Lesson 9 - Endocrine System Flashcards
The hormone increases cardiac rate, dilates bronchial tubes and stimulates the production of glucose from a storage substance called glycogen when glucose is needed by the body.
adrenal gland
Two small glands - one is situated on the top of each kidney. They secrete different endocrine hormones.
Congenital (at birth) hypo-secretion of growth hormone.
fasting blood sugar (FBS)
Measures circulating glucose level in a patient who has fasted at least 4 hours.
gestational diabetes
Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy.
Simple sugar
glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Ability to respond to a glucose load. This is a test for diabetes.
Substance produced by an endocrine gland that travels through the blood to a distant organ or gland where it influences the structure or function of that organ or gland.
High blood sugar.
Overactivity of the thyroid gland.
Low blood sugar.
Underactivity of the thyroid gland.
Hormone produced by the beta islet cells of the pancreas, insulin lowers blood sugar by transport and conversion of glucose to glycogen
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
Lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin in promoting sugar, starch and fat metabolism in cells. (Requires injections of insulin to maintain normal level of glucose in the body).
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
Lack of insulin secretion or resistance of insulin in promoting sugar, starch and fat metabolism in cells. (Can often be treated with diet, weight reduction, exercise)
Endocrine gland behind the stomach.
pituitary gland
Endocrine gland at the base of the brain.
steroid (ster/o = solid structure)
thyroid carcinoma
thyroid carcinoma
Cancer of the thyroid gland.
thyroid gland
Endocrine gland in the neck.