Deaf Awareness Flashcards
What is a disability?
A physical or mental impairment that has a long term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities
What is the social model of disability?
It looks at disability as a socially created considers barriers in society that disable a person
When can a person identify as deaf?
If their first language is British Sign Language (BSL)
If they were born deaf
If they lose their hearing at some point in their life
What are some ways that we can communicate with a deaf person?
Listening and speaking
Lip reading
Sign language
Finger spelling
Sign supported English
Cued speech
What is sign supported English?
When deaf people sign words that they can’t say. They may be able to speak, but they’ve forgotten a certain word, so they sign it instead
How can we communicate with a deaf person through listening and speaking?
A deaf person may use technology such as hearing aids, cochlear implant or another kind of listening device.
What are examples of technology that allow deaf people to communicate?
Hearing aids
Cochlear implant
Hearing loop
Personal listener
Assistive listening device
Radio aid
How can we communicate with a deaf person through lip reading?
They’re lip reading classes that can help them to improve lip pattern recognition, since a lot of sounds look similar on the lips.
Some people may have communication support from a lip speaker. A lip speaker is trained to make their own lip patterns easy to read. They respeak what has been said with clear lip patterns
How can we communicate with a deaf person through British Sign Language (BSL)?
Using signs that represent words or phrases. Signs are made using one or both hands. People using BSL may use BSL interpreters to help with communication. Also, a BSL user may be oral or non-oral; they may or may not use speech
What is the BSL act?
Which year did it come?
The act formally recognises BSL as an official language of the UK
When is the learning of BSL in school coming in?
What are some environmental factors that can affect listening?
Attention- does the speaker have the person’s attention?
Background noise levels
Position of the person in relation to the speaker,e.g. can they see the speaker’s face? Visual cues
Mask wearing
Lighting conditions, e.g. is the speaker’s face well lit?
Expectations- will there be unexpected vocabulary?
Has the person understood what has been said?
Communication support, e.g. interpreter
How can we communicate well with deaf people?
Good lighting
Eye contact
Good speech
Etiquette for using BSL interpreter or lip speaker
Attracting attention
How can good lighting help us to communicate well with deaf people?
A speaker should have good lighting on their face so that the person can see their facial expressions and lip patterns. A speaker should avoid standing in front of bright light as this will cause shadow and loss of contrast and visibility of facial expression
How can eye contact help us to communicate well with deaf people?
A speaker should have eye contact with the person they’re talking to. This makes sure that the speaker’s face is visible to the listener so they can pick upon facial expression and lip pattern
Stand or sit still when speaking
How can good speech allow us to communicate well with deaf people?
Speak with your usual rhythm of speech
Don’t shout
Repeat any information that may need to be gone over again
Try rephrasing what you’ve said if the person is struggling to understand you. Don’t give up. Keep going
Check the person has understood
How can etiquette for using BSL interpreter or lipspeaker help us to communicate with deaf people?
Look at the deaf person when you’re speaking, as they’re the person you’re communicating with. Speak directly to the deaf person. The deaf person will be watching the interpreter. The interpreter is best placed so that the deaf person has both you and the interpreter in their eye line
Speak at your usual pace and volume. This helps a person to be able to understand any lip patterns
Avoid a busy background as this can make it difficult for the deaf person to focus on the interpreter. An interpreter is likely to wear plain, dark clothing to help provide a good contrast to their signing space.
How can attracting attention help us to communicate with deaf people?
Visual ways of attracting attention
Flash lights on and off
If you’re near the person, then you could tap the person on their arm or shoulder