Limb Nerves & Blood Vessels Flashcards
What are the parent supply arteries of the forelimb?
L aorta
R aorta -> brachiocephalic artery
subclavian -> axillary -> brachial -> median
List palpable pulses in the forelimb.
brachial artery (medial brachium) median artery (disto-medial antebrachium) superficial palmar artery (palmar paw)
What vein branches drain the cranial/caudal antebrachial muscles?
collateral ulnar
superficial brachial
Draw a schematic of the arteries of the forelimb.
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What are the major forelimb veins?
cephalic accessory cephalic median conical brachial axillary & axillobrachial
Draw a schematic of the veins of the forelimb.
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List the arteries of the pelvic limb in order.
aorta -> external iliacs -> femoral -> cranial tibial & saphenous -> dorsal pedal artery
Draw a schematic of the arteries of the hindlimb.
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List palpable pulse locations in the hindlimb.
dorsal metatarsal
dorsal pedal
Describe the femoral triangle area.
triangle space in proximal & medial thigh with veins, arteries, nerves
List the veins of the hindlimb.
medial, lateral saphenous & popliteal -> femoral -> internal & external iliac -> common iliac -> common vena cava
Draw a schematic of the veins of the hindlimb.
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Define plexi/plexus.
tangle of nerves supplying nerves going to a limb
(brachial -> forelimb)
(lumbosacral -> hindlimb)
Describe the brachial plexus.
supplies all forelimb muscles
originate at last cervical & first thoracic nerves
located medial to scapula
List the brachial plexus nerves.
suprascapular subscapular axillary musculocutaneous radial median ulnar thoracodorsal