Life Span Test Flashcards
Infancy Reflexes
- Rooting: reaction to check/mouth being touched
- Sucking: object in/touching mouth
- Moro: sudden stimulation
- Babinski: sole of foot stroked
- Grasping: when something touches palm
Gross Motor Skills
- head control within first weeks
- sit while supported by 2mths
- rol over btw 2-5mths
- sit up independently by 6-7mths
- pull themselves up by 8-9mnths
- crawling btw 8-10mnths
stand alone by 10-12mnths
walking btw 12-14mnths
Fine Motor Skills
- Holds rattle briefly by 2mths
- Plays with rattle by 3-4mnths
- Reaching/grasping by 5mths
- Bangs with hands by 5-6mnths
- Pulls a toy by string by 7mnths
- Hits a cup with a spoon by 10mnths
- Uses pincer grasp by 10- 11mnths
- Turns pages in a book 12- 18mnths
- Zips and unzips a large zipper by 18-24mnths
Infancy Cognitive Development
(Sensorimotor Stage)
- the child begins to interact with the environment
- 0-2
Infancy Cognitive Development
(Pre-Operational Stage)
- child begins to represent the world symbolically
(pretends to be doctor) - 2 - 6 or 7
Infancy Cognitive Development
(Concrete Operational Stage)
- the child learns rules such as conversation
- 7 - 11 or 12
Infancy Cognitive Development
(Formal Operational Stage)
- adolescent can transcend the concrete situation and think about the future
- 12 - adulthood
Our basic structure for organizing information
Molding new information to fit with our existing schemas
Changing existing schemas to fit new information
Attachment Parenting
- co-sleeping
- feeding on demand
- holding and touching
- responsiveness to crying
(parents who are responsive)
- developmental changes occurs throughout life span
- development is in psychological stages rather than psychosexual(Freud)
- at each stage a unique developmental task confronts individuals with a crisis that must be resolved
- crisis is not a catastrophe but a but a turning point marked by increased venerability and enhanced potential
3 items that benefit infants cognitive, physical, and socioemotional development
cognitive: reading books to babies and showing the baby the pictures
physical: healthy nutrition, chairs to help them walk stand and pull themselves up
socioemotional: attachment parenting is a great way for socioemotional growth (drawing can be good as infants can express themselves through colouring)
Whos theory did Erikson alter?
Eriksons first psychological stage
trust and mistrust
Piaget’s Theory
- children go through four stages of development
- ## children are actively engaged in their own cognitive development, organizing and reorganizing information with new discoveries
Piagets 4 stages
- sensimotor stage
- infant constructs understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences with physical action
- birth - 2yrs - preoperational stage
- child begins to represent the world with the worlds images
- 2- 7 yrs - concrete operational stage
- child can reason logically about concrete events and classify objects into different sets
- 7 - 11yrs - formal operational stage
- adolescence reasons in more abstract, idealistic and logical ways
- 11 - adulthood
Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory
- children actively contract their own knowledge
- culture and social interaction guide cognitive development
- cognitive development is learning innovations of society - language, mathematical systems and memory strategies