Lesson 30 - Notes - Show Time Spanis Flashcards
basta ya de…
“you’re better than bread”
estás más buena que el pan
what a nerve!
¡qué descaro!
to finish
the café opposite
el café de en frente
until then
hasta entonces
to be quiet
to get angry
ponserse nervioso/a
I’ll tell Ángel
se lo diré a Ángel
I thought you were a friend of mine
yo pensaba que tú eras amigo mío
to annoy someone
tocar las narices a alguien
nariz (f)
“there’s more to it than meets the eye”;
aquí hay tema
I’d venture a guess that…
me atrevería a decir que…
by chance
por casualidad
does this ring a bell?
¿van por allí los tiros?
to improve
to get angry
to tease someone
tomarle el pelo a alguien
she took it badly
se lo ha tomado mal
to take it badly
tomárselo mal
to win someone’s heart
conquistar a alguien
why on earth…?
¿por qué puñetas…?
to tell someone off
echar una bronca a alguien
I can’t stand + -ing
no puedo soportar +
to fool around
you’ve got a real gem of a brother
menuda perla de hermano tienes
as soon as … appears
en cuanto aparezca…
area of the town
barrio (m)
to walk
to go after someone, to chase after someone
andar detrás de alguien
to drop, dump someone
plantar a alguien
to blink
without batting an eyelid
sin pestañear
a single
without so much as a blink of an eyelid
sin pestañear siquiera
paciencia (f)
hasta que + subjunctive
to keep one’s eye on someone
vigilar a alguien
to throw a party
montar una fiesta
I would like you to come
me gustaría que vinieras
or something like that
o algo así
is a good opportunity
es una buena excusa
to foresee
it is not what I had foreseen;
it’s not what I had in mind
no es lo que había previsto
to have a great time
pasarlo bomba
I don’t think we’re going to have a great time
no creo que lo vayamos a pasar bomba
to try to do something
intentar + infinitive
doesn’t have any importance? / isn’t important at all?
no tiene importancia ninguna
“oh all right then”
¡venga, va!
to promise
to die
murío < morir
Estela had just turned seven.
Estela acababa de cumplir seis años
to miss someone
echar de menos a alguien
to look after someone
cuidar de alguien
wherever he may be
dondequiera que esté
father figure
figura (f) paterna
tell him to come
dile que venga
to regret doing something
arrepentir de hacer algo
out of date, old-fashioned
pasado de moda
there’s nothing better than…
no hay nada que sea mejor que…
I’m sure …
seguro que …
in fact
de hecho
come here so I can give you a kiss
ven aquí que te de un besito
have you been drinking?
¿has bebido?
how shameful! what an embarrassment!
¡qué poca vergüenza!
vete < irse
to bother, annoy
to say goodbye
to wish