Blocking Back Flashcards
What bell code is used to announce ‘Blocking back Inside Home Signal’?
What bell code is used to announce ‘Blocking back Outside Home Signal’?
Blocking Back Inside the home signal all occurs within the Clearing Point. But what are the 5 reasons you would use this procedure?
M = Movement that will be stopped on the running line.
I = If work taking place within the Clearing Point will affect the safety of the line
A = Any other obstruction
O = Out of Gauge movement
W = Worksite marker-board for a T3 possession/work that will make the line unsafe within the work-site.
What is the principle of Blocking Back INSIDE the Home Signal?
Tells the signal box in rear that you will:
Occupy your clearing point (CP)
with a train movement or something else
that would prevent you from accepting any train
under normal conditions.
What is the principle of Blocking Back OUTSIDE the Home Signal?
Tells the signal box in rear that you will:
Occupy the Absolute Block (AB) section between your Home Signal and the last stop signal of the signal box in rear -
which prevents you from accepting trains under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.