Limitations Flashcards
Max AFT Baggage
2535 lbs
N2 Max
Max Pressure Diff above FL370
8.34 psi
Max Ramp Weight (E175-LR)
85,870 lbs
APU Max Bleed Altitude
15,000 ft
Max Useable Fuel Capacity
20935 lbs
(10392.5 lbs or 1535.5 gal per tank)
APU Max EGT Start
In-Flight there is no auto shutdown if EGT exceeds this limit
Min Ambient Temp for T/O
-40C (SAT)
Engine Starter Duty Cycle Limits
- Starts 1-2…90s on / 10s off
- Starts 3-5…90s on / 5m off
- Starts 1-2 … 120s on / 10s off
- Starts 3-5… 120s on / 5m off
Minimum runway/taxiway width for 180° turn?
59’ 2”
Max Windshield Wiper Op Speed
253 kts
Thrust Reverser Operational Limits
- Ground use only
- Power back not authorized
- Not auth while taxiing
- Full Stop landing; except for an emergency
- No go around after deployment
- Idle Reverse below 60 kts / idle thrust below 30 kts
Max Pressure Diff to FL370
7.80 psi
Min Takeoff and Landing Altitude
- 1,000 ft
Max Flaps 3 Speed
200 KIAS
Max Speed with Direct Vision Window Open
160 kts
Max Operating Speed 8k-10k
300-320 KIAS (linear)
Max Flaps 1 Speed
230 KIAS
103’ 11”
Max Operating Speed FL290-FL410
.82M (MMO)
APU Max Operating Altitude
33,000 ft
Min speed for RAT Deployment
130 kts
Min Fuel Tank Temp
- 37 c
Max Operating Mach #
MMO (0.82M)
N2 Min
Wing Span?
93’ 11”
Max FWD Baggage
3306 lbs
85,517 lbs
Max Crosswind
- Standing Water
- Slush
- Wet Snow
- Dry Snow
18 kts
Max Flaps 2 Speed
215 KIAS
Max Crosswind Compacted Snow
20 kts
Gear Speeds
Vlo / Vle : 250 KIAS
Max APU Asst Eng Start
21,000 ft
APU Max Start Altitude
30,000 ft
Max Altitude for Single Pack Op
31,000 ft
Min BATT Voltage for Start
22.0 V
If below 21v report to Mx
Dry Motoring Duty Cycle Limits
- Start 1……..90s on / 5m off
- Starts 2-5…30s on / 5m off
- Repeat after 15 min cool down
Min BATT Voltage to close contacts
Max Flaps 5 Speed
180 KIAS
Min BATT 2 Temp for Start
- 20c (-4)
Min Autopilot Engagement Height
400’ AGL
Max Oil Pressure
95 psi
N1 Max
Max ITT T/O & G/A
- 990c ( Max 10 min )
- 1006c ( First 2 min )
APU Starter Duty Cycle
- Starts 1 and 2: 1m on / 1m off
- Start 3: 1m on / 5m off
APU Min Start Temp
Max Flaps Full Speed
165 KIAS
Max Flaps 4 Speed
180 KIAS
Max Flap Extension Altitude
20,000 ft
Min Ambient Temp for Operation
- -54C @ SL - FL250
- Linear decrease FL250 to 360
- -65C at FL410
Min Autopilot Use Height
50’ AGL
Max Airspeed for RAT Operation
APU Max Rotor Speed
108 %
Min Oil Pressure
25 psi
Max Tire Speed
195 kts
What is the Max recommended X-Wind from a Static Take-Off?
25 kts
Max ITT Start
Max continuous oil temp
Max Operating Altitude
41,000 ft
Max continuous ITT
Max N1 with brakes applied
Turbulent Airspeed
- Below 10k 250 kts
- Above 10k 270 kts or .76
Max Operating Airspeed
Aircraft Height?
32’ 3”
Flaps Up Maneuvering Load Limits
- 1.0g to +2.5g
Max Diff Overpressure
8.8 psi
MLW (E175-LR)
74,957 lbs
Max Pressure Diff T/O & LDG
0.2 psi
69,886 lbs
Max T/O & LDG Tailwind Component
10 kts
Max Crosswind Dry
38 kts
Max APU Cont. EGT
Max Takeoff and Landing Altitude
8,000 ft
Max Ambient Air Temp T/O LDG
ISA+35 (52C @ -1000ft)
Max Neg Diff Pressure
- 0.5 psi
Max Operating Speed 10k - FL290
320 KIAS (VMO)
Max transient oil temp
( Max 15 mins )
Max Runway Slope
+/- 2%
RVSM Required Equipment
- 1 Autopilot
- 2 Mode C Transponder (1 operable)
- 1 Altitude Alerter
- 2 ADS
Max Operating Speed Up to 8k
300 KIAS
APU Max Gen Altitude
33,000 ft
Unusable Fuel per tank
75 lbs / 11 gal
Max Crosswind Wet
31 kts
Max Crosswind with Ice
12 kts
Max Fuel Imbalance
794 lbs
Max Latitude for stationary alignment
78.25N to 78.25S
Max Gear Speeds
Vlo/Vle 250 KIAS
Flaps Down Load Limits
0.0g to +2.0g
Max Ramp Weight (E175-LL)
85450 lbs
Max Take-Off Weight (E175-LL)
85098 lbs
Max Landing Weight (E175-LL)
74957 lbs (Same as the LRs)
Max Zero Fuel Weight (E175-LL)
69467 lbs