Abdominal Organs + Flashcards
posterior to the trachea, connects to the stomach via the cardiac (or gastroesophageal) sphincter
posterior to the liver, anterior to the pancreases, the spleen, and the large intestines, connects to the esophagus via the cardiac (or gastroesophageal) sphincter and connects to the duodenum via the pyloric sphincter
cardiac notch of the stomach
external and superior, seen where the esophagus connects to the stomach
body of the stomach
the area between the fundus and the pyloric region, the main part of the stomach
rugae of the stomach
wrinkle-like folds found in the interior of the stomach, there to increase surface area on in the stomach and aid in digestion
fundus of the stomach
the upper part of the stomach (seen superior to where the cardiac sphincter is), superior to the body
pyloric region
part of the stomach inferior to the body, contains multiple parts and is before the pyloric sphincter
lesser curvature of the stomach
a curve of the stomach, seen on the side where the esophagus attaches, medial to the greater curvature
greater curvature of the stomach
a curve of the stomach lateral to the lesser curvature as well as greater in size to the lesser curvature
pyloric sphincter
the ring of muscle that connects the stomach (pyloric region) to the duodenum
small intestine
consisting of three parts (the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) that connects the stomach to the large intestines; inferior to the stomach and most of the large intestine, medial to the kidneys and the large intestine
a section of the small intestine, it connects to the stomach via pyloric sphincter and to the jejunum
a section of the small intestine that connects the duodenum to the ileum
part of the small intestine, it connects the jejunum to the cecum via ileocecal valve
large intestine
consisting of 6 parts (cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum), it connects the small intestine to the anus, lying posterior to the stomach and superior and lateral to the small intestine
the ‘first stage’ of the large intestine, it is where the ileum connects to the large intestine via the ileocecal valve, also is connected superiorly to the appendix
a small worm like structure that is attached to the cecum, sometimes removed
hepatic flexor
the right ‘corner’ of the large intestine, it is where the ascending and transverse colon meet, getting its name due to it lying close to the liver
splenic flexor
the left ‘corner’ of the large intestine, it is where the transverse and descending colon meet, getting its name due to it lying close to the spleen
a single section/segment of the large intestine, often identified with the transverse colon
epiploic appendages
fatty appendages that hand off all parts of the large intestine, and identifying feature
teniae coli
the smooth muscle band that runs in the ‘middle’ of the large intestine
lies anterior to the stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, small intestine, large intestine, etc.
falciform ligament
the ligament that connects the right and left lobe of the liver, often left as sheet-like, lying over the left lobe
round ligament
connected to the falciform ligament, however it hangs inferior to the liver and is much more tube/worm like
caudate lobe
posterior lobe of the liver, it lies between the inferior vena cava and the falciform ligament, superior to the quadrate lobe
quadrate lobe
posterior lobe of the liver, it lies between the gallbladder and the falciform ligament, inferior to the caudate lobe
connects to the duodenum, posterior to the stomach and liver, superior to the large and small intestines, medial to the spleen and the kidneys
ampulla of vater (mepatopancreatic ampulla)
the hole (ampulla means hole) that connects the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct to the duodenum
sphincter of oddi
the ring of muscle that surrounds the ampulla of vater
gall bladder
directly posterior to the liver, like basically connected dude, attaches to the common bile and the hepatic duct
cystic duct
coming directly off the gall bladder, it connects to the common bile duct
common bile duct
connects the hepatic duct to the duodenum (via ampulla of vater)o
both greater and lesser, fat coming off of the stomach, the lesser of the lesser curvature and the greater of the greater curvature, the greater omentum lies anterior to the large and small intestine in a way similar to a 1980s waist apron
the fat the connects the large intestine to each other (for example, the ascending and descending colon) and is full of viens
posterior to the stomach, superior to the pancreas, kidneys, small and large intestine, and lies lateral to the stomach and pancreas