Limb Nerves & Blood Vessels Flashcards
What are the parent supply arteries of the forelimb?
L aorta
R aorta -> brachiocephalic artery
subclavian -> axillary -> brachial -> median
List palpable pulses in the forelimb.
brachial artery (medial brachium) median artery (disto-medial antebrachium) superficial palmar artery (palmar paw)
What vein branches drain the cranial/caudal antebrachial muscles?
collateral ulnar
superficial brachial
Draw a schematic of the arteries of the forelimb.
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What are the major forelimb veins?
cephalic accessory cephalic median conical brachial axillary & axillobrachial
Draw a schematic of the veins of the forelimb.
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List the arteries of the pelvic limb in order.
aorta -> external iliacs -> femoral -> cranial tibial & saphenous -> dorsal pedal artery
Draw a schematic of the arteries of the hindlimb.
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List palpable pulse locations in the hindlimb.
dorsal metatarsal
dorsal pedal
Describe the femoral triangle area.
triangle space in proximal & medial thigh with veins, arteries, nerves
List the veins of the hindlimb.
medial, lateral saphenous & popliteal -> femoral -> internal & external iliac -> common iliac -> common vena cava
Draw a schematic of the veins of the hindlimb.
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Define plexi/plexus.
tangle of nerves supplying nerves going to a limb
(brachial -> forelimb)
(lumbosacral -> hindlimb)
Describe the brachial plexus.
supplies all forelimb muscles
originate at last cervical & first thoracic nerves
located medial to scapula
List the brachial plexus nerves.
suprascapular subscapular axillary musculocutaneous radial median ulnar thoracodorsal
What happens if the supra scapular nerve is damaged?
muscle atrophies - (supraspinatus)
gait usually ok
What happens if the musculocutaneous nerve is damaged?
biceps & brachialis atrophy
can be compensated for
medial antebrachium sensation lost
What happens if the radial nerve is damaged?
proximal - limb useless b/c triceps not innervated
distal - knuckling d/t unopposed flexors but weight bearing
Describe the lumbosacral plexus.
more diffuse than brachial
ventral branches of lumbar & sacral spinal nerves
List the nerves in the lumbosacral plexus.
femoral obturator gluteal sciatic peroneal tibial
What happens if the obturator nerve is damaged?
adductor muscles not supplied
get loss of adduction & unopposed abduction
‘splayed’ hind end in cows
What happens if the femoral nerve is damaged?
quadriceps femoris paralysis
no stifle extension or weight bearing
What happens if the sciatic nerve is damaged?
unopposed extension of stifle (paralyzed flexors)
unopposed flexion d/t paralyzed digital extensors
possible compensation