Lesson 6 organizational culture Flashcards
define organization culture
a set of shared meanings and beliefs that organisation members share to a large extent and govern how they interact with one another
describes “how”things are done here
levels of culture
- societal culture සමාජ සංස්කෘතිය : set of definitions, customs, values, and practices that one or more social formations have adopted
- organizational culture
* Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations.
- have a strong influence on the people in the organization and dictate how they dress, act, and perform their jobs
- Organizational sub-culture:
* consist of the basic values of the larger culture and additional principles specific to each unique subculture.
- A mini-culture within an organization; reflects values and beliefs of specific departments or geographic regions
define Dominant Organization Culture
The shared values held by the majority of an organization’s members.
what are the functions of organizational culture?
- Provides a Sense of Identity
- Encourages Group Commitment
- Validates Principles and Behavior
- Supports the Stability of Social Systems
- Gives Members a Clear Vision
- Defines Boundaries of Group
- Defines Rules for Power and Relationships
Dimensions of Organizational Culture
Quality Dimension Ethics Dimension Innovation Dimension Spirituality Dimension Diversity Dimension Customer Dimension
how to understand the organizational culture?
by management answering these questions
Do people innovate and take risks?
Are people attentive to detail?
Are people focused on the outcomes of what they do?
Is the organization sensitive to people?
Does people function as a team?
Are people in the organization, aggressive?
Are people focused on maintaining the status quo?
define strong culture
a culture where key values are intensely held and widely shared
benifits of strong culture
- creates a stronger employee commitment to the organization
- helps in the hiring of new staff and their socialization
- increases organizational performance by encouraging and establishing employee effort.
strong vs weak cultures
- values widley shared vs values limited to a few people
- Culture consistently sends out messages about what matters vs Culture sends conflicting signals about what’s important.
- most employees can tell stories about company history vs employee have a little knowlegde on company history
- employee strongly identify with culture vs employee have a litlle identification with the culture
- strong connection between shared values and behaviours vslittle connection between shared values and behaviours
Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture
Size of the organization Age of the organization Rate of employee turnover Strength of the original culture Explaining cultural ideas and values clearly
Where Culture Comes From and How it Continues
The founding vision is typically reflected in the culture’s original source.
Following that, specific organizational procedures aid in keeping it.
The culture of the company is significantly influenced by the actions of top managers.
how to establish and maintain a culture?
founders’ principles for the organization
choosing requirements
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top ———- > socialization
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organizational culture
How employees learns culture ?
- stories: stories of significant incidents or human actions that capture the organization’s spirit.
- rituals: repetition of activities that prove and maintain the organization’s values
- symbols: physical assests distinguising the organization
- language: idioms with specific terms, phrases, and words to an organization
- rules
How to Help New Employs Fit Into the Culture of the Company
step 1 : recruit new employee step 2 : provide initial work and experiences step 3 : provide role models step 4 : define informal organizations step 5 : evaluate cutural fit
characteristics of High-Performance Organization Culture
- track and talk about perfomance
- link work to mission
- lead as champion
- build hierachy of objectives
- inest in talent
- recognize and reward
- hold managers accountable
- build organizational commmitment
How Culture Affects Managers
Because an organization’s culture constrains what they can and cannot do and how they manage, it’s particularly relevant to managers.
Types of Managerial Decisions Affected by Culture
- plannig :
* degree of risk that plans should contain
* whether plans should be developed by individuals or team
* degree of environmental scanning in which management will engage - organizing
* how much autonomy should be designed in to employees’ jobs
* whether tasks shoulld be done by individuals or in teams
* degree to which department of manangers interact with each other - leading
* degree to which managers are concerned with increasing employee job satisfaction
* what leadership style are approprate
* whether all disagreements even constructive ones should be eliminated
- whether to impose external controls or to allow employees tp control their actions
- what creteria should be empahsized in employee perfomance evaluation
- what reprecussions will occour from exceeding one’s budget