Lesson 31 - Notes - Show Time Spanis Flashcards
voz (f)
Alba is no longer with us
Alba ya no está con nosotros
how are you?
¿cómo están?
journey, tour, trip
recorrido (m)
Spanish-speaking country
país (m) de habla hispana
a Scottish guy who made me fall in love with him, who “wooed” me
un escocés que me enamoró
he brought me to the
Highlands of Scotland
me trajo a las altas tierras de
I’ve lived here for two years
he vivido acá desde hace dos años
physically-disabled people
personas (f pl) con discapacidad física
to return, go back
it’s not as if he’s divorced me already
no es que me ha ya divorciado
(the) city in which I’ve lived most of my life
ciudad en donde he vivido la mayor parte de mi vida
you’ll be able to explain what is Colombia
me podrás explicar lo que es
lenguaje (m)
cool, great, awesome
people understand each other
la gente se entiende
regardless of the country from which they come
independientemente del país del que provienen
to be a neighbour of, to be adjacent to
ser vecino con
mountain range
cordillera (f)
“and this is the reason why we don’t have seasons”
razón (f) por la que no tenemos estaciones
to lie, to be situated in
estar ubicado
the line of the equator
la línea de ecuador
Bogotá is at the highest altitude
Bogotá queda en una altura máxima
to get light, lit. to dawn
to get dark
(it) must have been
tiene que haber sido
to be two steps away from doing something
estar a dos pasos de hacer algo
to refuse to do something
negarse a hacer algo
it was unbelievable that daylight ended at three in the afternoon
era increíble que el día terminara a las tres de la tarde
for the reason which I
explained (to you) earlier
por la razón que les expliqué anteriormente
ubicación (f)
area covered in snow
nevado (m)
it makes up for what we don’t have
compensa el que no tengamos
if I went to Colombia as a tourist
si fuera yo a Colombia de turista
to advise, recommend
the coffee-producing area
zona (f) cafetera
ballena (f)
we’re running out of time
se nos está acabando el tiempo
no worries!, don’t worry!
I’m waiting for you here.
acá los espero
I hope that Mark is being nice to you
espero que Mark te esté tratando bien
to be looking forward to doing something, to not be able to wait to do something
estar deseando + infinitive
to use the ‘s’ sound for ce-, ci- and z in Spanish
there are one or two other differences
hay alguna que otra diferencia
pito (m)
useless, worthless thing
bledo (m)
I couldn’t care less
me importa un bledo, me importa un pito