lesson 9 ( organizing) Flashcards
what is organizing?
the process of coordinating and allocating a firm’s resources in order to carry out its plans
what is organizational structure?
the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization
what is organizational chart?
visual representation of an organization’s structure.
what is organizational design?
creating or changing an organization’s structure
what are the reasons for organization?
- Work should be divided into specific jobs and departments.
- Tasks and responsibilities relating to individual jobs are assigned.
- Alignment of different organisational tasks
- Jobs are grouped into units.
- Establishes connections between individuals, groups, and departments.
- Creates formal lines of authority.
- Responsible for allocating and deploying organizational resources.
key elements of organizing
- work specialization
- departmentalization
- chain of command
- . span of control
- centralization
- formalization
what is work specializatioN?
a method of making the best use of employees’ skills while also successfully improving them through repetition
why work specialization is important?
- employees gain knowledge, education and experience in a specific area of expertise
- it helps to fulfill the need for skilled workers.
- Less time spent changing tasks, putting away tools and equipment from prior step and getting ready for another
departmentalization definition
grouping of jobs and resources into logical units to perfom some organiazational tasks
functional departmentalization
grouping jobs by functions perfomed
examples: Plant manager —-»» mananger engineering, man. accounting, mnn. manufacuring, man. human resource, man. ourchasing
advantages and disadvantages of functional departmentalization
- coordinates within functional area
- efficiency from grouping individuals with comparable specializations and shared knowledge, skills, and views.
- in dept specialization
- porr comunicatoin across functional area
- limited view of organizational goals
Geographical departmentalization
groups jobs according to geographical regioin
examples: vise president for sales —-»> sales direvtor western region, SD Southern region etc
advantages and disadvantages of Geographical departmentalization
- more effective and efficiant handling of specific regional issues that arise
- serve needs of unique geographic markets better
- duplication of function
- can feel isolated from other organizational ares
Product departmentalization advantages and disadvantages
groups by product line
- allows specialization in perticular good
- managers can be experts in theri industry
- closer to customers
- duplicate of functions
- limited view of organizational goals
Process departmentalization
Groups jobs on the basis of product or customer flow
- more efficient flow of work activities
- utilizes special skills
2. can only be used with certain types of products
Customer departmentalization
Groups jobs on the basis of specific and unique customers who have common needs.
examples: director of sales—–»> Man. retail accounts, man. wholesale accounts, man. government accounts
advantages and disadvantages of Customer departmentalization
1. customers’needs and problems can be met by specialists
1. duplication of funcitons
2. limited view of organizational goals
popular trends on Departmentalization
Cross-functional teams: a work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties. This has become more popular as tasks become more complex.
Customer departmentalization: emphasizes monitoring and responding to customers’ needs