GOM Departure Flashcards
Give 4 steps to assist in determining a valid Release
4 steps to determine if the Paperwork is Legal
- Can we Depart?
- Do we need a Destination Alternate?
- Determin if Exemption 3585 applies
- Are we operating under Marginal Conditions?
Define what makes a “High-Mins” Captain
A Captain with less than 100 Hours (including IOE)
What are some of the Limitations for “High-Mins” Captains?
100 feet must be added to the DH/MDA for the published approach
1/2 SM Visibility added to the published approach
Alternate Minimums no less than 300’ ceiling and 1 mile visibilty.
How does a Pilot maintain currency?
A Pilot maintains Instrument Currency as long as they are current for part 121
When can one report of duty after SCUBA diving?
24 hours
When can one report of duty after donating blood?
72 hours
What are the FAA & Mesa restrictions for “Bottle to Throttle”?
FAA: 8 hours with BAC below 0.04%
Mesa: 12 hours with BAC 0.02%
Give some limitations for “Baby” First Officers?
- Windshear
- X-Winds <15 kts
- Contaminated Runway
- Breaking actionless than good
- Visibility less than 3/4
- RVR 4,000’
- Special Airports
- PIC prerogative
Define “Consolidation”
100 hours in Type within 120 days
Maybe extended to 150 days
IOE counts
What is IOE?
IOE: Initial Operating Experience
FAA Minimum of 25 hours
Maybe counted towards Consolidation
List all the MEL Categories
MEL: Minimum Equipment Lists. Excludes the Calender Day of Record
- Category A: Repaired within the specified in the “Remarks” column
- Category B: Repaired within 3 Consecutive Calender days (72 Hours).
- Category C: Repaired within 10 Consec. Calender days (240 Hours)
- Category D: Repaired within 120 Consec. Calender Days (2880 Hours)
- Category M: Non-Essential Funrnishings with Specific Times frames
- NEF: Requried to be on the Release but no Pilot Action Required
Can an MEL be extended?
If so, which MELs can be extended?
Which MELs can NOT be extended?
Yes. But only by approval ofthe Manager/Director of Quality Assurance.
Category B can be extended 3 days
Category C can be extended 10 days
NOTE: Category(s) A or D may NOT be extended forRevenue Flights.
What must be done if an Out of Date MEL is Discovered?
MX must be contacted (via Dispatch) prior to flying the aircraft
When must we perform a “Test Flight”?
When an AC has been altered, modified, repaired in a manner which may have appreciably changed its flight characteristecs and/or flight operation.
List some of the criterias to performing a “Test Flight”
- Minimum Qualified Crew
- Airworthiness and Mx signoff block must be signed prior to flight
- Dispatch Authorization will be placed in the AML by the PIC prior to departure
- Mx Controller on duty must telltehPIC the specific reason for the flight
- Upon completion of flight the PIC will enter “Test Flight Satisfactory” or “Test Flight Unsatisfactory” and why.
- PIC signature & certificate number
List some of the restrictions for performing a “Ferry Flight”
- Flying AC toabase where work can be done on it
- Delivering or exporting AC
- Production flight testing new AC
- Evacuting AC from areas of impending danger
- Conducting demonstrations.
- Attain Special Flight Permits (SFP)
List the minimum information needed on a Release
- Aircraft Identification Number
- Flight or Trip Number
- Departure, Intermediate, Destination and Alternate Airports
- Type of Operation (IFR / VFR)
- Minimum fiel required for the trip
- MEL/CDL items
- Wx Reports and Forecast
- Release is considered “ate if not recieved in sufficient time to avoid a delay
How long is a Release valid?
Can it be extended?
Void after 2 hours of proposed T/O time. May be extended 2 more hours.
What is the Minimum Fuel Required?
Enough to fly to Destination, to the most distant Alternate, and additional 45 minutes at normal cruise, etc.
When will “Minimum Fuel” be declared?
45 minutes or less of flight time remaining before burning in to Reserve Fuel
Declaration does not imply a need for Traffic Priority
If fuel burn reaches in to Reserve Fuel “Fuel Emergency” should be declared
What type of PAx are not allowed to be boarded?
- Infants requiring incubators or other Life Support / Monitoring systems
- Infants less than 1 day old
- Unaccompanied Children for On-Line travel under 5 Years Old (8yrs for Inter-Line)
- Any pregnant PAx expecting within 7 days without Doctor’s permission given withing 72 hours of flight
- PAx requiring O2 or other Life Support Equipment during flight
- PAx on stretchers or PAx unable to sit upright with seatbelts fastened
- PAx who are barefoot (except infants)
- PAx who “Appear to be” under the influence of Drugs or Alcohol
- Persons carring fireamrs on their persons UNLESS they are Officials or Employees of a Municipal, State or United States while in the course of performing their duties.
- PAx who must use more that 1 Seatbelt Extender
Who can have access to the Flight Deck?
- Secret Service Agent (Regardless of Open Cabin Seats)
- FAA Aviation Safety Inspector (Regardless of Open Cabin Seats)
- NTSB Investigator (Regardless of Open Cabin Seats)
- DoD Commercial Air Carrier Evaluator (Regardless…)
- Mesa Pilots (Regardless…)
- FAM: when AC is airborne and threat requirements dictate need to access. (Must have a seat in the Cabin)
- US ATC while observing ATC Procedures
- and a host of others….
Who may occupy an Exit Row seat?
- 15 years +
- Able to Read, Speak and Understand English
- Able to lift the weight of the Exit Door
- Able to Hear and Talk without assisting devices (Hearing Aids, etc.)
- Able to Grasp, Push, Pull and have full use of their limbs
- Willing to perform Exit Row Duties; Assisting FAs, etc.
Who may NOT be in an Exit Row Seat?
PAx with Service Animals
Prisoners and Gaurds
What are the Wx Minimums for Take Off?
1 SM or 5000’ RVR
What are the Lower than Standard Takeoff Minimums?
- At or Above 1600 RVR: TDZ
- Below 1600 RVR: 2 RVRs are required. RVV 1/4. HIRL -OR- CL Lights -OR- RCLM
- 1200/1200/1000 RVR: RCLM -OR- HIRL (Day Only) -OR- CL Lights
- 1200/1200/1000 RVR: HIRL and operative runway CL Lights (Night Only)
- 1000/1000/1000 RVR: RCLM andHIRL -OR- CL Lights
- 500/500/500 RVR: HIRL and CL Lights
Can we land at Non/closed Towerd Airports?
If so, what must be done?
- Flight Crew will monitor CTAF for 10 minutes prior to arrival
- Will report position and intentions no less than 10 miles from the airport
- Standard position reports for the Traffic Pattern
- Traffic Pattern entry at 1500’ AFE