Lifelong Learning And Continuing Professional Development Flashcards
What is lifelong learning?
Being willing or not being willing to learn forever
What are the 3 ways to learn?
What are the stages of learning?
Unconscious incompetence
Conscious incompetence
Conscious competence
Unconscious competence
What is continuing professional development?
Developing yourself in your profession, so committing yourself to ongoing conscious and proactive learning
What are the features of continuing professional development (CPD)?
Keep up to date with the latest developments
Learn something new
Refresh existing knowledge
Improve skills to enhance performance
Enhance future career prospects
Must be recorded
It’s a requirement of registration
It has to be done and recorded monthly
The activities have to prove your practice and benefit your service users
It’s individual to you
What are the types of CPD?
Work based learning
Professional activity
Formal education
Self-directed learning
What is work based learning (CPD)?
Formally reflecting on work based experiences
Gaining and learning from experience
Case studies
Audit/project work
Coaching from others (learning from other people)
Peer review
Work shadowing
In service training
What is professional activity (CPD)?
Maintaining or developing specialist skills
Doing research
Lecturing or teaching
Giving presentations at conferences
Organising journal clubs or other specialist groups
Involvement in a professional body
Organising courses
What is formal education (CPD)?
Attend conferences, short courses, etc
Complete distance or online learning
Complete MSc, PhD, etc
Write articles or papers
Plan or run a course
What is self directed learning (CPD)?
Reading journals or articles
Reviewing books or TV
Updating your knowledge through the internet
Keeping a CPD file and updating it
How can we record CPD?
There’s no right or wrong way
MKM- can upload reflections and work examples
Portfolio- online or paper based portfolio
It needs to be continuous across the year
It needs to be first person “I”
Why is CPD important?
It helps us to progress from a student radiographer to a qualified radiographer
How can CPD help us?
It demonstrates our thinking
It helps with evidence, skills and feedback
It can open doors to possibilities you may not have considered