Level Crossings Flashcards
Name the types of Automatic Level Crossing
AHBC - Automatic Half-Barrier
ABCL - Automatic Barrier crossing, locally-monitored
AOCL - Automatic open crossing, locally-monitored
R/G - Crossing with Red/Green warning lights (also includes User-Worked Crossing, or UWC)
Name the types of Controlled Level Crossing
MCB - Manual Crossing with Barriers
MG - Manned crossing with Gates
RC - Remotely-controlled crossing with barriers
CCTV - Barrier crossing with CCTV
OD - Barrier crossing with Obstacle Detection
What information MUST you get from users calling to cross at a User-Worked Crossing?
Where they are calling from
What they are crossing with
How long it will take them to safely cross and close all gates
What additional information must you convey to Users wanting to cross a User-Worked Crossing, with a low/slow-moving vehicle, with animals, or anything with small wheels?
Call back after they have safely crossed with all items/vehicles/animals they are crossing with.
What must you ensure before authorising a user to cross a User-Worked Crossing (UWC)?
There is enough time for the user to safely cross the railway.
When dealing with animals, small-wheeled, or low/slow-moving vehicles, ensure you have placed signal protections for the crossing. (Contact other signallers if signal protections are required outside your area of control).
After authorising a movement over a User-worked crossing, for a user with animals, small-wheeled, or low/slow-moving vehicles - when can you resume normal working?
Once the user has reported that their movement has passed clear of the crossing.
If you cannot hear the user clearly during a request to cross a User-Worked Crossing, what must you do?
Refuse the request.
Tell each driver to approach the crossing at caution and not to pass it unless it is clear and safe to do so.
Tell each driver to report back whether the crossing is clear and safe for the passage of trains.
Continue to do all of the above, until you are told that the crossing is clear and safe for the passage of trains.
What must you get from a driver, if their train has failed between the signal protecting a crossing and the crossing itself?
Their assurance that they will make No Further Movements until they receive authorisation from you.
How would you signal a train making a wrong-direction movement over an AHBC without Wrong-Direction Controls?
Do not allow the train to pass it until the crossing is taken under local control.
Under what circumstances would you arrange for an AHBC to be taken under local control?
There is a failure of equipment that affects the normal operation of the crossing,
A train fails within the crossing controls,
The flow of road traffic is affected by emergency roadworks, or road-traffic incident near to the crossing.
Who must you inform , or arrange to be informed, if you must take an AHBC under local control?
Civil Police.
How would you signal a train making a Wrong-Direction movement over a CCTV or RC crossing, if an attendant is present?
Tell the driver to approach the crossing and not to stop opposite the protecting signal on the other line.
Only pass the crossing when shown a green hand-signal by the attendant.
How would you signal a train making a Wrong-Direction movement over a CCTV or RC crossing, if there is no crossing attendant present?
Tell the driver to stop opposite the protecting signal for the crossing on the opposite line. Before you authorise the train to proceed over the crossing, you must ensure the crossing barriers are fully lowered and the crossing is clear.
If you are unsure the barriers are lowered fully, but the the red road-light indicator is still lit and the crossing is clear, tell the driver to approach the crossing at caution and not pass over it until it is safe to do so.
When must you set the auto-lower function to manual on a crossing?
One or more pairs of road-traffic signals have failed,
There is road-traffic congestion at the crossing,
A Track-circuit affecting the auto-lower has failed,
A trolley or vehicle that cannot be relied upon to operate track circuits is to pass,
An unsignalled movement (or movement to which the auto-lower does note apply) is to pass.