Ligaments Flashcards
anterior talofibular ligament
-lateral malleolus to the neck of the talus
-moves anteromedially
-flat, weak band
calcaneal fibular ligament
-tip of the lateral malleolus of the fibula to the lateral surface of the calcaneus
-passes potero-inferiorly
-round cord
posterior talofibular ligament
-malleolar fossa of the fibula to the lateral tubercle of the talus
-runs horizontally medially and slightly posteriorly
-thick, fairly strong band
anterior tibial fibular ligament
-between the tibia and fibula
-extends obliquely downward and laterally
-flat, trapezoidal band
posterior tibial fibular ligament
-connects tibia and fibula
-extends obliquely downward and laterally
-smaller than the anterior tibialfibular ligament
anterior talotibial ligament
-tibial medial malleolus to the talus
-runs anteromedially
-limits anterior displacement of the talus
posterior talotibial ligament
-tibial medial mallolus to the medial aspect of the talus
calcaneal tibial ligament
-tibial medial malleolus to the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus
anterior cruciate ligament
-anterior intercondylar part of the tibia extending posterolateral to the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle
posterior cruciate ligament
posterior intercondlar part of the tibia and extends anteromedially to the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle
medial cruciate ligament
-medial epicondyle of the femur to the medial condyle and anteromedial aspect of the tibia
-attached to the joint capsule and medial meniscus
-flat and ribbon like
lateral cruciate ligament
-lateral epicondyle of the femur to the head of the fibula
-remains unattached to the joint capsule
ligament of Wrisberg
-attaches to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and the lateral intercondylar aspect of the medial femoral condyle and passes posteriorly to the posterior cruciate ligament
medial meniscus
-C shaped
-relativily immoblen (when compared to the lateral meniscus)
-attached to the medial (tibial) collateral ligament
lateral meniscus
-nearly circular
-more mobile during flexion (when compared to the medial meniscus)
ulnar collateral ligament
-coronoid process and olecranon to the medial epicondlye of the humerus
-supports the joint medially
radial collateral ligament
-lateral epicondlye of the humerus to the annular ligament of the radius
-supports the joint laterally
annular ligament
-connected on anterior and posterior edges of the radial notch
-circles radial neck
corcoclavicular ligament
-connects coracoid process with the clavicle
-2 parts
* -lateral most = trapezoid ligament
* -medial most = conoid ligament
conoid ligament
- the posterior and medial
-dense band of fibers, conical in form, with its base directed upward
-the base of the coracoid process, medial to the trapezoid ligament
trapezoid ligament
-the anterior and lateral fasciculus
-broad, thin, and quadrilateral
-obliquely between the coracoid process and the clavicle
coracoacromial ligament
-between the coracoid process and acromion process
-prevents superior dislocation of the humerus
acromialclavicular ligament
-acromion process to the clavical
-superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior components
-superior and posterior ligaments are the strongest
-serves to provide horizontal stability
anterior longitudinal ligament
-occiptial bone of the skull to the sacrum
-attaches anterior and lateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies and IV disks
-prevents hyperextension
-broad fibrous band
posterior longitudinal ligament
-C2 to the sacrum
-along the anterior aspect of the vertevral canal
-attaches primarily to the IV disks
-offers weak resistance to hyperflexion
-thin fibrous band
-extends into the skull as ‘tectorial membran’
interspinous ligament
-connect adjoining spinous processes of the vertebra in the spine
supraspinous ligament
-connects the posterior ridge of the spinous processes
iliofemoral ligament
-between the illium and the femoral head
-v shaped located anteriorly
-strongest and most supportive of the pelvicfemoral ligaments
-reinforce the capsule of the hip joint
ischiofemoral ligament
-posterior ligament
-reinforce the capsule of the hip joint
pubiofemoral ligament
-pubis to the femoral head
-triangular thickening of the inferior part of the capsule
-reinforce the capsule of the hip joint
ligamentum teres
-flat intracapsular band
-femur head to the lower lip of the acetabulum