weakness (12/33), respiratory signs (4/33)m blind 4/33 abd GI 3/33%
Hypertension 13/33
Final diagnosis:
17 had carcinoma, 13 had adenoma, 3 pheochromocytoma
16 had increased aldosterone, 1 had increased estrogen and 1 had all
Conclusion: 5 cats had low cortisol beforehand
Evaluation of prognostic factors and survival rates in malignant feline mammary gland neoplasms – De Campos, JFMS, 2016
Factors correlated with outcome
35% had LN mets
HER-2, COX-2 and histological grade
Feline intestinal mast cell tumours: clinicopathological characterisation and KIT mutation analysis – Sabattin, JFMS, 2016
Decreased survival associated with
Location: 10/17 is SI, 2/17 ileoceacal junction and 5/17 in large intestines
Decreased survival associated with poor differentiation and >2 mitotic index
Feline cutaneous mast cell tumours: a UK-based study comparing signalment and histological features with long-term outcomes – Melville, JFMS, 2015
Presentation Location Outcome Histopathology ** new category
11 y/o siamese
Located most commonly on head if young and trunk in youngs
17.4% died of MCT
High index decreased survival
Well-differentiated 66%
pleomorphic 20%
Atypical 8%
** well differentiated with prominent multinucleated cells (3/5 died, older)
Adjuvant chemotherapy with mitoxantrone for cats with mammary carcinomas treated with radical mastectomy– Cunha, JFMS 2015
Adverse effect
Presentation: 12 y/o intact (or late spay) siamese with either stage I or III
DFI 360 days and MST 480 days (useful)
Adverse effect: azotemia, leukopeina and vomiting
Exploration of paclitaxel (Taxol) as a treatment for malignant tumors in cats: descriptive case series – Hartmann, JFMS 2016
Adverse effects
2/9 thrombocytopenia, 3 GI signs (2 vomiting and 1 constipation) and 2 hypersensitivity
** Safe at dose of 80mg/m2
Sonography and sonoelastography in the detection of malignancy in superficial lymph nodes of dogs, JVIM, Belotta, 2019
Factors associated with malignancy
Larger, higher prevalence of mixed vascular distribution, higher resistivity index, pulsatile index and higher elasticity score
Associations of environment, health history, T-zone lymphoma, and T-zone-like cells of undetermined significance: A case-control study of aged Golden Retrievers, JVIM, Labadie 2019
Hypothyroidism (OR 0.3), omega-3 (OR 0.3) and mange (OR 5.5) were significantly associated with TZL
Cutaneous and subcutaneous metastasis of appendicular osteosarcoma in dogs: 20 cases, JVIM, 2019, Cyril!!
Mtastasis 17/19 85% in lungs and 5% bone metastsis
MST: longer if surgery + chemo (94 days) vs chemo (64 days) vs none (11 days)
Effects of the potassium-sparing diuretic amiloride on chemotherapy response in canine osteosarcoma cells, JVIM, 2019, Poon
Effects with doxo vs carboplatin
Amiloride synergized with doxorubicin (upregulate p53 and downregulate Akt phosphorylation, exhibited metabolic switching reduction in glycolytic)
Antagonistic with carboplatin
Evaluation of hepatic tumor portal perfusion using mesenteric angiography: A pilot study in 5 dogs, JVIM, 2019
Blood supply to large and metastatic hepatic tumor in dogs arises from hepatic artery and no portal vein
Evaluation of serum thymidine kinase 1 activity as a biomarker for treatment effectiveness and prediction of relapse in dogs with non-Hodgkin lymphoma , JVIM, 2019, Boyé
sTKI1 activity was > 20 in 88% dogs with lymphoma
Lower with complete response
a 5-fold increase in sTK1 activity at a 4-week interval predicted relapse at the subsequent 4-week assessment
Glutathione S-transferase theta genotypes and environmental exposures in the risk of canine transitional cell carcinoma , JVIM, 2019, Luethecke
Associated with household insecticide (4.3) and decreased if proximity to a fard (OR 0.5)
Hepatic copper and other trace mineral concentrations in dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma, JVIM, 2019, Harro
Dogs with HCC
HCC had greater hepatic cooper concentration and lower trace mineral
Plasma-free amino acid profiles in dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma, JVIM, 2019, Leela-arporn
Could not differentiate between normal and benign and are not useful biomarker
Lower urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma in cats: Clinical findings, treatments, and outcomes in 118 cases – Griffin, JVIM 2019
Presentation (age, clinical signs, blood work) Location Post-op complications MST Effect of NSAIDs Metastasis
15 years old cat with hematuria (74/118), stranguria (59/118), anorexia, lethargy, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Obstruction in 12/118
BUN increased in 50%
Culture positive in 10/67 (Ecoli, Enterococcus, bacillus, Staph)
AUS: trigone 32/118, 28/118 ventral, 16/118 dorsal
Complications: septic peritonitis 2/28, uroperitonetum 1/28 and seen mostly in cats with urethral location
MST longer with surgery (294 vs 176 with just chemo vs 46 days if no)
NSAIDS associated with longer MST
Metastasis in 25/118
Prevalence, distribution, and clinical characteristics of hemangiosarcoma-associated skeletal muscle metastases in 61 dogs: A whole body CT study”. Carloni, JVIM 2019.
Only seen on post contrast as well demarcated oval to round lesion mostly epaxial/paraspinal (66%) or appendicular (40%)
100% had other sites of metastasis
“Polymerase chain reaction for antigen receptor rearrangement: Benchmarking performance of a lymphoid clonality assay in diverse canine sample types”. Ehrhart. JVIM 2019.
Ultrasound Characterisitcs of feline urinary bladder TCC are similar to canine TCC” – Hamlin, 2018
Localization dogs vs cats
15 y/o
Feline TCC mid-body (35%), or apical (35%) with 15 single and 5 multiple masses
Canine TCC more likely to be trigonal (50%)
Survival analysis in dogs with urinary TCC that underwent whole-body CT at diagnosis” – Iwasaki
Dachshunds and Corgi
Localization 16 bladder, 26 urethra, 23 bladder and urethra
(good accuracy CT and AUS)
Metastasis: 50% LN, bone 25% and lungs 35%
MST 196 days (longer if bladder - 420 days)
c-Kit Mutation and Localization Status as Response Predictors in Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs Treated with Prednisone and Toceranib or Vinblastine, JVIM 2018,
Efficacy pred+toceranid or vinblastine
c-Kit effects
Pred+toceranid or vinblastine had similar PFS and survival
c-kit did not predict treatment response
Clinical Evaluation of Tavocept to Decrease Diuresis Time and Volume in Dogs with Bladder Cancer Receiving Cisplatin, JVIM 2018, Henry
Response rate
Adverse effect
Response rate 27% and comparable to cisplatin alone, but quicker (90 minutes vs 6 hours) and decrease azotemia (still presence in 21%)
Comparison of two melphalan protocols and evaluation of outcome and prognostic factors in multiple myeloma in dogs, JVIM 2018, Fernandez
Pulse vs daily dose
Negative factors
Other conclusion
Similar effect (MST 930 days) and well tolerated
Renal disease and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was negative prognostic factor
Five dogs with normal looking spleen and liver had evidence of infiltration
Effects of Toceranib Phosphate on the HypothalamicPituitary-Thyroid Axis in Tumor-Bearing Dogs, JVIM 2018, Hume
Disrupt axis - monitor thyroid function
Efficacy of Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Sialocele in Dogs, JVIM 2018, Poirier
54% complete response and 45% had partial remission
Can be useful with total dose of 16 or 20 in 4 Gy fractions
Plasma cytokeratin-18 concentrations as noninvasive biomarker of early gastrointestinal toxicosis in dogs receiving toceranib, JVIM 2018, Kovac
CK18 was not a clinically useful biomarker for the early detection of GI toxicosis secondary totoceranib administration in dog with MCTs
Relationship of the mucosal microbiota to gastrointestinal inflammation and small cell intestinal lymphoma in cats, JVIM 2018
Fusobacterium higher in cats with lymphoma
(correlated with CD11+ and NF-kB)
Bacterioides higher in cats with lymphoma
Retrospective evaluation of toceranib phosphate (Palladia®) use in the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of dogs, JVIM 2018, Berger
5/7 dogs with gross disease experienced clinical benefits
PFI lower if metastasis and high mitotic index
Peritoneal lymphomatosis is a rare manifestation of lymphoma metastasis and is associated with which type of lymphoma ?
Alimentary B cell
Stereotactic radiation therapy for the treatment of functional pituitary adenomas associated with feline acromegaly, JVIM 2018, Wormhoudt
Adverse effects
Male 80%
MST 1072
95% had decreased in insulin dose - permanent in 62% and temprary in 38%
Adverse reaction included hypothyroidism in 14% and one had mydriasis and weak PLR
Alternating Rabacfosadine/ Doxorubicin: Efficacy and Tolerability in Naıve Canine Multicentric Lymphoma, JVIM 2017, Thamm
Unusual adverse effects
In addition to GI and hematologic changes, 13/54 had dermatological and 5 had pulmonary fibrosis
Efficacay similar, with less visits
Canine Cutaneous Plasmacytosis: 21 Cases (2005–2015), JVIM 2017, Boostrom
Presentation: golden and labrador
Treatment response rate:
Melphalan and prednisone 74%
Lomustine 71%
Comparative Assessment of the Accuracy of Cytological and Histologic Biopsies in the Diagnosis of Canine Bone Lesions, JVIM 2017, Romano
40 OSA, 5 chondrosarcoma, 2 FSA, 3 poorly differentiate sarcoma, 6 carcinoma
Accuracy similar between cytology and biopsies
Evaluation of Weight Change During Carboplatin Therapy in Dogs With Appendicular Osteosarcoma, JVIM 2017, Story
Nothing had prognostic factor
JAK1/2 Inhibitors AZD1480 and CYT387 Inhibit Canine B-Cell Lymphoma Growth by Increasing Apoptosis and Disrupting Cell Proliferationx, JVIM 2017, Lu
AZD1480 and CYT387 inhibit canine lymphoma cell growth in a dose-dependent manner
- Association between Body Condition Score and Cancer Prognosis in Dogs with Lymphoma and Osteosarcoma, JVIM 2016, Romano
Negative vs positive
Negative prognostic factors:
- underweight + lymphoma
- Anemia
- T-cell lymphoma
- Gained 10% of weight
Association of Canine Osteosarcoma and Monocyte Phenotype and Chemotactic Function, JVIM 2016, Romano
Dogs with OSA
Decreased monocyte chemokine receptor expression and monocyte chemotaxis (Lower CCR2 and CXCR2)
Breed Distribution and Clinical Characteristics of B Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Dogs, JVIM 2016, Bromberek
11 y/o small breed dog or 6 y/o English Bulldog
50% presented with lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, 26% had anemia and 15% thrombocytopenia
Downregulation of CXCR4 Expression and Functionality After Zoledronate Exposure in Canine Osteosarcoma, JVIM 2016, Byrum
Zolendronate alter expression of CXCR4 (which is present in all dogs with OSA)
Effect of Ovariohysterectomy at the Time of Tumor Removal in Dogs with Mammary Carcinomas: A Randomized Controlled Trial, JVIM 2016, Kristiansen
i. Dogs with grade 2, ER-positive tumors, or with increased peri-surgical serum E2 concentration represent a subset of dogs with mammary carcinomas likely to benefit from OHE, but not all
Effects of Toceranib Phosphate on Systolic Blood Pressure and Proteinuria in Dogs, JVIM 2016, Tjostheim
BP was higher after initiation of treatment (37% had BP > 160 mmHg)
Frequency and Severity of Neutropenia Associated with Food and Drug Administration Approved and Compounded Formulations of Lomustine in Dogs with Cancer, JVIM 2016, Romano
All dogs with FDA were neutropenic post administration, but only 25% had neutropenic post compounded
Mutation of p53 Gene and Its Correlation with the Clinical Outcome in Dogs with Lymphoma, JVIM 2016, Koshimo
16% had p53 mutation
Those dogs had lower response rate (33% vs 88%) and survival was shorter (67 days vs 264 days)
Treatment of MRI-Diagnosed Trigeminal Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors by Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Dogs, JVIM 2016, Romano
Survival 745 days and no acute adverse effects
Risk Factors Associated with Development of Histiocytic Sarcoma in Bernese Mountain Dogs, JVIM 2016, Romano
Increased risk
Orthopedic condition (OR 2.5) NSAIDs lowered risks (OR 0.3)
Thymidine Kinase Type 1 and C-Reactive Protein Concentrations in Dogs with Spontaneously Occurring Cancer, JVIM 2016, Selting
increased concentrations of TK1 and cCRP present in dogs with cancer
Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Dogs – Budreckis, JVIM 2015
Pre-chemo: 25%
During chemo: 55%
* Increased risk if female and urethral/ trigonal involvement
Staph (24%) and E.coli (20%)
Electroporation Enhances Bleomycin Efficacy in Cats with Periocular Carcinoma and Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head– Spugnini, JVIM 2015
Response rate
Response rateL 89% (complete 21 and 2 partial)
PFI 30.5 month - longer
Histiocytic Sarcoma with Central Nervous System Involvement in Dogs: 19 Cases (2006–2012) – Marian, JVIM 2015
Retrievers 26% and Corgis 47%
Brain 14/19 and spinal cord 5/19
Confirmed only in CNS in 15/19
CT - meningeal enhancement in all dogs
Pleocytosis in all dogs
Consistently involved the meninges
Infrared Thermography in Dogs with Mammary Tumors and Healthy Dogs – Pavelski, JVIM 2015
Dogs with mammary tumors had significantly higher thermographic temperature compared with unaffected glands regardless of the tumor size and the location
Insulin-Like Growth Factor—Phosphatidylinositol 3 Kinase Signaling in Canine Cortisol-Secreting Adrenocortical Tumors – Kool, JVIM 2015
ERBB2 might be a promising therapeutic target in ATs in dogs, whereas ID1 and 2 might be valuable as prognostic markers and therapeutic target
Pulse-Administered Toceranib Phosphate Plus Lomustine for Treatment of Unresectable Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs – Burton, JVIM 2015
Well tolerated and reasonable treatment option
Randomized Phase III Trial of Piroxicam in Combination with Mitoxantrone or Carboplatin for First-Line Treatment of Urogenital Tract Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Dogs – Allstadt, JVIM 2015
did not detect a different in outcome in dogs with TCC treated with either mitoxantrone or carboplatin in combination with piroxicam
The Association of Endothelin-1 Signaling with Bone Alkaline Phosphatase Expression and Protumorigenic Activities in Canine Osteosarcoma– Neumann, JVIM 2015
OSA cells express endothelin-1 and endothelin A receptor and had increased ALP associated with osteoblastic lesions
The Prognostic Value of Perioperative Profiles of ACTH and Cortisol for Recurrence after Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy in Dogs with Corticotroph Adenomas– Rijin, JVIM 2015
28% had recurrence
High ACTH 5 hours after surgery, high cortisol 1 and 4 hours after surgery, high normalized ACTH 3 hours after surgery, high normalized cortisol 4 hours after surgery and the random slope of cortisol were associated with a shorter disease-free period
Urinary and Plasma Catecholamines and Metanephrines in Dogs with Pheochromocytoma, Hypercortisolism, Nonadrenal Disease and in Healthy Dogs– Griffin, JVIM 2015
Measurement of normetanephrine is the preferred biochemical test for PC and urine was superior to plasma
Feline non-regenerative immune-mediated anemia: features and outcome in 15 cases, JFMS, 2015, Black
Presentation Other BW findings Imaging Bone marrow Outcome
young male cats with lethargy, dysorexia, weight loss and pica
50% had neutropenia, 80% hypokalemia, elevated ALT, Coombs positive in 50%
3VT: 70% had cardiomegaly and AUS had hepatomegaly and prominent LN
Bone marrow: 46% PRCA and 53% NR IMHA
Time to clinical remission 12-42 days
86% survived to discharge
Routine plasma biochemistry analytes in clinically healthy cats: within-day variations and effects of standard meal, JFMS, 2015, Reynolds
Which values had significant variable
BUN and creatinine were higher in afternoon and creatinine
Clinical efficacy and safety following dose tapering of ciclosporin in cats with hypersensitivity dermatitis, JFMS, 2016, Roberts
Adverse effects
After 4 weeks induction period, the majority of cats were able to be tapered either to EOD (16%) or twice a week (63%)
Adverse effects were mild and self limiting (V+/D+) and were higher with daily administration (73%)
Infection with haemoplasma species in 22 cats with anaemia, JFMS, 2016
12/22 had Candidatus mycoplasma haemominutum, 3/22 had haemofelis, 2/22 Candidatus turicensis
6/22 were euthanazied within 11 weeks
PCR negative in 5/7 after 3-23 weeks
Reactivation in 2 cats
Assessment of platelet function in healthy cats in response to commonly prescribed antiplatelet drugs using three point-of-care platelet function tests, JFMS, 2017, Ho
Platelet function analyzer 100 and plateletwork may be use to detect decreased platelet function in response to clopidogrel treatment, but not aspirin
Change in haematological and selected biochemical parameters measured in feline blood donors and feline whole blood donated units, JFMS, 2017, Spads
Decrease in:
Increase in:
Decrease in: RBC, Hg, HCT, RBC width, WBC, pH and postassium
Increase in: platelets, glucose and sodium
Comparison of different anticoagulant associations on haemostasis and biochemical analyses in feline blood specimens, JFMS, 2017, Granat
CTAD cannot be used for primary haemostasis investigation but could be a suitable (almost) universal anticoagulant for routine haematology, as well as for plasma coagulation and many biochemistry variables (not AST and potassium)
Cutpoints for screening blood glucose concentrations in healthy senior cats, JFMS, 2017, Reeve-Jonhson
If value 117-189 - retest several hours after
if value > 189 or > 116 after second test - fasting glucose and glucose tolerance after overnight hospitalization
Diagnostic performances of manual and automated reticulocyte parameters in anaemic cats, JFMS, 2018, Paltrinieri
Ret% (cut-off: 0.5%) was sensitive (100%) but not specific (<75%),
RPI (cut-off: 1.0) was specific (>92%) but not sensitive (<15%),
Ret# (cut-off: 50 × 10³/µl) had a sensitivity and specificity >80%
Feline primary erythrocytosis: a multicentre case series of 18 cats, JFMS, 2018, Darcy
10/18 had mentation changes and seizures
PCV 70%
Survival 16/18 to discharge and 14 survived over 17 months
Retrospective study of 152 feline cytological bone marrow examinations: preliminary classification and ranges, JFMS, 2018, Turinelli
50% had hyperplasia
< 6% of blast
Mostly granulocyte and erythroid
15% had dysmyelopoiesis
20% were positive for FeLV, blast < 19%
Male overrepresented
11% neoplasia
Mostly lymphoma
10% aplastic anemia
Mostly females
Can compound clopidogrel result in comparable plasma concentration?
Haematological and morphological evaluation of feline whole blood units collected for transfusion purposes, JFMS, 2019, Spada
Decrease in
Increase in
Decrease in
Increase in lysis and echinocyte
Does needle gauge (25 - 22) influence TEG or hemostasis results in cats ?
Thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) in feline acute aortic thromboembolism: a retrospective study of 16 cases, JFMS, 2015
MN cats
Complication: similar
50% reperfusion injury and 30% AKI
Outcome - smilar
Survival rate 56% (vs 40%)
Clinical features of precursor-targeted immune-mediated anemia in dogs: 66 cases, JAVMA 2019, Assenmacher
Presentation along with changes in blood work
Middle age Labrador and Dacshund with severe NR anemia (13%) with eliptocytosis
36% had increased bilirubin and 50% had low albumin
Diagnosis rubriphagocytosis
Outcome Regeneration in 83% within 1 month Remission in 75% within 2 months Relapse in 20% TE in 14% (risk factor = hyperbilirubinemia) MST 915 days (shorter if TE)
Incidence of hospital-acquired anemia in hospitalized dogs and cats, JAVMA, 2018, Hiratzka
Risk factor
Presentation: 34% by day 1, 43% by day 2 and 48% by day 3
Higher if cats, had surgery and if cumulative phlebotomy volumes > 3% blood volume of patient
Case-control study of plasma mean platelet component concentration and survival analysis for dogs with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, JVIM 2018, Zola
Plasma mean platelet component was lower in dogs with IMHA and value <19.1 was associated with non-survival
Incidence of incompatible crossmatch results in dogs admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital with no history of prior red blood cell transfusion, JAVMA 2017, Odunayo
17% had incompatible cross-match despite first transfusion and dogs without corssmatch had lower post-transfusion HCT
Multicenter evaluation of signalment and comorbid conditions associated with aortic thrombotic disease in dogs, JAVMA 2017, Winter
Underlying cause
Sheltand sheepdogs higher odds
34% idiopathic, 22% PLE and other included Cushing’s, hypothyroidism, hypertension, neoplasia
Clinical features and pathological joint changes in dogs with erosive immune-mediated polyarthritis: 13 cases (2004–2012), JAVMA 2016, Shaughness
Joint always affected and tap finding
7 y/o 8 kg dog
All dogs had lesion in carpus and lymphocyte count with erosive was higher than non-erosive
9/13 developped CCLR
Is cyclosporine effective for IMPA
Clinical features of canine pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis” - Reinero JVIM 2019
Clinical signs
Clinical signs
Acute respiratory distress
-Right cardiomegaly in all dogs
-Diffuse unstructural interstitial pattern
Nodular ill-defined patchy ground glass opacities on CT
BAL: hemosiderophages
MST: 3 days
Evaluation of plasma angiopoietin-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor in healthy dogs and dogs with systemic inflammatory response syndrome or sepsis” – Konig, JVIM 2019
Higher in dogs with SIRS and sepsis and in non-survivor
Higher in SIRS (vs sepsis and healthy)
Association of serum calprotectin (S100A8/A9) concentrations and idiopathic hyperlipidemia in Miniature Schnauzers” Heilmann. JVIM 2019
Serum calprotectin higher in Shnauzer with hypertriglyceridemia
LF diet did not change calprotectinm serum S100A12, and cPL
Clinical, clinicopathologic, and gastrointestinal changes from administration of clopidogrel, prednisone, or combination in healthy dogs: A double-blind randomized trial, JVIM, 2019, Whittemore
Gastrointestinal bleeding and ulceration occur commonly in healthy dogs administered prednisone or prednisone/ clopidogrel treatment, but not clopidogrel monotherapy.
None were clinical
Clinical, clinicopathologic, and gastrointestinal changes from aspirin, prednisone, or combination treatment in healthy research dogs: A double-blind randomized trial JVIM, 2019,
Gastrointestinal bleeding occurs commonly in dogs administered aspirin, prednisone, or prednisone/ aspirin treatment, with higher lesion scores for dogs receiving combination treatment.
Even severe lesions are not accompanied by clinical sign
Correlation of plasma coagulation tests and fibrinogen(Clauss) with rotational thromboelastometry parameters and prediction of bleeding in dogs, JVIM, 2019, Enk
MCF(FIBTEM) can be used to evaluate the effect of fibrinogen on hemostasis as an alternative to determination of fibrinogenClauss. In addition, CTEXTEM and CTINTEM are strongly correlated with PT and aPTT, respectively
Detection of naturally occurring alloantibody by an in-clinic antiglobulin-enhanced and standard crossmatch gel column test in non-transfused domestic shorthair cats, JVIM, 2019, Goy-Thollot
AB typing using immunochromatographic strip is as accurate as laboratory flow cytometry.
• The 2 XM methods had good agreement with additional incompatibilities being recognized by the AGC XM beyond A-B incompatibilities
Diphenhydramine exposure in dogs: 621 cases (2008–2013), JAVMA, 2016, Worth
Clinical signs
Began at 6x overdose
9-15x had tachycardia and hyperactivity
13-45x hyperthermia, tremors, seizures
Antihistaminic and cardiorespiratory effects of diphenhydramine hydrochloride in anesthetized dogs undergoing excision of mast cell tumors, JAVMA, 2017, Sanchez
IV administration of diphenhydramine prior to MCT excision had no clear clinical cardiorespiratory benefits over placebo in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs
Comparison of clinical findings between dogs with suspected anaphylaxis and dogs with confirmed sepsis, JAVMA, 2017, Walters
- Higher eosinophilic count
- Higher ALT
- Higher band neutrophils
- Higher globulin
- HIgher ALP
- Lower glucose
Isoniazid toxicosis in dogs: 137 cases (2004–2014), JAVMA, 2017, Schmid
Clinical signs
Clinical signs in 98%
- Seizures (77%), other CNS (70%), GI (30%)
Outcome: survival in 70%
Higher if IV administration of pyridoxine
Clinical findings and outcomes for dogs with uveodermatologic syndrome, JAVMA, 2018, Zarfoss
Ophtalmologic changes
4 y/o male (66%) Akitas (74%)
Ophtalmologic changes (often occured before derm changes): 70% aqueous flair, iris abnormalities (58%), retinal detachment (46%)
Efficacy of IV administration of apomorphine for removal of gastric foreign body material in dogs: 495 cases (2010-2015), JAVMA, 2019, Kirchofer
Succesful 73%
More likely to be successful in young dogs or dogs that had ingested fabric, leather or bathroom waste
Evaluation of combined assessments of serum anti-Mullerian hormone and progesterone concentration for the diagnosis of ovarian remnant syndrome in dogs, JAVMA, 2019, Place
52% of dogs with remnant and no dosgs with remnant were negative for both - test for both
Early pregnancy diagnosis and monitoring in the queen using US with 12.5 Mhz probe JFMS, 2015, Topie
Day 11 Day 15-16 Day 19 Day 20 Day 26
Day 11: embryonic vesicles Day 15-16: Embryon Day 19: limbs Day 20: neural tube Day 26: stomach
Mirtazapine toxicity in cats: retrospective study of 84 cases (2006–2011), JFMS, 2016, Ferguson
Side effects
Vocalization (56%), agitation (31%), vomiting (26%), ataxia (17%)
- Greater at 3.75 mg than 1.88 mg
Retrospective analysis of signalment, clinical investigations, diagnosis and influence of prior treatment in 106 referred cases, JFMS, 2017, Spencer
Causes of pyrexia
FIP 21% Intectious (40%) Inflammatory conditions (20%) Neoplasia (12%) Immune-mediated (6%)
67% survived to discharge
Multivariable analysis of the association between electrolyte disturbances and mortality in cats JFMS, 2018, Goggs
Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl and iCa) disturbance were associated with non-survival and with death
Field study assessing the performance of a patient-side blood test to determine neuter status in female cats based on detection of luteinising hormone JFMS, 2019, Morrow
positive LH could avoid the need to perform surgery to confirm neuter status
Retrospective analysis of signalment, clinical investigations, diagnosis and influence of prior treatment in 106 referred cases, JFMS, 2017, Spencer
Causes of pyrexia
FIP 21% Intectious (40%) Inflammatory conditions (20%) Neoplasia (12%) Immune-mediated (6%)
67% survived to discharge
Multivariable analysis of the association between electrolyte disturbances and mortality in cats JFMS, 2018, Goggs
Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl and iCa) disturbance were associated with non-survival and with death
Field study assessing the performance of a patient-side blood test to determine neuter status in female cats based on detection of luteinising hormone JFMS, 2019, Morrow
positive LH could avoid the need to perform surgery to confirm neuter status
Retrospective evaluation of the severity of and prognosis associated with potassium abnormalities in dogs and cats presenting to an emergency room (January 2014–August 2015):2441 cases JVECC 2017, Hoehne
Prevalence + underlying cause
Severe hypokalemia
Severe hyperkalemia
Severe hypokalemia
Dogs: 3% Cats: 8%
Cause GI disease (50% for both)
CHF/urinary (Dogs) and endocrine (cats)
Severe hyperkalemia
Dogs: 2% Cats: 7%
Urinary disease in 60% (also Addison`s) and 97% of cats
Outcome: any change , even mild, increases risk of death
Incidence, Severity and Prognosis Associated with Hyponatremia in Dogs and Cats, Ueda JVIM 2015
Risk factor
Prevalence 25% in dogs and 50 % in cats
Magnitude of hyponatremia associated with higher fatality rate
A Prospective, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Evaluation of the Effect of Omeprazole on Serum Calcium, Magnesium, Cobalamin, Gastrin Concentrations, and Bone in Cats, JVIM 2016, Gould
prolonged PPI treatment results in hypergastrinemia and abrupt PPI withdrawal might result in RAH in cats
Effect of Breed on Plasma Endothelin-1 Concentration, Plasma Renin Activity, and Serum Cortisol Concentration in Healthy Dogs JVIM 2016, Hoglund
Which breed had higher concentration of:
ET-1 value
ET-1 value
Finnish Lapphunds
Effect of Sucralfate on the Relative Bioavailability of Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin in Healthy Fed Dogs JVIM 2015
Interaction between sucralfate and ciprofloxacin but not enrofloxacin
Effect of the Canine ABCB1-1D Mutation on Sedation after Intravenous Administration of Acepromazine JVIM 2016, Deshpande
ABCB1 mut/mut dogs acepromazine dose rates should be reduced and careful monitoring performed during sedation
Cardiac and Metabolic Variables in Obese Dogs JVIM 2017, Tropf
obese dogs have alterations in cardiac structure and function (increased ventricular septal width, decreased inflow velocity and increased FS/EF) as well as insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypo-adiponectinemia, and increased concentrations of inflammatory markers.
Effects of Oral Prednisone Administration on Serum Cystatin C in Dogs JVIM 2017, Munoz
Glucocorticoid increases CysC in a dose dependant fashion
Hemostatic Findings in Ascitic Fluid: A Cross-Sectional Study in 70 Dogs, JVIM 2017, Zoia
Type of effusion
Effusion: Decreased colloid pressure (14%) Increased hydrostatic pressure (25%) Exudate (19%) Hemorrhage (41%)
Evidence of coagulation activation and fibrinolytic activity no matter the underlying mechanism
Is esmolol given IV or SC effective
Randomized, Controlled, Crossover trial of Prevention of Clindamycin-Induced Gastrointestinal Signs Using a Synbiotic in Healthy Research Cats JVIM 2017, Stokes
Administration of synbiotic 1 hour after clindamycin decreased hyporexia and vomiting, but not diarrhea
Fractional excretion of electrolytes in volume-responsive and intrinsic acute kidney injury in dogs: Diagnostic and prognostic implications JVIM 2017, Troia
Prevalence, causes and changes associated with
Volume responsive AKI
Intrinsic AKI
Volume responsive AKI
Higher lactate
Main causes : inflammatory (non infectious), sepsis
Intrinsic AKI: 51%
Higher Fe of electrolytes, especially sodium
Main causes: leptospirosis, noninfectious inflammatory
Outcomes: higher risks of death ( occured in 41%) if:
- Intrinsic AKI
- Higher FE
- Higher IRIS grade
- Oliguria/anuria
- Higher phosphorus, Mg, K, bilirubin and anion gap
Prognostic importance of plasma total magnesium in a cohort of cats with azotemic chronic kidney disease JVIM 2017, Hendrik N. van den Broek
Magnesium changes with outcome
Presentation - DHS/Persian/Burmese -21% hypertension -CKD II (65%), III (29%), IV (6%)
Hypomagnesemia (12%)
- increased risks of death
- Higher FGF23
- Higher hypertension
- Increased risks of progression (along with FGF-23)
Hypermagnesemia (6%)
- Most in stage IV
Progression of CKD in 37%
Which bacteria was most isolated from bacterial colonization of IV catheter
Clinical findings, diagnostic test results, and treatment outcome in cats with hiatal hernia: 31 cases (1995-2018) JVIM 2019, Phillips
Most common type of diaphragmatic hernia
Most common presenting complaints
- 85% had type I slinding hernia
> 3 years old cat with vomiting and comorbidities
All cases survived to discharge
Serum levetiracetam concentrations after transdermal levetiracetam administration, 3 times daily, to healthy cats JVIM 2019, Smith
Can provide good alternative
Time course of serum cobalamin, folate, and total iron binding capacity concentrations in pregnant bitches and association with hematological variables and survival JVIM 2019, Nivy
Late pregnancy had decreased B12 and anemia (maybe related to decreased folate), along with increased iron and transferring saturation
Prognostic value of dyslipidemia for sick dogs hospitalized in the intensive care unit of a veterinary teaching hospital JAVMA 2019, Viall
Sick dogs
Sick dogs
Increased HR, WBC and intact dogs
- Older
- Elevated HR
- Higher neutrophils
- Hypocholesterolemia
- Hypertriglyceridemia
- Lower cholesterol:TG
Dogs with hypocholesterolemia AND hypertriglyceridemia ALL DIED
Outcomes of the addition of pasireotide to traditional adrenal-directed treatment for dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism secondary to macroadenoma: 9 cases (2013-2015) JAVMA 2018 Lottati
Evolution of size
- No dogs had neurological abnormalities
- No adverse effects
- 6 decreased
- 3 increased
Analytic performance evaluation of a veterinary-specific ELISA ofr measurement of serum cortisol concentration of dogs JAVMA 2018, Lane
25%, especially with low and high cortisol concentration
Associations between sex, body weight, age, and ultrasonographically determined adrenal gland thickness in dogs with non–adrenal gland illness JAVMA 2015 Bento
Lower size with
Higher size with
Lower size with
Weight < 12 kg
Higher size with
- Older
- Male
Evaluation of baseline cortisol concentration to monitor efficacy of twice-daily administration of trilostane to dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism: 22 cases (2008–2012) JAVMA 2015 Woolcock
Baseline cortisol concentration > 3.2 µg/dL predicted that ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentration would be ≥ 2.0 µg/dL with 100% certainty
But 14 of 64 tests with a baseline cortisol concentration > 3.2 µg/dL had an ACTH-stimulated cortisol concentration ≤ 3.2 µg/dL, which was suggestive of inadequate adrenocortical cortisol reserves
Outcomes for dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism following treatment with percutaneous ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation of presumed functional parathyroid nodules: 27 cases (2008–2011) JAVMA 2015 Guttin
Treatment failure
Resolution of hypercalcemia
3/27 had to undergo second treatment
Hypercalcemia resolved in 85%, usually within 72 hours and sustained in 17/19
Hypocalcemia in 6/27, but only 1 required treatment
Coagulation parameters in hyperthyroid cats before and after radioiodine treatment compared with healthy controls, JFMS, 2019, Cui
Cats with hyperthyroidism had hypercoagulable state, which worsened slightly after I-131
Altered lipoprotein profiles in cats with hepatic lipidosis JFMS 2019, Minamoto
Cats with hepatic lipidosis
- LDL higher, especially larger ones
- HDL lower
Immunohistochemical characterisation of the hepatic stem cell niche in feline hepatic lipidosis: a preliminary morphological study JFMS 2019, Valtolina
Niche in hepatic lipidosis is similar than ones for hepatopaathies of dogs and lymphocytic cholangitis, but expression of K19, a-SMA, MAC387 and larmin is more variable
Prevalence of iatrogenic hypothyroidism in hyperthyroid cats treated with radioiodine using an individualized scoring system. Fernandez, JFMS, 2019.
Dose: Traitment failure Hypothyroidism after 6-9 months - Prevalence - Association
Dose: 3.5 mCi
Traitment failure 5.6%
Hypothyroidism after 6-9 months - Prevalence 40% - Association Not with dose Not association in development of azotemia
Anaesthetic management and complications during hypophysectomy in 37 cats with acromegaly JFMS 2019 Neilson
Main comorbiditie
Perianesthetic complications
Main comorbiditie
46% had HCM
Perianesthetic complications
Hypothermia (97%), hypotension (73%), airway obstruction (32%)
- Lower hypotension with a-2 agonist
- Higher airway obstruction with fentanyl CRI (vs remifentanyl)
Mortality: 8%
Relationship between total thyroxine, thyroid palpation and a clinical index in hyperthyroid and healthy cats and cats with other diseases JFMS 2019 Wehner
Thyroid levels
Hyperthyroid cats
Larger thyroid glands did not have higher T4
Cats with lower clinical scores had higher T4
Hyperthyroid cats were older and lower body weight
Use of lispro insulin for treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis in cats JFMS 2019 Malerba
No difference for time to resolution of hyperglycemia, ketosis, acidosis
- as effective and few side effects
Predictive value of scintigraphic (semi-)quantitative thyroid parameters on radioiodine therapy outcome in hyperthyroid cats, JFMS, 2018, Volckaert
T/S ratio ⩾5.4 is a possible indicator for an increased risk of persistent hyperthyroidism
“Hereditary cataracts in Russian Blue cats.” Nygren. JFMS 2018
Prevalence: 33% had bilateral cataracts
Presentation: 2.5 years
Heritability: autosomal recessive
Acceptance of home blood glucose monitoring by owners of recently diagnosed diabetic cats and impact on quality of life changes in cat and owner JFMS 2018 Hazuchova
Remission occurred in 9/28 (32%) HBGM group cats and 1/10 (10%) non-HBGM group cats
Clinicopathological features and comorbidities of cats with mild, moderate or severe hyperthyroidism: a radioiodine referral population JFMS 2018 Watson
Prevalence of unstable (mild, moderate and severe) and prevalence of apathetic hyperthyroidism
Cardiac abnormalities, renal disease, hypertension
Prevalence of unstable (mild 55%, moderate 67% and severe 80%) and prevalence of apathetic hyperthyroidism 10%
Cardiac abnormalities - higher with severe hyperthyroidism, renal disease/ hypertension no significant difference
Comparison of health parameters in normal cats fed a limited iodine prescription food vs a conventional diet JFMS 2018 Paetau-Robinson
Thyroid values
Urine iodine
Size of thyroid
Thyroid values
fT4, T4 and TSH were all WNL
Urine iodine
Lower if Y/D
Size of thyroid did not change
Comparison of in-clinic pointof-care and reference laboratory total thyroxine immunoassays for diagnosis and post-treatment monitoring of hyperthyroid cats JFMS 2018, Peterson
Good precision and reproductibility
Strong agreement
Hypoglycemic episodes in cats with diabetes mellitus: 30 cases (2013–2015) JFMS 2018 Viebrock
Main BW change associated with hypoglycemia
Cause of presentation
Causes of hypoglycemia
Neurologic signs
Reduced ingestion/vomiting, double dosing
Insulin-like growth factor type 1 concentrations in hyperthyroid cats before and after treatment with thiamazole JFMS 2018
IGF-1 concentrations appear to be inversely proportional to the severity of hyperthyroidism and significantly increase after treatment with thiamazole
Prospective evaluation of a protocol for transitioning porcine lente insulintreated diabetic cats to human recombinant protamine zinc insulin JFMS 2018
Outcome of transitionning
Hypoglycemia events
Outcome of transitionning
Decreased in fructosamine, insulin dose and improved quality of life
Remission: 22%
Hypoglycemia events 15% - similar
Survival times for cats with hyperthyroidism treated with a 3.35 mCi iodine-131 dose: a retrospective study of 96 cases JFMS 2018 Vagney
MST + risk factors
Efficacry: 94/96 cats
MST 3 years - lower if male and low BSC
Comparison of proliferative and immunomodulatory potential of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from young and geriatric cats JFMS 2017, Zajic
aMSCs from geriatric cats took significantly longer to proliferate, but were as efficient
Evaluation of insulin-like growth factor-1, total thyroxine, feline pancreas-specific lipase and urinary corticoid-to-creatinine ratio in cats with diabetes mellitus in Switzerland and the Netherlands JFMS 2017, Schaefer
IGF-1 high in 18%
fPL was the most common (44%) vs elevated UCCR (15%) and T4 (4.5%)
Effect of thyroid volume on radioiodine therapy outcome in hyperthyroid cats JFMS 2016, Volckaer
increase in the odds for a final low TT4 outcome with an increase in the number of foci detected on the pertechnetate thyroid scan
Prevalence and degree of thyroid pathology in hyperthyroid cats increases with disease duration: a cross-sectional analysis of 2096 cats referred for radioiodine therapy JFMS 2016, Peterson
Thyroid carcinoma increased with disease duration, as was the severity of T4 elevation
Rebound hyperglycaemia in diabetic cats JFMS 2016, Roomp
Prevalence (cats treatment with glargine)
Serum and urinary cystatin C in cats with feline immunodeficiency virus infection and cats with hyperthyroidism JFMS 2016 Ghys
higher: sCysC and uCysC/uCr ratio, higher UPC
lower sCr
FIV cats: higher sCr and UPC
Abdominal ultrasonographic findings in acromegalic cats, Lourenco, JFMS 2015
Increased: Kidney length (73%) Adrenal thickness (53%) Pancreatis thickness or pancreatic abnormalities in 88% Hepatomegaly (63%)
Concurrent diseases in hyperthyroid cats undergoing assessment prior to radioiodine treatment JFMS 2019, Puig
Prevalence and main ones
Blood work changes associated with concurrent disorder
18% Intestinal lymphoma (29%) and IBD in 23%
Concurrent disorders had higher eosinophils, higher bilirubin and higher calcium
Effect of acarbose on postprandial blood glucose concentrations in healthy cats fed low and high carbohydrate diets JFMS 2015, Singh
High carbohydrate diet and arcarbose and lower mean glucose, except if free fed
Association between abdominal ultrasound findings, the specific canine pancreatic lipase assay, clinical severity indices, and clinical diagnosis in dogs with pancreatitis – Cridge
Other diseases causing similar AUS changes
- Weak between AUS score and cPL and clinical signs`
- Moderate between pancreatic size, echogenicity and hyperechoic mesentery (and diagnosis of pancreatitis)
Hypoalbuminemia and portal hypertension can also cause pancreatic edema
Serum triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations an lipoprotein profiles in dogs with naturally occurring pancreatitis and healthy control dogs – Xenoulis, JVIM, 2019
Dogs with pancreatitis :
- Increased in
- 70 % had normal
Dogs with pancreatitis :
- Increased in LDL2, LDL3, LDL4
- 70 % had normal TG and/or cholesterol so pancreatitis likely not a cause of HT
Circulating neurohormone imbalances in canine sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome and canine pituitary-depended hypercortisolism.” Oh. JVIM 2019.
Dogs with Cushing`s
Dogs with Cushing’s
- Higher post ACTH cortisol
- Lower USG
- Higher MT6 ratio (> 3.047 can help differentiate between Cushing and SARD)
Correlated with cortisol level and suggests that dogs with increased steroid production do not lack melatonin
Evaluation of low-dose DOCP treatment protocol for long-term management of dogs with primary hypoadrenocorticism.” Sieber-Ruchstuhl. JVIM 2019.
Starting dose of 1.5 mg/kg SQ seems adequate for most dogs, except young and growing
Hypokalemia still frequent
Assessment of the association between diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease in adult cats.” Perez-Lopez. JVIM 2019.
CKD associated with
Associated with older agee, lower weight, mixed breed and DM (see below)
Frequency of CKD was higher in those with DM (44%) than without (12%)
Lispro insulin and electrolyte supplementation for treatment of DKA in cats.” Anderson. JVIM 2019.
Lispro had shorter onset of action and shorter duration vs regular insulin
Outcome similar
Lispro insulin and electrolyte supplementation for treatment of DKA in cats.” Anderson. JVIM 2019.
What was noted on ECG and echo
Hypothyroid dogs with mild ECG (lower HR/P/R wave) and echo changes which improved with thyroid supplementation
** Too mild to reflect relevant cardiac dysfunction
Development and validation of a multivariate predictive model to estimate serum ionized calcium concentration from serum biochemical profile results in cats.” Hodgson. JVIM 2019.
iCa increased with:
iCa decreased with:
iCa increased with:
-tCa, Chloride, cholesterol, older than 16 y/o, K+ >5.6
iCa decreased with:
BCS, BUN, GGT, high albumin
Concurrent pituitary and adrenocorcitcal lesions on CT imaging in dogs with spontaneous hypercortisolism JVIM 2019, Bokhorst
9 years
Concurrent pituitary and adrenal lesions were present in 5% of all dogs with hypercortisolism and in 10% of the dexamethasone‐resistant dogs
Post treatment:
- Changed
- Remained the same
Increassed in activity
No change in behavioral signs, serotonin and PRL
- 49% initially and 17% long term
- 22% short term and 44% long term
Can ketoconazole result in iatrogenic hypoadrenocorticism?
Computed tomographic angiography of the pancreas in cats with chronic diabetes mellitus compared to normal cats JVIM 2018, Secrest
Cats with DM had ___ body weight
Changes on CT
Cocurrent diabetes
Higher (but same BSC)
Pancreas was larger, higher volume and shorter time to peak portal enhancement
70% had concurrent pancreatitis
Retrospective study of 157 hospitalized cats with pancreatitis in a tertiary care center: Clinical, imaging and laboratory findings, potential prognostic markers and outcome JVIM 2018, Nivy
Presentation Causes Imaging Blood work changes Survival rate (and risks for non-survival)
Presentation: male with dehydration, lethargy and anorexia
Idiopathic (87%)
Pancreatomegaly (83%), hypoechoic (31%)
Blood work changes
Hyponatremia (75%), hyperglycemia (70%), hypochloremia (70%)
Survival rate:78% and risks for non-survival
- longer time
- Lethargy, pleural effusion, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, azotemia, PN nutrition and persistant anorexia
Serum concentrations of lipid-soluble vitamins in dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency treated with pancreatic enzymes JVIM 2018, Barko
- Retinol
- a-tocopheranol
Effect of insulin treatment on circulating insulin-like growth factor I and IGF-binding proteins in cats with diabetes mellitus JVIM 2018, Strage
IGF-1 associated with:
Positive association with
- Insulin administration
- Weight
- Remission
Negatively associated with fructosamine
Randomized placebo controlled clinical trial of an enteric coated micro-pelleted formulation of a pancreatic enzyme supplement in dogs with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency JVIM 2018, Parambeth
No difference in the % acid hydrolysis fecal fat between enteric coated and uncoated pancreatic enzyme replacement product
Spontaneous primary hypothyroidism in 7 adult cats JVIM 2018, Peterson
Blood work
7 y/o with PU/PD (4/7) and goiter (6/7)
Blood work
Azotemia in 4/7 which resolved with treatment
Low fT4 or T4 in 6 and high TSH in all
Radioactive iodine uptake in hyperthyroid cats after administration of recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone JVIM 2018, Oberstadt
Thyroidal percent iodine uptakes in cats treated with placebo, low-dose and high dose were not different
Investigation of a novel variable dosing protocol for radioiodine treatment of feline hyperthyroidism JVIM 2018, Morré
same outcome and azotemia
- Euthyroid (60%)
- Hypothyroidism (28%)
More likely with lowest dose - Hyperthyroidism (12%)
More likely if larger thyroid
The interpretive contribution of the baseline serum cortisol concentration of the ACTH stimulation test in the diagnosis of pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism in dogs JVIM 2018, Nivy
Baseline cortisol procidede no added value in interpreting ACTH stimulation
Use of basal and TRH-stimulated plasma growth hormone concentrations to differentiate between primary hypothyroidism and nonthyroidal illness in dogs JVIM 2018, Pijnacker
In hypothyroid dogs, GH was _____ and _____ after TRH administration and TSH _____
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism
Presentation: male
In hypothyroid dogs, GH was HIGHER and INCREASED after TRH administration and TSH DID NOT CHANGE
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism: GH/TSH ratio > 4.6
Spectrophotometry and ultracentrifugation for measurement of plasma lipids in dogs with diabetes mellitus JVIM 2018, Seage
DM had higher _____
Associated between Apolipoprotein B and ____
Dyslipidemia of dogs with DM is characterized by
DM had higher TG, cholesterol, HDL, VLDL, LDL, non-high density lipoprotein, and apolipoprotein
Associated between Apolipoprotein B and LDL + non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol
Dyslipidemia of dogs with DM is characterized by pronounced increeases in LDL-C and non-HDL-C
Low-dose ACTH stimulation testing in dogs suspected of hypoadrenocorticism JVIM 2018,
No significant difference observed in basal cortisol concentration before administration of 1 ug/kg vs 5 ug/kg
Evaluation of individual low-dose dexamethasone suppression test patterns in naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism in dogs JVIM 2018, Bennaim
Blood work changes
Final diagnosis
PU/PD (>90%), lethargy, abdominal enlargement
Blood work changes
Decrease lymphocytes, eosinophils and creatnine
Increase neutrophils, thrombocytes, ALP, ALT, lipase, phosphorus and cholesterol
Comorbiditie: proteinuria
Final diagnosis
PDH 80%, ADH 14%%
Both: 5%
Evaluation of snap cPL, spec cPL, vetscan cPL Rapid Test and precision PSL Assays for diagnosis of clinical pancreatitis in dogs JVIM 2018, Zini
Lower sensitivity
Lower specificity
Good agreement between all but
Lower sensitivity: Vetscan cPL
Lower specificity: PSL
Glucose concentration after insulin-induced hypoglycemia and glycemic variability in healthy and diabetic cats JVIM 2018, Zini
Healthy cats
Diabetic cats
Healthy cats
posthypoglycemia hyperglycemia was not observed
Diabetic cats
25% cats that had hypoglycemia had PHH and overall 11% or cats had PHH
The role of hypothyroidism in the etiology and progression of DCM in doberman Pinschers, JVIM, 2018, Beier
Prevalence of DCM in doberman:
Prevalence of hypothyroidism
Prevalence of DCM in doberman: 58%
Prevalence of hypothyroidism: 13%
No evidence of role of hypothyroidism in the etiology or progression of DCM.
Treatment of hypothyroidism did not improve the clinical outcome.
Evaluation and diagnostic potential of serum ghrelin in feline hypersomatotropism and diabetes mellitus (HSDM), JVIM, 2018, Jensen
Ghrelin might represent marker of treatmetn effect, but does not help determine if hypersomatropism
Therapy of Canine Hyperlipidemia with Bezafibrate, JVIM 2017, Marco
Prevalence of primary / secondary hypertriglyceridemia
After treatment
Adverse effects
Prevalence of:
primary (35%) / secondary (65%) hypertriglyceridemia
After treatment: - TG normalized in 91% Decrease in TG was greater in primary group - Cholesterol normalized in 68% - ALT activity decreased
Adverse effects: None
Altered Serum Thyrotropin Concentrations in Dogs with Primary Hypoadrenocorticism before and during Treatment JVIM, 2017, Reusch
TSH was increased in dogs with Addison’s and normalized after treatment
Breed, Coat Color, and Hair Length as Risk Factors for Hyperthyroidism in Cats JVIM, 2017, Crossley
Decreased risk breeds
Increased risk breeds
Decreased risk breeds: Tonkinese, Abyssinian, Bristish shorthair, Burmese, Siamese and Persian
Increased risk breeds: DLH
Clinical Consequences of Hypertriglyceridemia-Associated Proteinuria in Miniature Schnauzers JVIM, 2017, Smith
Prevalence - Primary hypertriglyceridemia - Proteinuria Changes in blood work Hypertension, decreased AT III and cardiac disease
- Primary hypertriglyceridemia (56%)
- Proteinuria (44%)
Changes in blood work
Increased albumin, ALP and cholesterol
No increased risk in Hypertension, decreased AT III and cardiac disease
Clinical Relationship between Cholestatic Disease and Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism in Dogs: A Retrospective Case Series JVIM, 2017
Dogs with gallbladder mucocele had:
Dogs with gallbladder mucocele had:
- More severe clinical signs
- Higher cholesterol
- Weight < 6 kg
- Needed higher dose of trilostane
Comparison of Survival Times for Dogs with Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism in a Primary-Care Hospital: Treated with Trilostane versus Untreated JVIM, 2017, Nagata
Median survival time for the trilostane group was not reached (443 days–not applicable) and was significantly longer than the 506 days for the untreated group.
Desoxycorticosterone Pivalate Duration of Action and Individualized Dosing Intervals in Dogs with Primary Hypoadrenocorticism JVIM, 2017, Jaffey
Duration of DOCP is often > 30 days (median 58 days, up to 124 days)
Effect of Intravenous or Perivascular Injection of Synthetic Adrenocorticotropic Hormone on Stimulation Test Results in Dogs JVIM, 2017, Johnson
Perivascular administration of ACTH does not significantly alter stimulation test results
Efficacy of Low-dose (2 millicurie) versus Standard-dose (4 millicurie) Radioiodine Treatment for Cats with Mild-to-Moderate Hyperthyroidism JVIM, 2017, Lucy
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- no significant difference in prevalence of cats with persistent hyperthyroidism
- hypothyroidism was more common in cats at 6 months after standarddose 131I.
- no difference in incidence of azotemia existed between groups
Environmental Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus in Cats JVIM, 2017, Ohlund
Indoor, greedy eater, overweight, dry good, steroid injection, male, Burmese and Norwegian forest
Evaluation of Renal Perfusion in Hyperthyroid Cats before and after Radioiodine Treatment JVIM, 2017, Stock
increase in several time-related perfusion parameters was observed after radioiodine treatment, indicating a decreased blood velocity upon resolution of the hyperthyroid state along with lower medullary blood volume.
Pasireotide Long-Acting Release Treatment for Diabetic Cats with Underlying Hypersomatotropism JVIM, 2017, Gostelow
Adverse event
Decreased IGF-1 and insulin resistance
Adverse event
Diarrhea, hypoglycemia and polyphagia
Relationship between Total Homocysteine, Folic Acid, and Thyroid Hormones in Hypothyroid Dogs JVIM, 2017, Golynski
Changes seen in dogs with hypothyroid
Increased homocysteine and decreased folic acid
Canine POMC Gene, Obesity in Labrador Retrievers and Susceptibility to Diabetes Mellitus JVIM, 2017, Davison
no association between the presence of the POMC deletion mutation and DM in this population - adds to the existing scientific literature indicating that there is little evidence for a direct link between obesity and DM in dogs
Thyroid Cysts in Cats: A Retrospective Study of 40 Cases JVIM, 2017, Miller
Prevalence of hyperthyroidism in this population
Clinical findings
Outcome of I-131
Prevalence of hyperthyroidism in this population: 93%
Clinical findings Neck mass (100%), weight loss (38%), dysphagia (20%)
Outcome of I-131
- Hyperthyroidism resolved in 92%
- Thyroid cyst resolved in 50%
Effects of Levothyroxine Administration and Withdrawal on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis in Euthyroid Dogs JVIM, 2017, Ziglioli
1 week after cessation
Safety of Intraperitoneal Injection of Adipose Tissue-Derived Autologous Mesenchymal Stem, JVIM 2016, Parys
Side effects
None serious
Transient lethargy
Jejunal LN was increased
Accuracy of a Flash Glucose Monitoring System in Diabetic Dogs JVIM, 2015, Corradini
Side effect
Mild erythema at site of application in 50%
Lowest accuracy with low glucose (93%)
Comparison of 2 Doses for ACTH Stimulation Testing in Dogs Suspected of or Treated for Hyperadrenocorticism JVIM, 2015, Aldridge
For Cushing’s initial diagnosis - still 5ug/kg
For monitoring: 1 ug/kg
Effect of the Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Analogue Exenatide Extended Release in Cats with Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus JVIM, 2015,
Adverse effect
Decreased appetite (60%), vomiting (53%)
Both had stable weight
Remission in 40% and good control in 90%
Evaluation of Basal Serum or Plasma Cortisol Concentrations for the Diagnosis of Hypoadrenocorticism in Dogs JVIM, 2015, Gold
Cut-off 22
Sensitivity Specificity
< 55
Sensitivity Specificity
< 5.5
Sensitivity Specificity
Cut-off 22
Sensitivity 97% Specificity 96%
< 55
Sensitivity 99.4%
< 5.5
Specificity 99.1%
Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity in Serum of Dogs with Diabetic Ketoacidosis JVIM, 2015, Bolton
Prevalence of DKA and DM
Prevalence of DKA and DM - 73%
Not associated wtih longer period of hospitalization or worst outcome
Serum Cystatin C Concentrations in Cats with Hyperthyroidism and Chronic Kidney Disease JVIM, 2015, Williams
sCysC is not a reliable marker of renal function in hyperthyroid cats
Serum Cobalamin and Methylmalonic Acid Concentrations in Hyperthyroid Cats Before and After Radioiodine Treatment, JVIM, 2015, Geesaman
13% had hypocobalaminemia which normalized in 50% after treatment
MMA normal
Serum N-Terminal Type III Procollagen Propeptide: An Indicator of Growth Hormone Excess and Response to Treatment in Feline Hypersomatotropism JVIM, 2015, Keyte
PIIINP concentrations are increased in cats with untreated HSDM compared to those with DM
Glycemic status and predictors for relapse for diabetic cats in remission, JVIM, 2015, Gottlied
- 19% of cats in remission had impaired fasting glucose (if ≥7.5 mmol/L (≥135 mg/dL) = 12.8x chances of relapse)
- 76% of cats in remission had impaired glucose tolerance (≥5 hours to return to <6.5 mmol/L or <117 mg/dL) = 15.2 x chances of relapse
- 30% of cats in remission had relapse
Abdominal Ultrasound Examination Findings in 534 Hyperthyroid Cats Referred for Radioiodine Treatment Between 2007–2010 JVIM, 2015, Nussbaum
Concurrent disease
Concurent disease identified in 36%
23% - renal disease
2.4% neoplasia
Cortisol Concentrations in Well-Regulated Dogs with Hyperadrenocorticism Treated with Trilostane Trilostane JVIM, 2015, Midence
In dogs with clinically well-regulated HAC, and cortisol concentrations < 2ug/dL /dL before and after the first stimulation, a second test, perfoming another 9-12 hours can show adequate results
Cortisol Response in Healthy and Diseased Dogs after Stimulation with a Depot Formulation of Synthetic ACTH JVIM, 2015, Sieber-Ruckstuhl
Time for HAC and Addison’s
Time for HAC 3 hours and Addison’s 1 hour
Effect of a Limited Iodine Diet on Iodine Uptake by Thyroid Glands in Hyperthyroid Cats JVIM, 2015
- Resolved in all within 16 weeks
- No change in body weight
- Increase iodine uptake
Effect of Feeding an Iodine-Restricted Diet in Cats with Spontaneous Hyperthyroidism JVIM, 2015
Efficacy - normalized T4 in 42% by day 60 and 83% by day 180
Body weight did not change
Evaluation of Serum Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Concentration as a Diagnostic Test for Hyperthyroidism in Cat JVIM, 2015, Peterson
TSH concentration in the hyperthyroid cats was significantly lower in 98% of cats
Sensitive but not specific
Evaluation of the Cortisol-to-ACTH Ratio in Dogs with Hypoadrenocorticism, Dogs with Diseases Mimicking Hypoadrenocorticism and in Healthy Dogs JVIM, 2015, Boretti
CAR was lower in dogs with Addison’s but there was an overlap
Evaluation of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Total Thyroxine, and Free Thyroxine Concentrations in Hyperthyroid Cats Receiving Methimazole Treatment JVIM, 2015, Aldridge
Prevalence of IH
Is fT4 or TSH helpful
Prevalence of iatrogenic hypothyroidism is 20%
Free T4ed does not identify more cats with potential IH as compared to total T4 but TSH can help identified azotemia
Comparison of fecal analysis methods for the detection of Platynosomum fastosum in naturally infected cats JFMS 2019 – Nagahara
Best diagnostic method:
Prevalence: 68% positive
Best diagnostic method: double centrifugation with Sheather’s sugar
Computed tomographic features for differentiating benign from malignant liver lesions in dogs” – Leel-Apron
Final diagnosis:
Predictive of neoplasia:
Final diagnosis: neoplasia in 52/70 (HCC), benign in 18/70 (nodular hyperplasia)
Predictive of neoplasia
> 4.5 cm
post-contrast enhancement
Bleeding risk and complications associated with percutaneous ultrasound-guided liver biopsy in cats, JFMS, 2019, Pavlick
Outcome and complications with associated risk factors
Outcome: all cats had decreased in PCV by about 7% after procedure (minor bleed in 43% and major bleed in 60%)
- Lower pre-biopsy PCV
- More likely with hepatic lipidosis
Immunohistochemical evaluation of the activation of hepatic progenitor cells and their niche in feline lymphocytic cholangitis, JFMS, 2018, Otte
Enhanced expression of vimentin, laminin, cytoplasmic/nuclear β-catenin and NICD in liver biopsies from cats with lymphocytic cholangitis indicates that the hepatic progenitor cell (HPC) niche is remodelled and activated.
Haematology and coagulation profiles in cats with congenital portosystemic shunts, JFMS, 2017, Tzounos
Final diagnosis
Higher and lower values from CBC
Changes post-op
Final diagnosis
85% had extrahepatic
15% had intrahepatic
Higher (RBC) and lower (MCV, MCH) values from CBC
Coagulation Prolonged PT (88%) and PTT (70%), but non had bleeding complications
Changes post-op
Increase in HCT, MCV and MCH, but microcytosis remained
Life-threatening perianaesthetic complications in five cats undergoing biliary tract surgery: case series and literature review, JFMS, 2017, Monticelli
Unresponsive hypotension
Renal failure
Percutaneous cholecystocentesis in cats with suspected hepatobiliary disease, JFMS, 2017, Byfield
Complication Prevalance of transfusion Survival Infections Final diagnosis (cytology and histopathology)
Complication Abdominal fluid (11/83), needle-tip occlusion (1/83), failed to penetrate GB wall (1) and pneumoperitoneum (1)
Prevalance of transfusion: 8%
Survival: 87% - none from procedure
14% diagnosed via cytology and culture
Final diagnosis:
via cytology - hepatic lipidosis and histopathology - cholangitis
Outcome of elective cholecystectomy for treatment of gallbladder disease in dogs JAVMA, 2018, Youn
Mortality and risk factors
Clinical signs
Mortality: 9% and risk factors included non-elective procedure (20% vs 2%), lower albumin, higher ALT, bilirubin and presence of azotemia, presence of clinical signs
Clinical signs: asymptomatic (22%), anorexia (43%), vomiting (41%), icterus (23%)
JAVMA/AJVR 2018 – Nagahara – Effect of prednisolone administration on gallbladder emptying rate and gallbladder bile composition in dogs
Increased volume and decreased empty rate
Decrease in mucin and taurocheno-deoxycholic acid,
JAVMA/AJVR 2017 – Kakimoto– Effect of a high-fat-high-cholesterol diet on gallbladder bile acid composition and gallbladder motility in dogs
Made GB bile acid composition more cytotoxic (increased GB cholesterol, increased taurocheno-deoxycholic acid and decrease taurourso-deoxycholic acid) and decreased sensitivity to CCK
Agreement between microscopic examination and bacterial culture of bile samples for detection of bactibilia in dogs and cats with hepatobiliary disease, JAVMA, 2016, Pashmakova
Prevalence of bactibilia and positive culture
Prevalence of bactibilia (33%) and positive culture (21%)
Hepatocutaneous syndrome in Shih Tzus: 31 cases (1996–2014), JAVMA, 2016, Hall-Fonte
Presentation Blood work changes US Histology MST
8 y/o with lethargy, inappetence, weight loss, lameness
Blood work changes: microcytosis (63%) and high ALP (100%)
US: hyperechoic heteroechoic parenchyma
Histology:vacuolar hepatopathy associated with minimally fibrotic to nonfibrotic, noninflammatory nodules
MST: 3 months
Short-term clinical outcome of laparoscopic liver biopsy in dogs: 106 cases (2003–2013), JAVMA, 2016, McDevitt
Prevalence of coagulopathy
27% had coagulopathy
101/106 survived to discharge
Characterization, treatment, and outcome of bacterial cholecystitis and bactibilia in dogs, JAVMA, 2019, Lawrence
Changes from GB in dogs with infection
Changes from GB in dogs with infection: biliary sludge and sediment
Breed: Dauchshunds
Risk factors for urolithiasis in dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts: 95 cases (1999–2013), JAVMA, 2015 Gaporali
Crystalluria - prevalance and type of stones
Uroliths - prevalance and type, risk factor
Crystalluria - prevalance 37% and type of stones was urate and struvites
Uroliths - prevalance 36% and type urate, risk factor: male old and dogs that received previous medical treatment
Retrospective evaluation of cyclosporine in the treatment of presumed idiopathic chronic hepatitis in dogs”. Ullal. JVIM 2019
Adverse effects
Efficacy: 79% attained remission within 2.5 months
Relapse: 67% once tapered
Adverse effects: GI (38%), gingival hyperplasia (25%), infections (8%)
Biomarkers of oxidative stress as an assessment of the redox status of liver in dogs” – Caitlin Barry-Heffernan, JVIM, 2019
Oxidative stress cannot be determined by peripheral blood work
Usefulness of noninvasive shear wave elastography for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis in dogs with hepatic disease” – Masahiro Tamura, JVIM, 2019
SWE higher with hepatic necrosis
SWW higher with hepatic fibrosis
Long term survival of dogs treated for gall bladder mucocele by cholecystectomy, medical management, or both” – Max Parkanzky
Shorter survival with
Medical 1340 days
Surgical 1802 days
Shorter survival with
High creatinine, hyperphosphatemia, elevated ALP
Plasma – free amino acid profiles in dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma – Rommaneeya Leela-arporn, JAVMA, 2019
Which one is higher
Glutamic acid is higher with disease (whether malignant or benign) than healthy
Association of circulating microRNA-122 and microRNA-29a with stage of fibrosis and progression of chronic hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers JVIM, 2019, Sakai
miR-122 and miR029a were associated with grade of hepatiits, stage of fibrosis and were higher in the CH/LC groups (vs NL)
Association of the canine ATP7A and ATP7B with hepatic copper accumulation in Dobermann dogs JVIM, 2019, Wu
ATP7B:c.4358G>A variant could be a contributor to hepatic copper accumulation
Effect of probiotic Enterococcus faecium SF68 on liver function in healthy dogsx JVIM, 2019
What were the changes in:
What were the changes in:
ALT/ALP - none
Cholesterol - decreased
Trigluceride - decreased
Efficacy of orally administered sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts JVIM, 2019, Straten
Not useful
Long-term impact of tylosin on fecal microbiota and fecal bile acids of healthy dogs JVIM, 2019 Manchester
Decreased bacterial diversity by day 7 in dogs treated with tylosin (decreased anaerobes fusobacterium and veillonallacea) and did not uniformly resolved after d/c
JVIM 2018 – Strickland – Hepatic copper concentrations in 546 dogs (1982 – 2015)
Change 1982-1988 to 2009-2015
- Predisposed breed
- Non predisposed breed
- Hepatitis
Change 1982-1988 to 2009-2015
- Predisposed breed
291 –> 604
- Non predisposed breed
177 –> 278 - Hepatitis
563 vs 287 in no hepatitis
Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of laparoscopic 3 mm and 5 mm cup biopsies to wedge biopsies of canine livers JVIM 2018, Kimbrell
Difference 3 vs 5 mm
Diagnosis Vacuolar hepatopathy (26%), normal (18%), congestion (23%)
Difference 3 vs 5 mm
No significant difference
No cup biopsie were able to identify cholangiocellular carcinoma
Gallbladder agenesis in 17 dogs: 2006-2016. JVIM 2018, Sato
Clinical signs
Concurrent diseases
Clinical signs
None (47%) vs vomiting (29%),
All had elevated liver enzymes
Breed - Chihuahua
Concurrent disease: hepatobiliary injury and ductal plate abnormalities
Sonographic evaluation of liver hemodynamic Indices in overweight and obese dogs. JVIM, 2018, Belotta
Lower portal blood flow volume in obese and overweight
Lower mean portal velocity in obese
Cholangitis and Cholangiohepatitis in Dogs: A descriptive study of 54 cases based on histopathologic diagnosis (2004-2014) JVIM 2018, Harrison
MST - :) and :(
Vomiting (72%), lethargy (70%), A- (65%)
Neutrophilic (98%)
Concurrent biliary disease (50%)
E.coli and Enterococcus infections in 50%
MST - 671 days :) cholecystectomy and :( > 13 years old
Gallbladder mucocele: Variables Associated with Outcome and the Utility of ultrasonography to identify gallbladder rupture in 219 dogs (2007-2016) JVIM 2018, Jaffey
Breed Prevalence of infection Anaerobes: Aerobes AUS diagnostic of rupture
Breed: Shetland sheepdogs and Cocker spaniel
Prevalence of infection - 15%
Anaerobes: Lactilobaccilus and proteus
Aerobes: E.coli, enterococcus, Staph
AUS diagnostic of rupture: low sensitivity (56%) and might not have concurrent mucocele
In vivo and in vitro assessment of mirtazapine pharmacokinetics in cats with liver disease” – Rikki L
Adverse effect
No adverse effect
Longer half life and longer time to maximum serum concentration
Evaluation of potential serum biomarkers of hepatic fibrosis and necroinflammatory activity in dogs with liver disease JVIM, 2018, Raghu
High fibrosis score
Active necro-inflammation
High fibrosis score: higher IL-6
Active necro-inflammation: higher CCL2
Genome-wide based model predicting recovery from portosystemic shunting after liver shunt attenuation in dogs JVIM, 2018, Bossche
preoperative plasma albumin concentration and intraoperative hepatic mRNA expression of 3 genes (DHDH, ERLEC1, and LYSMD2 )
Hepatocyte expression and prognostic importance of senescence marker p21 in liver histopathology samples from dogs with chronic hepatitis JVIM, 2018, Kortum
p21 was high in dogs with CH and if > 91.8% was associated with shorter survival
Sensitivity and specificity of plasma ALT, ALP, and bile acids for hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers”. Dirksen, JVIM 2017
ALT was better at detecting AH & CH compared to ALP & BA, but overall sensitivity for detecting dogs with inflammatory liver disease was low
Antihistone Autoantibodies in Doberman with hepatitis. JVIM 2017, Dyggve
Increased concentration of AHA in 92% of subclinical stage and 84,6% of clinical stages
Association between gallbladder ultrasound findings and bacterial culture of bile in 70 cats and 202 dogs JVIM 2017, Smith
Cats abnormal gallbladder had highest sensitivity (96%), especailly with thickened wall or sludge vs lower in dogs (81%)
Complication 3.4% dogs and 2.8% of cats
Peritoneal hemorrhage, wall edema, GB collapse, intraluminal hemorrhage
Increased Leptin and Leptin Receptor Expression in Dogs With Gallbladder Mucocele JVIM, 2017, Lee
Leptin concentration was higher in dogs with mucocele but not if endocrinopathy
Interobserver Agreement Using Histological Scoring of the Canine Liver JVIM, 2017, Lidbury
Poor agreement when assessed nocroinflammation
Thromboelastography in Dogs with Chronic Hepatopathies JVIM, 2017, Fry
- negative prognostic
- High disease activity
Variable TEG
- negative prognostic if hypocoagulable
- High disease activity if hyperfibrinolysis
Bacterial Cholangitis, Cholecystitis, or both in Dogs, JVIM, 2015, Tamborini
Blood work
Blood work
Elevated liver enzymes (25/26), hyperbilirubinemia (20/26), inflammatory leukogram (21/24)
Bacteria Escherichia coli (higher resistance) Enterococcus and Clostridium
Complications: rupture in 33%
Cytological Findings of 140 Bile Samples from Dogs and Cats and Associated Clinical Pathological Data, JVIM, 2015, Peters
Prevalence - Infection - Inflammation Risk factor for both Bacteria Complications
- Infection: 30% dogs and 22% cats
- Inflammation: 5% dogs and 19% cats
Risk factor for both: cPL
E.coli and enteroccocus
Complications 2/140
Serum Beta Hydroxybutyrate Concentrations in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease, Hyperthyroidism, or Hepatic Lipidosis, JVIM, 2015, Gorman
Beta hydroxybutyrate was above the reference interval for all group, but more marked with hepatic lipidosis
A Comparison of Liver Sampling Techniques in Dogs, JVIM, 2016, Kemp
The histopathologic interpretation of a liver sample in the dog is unlikely to vary if the liver biopsy specimen contains at least 3–12 portal triads, but overall accuracy with necropsy was low
Association of Gallbladder Mucocele Histologic Diagnosis with Selected Drug Use in Dogs: A Matched Case-Control Study, JVIM, 2015, Gookin
Drugs with increased risk
Imidaclopramid, especially in Shetland sheepdogs
Incidence, Timing, and Risk Factors of Azathioprine Hepatotoxicosis in Dogs, JVIM, 2015, Wallisch
Risk factor
Other adverse event
Prevalence: 15%
Risk factor: German shepherd dog
Other adverse event: thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, but later in treatment
Parenterally administered vancomycin in 29 dogs and 7 cats (2003-2017), JVIM, 2019
Not efficient against:
Bacteria usually susceptible to vacomycin:
Adverse effects
Not efficient against: gram -
Bacteria usually susceptible to vancomycin: enterococcus, MRSA, MRSP
Adverse effects: AKI in 17%
monoclonal antibody-based urine Histoplasma antigen enzyme immunoassay (IMMY®) for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis in cats, Rothenburg, JVIM, 2019
moderate overall agreement
Immy accuracy with cut-off 0.25 = 83%, 1.1 = 89% and MiraVista 96%
Differences in clinicopathologic variables between Borrelia C6 antigen seroreactive and Borrelia C6 seronegative glomerulonephropathy in dogs
Name tick vector:
Dogs seroreactive were which breed and were more likely to have:
Name tick vector: Ixodes scapularis
Dogs seroreactive were Retrivers and were more likely to have:
- Vomiting, lethargy and weakness
- Azotemia with immune-complex glumerulonephritis (100%)
- Hyper-phosphatemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Anemia
- Hematuria, glucosuria and pyurie (tubular damage too)
Association of acute Babesia canis infection and serum lipid, lipoprotein, and apoprotein concentrations in dogs, JVIM, 2019, Milanovic
- Concentration, composition and morphology of HDL
(altered cholesterol transport)
- Increase ApoA-1 and SAA
Clinicopathological findings in 41 dogs (2008-2018) naturally infected with Ehrlichia ewingii, JVIM, 2015
Vector for E. ewingii and E. canis Concurrent diagnosis Main change on physical examination Blood work/UA changes Coinfection
Vector for
E. ewingii - Amblyomma americanum
E. canis - Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Concurrent diagnosis renal disease (17%) and IMHA (15%)
Main change on physical examination was the presence of joint pain (34%)
Blood work/UA changes
- Abnormal lymphocyte count
- Neutrophilia: 57%
- Elevated ALP (57%) or ALT (40%)
- Elevated SDMA (32%)
- Proteinuria (74%)
Bartonella (2.6%), Rickettsia richettsia 30%
Borrelia Burgdorferi 2.4%
Comparison of diagnostic techniques for detection of Giardia duodenalis in dogs and cats, JVIM 2019, Saleh
Reference test:
Improve inclinic diagnostic with
Reference test: IFA
Improve inclinic diagnostic with ZnSO4 centrifugal fecal flotation
Evaluation of liposome toll-like receptor ligand complexes for non-specific mucosal immunoprotection from feline herpesvirus-1 infection, JVIM, 2019, Contreras
Clinical signs
Conjunctivitis less frequent but higher respiratory score
Decrease FHV-1 DNA
Evaluation of the clinical performance of 2 point-of-care cryptococcal antigen tests in dogs and cats, JVIM, 2019, Reagan
sensitivity 92% and specificity 93%
CryptoPS : sensitivity 80%, specificity 95%
Hepatic leptospiral infections in dogs without obvious renal involvement, JVIM, 2019, McCallum
Efficacy of treatment
Interrogans or kirschneri
Repeat biopsy showed persistent positive FISH results
Survival 60%
Listerial mesenteric lymphadenitis in 3 cats, JVIM, 2019, FLuen
Gram +
Marked mesenteric lymphadenomegaly
Prevalence of Babesia spp. and clinical characteristics of Babesia vulpes infections in North American dogs, JVIM, 2019, Barash
Babesia prevalence
- Gibsoni
- Vulpes
- Both
Blood work/UA changes
Babesia prevalence: 3%
- Gibsoni - 1.7%
- Vulpes - 0.2%
- Both - 0.31 %
Breed - American Pitty
Coinfection - mycoplasma, dirofilaria, wolbachia, bartonella, erlichia, rickettsia
Blood work/UA
Anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria
Prevalence of Clostridium perfringens netE and netF toxin genes in the feces of dogs with acute hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome, JVIM, 2019, Sindern
Higher in dogs with
Higher in dogs with AHDS
Repeated cross-sectional study of Trypanosoma cruzi in shelter dogs in Texas, in the context of Dirofilaria immitis and tick-borne pathogen prevalence, JVIM, 2019, Hodo
Seropositive vs PCR
Seropositive 18% vs PCR 1%
Coinfection: Ehrlichia 4%, Anaplasma 7%, Borellia (0.2%), Dirofilaria (16%)
Characteristics of hemostasis during experimental Ehrlichia canis infection, Shropshire, 2018, JVIM
- Lower platelet, activated platelets, antiplatelet Ab
- Hypercoagulable and hypogibribolylsis
- None had evidence of bleeding
monoclonal antibody-based urine Histoplasma antigen enzyme immunoassay (IMMY) for the diagnosis of histoplasmosis in cats”. Rothenburg. JVIM 2018
IMMY was infector to miravista
Babesia gibsoni cytochrome b mutations in canine blood samples submitted to a US veterinary diagnostic laboratory”. Adam J. Birkenheuer. JVIM 2018
Mutation in M128 (indicating resistance to atovaquone)
When to recheck PCR
Breed: American Staffordshire/Pitty (70%)
Mutation in M128 (indicating resistance to atovaquone): 3.5%
Recheck PCR testing should be performed >60 days from the completion of treatment
25-Hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in dogs with naturally acquired blastomycosis, JVIM, 2018, O’brien
Lower concentration of
Higher concentration of
Association with survival
Lower concentration of 25(OH)D and PTH
Higher concentration of iCa
Association with survival: none
Babesia conradae infection in coyote hunting dogs infected with multiple blood-borne pathogens, JVIM, 2018, Dear
Risk factor
Mycoplasma, E. canis, Hepatozoon
Aggressive interactions with coyotes, lower HCT/leukocyte/platelet and albumin, higher MCV/MPV and globulin
Bartonella Seroepidemiology in Dogs from North America, 2008–2014, JVIM, 2018,
- Overall
- Henselae
- Koehlerae
Risk factors
- Overall: 3.3 %
- Henselae 2%
- Koehlerae 2.4 %
Risk factors: intact male and mixed breed
Coexposure frequent
Effect of a Pheromone on Stress-Associated Reactivation of Feline Herpesvirus-1 in Experimentally Inoculated Kittens, JVIM, 2018, Contreras
Less sneezing and more sleeping
Efficacy of Minocycline in Naturally Occurring Nonacute Ehrlichia canis Infection in Dogs, JVIM, 2018, Jenkins
Efficiency by day 28
Evaluation of 3 Serological Tests for Early Detection Of Leptospira-specific Antibodies in Experimentally Infected Dogs, JVIM, 2018, Lizer
Dected seroconversion in all animals earlier
Snap lower and inconsistence performances
Evaluation of cell culture-grown Bartonella antigens in immunofluorescent antibody assays for the serological diagnosis of bartonellosis in dogs, JVIM, 2018, Neupane
Low IFA sensitivity
Fecal microbiota transplantation in puppies with canine parvovirus infection, JVIM, 2018, Pereira
Associated with faster resolution of diarrhea and shorter hospitalization
Mortality 21% (vs 36%)
Strain COV-2b
Rapid Diagnosis of Babesia gibsoni by Point-of-Need Testing by Insulated Isothermal PCR in Dogs at High Risk of Infection, JVIM, 2018, Cooke
Sensitivity and specificity of the iiPCR assay for Babesia spp. were 87% and 98%, respectively
Efficacy of Azithromycin and Compounded Atovaquone for Treatment o f Babesia gibsoni in Dogs
Compounded atovaquone can reduce cost without compromising efficiency
Hemorrhagic, Hemostatic, and Thromboelastometric Disorders in 35 Dogs with a Clinical Diagnosis of Leptospirosis: A Prospective Study, JVIM, 2017
Most common abnormalities
TEG profile
Hemorrhagic diatheses seen with
Mortality rate
Most common abnormalities:
Anemia (90%), thrombocytopenia, hyperfibrinogenemia (50%). DIC in 8/35
TEG profile
Normal 40%
Hypercoagulable 40%
Hypocoagulable 20%
Hemorrhagic diatheses seen with hypocoagulable profile
Mortality rate lower with hypercoagulable (21% vs 57%)
Hyperfibrinolysis and Hypofibrinogenemia Diagnosed With Rotational Thromboelastometry in Dogs Naturally Infected With Angiostrongylus vasorum, JVIM, 2017, Sigrist
Associated with
Hyperfibrinolysis in 80% (most with signs of bleeding)
Associated with hypofibrinogenemia (60%)
Tranexamic acid and FFP
Survival 70% and not different with or without bleeding
Performance of 4 Point-of-Care Screening Tests for Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, JVIM, 2017, Levy
Best for FeLV is SNAP but all good for FIV
Pharmacokinetics and Relative Bioavailability of Orally Administered Innovator-Formulated Itraconazole Capsules and Solution in Healthy Dogs, JVIM, 201, Hasbach
Capsule and solution similar
Utility of Acute-Phase Proteins in the Assessment of Treatment Response in Dogs With Bacterial Pneumonia, JVIM, 2017, Viitanen
CRP and SAA reflected recovery process and CRP can be used to guide duration of ATB
Antigen Concentrations as an Indicator of Clinical Remission and Disease Relapse in Cats with Histoplasmosis, JVIM, 2016, Hanzlicek
Clinical remission
Antigen detection in urine - plasma - and both _____
Clinical remission in 12/15 cats
Antigen detection in urine - 14/15 and plasma - 11/15 and both decrease with treatment, but may increase back before clinical signs of relapse
Clinicopathologic and Histopathologic Renal Abnormalities in Dogs with Coccidioidomycosis, JVIM, 2016, Mehrken
Prevalence of azotemia, proteinuria, histopathologic lesion of ICGN
Prevalence of azotemia 13%, proteinuria 63% (relevant in 25%), histopathologic lesion of ICGN in 54%
Evaluation of Serum Aspergillus-Specific Immunoglobulin A by Indirect ELISA for Diagnosis of Feline Upper Respiratory Tract Aspergillosis, JVIM, 2016, Taylor
Most cat and As-IgA detected by ELISA, but concurrent use with IgG do not provide benefit
Percutaneous Ultrasound-guided Cholecystocentesis and Bile Analysis for the Detection of Platynosomum spp.-Induced Cholangitis in Cats, JVIM, 2016, Koster
Bile egg count, along with bile analysis, is an alternative method, especially with negative fecal egg count
Prognostic Markers in Acute Babesia canis Infections, JVIM, 2016
- All had hyperlactatemia
- Higher triglycerides and phosphate
- Lower HCT, leukocyte, TP and platelets
Survivor all had leukocyte count within normal range
Is PCR detection of B. Bronchispetica in BALF is a useful diagnostic tool ?
Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever in Dogs, JVIM, 2016, Piccione
Clinical signs
Blood work:
Response to tetracycline
Lethargy, inappetence and pyrexia, some had neurological disease
All had thrombocytopenia
Platelet number improved and spirochetemia and pyrexia resolved in 4/5
Treatment of Disseminated Aspergillosis with Posaconazole in 10 Dogs, JVIM, 2016,
Adverse effects
Remission 40%, improvement 60%
Relapse high during of after treatment
MST 541 days
No clinical adverse effects or in liver enzyme
Relationship Between Degenerative Joint Disease, Pain, and Bartonella spp. Seroreactivity in Domesticated Cats, JVIM, 2015, Tomas
Cats wiht DJD and pain were less likely to have bartonella …
Disseminated Strongyloides stercoralis infection in a dog following long-term treatment with budesonide, Graham JAVMA, 2019
Clinical signs
Diagnostic method
Clinical signs
- Mild diarrhea, cough, dermatitis, weight loss
vs systemic (liver, brain, heart and UTI)
Diagnostic method: Bearmann fecal
Ivermectin or fenbendazole x 5 days
Investigation of a combination of amiodarone and itraconazole for treatment of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) in dogs, Madigan, JAVMA, 2019
Treatment group:
Control group
Treatment group:
Survival: 82%
Seroconversion: 23%
Efficacy: PCR negative within 6-24 months, clinical improvement in 53/54 and all arrhythmia resolved
Control group
Survival: 50%
Efficacy: no improvement
Clinical signs, treatment, and prognostic factors for dogs with histoplasmosis. Wilson. JAVMA 2018
How does the infection disseminate Presentation Survival/remission Relapse Which treatment best (itraconazole vs fluconazole) Negative prognostic factors Most common radiograph abnormalitie Classification (GI, respiratory and disseminated) and outcome ?
Within macrophages
Toy breed 13%
Survival: 95% remission 67%
Relapse: 21%
Which treatment best (itraconazole vs fluconazole) - equal
Negative prognostic factors
- Great Pyrenees
- Dyspnea
- Oxygen
- Icterus
- Abdominal organomegaly
- Anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypercalcemia, elevated ALP and bilirubin
Most common radiograph abnormalitieL diffuse interstitial pattern
Classification (GI, respiratory and disseminated) and outcome ? Diarrhea had better outcome
Comparison of absorption characteristics of oral reference and compounded itraconazole formulations in healthy cats. Mawby. JAVMA 2018
Both poorly and indaquaterly absorbed, but solution better (give 4 mg/kg vs 12.5)
Outcomes of and risk factors for presumed canine H3N2 influenza virus infection in a metropolitan outbreak. Dunn. JAVMA 2018
Survival rate
CIV-positive presentation
Survival 97%
Presntation: older, more likely to have inappetence
Effects of milbemycin oxime, combined with spinosad, when administered orally to microfilaremic dogs infected with adult heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis). Grant. JAVMA 2018 (Trifexis)
Adverse effect
Decrease in micirofilaria within 7 days, but then no subsequent reduction
Mild vomiting
Investigation and characterization of Brucella canis infections in pet-quality dogs and associated human exposures during a 2007–2016 outbreak in Michigan. Johnson. JAVMA 2018
Main long term complication
35% developed diskospondylitis
Survival estimates and outcome predictors for shelter cats with feline panleukopenia virus infection. Porporato. JAVMA 2018
Type of virus
Survival rate
Associated with survival
Associated with non-survival
Nonenvloped single stranded DNA
Survival rate: 20%
Associated with survival
- No signs of lethargy
- Higher body weight and temperature
Associated with non-survival
- Need for glucose and leukopenia by day 3
systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between Mycoplasma spp and upper and lower respiratory tract disease in cats, Le Boedec, JAVMA, 2017
Associated with URT byt not LRT
Prevalence of Alaria infection in companion animals in north central Oklahoma from 2006 through 2015 and detection in wildlife, JAVMA, 2017
Higher in __ cats and ___ dogs
Higher in FERAL cats (9%) and SHELTER dogs (2%)
Seen in wild pigs 26% and animals more than 1990
Evaluation of mortality rate and predictors of outcome in dogs receiving outpatient treatment for parvoviral enteritis, Sarpong, JAVMA, 2017
Survival rate
Survival rate 75%
Chihuahua, GSD, Pitty. Male overrepresented
Prevalence of serum antibody titers against canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus in dogs hospitalized in an intensive care unit, Mahon, JAVMA, 2017
Distemper 50%
Parvovirus: 81%
Seroprevalences of feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus infection in cats in the United States and Canada and risk factors for seropositivity, Burling, JAVMA, 2017
Overall prevalence and risk factors
Cats tested in clinic for those had an higher prevalence, which was
- Oral disease
- Respiratory disease
- Abscess/bite wound
Overall prevalence 3.1 % FeLV 3.6 % FIV and risk factors
- Adult, outdoor, unhealthy (13.9%), intact male
Cats tested in clinic for those had an higher prevalence, which was - Oral disease FeLV 4.7 % FIV 10% - Respiratory disease FeLV 8% FIV 6.4% - Abscess/bite wound FeLV 5.5% FIV 12.5%
Survey of intestinal parasitism in dogs in the Phoenix metropolitan area, Cornell, JAVMA, 2017
Most common:
Prevalence: 48% of shelter and 14% from owned
Most common: Giardia
Systemic manifestations of Cuterebra infection in dogs and cats: 42 cases (2000–2014), Rutland JAVMA, 2017
Prevalence of SIRS (dog: cat:)
Prevalance of DIC
(dog: cats; )
Mortality rate
Presentation: 80% weight < 4.5 kg with Yorkie over-represented (40%)
Prevalence of SIRS (dog:50% cat:14%)
Prevalance of DIC
(dog:40% cats; 0%)
Mortality rate -17%
Dog: 30%
Cat: 4.5%
Characterization of leptospirosis among dogs in Oregon, 2007–2011, Graysel, JAVMA, 2016
Timing: rainfall in spring
Risks: water and wildlife
Comorbidities: otitis and dermatitis
Oral administration of famciclovir for treatment of spontaneous ocular, respiratory, or dermatologic disease attributed to feline herpesvirus type 1: 59 cases (2006–2013), Thomasy, JAVMA, 2016
Averse effects
Symptoms Conjunctivitis (86%), keratitis (86%), blepharitis (32%), nasal discharge/sneezing (17%)
Efficacy: marked 51%, mild 34%, none 15% (best at higher dose)
Averse effects: 10/59
Variable-number tandem-repeat analysis of leptospiral DNA isolated from canine urine samples molecularly confirmed to contain pathogenic leptospires, JAVMA, Harkin, 2016
Grippotyphosa in USA
Efficacy of endotracheal tube disinfection strategies for elimination of Streptococcus zooepidemicus and Bordetella bronchiseptica, Crawford, JAVMA, 2015
No growth with chlorhexidine
10% growth with accelerated hydrogen peroxide
Evaluation of an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to a recombinant Blastomyces adhesin-1 repeat antigen as an aid in the diagnosis of blastomycosis in dogs,Mourning JAVMA, 2015
Which one had greater sensitivity
rBAD-1 antibody EIA had greater sensitivity than the A-antigen antibody AGID assay in dogs with blastomycosis and may assist in distinguishing histo from blasto
Incidence rates and risk factors for owner-reported adverse events following vaccination of dogs that did or did not receive a Leptospira vaccine, Ju Yao, JAVMA, 2015
Risks of AE
- Lepto vaccina
- Age
- Weight < 4.5 kg
Efficacy and safety of the nucleoside analog GS-441524 for treatment of cats with naturally occurring feline infectious peritonitis. Pedersen. JFMS 2019
Neurological relapse
GC376 - 6/20`
GS-441524 - 25/31
Neurological relapse can be put back in remission with GS-441524
Safe overall
Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of twice-daily famciclovir administration on infectious upper respiratory disease in shelter-housed cats, JFMS, 2019, Cooper
No clinical benefit, except for reduced shedding
Efficacy of itraconazole oral solution using an alternating-week pulse therapy regimen for treatment of cats with experimental Microsporum canis infection. Puls. JFMS 2018
Microsporidium canis
Cure in 98% as soon as 1 week
Candidate prognostic indicators in cats with histoplasmosis treated with antifungal therapy, JFMS, 2018, Ludwig
Discharge, 1 month, 6 month
Risk factors
Discharge - 88%
1 month - 77%
6 months - 67%
Risk factors
- dyspnea, adventitial lung score, fungemia, dyspnea, cytopenia, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated CK, steroid, O2 supplementation
Clinical presentations, treatments and risk factors for mortality in cats with tick paralysis caused by Ixodes holocyclus: 2077 cases (2008–2016), JFMS, 2018, Leister
Death and risk factors
Death in 3% and associated with high gait score and low temperature (< 35) and no clipping fur
Efficacy of a 3C-like protease inhibitor in treating various forms of acquired feline infectious peritonitis, JFMS, 2018, Perdersen
Efficacy ?
Side effects
Side effects: stinging, SQ fibrosis and hair loss
Minimum transmission time of Cytauxzoon felis by Amblyomma americanum to domestic cats in relation to duration of infestation, and investigation of ingestion of infected ticks as a potential route of transmission, JFMS, 2018, Thomas
> 36 h but ⩽48 h
Use of computed tomography imaging during long-term follow-up of nine feline tuberculosis case, JFMS, 2018, Major
CT-scan were highly variable and signs only resolved in a minority of cases
Comparison of real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, serum and cell-free body cavity effusion for the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis, Doenges, JFMS, 2016
RT-PCR specific, but only sensitive with cavity effusion
Diagnosis of pancreatic disease in feline platynosomosis, JFMS, 2017, Koster
GI panel
None had US signs with pancreatitis
4 hypocobalaminemia and 11 had abnormal folate
Duration of antibody response following vaccination against feline immunodeficiency virus, JFMS, 2016
Does not interfere with results if > 6 months
Efficacy of guar gum-based ronidazole capsules as a treatment for Tritrichomonas foetus infection in cats, JFMS, 2017, Grellet
30 mg/kg once daily for 14 days
Investigation into the utility of an immunocytochemical assay in body cavity effusions for diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis,
ICC of effusion samples currently cannot be recommended to confirm a suspicion of FIP
Single and mixed feline lungworm infections: clinical, radiographic and therapeutic features of 26 cases (2013–2015), JFMS, 2017, Crisi
Clinical signs
Blood work change
Clinical signs: coughing (12), increased vesicular sounds (10), dyspnea (9), labored breathing
Blood work change: anemia
Rads: mostly interstitial or bronchial
Systolic blood pressure, routine kidney variables and renal ultrasonographic findings in cats naturally infected with feline immunodeficiency virus, JFMS, 2017, Taffin
Blood work
BP - lower
Blood work - idem
UA - lower USG and higher UPC
US - hyperechoic and renomegaly
Transduction of hematopoietic stem cells to stimulate RNA interference against feline infectious peritonitis, JFMS, 2017, Anis
reduce FCoV replication
Usefulness of acute phase proteins in differentiating between feline infectious peritonitis and other diseases in cats with body cavity effusions, JFMS, 2017, Hazuchova
AGP in effusion (1550 ug/ml) had sensitivity and specigicity of 93%
Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection of domestic cats: 16 cases from the northeastern USA, Savidge, JFMS, 2016
Blood work changes
Presentation: lethargy (100%), fever (> 39.4C) and anorexia
Blood work:
- lymphopenia (64%)
- thrombocytopenia (64%)
- morulae in neutrophils (27%)
- Neutropenia 27%
Resolved with doxycycline
Clinical and laboratory features of cats with feline infectious peritonitis – a retrospective study of 231 confirmed cases (2000–2010), Riemer, JFMS, 2016
Blood work
young male
Microcytosis (35%) Band neutrophilia (44%) Lumphopenia and hyperbilirubinemia more likely in cats with effusion vs without Hyperglobulinemia in 89% A:G ratio < 0.6 in 85%
Computed tomographic findings in cats with mycobacterial infection, Major, JFMS, 2016
CT abnormalities
Presentation adule male neutered cats Agent: Mycobacterium microti and bovis CT abnormalities - Bronchial (50%), alveolar (40%), ground glass or structred interstitial (70%) - Lymphadenomegaly - Hepatosplenomegaly - Osteolytic lesions or other skeletal lesion - Cutaneous or SQ nodule (20%)
Cryosurgery in association with itraconazole for the treatment of feline sporotrichosis, Pimentel de Souza, JFMS, 2016
11/13 cured clinically
Evaluation of associations among Coxiella burnetii and reproductive abnormalities in cats, JFMS, Fujishiro, 2016
Evaluation of intranasal vaccine administration and high-dose interferon-α2b therapy for treatment of chronic upper respiratory tract infections in shelter cats, Fenimore, JFMS, 2016
Alleviate chronic clinical signs
Evaluation of the Leptospira species microscopic agglutination test in experimentally vaccinated cats and Leptospira species seropositivity in aged azotemic client-owned cats, Shropshire, JFMS, 2016
None to borrelia
Borna disease virus infection in cats, Guidelines, Lutz, 2015
Causes non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis manifested by ataxia, pain, changes in behaviour, inability to retract claw and paralysis
Antimicrobial susceptibility in bacterial isolates from Norwegian cats with lower urinary tract disease
ATB susceptibility
Bacteria - E.coli in 40%
ATB susceptibility Mostly baytril (92%) and TMS (91%)
Antiviral treatment of feline immunodeficiency virus-infected cats with R-9-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl-2,6-diaminopurine, Taffin, JFMS 2015
Adverse effects
Improvement of clinical signs with decreased viral load
Mild decrease in PCV
Effect of cyclosporin and methylprednisolone acetate on cats previously infected with feline herpersvirus 1, JFMS, 2016
mild and self limiting
Effect of high-dose cyclosporin on the immune response to primary and booster vaccination in immunocompetent cats
Reduction in
Absence of Ab production
Reduction in Ab response to FHV-1, FeLV and rabies
No ab production for FIV
Evaluation of the nutritional adequacy of recipes for home-prepared maintenance
Problem with adequacy were identified in all evaluated home-made diet recipes
Assessment of the clinical accuracy of serum and saliva assays for identification of adverse food reaction in dogs without clinical signs of disease, JAVMA, 2019
Saliva and serum assays for AFR often yielded positive results for apparently healthy dogs and are not recommended for clinical use
Intestinal lymphoma in dogs: 84 cases (1997–2012)”. Sogame.
Clinical signs
MST - shorter with
9 y/o Golden
Clinical signs
Vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss
MST - 62 days and shorter with anorexia, septic peritonitis, extension. Surgery made no difference
Phenotype: T cells and higher expressionof MDR-1 RNA
Effects of storage conditions and duration on cobalamin concentration in serum samples from cats and dogs, JAVMA, 2018, Kempf
Lower B12 if stored
Stored with daylight exposure at room temperataure
Stable for 5 days in fridge at 6C
Incidence of chyloabdomen diagnosis in dogs and cats and corresponding clinical signs, clinicopathologic test results, and outcomes: 53 cases (1984–2014), JAVMA 2018, Hatch
Clinical signs
Presentation -
Cats: 11 years
Dog: 7 years
Clinical signs: lethargy 76%, anorexia 73%
Malignant 45% (lymphoma, carcinoma, angiosarcoma)
Cardiac disease 25%
Lymphangiectasia 15%
MST: 31 days
Likelihood and outcome of esophageal perforation secondary to esophageal foreign body in dogs, JAVMA 2018 Sterman
Prevalance of esophageal performation
- Risk factors
Prevalence - 12%
Risk: fishhook (27%) and interval to presentation
Quantification of vitamin D3 in commercial dog foods and comparison with Association of American Feed Control Officials recommendations and manufacturer-reported concentrations, JAVMA, 2018 Kritikos
Risk factors and prognostic indicators for surgical outcome of dogs with esophageal foreign body obstruction, JAVMA 2018, Brisson
Mortality rate and poorer prognosis
Treatment success
Terrier breeds 31%
Mortality rate 5% and poorer prognosis if older, longer duration of entrapment and performation
Treatment success
- Endoscopic retrival or adcancement into stomach successful in 84%
Complication in 11% (stricture)
Clinical and histologic features of acute-onset erythroderma in dogs with gastrointestinal disease: 18 cases (2005–2015), JAVMA, 2017, Cain
Underlying GI disease
Signs: acute, erythematous macules, vomiting, hematochezia
IBD, pancreatitis, drug reaction
Effect of hospitalization on gastrointestinal motility and pH in dogs, JAVMA, 2017, Warrit
Motility: gastric emptying during hospitalization is longer than at home (72 hours vs 18 jours)
No change in gastric pH
Utrasonographic and computed tomographic characterization and localization of suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction in dogs , JAVMA, 2017, Winter
- CT-scan
- CT-scan: 100%
- AUS: 1 dog with ileus misdiagnosed with FB
Perioperative morbidity and outcome of esophageal surgery in dogs and cats: 72 cases (1993–2013), JAVMA, 2016, Sutton
Indication for surgery
Mortality and risk factors
- FB in dogs
- Stricture in cats
Complications: 54% dogs and 30% of cats
- Short-term - respiratory distress
- Delayed - regurgitation and stricture
10% died, risk pneumomediastinum and leukopenia
Assessment of protein and amino acid concentrations and labeling adequacy of commercial vegetarian diets formulated for dogs and cats, JFMS, 2015, Kanakubo
Most diets assessed in this study were not compliant with AAFCO labeling regulations
Incidence of and risk factors for postoperative regurgitation and vomiting in dogs: 244 cases (2000–2012), JFMS, 2015, Davies
Prevalence and risk factors
Prevalence 12% and higher risk if
- GI surgery (OR 11)
- Premeds without dexdom or ACE (OR 5)
- Anesthesia score (OR 5)
- Vomiting or regurgitation (OR 5)
- Emergency surgery (OR 4)
- Neuro surgery (OR 3)
- Using sevoflurane (OR 3)
- Intact
Evaluation of serum biochemical marker concentrations and survival time in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy, JFMS, 2015, Equilino
CRP, cPL and a-proteinase inhibitor concentration differed significantly between PLE and FRD, but did not predict survival
Anti-Fel d1 immunoglobulin Y antibody-containing egg ingredient lowers allergen levels in cat saliva, JFMS, 2019, Satyaraj
Feeding sIgY significantly reduced aFel d1 in the saliva of cats within 3 weeks
Diagnosis of feline pancreatitis with SNAP fPL and Spec fPL, JFMS, 2019, SchaunB
Agreement Spec cPL < 3.5 and > 5.4
Clinical signs
Blood work
Spec cPL < 3.5 98%
> 5.4 90%
Clinical signs
Lethargy (95%), reduced appetite and vomiting (90%), dehydration (81%), diarrhea (60%), abdominal pain and weight loss (50%)
Blood work
Hyperglycemia and hyperbilirubinemia (88%), elevated liver enzymes (AST 76%, ALT 50%), leucocytosis (62%), lymphopenia (57%), decreased NaCl (57%), increased urea (52%)
Enteroplication in cats with intussusception: a retrospective study (2001–2016), JFMS, 2019, Haider
Presentation: male Maine Coon
Some complications were possibly associated with enteroplication - use with caution
Prevalence of microorganisms associated with feline gingivostomatitis, JFMS, 2019, Nakanishi
Cats with gingivostomatitis
Cats with FGS
- higher prevalence of FCV
- Lower pasteurella multocida
- Higher enterococcus and anaerobic bacteria
Omeprazole minimally alters the fecal microbial community in six cats: a pilot study”. Schmid. Frontiers in Vet Science 2018.
Adverse effects
Effect on microbiome and metabolome
Adverse effect - uncommon (hyporexia and diarrhea)
No effect, but did increased streptococcus, lactobacillus, clostridium and fecalbacterium. Transient decrease in bifidobacterium
Effect of age, sex and body weight on the serum concentrations of cobalamin and folate in cats consuming a consistent diet “. Hill. J. Feline Medicine & Surgery 2018
B12 levels
Folate levels
B12 levels
- Lower in older cats
- Higher in male
- increased with age
Pilot study: duodenal MDR1 and COX2 gene expression in cats with inflammatory bowel disease and low-grade alimentary lymphoma”. Castro-Lopez. J. Feline Medicine & Surgery 2018
MDR1 & COX2 were significantly higher in cats with LGAL
Clinical topographical anatomy of the gastro-oesophageal junction in the cat, JFMS, 2018, Voutsinou
the whole oesophagus was situated within the thoracic rather than the abdominal cavity
Strong associations of nine-point body condition scoring with survival and lifespan in cats, JFMS, 2018, Teng
BCS < 5 and 9 were associated witth decreased survival and lifespan
Clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical and molecular characterization of feline chronic gingivostomatitis, JFMS, 2017, Rolim
Clinical signs
Prevalance of severe inflammation
Presence of FeLV and FCV antigen in the epithelium and inflammatory infiltrate
Clinical signs
- Dysphagia (88%), halitosis (77%), siallorrhea (47%), weight loss (40%)
Prevalance of severe inflammation: 85%
Presence of FeLV and FCV antigen in the epithelium and inflammatory infiltrate
- FeLV - 30%
- FCV - 0 %
Evaluation of two raw diets vs a commercial cooked diet on feline growth JFMS, 2017
Outbreak of thiamine deficiency in cats associated with the feeding of defective dry food, JFMS, 2017, Chang
Clinical signs
- Bilateral vestibular signs in 94%
- Aletered mentation (76%), blindness (60%), cluster / status seizures (60%)
Most recovered within 2 weeks
Sensitivity of fecal occult blood testing in the cat, JFMS, 2017, Rudinsky
Can be used in cats
Ultrasonographic, endoscopic and histological appearance of the caecum in clinically healthy cats, JFMS, 2017, Hahn
Healthy cats: 3/19 had mild ceacal inflammation - this would correspond with thickeness of > 2 mm on AUS
On endoscopy: all had dimpling of mucosa
Ultrasonographic, endoscopic and histological appearances of the caecum in cats presenting with chronic clinical signs of caecocolic disease, JFMS, 2017, Hahn
Abnormalities on AUS
Abnormalities on endoscopy
Abnormalities on histopathology
Predictor of severity of inflammation or malignancy
AUS: abnormal in 17/18
11/18 close to ileocolic junction
13/18 at the ileocoloc junction (wall thickening, loss of layering)
Endoscopy: all abnormal
Hyperemia, edema, discoloration or erosions
Histology: abnormal in 14/16
Typhlitis 13/16
Lymphoma 1/16
Can clinical signs, clinicopathological findings and abdominal ultrasonography predict the site of histopathological abnormalities of the alimentary tract in cats?, JFMS, 2016, Freiche
Clinical signs, and clinicopathological and ultrasonographic abnormalities lack precision for hepatic (abnormal in 78%) and pancreatic (abnormal in 46%) histopathological lesions in cats with alimentary tract signs (abnormal GI biopsies in 83%), and cannot reliably predict from which organs biopsies should be collected.
Characterization of pica and chewing behaviors in privately owned cats: a case-control study, JFMS, 2016, Isabelle Demontigny
What was eaten ?
Pica associated with:
What was eaten ?
Shoelaces, threads, plastic, fabric
Pica associated with:
- Sucking and ingestion of fabric
- Vomiting
- No fed ad libitum
Effectiveness of a new dietetic weight management food to achieve weight loss in client-owned obese cats, JFMS, 2016, Christmann
Hill’s metabolic is effective
Serum cobalamin concentrations and small intestinal ultrasound changes in 75 cats with clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease: a retrospective study, JFMS, 2016, Jugan
Prevalence of hypocobalaminemia
Prevalence of intestinal ultrasound changes
Underlying diagnosis
Prevalence of hypocobalaminemia: 35%
Prevalence of intestinal ultrasound changes
Underlying diagnosis - inflammatory bowel disease, lymphoma, infectious disease and no abnormalities
DOG1 is a sensitive and specific immunohistochemical marker for diagnosis of canine gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Leiomyosarcoma = KIT and DOG1 negative and positive for desmin or SMA
Feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia: 13 cases and review of an emerging clinical entity, JFMS, 2015, Linton
FNA diagnosis
- 7 y/o male radolls
Large, hard non-painful lesion near pylorus or ileoceacocolic junction
FNA diagnosis
Hard and gritty, bacteria in 9/13
Outcome: poor
Serum ionised calcium as a prognostic risk factor in the clinical course of pancreatitis in cats, JFMS, 2015, Dias
Prevalence of changes of calcemia
- Hypocalcemia
- Normocalcemia
- Hypercalcemia
Risk factor for mortality
Prevalence of changes of calcemia
- Hypocalcemia - 58%
- Normocalcemia - 33%
- Hypercalcemia - 8 %
Risk factor for mortality: higher iCa
Safety of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the feline pancreas: a case-ccontrol study, JFMS, 2015, Crain
Complication: did not differ
Succesful in 67%
Spontaneous gastrointestinal perforation in cats: a retrospective study of 13 cases, JFMS, 2015, Bernardin
Location of perforation
Underlying diagnosis
4 duodenum, 3 had jejunal
Underlying diagnosis: 6/11 lymphoma
5/11 IBD or necrotic suppurative enteritis
Stem cell therapy in cats with chronic enteropathy: a proof of concept study, JFMS, 2015, Webb
Adverse reaction
Adverse reaction: none
Improvement or complete resolution: 5/7
Treatment of acquired nasopharyngeal stenosis using a removable silicone stent, JFMS, 2015, Lorenzi
Clinical signs
Radiographs changes
Clinical signs
- Stertor, inspiratory difficulty, nasal discharge, sneezing, dysphagia, R+/V+/A-
Radiographs changes
- Dorsal deviation of soft palate (10/15)
- Density across cranial nasopharynx in 4/15
- Normal in 1
Efficacy: resolved in 14/15 and improved in 1/15
JVIM 2019 – Makielski – Narrative review of therapies for chronic enteropathies in dogs and cats
Strong evidence
No evidence
Grade IV evidence
Strong evidence:
- Elimination diet
- Use of steroids (prednisone or budesonide)
- Enrofloxacin for granulomatous colitis in Boxer
No evidence - probiotics
Grade IV - mesenchymal stem cells
JVIM 2019 – Marsilio – Results of histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and molecular clonality testing of small intestinal biopsy specimens from clinically healthy client-owned cats
Gastric samples
Duodenal samples
Long term clinical signs
Gastric samples
- 18/18 had lymphoplasmacytic and fibrosis
Duodenal samples
20/20 lymphoplasmacytic, 18/20 crypt hyperplasia
Small cell lymphoma 12
17/20 did not develop signs
JVIM 2019 – Golly – The frequency of oral famotidine administration influences its effect on gastric pH in cats over time
Adverse effects
Rebound acid hypersecretion
Adverse secretion: dysorexia, v+, D+
Efficacy - not acheived acid suppression
No rebound
JVIM 2019 – Nixon – Efficacy of an orally administered anti-diarrheal probiotic paste (Pro-Kolin Advanced) in dogs with acute diarrhea: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded clinical study
Shorter duration of diarrhea and less likely to require additional medical intervention
6) JVIM 2019 – Breheny – Esophageal feeding tube placement and associated complications in 248 cats
Increased odd of death
Complication - Tube dislodgement 15% - Site infection 12% Enterococcus and E.coli More likely if steroids, chemotherapy, discharge at site and Mila tube - Stoma site discharge (18%)
Increased odds of death
- Lower body weight
- Neoplasia, infections, urogenital or pancreatic disease
Evaluation of the effect of famotidine continuous rate infusion on intragastric pH in healthy dogs”. Hedges. JVIM 2019.
Day 1 +2 - excellent gastric acid suppression
Day 3 - slightly diminised effect
Overall superior to twice daily
JVIM 2019 – Murakami – Ultrasonographic features of presumed gastric wall edema in 14 dogs with pancreatitis
Dogs with pancreatitis
Dogs with gastritis
- Increased wall thickness (9.9 mm) of submucosal / muscularis layer
- Hyperechoic peritoneal mesentery with peritoneal effusion
- Thickening of mucosal layer
JVIM 2019 – Guttin – Ability of ultrasonography to predict the presence and location of histologic lesions in the small intestine of cats
cats lacking ultrasonographic lesions in the submucosal and muscularis layers rarely have histologic lesions in those layers, and these cats may be good candidates for endoscopic small intestinal biopsy.
Videofluoroscopic swallow study features of lower esophageal sphincter achalasia-like syndrome in dogs JVIM, 2019, Grobman
Concurrent megaesophagus Baseline esophageal fluid-line Contractility - Acontractile - Hypomotile - Hypermotile
Concurrent megaesophagus: 74% Baseline esophageal fluid-line: 68% Contractility - Acontractile: 8/19 - Hypomotile: 8/19 - Hypermotile: 3/19
Plasma amino acid profiles in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease JVIM, 2019, Tamura
lower methionine, proline, serine, and tryptophan
Mechanical dilation, botulinum toxin A injection, and surgical myotomy with fundoplication for treatment of lower esophageal sphincter achalasia-like syndrome in dogs JVIM, 2019, Grobman
Dilation and botulism injection
Fundoplication and myotomy
Dilation and botulism injection: improved by day 21, but relapse after 40 days
Fundoplication and myotomy: lasting benefit (despite persistance of megaesophagus)
Lymphatic endothelial cell immunohistochemical markers for evaluation of the intestinal lymphatic vasculature in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy JVIM, 2019
Lower albumin correlated with:
IHC vs H&E
Lower albumin correlated with: increased villus lacteal, mucosal lacteal
IHC identified presumptive proprial mucosal lymphangiectasia that was not recognized in H&E
Longitudinal assessment of microbial dysbiosis, fecal unconjugated bile acid concentrations, and disease activity in dogs with steroid-responsive chronic inflammatory enteropathy JVIM, 2019, Guard
fecal unconjugated bile acids
Dysbiosis increased in dogs with CE
Secondary fecal unconjugated bile acids decreased in dogs with CE
Interleukin-13 and interleukin-33 mRNA are underexpressed in the duodenal mucosa of German Shepherd dogs with chronic enteropathy JVIM, 2019, Kathrani
GSDs with CE had significantly lower IL-13 and IL-33 mRNA
Evaluation of duodenal perfusion by contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy and intestinal lymphoma JVIM, 2019, Nisa
PI and AUC can detect duodenal inflammation and may help exclude inflammation vs lymphoma
Esophagostomy tube complications in dogs and cats: Retrospective review of 225 cases JVIM, 2019, Nathanson
Prevalence of complications and type of complications
Prevalence of complications: 44% and type of complications
- 18% of cats and 14% od dogs had infection
- 22% cats and 35% dog required debridement
Mortality 3/225 due to complications
Daily oral cyanocobalamin supplementation in Beagles with hereditary cobalamin malabsorption (Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome) maintains normal clinical and cellular cobalamin status JVIM, 2019, Kook
Consequence of low cobalamin:
Low B12 = high methylmalonic acid (MMA)
All dogs remained in excenllent health
Computed tomographic angiography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis and evaluation of acute pancreatitis in dogs JVIM, 2019, French
Heterogenous contast associated with
10/26 had heterogeneous contrast enhancement of pancreas and better identified portal vein thrombosis
Heterogenous assocaited with longer hospitalization, more relapse and more thrombosis
Development and validation of a novel clinical scoring system for short-term prediction of death in dogs with acute pancreatitis JVIM, 2019, Fabrès
Short term death associated with:
Short term death associated with:
- Coagulation disorder
- Creatinine
- ihypocalcemia
Comparison of clinical, clinicopathologic, and histologic variables in dogs with chronic inflammatory enteropathy and low or normal serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol concentrations JVIM, 2019, Wennogle
Dogs with low 25(OH)D
Low 25(OH)D:
- higher activity score and higher severity score on duodehum and ileum
- lower serum a-tocopherol, cholesterol, albumin
- higher CRP
Association of chronic enteropathy activity index, blood urea concentration, and risk of death in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy JVIM, 2019, Kathrani
Activity index and blood urea associated with death
Fecal short-chain fatty acid concentrations and dysbiosis in dogs with chronic enteropathy JVIM, 2019
Fecal level of
- Acetate
- Propionate
Fecal level of
- Acetate: lower
- Propionate: lower
- SCFAs: lower
JVIM 2018 – Garraway – Relationship of the mucosal microbiota to gastrointestinal inflammation and small cell intestinal lymphoma in cats.
cats with small cell lympho had
cats with small cell lympho had
- Higher Fusobacterium and Bacteroides
- Increased number of CD11b+ and NF-kB
Determining optimal therapy of dogs with chronic enteropathy by measurement of serum citrulline.” Gerou-Ferriani. JVIM February 2018
No significant difference
Alterations in serum amino acid concentrations in dogs with protein-losing enteropathy “. Kathrani. JVIM February 2018
Dogs with PLE had __ concentration of ____
Mortality: 43%
Dogs with PLE had DECREASED concentration of TRYPTOPHAN
JVIM 2018 – Seo – Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of intravenous esomeprazole at 2 different dosages
Adverse effects
Esomeprazole 0.5 mg/kg IV q12h is as effective as 1mg/kg BID and more effective than 1 mg/kg SID.
Not really seen
JVIM 2018 – Nivy – A retrospective study of 157 hospitalized cats with pancreatitis in a tertiary care center: Clinical, imaging and laboratory findings, potential prognostic markers and outcome
AUS changes
- Idiopathic (87%), anesthesia (6%), trauma (4%)
AUS changes
Pancreatomegaly (80%), hypoechoic pancreas (31%), extrabiliary tract dilation (24%)
Prognosis: mortality 23% Increased risk if: - Anorexia -Time from onset to presentation - Lethargy - Pleural effusion - HYpoglycemia - Parenteral nutrition -Azotemia - iHypocalcemia - Lack of ATB
JVIM 2018 – Bastan – Assessment of eosinophils in gastrointestinal inflammatory disease of dogs
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the eosinophil granule protein eosinophil peroxidase (Epx) can detect more intact and degranulated eosinophils than in stomach, duodenal, jejunal, and colonic samples stained with H&E
Retrospective evaluations of toceranib phosphate (Palladia) use in treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of dogs” JVIM 2018
Diagnosis Tumour location Treatment Adverse event Outcome
11 years old wiht lethagy, anoreixa and vomiting
10% had septic peritonitis
Tumour location: SI and ceacum
Adverse effects 64%
- GI the most
12/20 with microscopic disease still alive and 10/12 had no evidence of disease
Matastasis and high mitotic index associated with worse outcome
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Cats During Anesthesia and Effect of Omeprazole on Gastric pH JVIM, 2017, Garcia
pH omeprazole vs placebo
Gastrin concentration
GER during anesthesia
pH omeprazole was higher vs placebo
Gastrin concentration was similar
GER during anesthesia was 33% (similar to dogs)
Serologic and fecal markers to predict response to induction therapy in dogs with idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease JVIM, 2018, Otoni
Serum CRP, fecal cCP and CIBDAI decreased after treatment
Effect of sucralfate on gastric permeability in an ex vivo model of stress-related mucosal disease in dogs JVIM, 2018, Hill
Helps retore defects in gastric barrier function and accelerate repair of tissue
Effect of interleukin-1b on occludin mRNA expression in the duodenal and colonic mucosa of dogs with inflammatory bowel disease JVIM, 2018, Ogawa
Increased IL-1b in colonic mucosa
Effect of an extruded animal protein-free diet on fecal microbiota of dogs with food-responsive enteropathy JVIM, 2018, Bresciani
Lower bacterial alpha diversity
Microbial communities still different in FRE dogs after the trial but close to healthy microbiota
Comparison of intestinal expression of the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter between dogs with and without chronic inflammatory enteropathy JVIM, 2018, Giaretta
- expression of ASBT protein in ileum
- % primary bile acids in feces
- fecal dysbiosis
Effects of 6 Weeks of Parenteral Cobalamin Supplementation on Clinical and Biochemical Variables in Cats with Gastrointestinal Disease”. Kempf. JVIM August 2017
Once B12 supplementation is discontinued in cats with chronic enteropathy, the concentration of serum B12 decreases and MMA increases
Whole-Blood Taurine Concentrations in Cats With Intestinal Disease JVIM, 2017 Kathrani
Cats with large intestinal clinical signgs had lower concentration
Is US a valid alternative to scintigraphy for assessment of gastric emtpying?
Use of a Granulocyte Immunofluorescence Assay Designed for Humans for Detection of Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies in Dogs with Chronic Enteropathies JVIM, 2017, Florey
Sensitivity 0.61 and specificity 1
Association between pANCA/cANCA and diagnosis or FRD
Risk Factors for Death in Dogs Treated for Esophageal Foreign Body Obstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 222 Cases (1998–2017) JVIM, 2017
Type of FB and location
Efficacy of endoscopy
Fatality rate - associated with
Complication of stricture
Type of FB mostly bone (80%) and location in distal esophagus (50%)
Efficacy of endoscopy 92%
Fatality rate - 5% associated with need for surgery, esophageal perforation, hemorrhage
Complication - stricture 2%
Histopathologic Characteristics of Intestinal Biopsy Samples from Dogs With Chronic Inflammatory Enteropathy With and Without Hypoalbuminemia JVIM, 2017, Wennogle
Samples of dogs with CE had:
Lower albumin concentration
Samples of dogs with CE had: villous stunting, epithelial injury, crypt distension and lacteal dilation
Lower albumin concentration correlated with severity
Evaluation of Serum 3-Bromotyrosine Concentrations in Dogs with Steroid-Responsive Diarrhea and Food-Responsive Diarrhea JVIM, 2017, Sattasathuchana
Peripheral esinophilia
Serum 3 BrY
Peripheral esinophilia not associated with disease and serum 3 BrY
Serum 3 BrY higher in dogs with SRD > FRD > healthy
Efficacy of a Probiotic-Prebiotic Supplement on Incidence of Diarrhea in a Dog Shelter: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial JVIM, 2017, Rose
Total day of diarrhea
Occurence of diarrhea within first 14 days
Diarrhea > 2 days consecutive
Total day of diarrhea: lower with synbiotic (2% vs 3%)
Occurence of diarrhea within first 14 days lower (19% vs 27%)
Diarrhea > 2 days consecutive lower (5% vs 8%)
Chronic Gingivostomatitis with Esophagitis in Cats JVIM, 2017, Kouki
The majority of cats with clinical signs of FCG exhibited some degree of esophagitis especially in the proximal (44/58) and distal (53/58) parts but all lacked GI signs
Chronic Diarrhea in Dogs – Retrospective Study in 136 Cases JVIM, 2017, Volkmann
Primary enteropathy
Secondary enteropathy
Remission and risk factors for lack of remission
Primary enteropathy: 90%
- inflammatory 70% (dietary 66%, 23 % idiopathic, ATB responsive 11%)
- Infectious (13%)
- Neoplasia (4%)
Secondary enteropathy 10%
- EPI 6%
- endocrine 2%
- hepatic, renal, cardiac
Remission 87% and risk factors for lack of remission
- Idiopathic IBD or neoplasia
- Severity of disease
- Anemia
- Severe hypoalbuminemia
Effect of Moderate Dietary Protein and Phosphate Restriction on Calcium-Phosphate Homeostasis in Healthy Older Cats JVIM, 2016, Geddes
Effect of diet on:
Development of azotemia
Effect of diet on: FE of phosphate, plasma PTH, iCa
Development of azotemia similar (12%)
Prevalence of Enteropathogens in Dogs Attending 3 Regional Dog Parks in Northern California JVIM, 2016, Hascall
Prevalence of enterophatogens
Main one
Prevalence of enterophatogens: 38%
Main one: Giardia (9%)
Prevalence and Clinicopathological Features of Triaditis in a Prospective Case Series of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Cats JVIM, 2016,
Prevalence of inflammatory lesion:
- Cholangitis
- Pancreatitis
- IBD + cholangitis
- IBD + pancreatitis
- Triaditis
Prevalence of inflammatory lesion
- IBD 30%
- Cholangitis 13%
- Pancreatitis 2%
Concurrent 58%
- IBD + cholangitis 34%
- IBD + pancreatitis 7%
- Triaditis 17% (only in symptomatic cats)
Metabolic and Hormonal Response to a Feed-challenge Test in Lean and Overweight Dogs JVIM, 2016, Soder
Overweight dogs:
Higher postprandial TG and fasting cortisol/creatinine ratio
Intestinal Leiomyositis: A Cause of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction in 6 Dogs JVIM, 2016, Zacuto
5 y/o with vomiting (100%), diarrhea (50%), R+ (30%),
Marked gastric distension with dilated SI
Abnormalitie within the muscularis
MST 19 days
Feline Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: A Retrospective Study of 150 Cases JVIM, 2016, Xenoulis
GI panel results
Concurrent diseases
Treatment response - associated with
Presentation: 7.7 y/o male DSH with 3/9 BSC Weight loss (91%), unformed feces (62%), poor haircoat (50%), anorexia (45%) and polyphagia (42%)
GI panel results
- HypoB12: 77%
- Increased folate 47%
- Decreased folate 5%
Concurrent diseases in 58% - GI (20%), endocrine like DM (14%) - Pancreatitis 11% - Hpatic lipidosis (6%)
Treatment response - good 60%, partial 27%, poor (13%) associated with B12 supplementation
Evaluating Quality and Adequacy of Gastrointestinal Samples Collected using Reusable or Disposable Forceps JVIM, 2016, Cartwright
Can take up to 15 repeated use
Complications of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy in Dogs and Cats Receiving Corticosteroid Treatmentx JVIM, 2016, Aguiar
43% of the cases developed a major severity complication compared with 18% of the control group
- Comparison of Serum Spec fPL and 1,2-o-Dilauryl-Rac-Glycero3-Glutaric Acid-(60 -Methylresorufin) Ester Assay in 60 Cats Using Standardized Assessment of Pancreatic Histology JVIM, 2016, Oppliger
Spec fPL
- Sensitivity
- Specificity
- sensitivity
- specificity
Both aggrement with histopathology
Spec fPL
- Sensitivity: 42%
- Specificity: 100%
- sensitivity: 37%
- specificity: 100%
Both aggrement with histopathology limited
1Comparison of 3 Handling Techniques for Endoscopically Obtained Gastric and Duodenal Biopsy Specimens: A Prospective Study in Dogs and Cats JVIM, 2016, Ruiz
Wider with:
Fewer artefacts with:
Wider with: cucumber and sponge
Fewer artefacts with: sponge
Clinical Utility of Diagnostic Laboratory Tests in Dogs with Acute Pancreatitis: A Retrospective Investigation in a Primary Care Hospital JVIM, 2016, Yuki
- FDC lip:
ALT associated
- FDC lip: higher with AP
Sensitivity 100%
Specificity 90%
ALT associated with longer hospitalization
CRP marker for monitoring
Campylobacter Species and Neutrophilic Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Cats JVIM, 2016, Maunder
- With neutrophilic IBD
- With LP IBD
- With neutrophilic IBD 6/7
- With LP IBD 1/8
Beta-hydroxybutyrate Concentrations in Dogs with Acute Pancreatitis and Without Diabetes Mellitus JVIM, 2016, Hurrell
BOHB concentration was significantly higher in dogs with AP (0.3 mmol/L)
Prospective, Randomized, Masked, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study of Capromorelin in Dogs with Reduced Appetite JVIM, 2016, Zollers
Adverse effects
Improved appetite and BSC
Adverse effects: D+/V+
Association of Vitamin D Status and Clinical Outcome in Dogs with a Chronic Enteropathy, JVIM, 2015, Titmarsh
Lower with nonsurvivors
Effect of Orally Administered Ranitidine and Once-Daily or TwiceDaily Orally Administered Omeprazole on Intragastric pH in Cats JVIM, 2015, sutalo
BID supressed gastric activity
NOT SID or any ranitidine
Efficacy of Intravenous Administration of Combined Acid Suppressants in Healthy Dogs JVIM, 2015, Tolbert
short-term combination treatment with famotidine and pantoprazole is not superior to pantoprazole alone
Computed Tomographic Angiography under Sedation in the Diagnosis of Suspected Canine Pancreatitis: A Pilot Study JVIM, 2015, Adrian
heterogeneously attenuating and contrast-enhancing pancreas with ill-defined borders - poorer outcome
Thrombi in 3/10
Association of Obesity with Serum Leptin, Adiponectin, and Serotonin and Gut Microflora in Beagle Dogs JVIM, 2015, Park
Obese dogs
- Leptin
- Adiponectin and hydrotryptamine
- Microbial diversity
- Bacteria
Obese dogs
- Higher leptin
- Lower adiponectin and hydrotryptamine in CSF
- Lower microbial diversity
- Lower firmicutes and higher proteobacteria