Lib Sci Flashcards
The binding is the cover that holds together the pages of a book. It may be plain or decorated and it may bear the author’s name and title of the book. It has two important parts, the spine and the end papers.
The spine is the binding edge of the book and carries the title, author’s name, publisher, and the call number if it is a library book.
Title page
The title page is the right hand page near the front of the book containing important information about the book. This information includes the title, subtitle, author, illustrator, translator, editor, compiler, publisher, place of publication, and the date of printing. A subtitle may be added to give a better idea of what the book is about. The subtitle is printed directly beneath the title. For example, the title of a book is One Nation and the subtitle is America Remembers September 11, 2001.
The copyright date is found on the reverse side of the title page. The copyright date is the year the author or publisher received permission and rights to publish and sell the book.
The dedication page usually follows the title page and bears the name or names of the persons to whom the author dedicates the book.
A statement or essay found at the beginning of the book. The preface introduces the book to the reader by explaining its intention and background. It is usually written by the author or editor and is also known as the “foreword.”
The introduction describes the general subject and plan of the book.
Table of contents
The table of contents is an indispensable part of the book. It usually appears in the front of the book and lists chapter titles, units, or articles in the order in which they appear in the book, and the page numbers on which they begin.
Body or text
The main part of the book is the body or text.
An additional section that contains material that is not really part of the text, but which is closely related to it. It contains material referred to but not explained in the text. The appendix is usually located near the end of the book.
A listing of the books and materials that can be used to find additional information on the subject of the book. Sometimes the list indicates what books and materials the author used in gathering the information. Instead of the word “bibliography”, some authors use the terms “reference list” or “ further reading”.
An alphabetical listing with definitions of all specialized terms not explained in the body of the book.
An alphabetical arrangement of topics, names and terms used in the book and the exact pages on which they may be found. With the exception of a very few books, such as the World Almanac, the indexes are found in the last pages of the book.
List of maps and illustrations
A list of maps and illustrations is often found near the table of contents.
Book jacket
The paper cover on a book; it usually contains a brief summary of the book and sometimes information about the author. It may also be called a dust jacket.