Lesson 1.3 Flashcards
the solar system originated from
a nebula.
It is the widely accepted view about the formation of the solar
system some 4.5 billion years ago.
Nebular Theory
is defined by NASA as
giant cloud of gas and dust in space.
This interstellar cloud of dust
contains hydrogen, helium and other
ionized gases.
The formation of the solar
system from a nebula occurs in
three major steps:
cloud collapse
formation of protoplanetary disk
growth of planets
Hypothetically, a shockwave from a supernova or the effect of a
passing star may cause a _ _.
cloud collapse
The collapse at the center of the cloud due to gravity occurs when
gas pressure becomes insufficient to support the mass of the cloud.
cloud collapse
The collapsed cloud of interstellar gas and dust results to a smaller
radius which means it will spin faster.
slowly spinning interstellar cloud
grabity makes cloud shrink, as it shrinks it spins faster and flattens into a disk with central bulge
rotation retards collpase in this direction
Metals and silicates could
exist near the sun because
these compounds have
higher boiling points.
As a result, terrestrial
planets were eventually
formed containing high
concentration of these
The terrestrial planets could
not grow in huge diameter
because of the limited
reserve of metallic elements
in the solar nebula.
Formation of Protoplanetary Disk
is a small celestial body that once collide together,
it tend to fused to form the planets of the solar system.
Proponents of the Nebular Theory
Emanuel Swedenborg
Immanuel Kant
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Drawbacks of the Nebular Theory
Particles surrounding Saturn repel each other which is contrary to the
assumption that dust particles will be attached to each other forming a
It does not follow the law of angular momentum because if the nebular
theory is correct then the sun should be spinning at a higher rate than
the others.
It did not consider Uranus and Venus, which rotates in a clockwise
direction while other planets rotates in a counterclockwise direction.
terrestrial planets of milky way
“near sun, metals whovh have high boiling points, could not grown in huge diameter cause limited mettalic elements”
jovian planets of mily way
jovian planets of mily way
“far from the sun, cooler temperature for gas to condense, massive but low density planets