Lesson 19: Household Chores and Daily Activities Flashcards
Fua nguo
Wash clothes
Kamua nguo
Rinse clothes
Kausha nguo
Dry clothes
Osha uso
Wash the face
Nawa mikono
Clean the hands
Osha mtoto
Wash the child
Pakua chakula
Serve the food
Pasa nguo
Iron clothes
Piga pasi
Pika chakula
Cook food
Safisha chumba
Clean the room
Tandika kitanda
Make the bed
Piga deki
Mop the house
Panguza meza
Dust the table
Panga nguo
Arrange clothes
Piga huva
Vacuum clean
Chemsha chai
Boil tea
Oga bafuni
Take a shower in the bathroom
To wake up
Kula chakula cha asubuhi
To eat breakfast
Kupiga mswaki
To brush teeth
Kwenda darasani
To go to class
Kusoma historia
To study history
To sleep
Kwenda michezoni
To go play sports
To run
Kufanya mazoezi
To do exercises
Kwenda kazini
To go to work
Kwenda filamuni
To go to a movie
Kwenda maktabani
To go to the library
Kwenda dukani
To go to the store
Kwenda sokoni
To go to the market
Kufanya kazi ya nyumbani
To do homework
Kwenda mkutanoni
To go to a meeting
Kwenda kanisani
To go to church
Kwenda karamuni
To go to a party
Kustarehe nyumbani
To rest at home
Kuona televisheni
To watch television
Kufanya marudio
To do review
Kwenda mkahawani
To go to a restaurant
Kupiga chapa
To type
Kupiga picha
To take a picture
Kupiga simu
To make a call
Mama yako anapika chakula kizuri.
Your mom is cooking good food.
Kabla ya kula, tafadhali nawa mikono yako.
Before eating, please wash your hands.
Yeye hufua nguo kila wikendi.
He washes clothes every weekend
Nitatandika kitanda baada ya kuamka.
I will make the bed after I wake up.
Mama huoga mtoto bafuni.
The mother washes the child in the bathtub.
Jana nilienda filamuni.
Yesterday I went to a movie.
Baba yangu anapenda kuona televisheni.
My father likes to watch television.
Wash clothes
Fua nguo
Rinse clothes
Kamua nguo
Dry clothes
Kausha nguo
Wash the face
Osha uso
Clean the hands
Nawa mikono
Wash the child
Osha mtoto
Serve the food
Pakua chakula
Iron clothes
Pasa nguo
Piga pasi
Cook food
Pika chakula
Clean the room
Safisha chumba
Make the bed
Tandika kitanda
Mop the house
Piga deki
Dust the table
Panguza meza
Arrange clothes
Panga nguo
Vacuum clean
Piga huva
Boil tea
Chemsha chai
Take a shower in the bathroom
Oga bafuni
To wake up
To eat breakfast
Kula chakula cha asubuhi
To brush teeth
Kupiga mswaki
To go to class
Kwenda darasani
To study history
Kusoma historia
To sleep
To go play sports
Kwenda michezoni
To run
To do exercises
Kufanya mazoezi
To go to work
Kwenda kazini
To go to a movie
Kwenda filamuni
To go to the library
Kwenda maktabani
To go to the store
Kwenda dukani
To go to the market
Kwenda sokoni
To do homework
Kufanya kazi ya nyumbani
To go to a meeting
Kwenda mkutanoni
To go to church
Kwenda kanisani
To go to a party
Kwenda karamuni
To rest at home
Kustarehe nyumbani
To watch television
Kuona televisheni
To do review
Kufanya marudio
To go to a restaurant
Kwenda mkahawani
To type
Kupiga chapa
To take a picture
Kupiga picha
To make a call
Kupiga simu
Your mom is cooking good food.
Mama yako anapika chakula kizuri.
Before eating, please wash your hands.
Kabla ya kula, tafadhali nawa mikono yako.
He washes clothes every weekend
Yeye hufua nguo kila wikendi.
I will make the bed after I wake up.
Nitatandika kitanda baada ya kuamka.
The mother washes the child in the bathtub.
Mama huoga mtoto bafuni.
Yesterday I went to a movie.
Jana nilienda filamuni.
My father likes to watch television.
Baba yangu anapenda kuona televisheni.