Literature Folktales and Epics Terms Flashcards
a short tale, usually anonymous, passed along by word of mouth
a brief, fanciful stories that present a moral
encompasses a wide range of fictional stories set in an indefinite time and place and containing an element of the fantastic or magical
Fairy Tale
stories that explain specific aspects of life or the natural world, usually in terms of supernatural forces of beings
a long, stylized narrative poems celebrating the deeds of a national or ethnic hero of legend
sprang from the practice of oral poetry and told stories of past cultural events or heroes
Traditional Epic
devised and written by individual poets in imitation of traditional epics
Literary Epic
describe the vehicle of the comparison at considerable length, often more than is strictly necessary
Epic Similes
stock phrases that can be inserted to describe a particular person or thing that recurs in the poem
Homeric Epithet
recurring character type, plot patterns or images
imaginary people who perform the action of the plot
the main character at the center of the conflict
a character or force who opposes the protagonist
those with whom the reader identifies or for whom the reader has favorable feelings
Sympathetic character