Lesson 1 (page 13 -18) Flashcards
Viruses with defective assembly of viral components resulting in some daughter virions that are produced may not be infective.
Example: an influenza virus that shows a high hemagglutination titer but with a low infectivity.
Incomplete viruses
Viruses that occasionally enclose host cell nucleic acid instead of viral nucleic acid, making them non-infective and lacking the capability to replicate.
No example provided.
Infections where virus components may be synthesized but the maturation is defective, possibly due to infection of the wrong host cells by the virus.
No example provided.
abortive Infections
These are viruses that produce fully mature virions only in the
presence of helper viruses which supplement the genetic deficiency in the defective
viruses. Ex: Hepatitis D virus (defective virus) replicate only in the presence of
hepatitis B virus (helper viruses).
Defective viruses:
Viruses, like other living beings, obey the law of genetics. The viruses show variation in their genomic structure by two principal methods—_______ and ___________.
Mutation and Recombination
Spontaneous and random errors in the copying of viral nucleic acid,
termed mutations, can occur during the replication of viruses
It is the most important mechanism by which a virus can be genetically modified which results in production of new viral strains showing properties different from parental or wild-type virus such as
- Inactivation of viruses,
- Altered antigenicity and pathogenicity of the virus
- Induce drug resistance in viruses.
, resulting from single nucleotide substitutions, are the most common type
of mutation. Less common types of mutation result from the deletion or insertion of
one or more nucleotides.
Point mutations
a new area of antiviral research wherein those RNA viruses with
inherently high mutation rates are administered with mutagenic agents to drive viral
extinction through violation of the error threshold and error catastrophe
Lethal mutagenesis
: is the extinction of an organism as a result of excessive
Error catastrophe
a virus mutant which can replicate only under defined
permissive conditions. Example: temperature-sensitive mutants can multiply most
efficiently at temperature ranges different from parental virus. These temperature- sensitive mutants are used extensively for the study of viral genetics and are also
evaluated for possible use in live viral vaccines
Conditional-lethal mutants
rendering a virus towards low viral load and low viral fitness by
subjecting it to a combination of mutagenic agents and antiviral compounds.
Viral suppression
variant strains showing differences in the tissue type and species of target cells affected by viruses
Host-range mutants
viruses that replicate in the presence of antibody. Because of altered antigenic surface determinants, the mutants are unaffected by
neutralizing antibodies induced by the wild-type virus. Such a selection process may
facilitate persistent or recurring infections.
Antibody escape mutants
a virus with decreased infectious titer despite a high
number of viral particles. This mutant promote the establishment and maintain
persistent infections
Defective-interfering mutants:
variant strains that cause less serious infections in humans and animals.
Attenuated mutants
the exchange or transfer of genetic material between different
but closely related viruses infecting the same cell simultaneously, or between virus
and host cell. The alteration of genetic information may result from intramolecular
recombination, copy-choice recombination, reassortment or genetic reactivation.
Recombination: the exchange or transfer of genetic material between different
but closely related viruses infecting the same cell simultaneously, or between virus
and host cell. The alteration of genetic information may result from
Intramolecular recombination
Copy-choice recombination
Reassortment or genetic reactivation.
occurs between two closely related DNA or RNA
viruses. For example, recombination of Sindbis and eastern equine encephalitis virus
has led to the formation of western equine encephalitis virus, another togavirus
Intramolecular recombination
a recombination between positive-sense single- stranded RNA viruses and occurs through a template switching mechanism; RNA
polymerase switches between template strands during synthesis of the complementary negative-sense strand. This process can occur in picornaviruses,togaviruses and coronaviruses
Copy-choice (template switching)
: is another process of genetic recombination. It occurs between
viruses with segmented genomes, such as influenza virus A and B (8 segments), Reoviridae (10–12 segments), Bunyaviridae (3 segments), and Arenaviridae and
Birnaviridae (2 segments). An exchange of segments occurs between these viruses, resulting in production of new hybrid strains
infectious progeny are produced from parental viruses, of which one or
both are non-infectious, following mixed infection of a cell
when infectious progeny are produced from related viruses inactivated by lethal
mutations at different loci in their genomes.
Multiplicity reactivation
occurs when an inactivated virus becomes capable of replicating after acquiring
genetic material from an infective virus.
Cross-reactivation or genome rescue
is widely used for virus propagation; inoculation of chick embryos and experimental animals is employed for the isolation and production of
particular viruses.
Tissue culture
is required for the isolation and identification of
viruses involved in disease, for the titration of viruses for vaccine production and for
the provision of stocks for research purposes.
growth and maintenance of living tissue in vitro
Tissue culture
: a tissue fragment is used to isolate viruses from animals with persistent infection.
Explant cultures
the tissues are digested into individual cells by mechanical
cutting followed by digestion with enzymes such as trypsin. Three types of cell
Cell cultures
: derived directly from tissues and contain many cell types such as epithelial cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes, endothelial cells, muscle cells, hematopoietic cells, mesenchymal
stem cells,
Primary cell culture
cells of semi-continuous or diploid cell lines retain their characteristic diploid chromosomal constitution and can support the growth of a wide range of viruses. However, such cell lines, tend
to die out between the 30th and 50th passage.
or immortal cell lines are derived fromeither normal or neoplastic tissue and can be passaged indefinitely. Such cell lines can be obtained commercially from organizations like American Type Culture Collection (ATCC).
Examples: HeLa cells, or
Madin Darby bovine kidney (MDBK
Continuous cell cell culture
How to detect viral growth in cell cultures?
- Using light microscopy, microscopic changes or cytopathic effect (CPE) to be
observed in virus-infected cells are change in shape, cell detachment, fusion leading
to syncytium formation, the presence of inclusion bodies and cell death. For non- cytopathic viruses, hemadsorption or binding of erythrocytes to the surface of
infected cells can be observed.
How to detect viral growth in cell cultures?
- Using light microscopy, microscopic changes or cytopathic effect (CPE) to be
observed in virus-infected cells are change in shape, cell detachment, fusion leading
to syncytium formation, the presence of inclusion bodies and cell death. For non- cytopathic viruses, hemadsorption or binding of erythrocytes to the surface of
infected cells can be observed. - Serological tests using flourescein-labelled antibody
: though no longer extensively used, this remains
the preferred method for isolation of influenza A viruses and for many avian
Inoculation on embryos
: though no longer extensively used, this remains
the preferred method for isolation of influenza A viruses and for many avian
Inoculation on embryos
Inoculation on embryos
Modes of inoculation:
via the allantoic cavity, the amniotic cavity or the
yolk sac, chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), or intravascularly. Evidence of the
effect of viral growth includes death or dwarfing of the embryo and the formation
of pocks on the CAM.
Routes for inoculation of viruses into embryonated eggs.
- Into allantoic cavity
- into amniotic cavity
- into yolk sac
- on to chorioallantoic membrane.
Use of experimental animals: For ethical reasons, experimental infection
of animals is now infrequently used. However, for several virus families, animal
inoculation either on laboratory animals or natural hosts remains the preferred
procedure for the following studies:
(a) detection of arthropod-borne viruses and
for rabies virus,
(b) inoculation of the natural host species as requirement for the
isolation of some viruses,
(c) challenge experiments in the natural host species
to evaluate vaccines,
(d) the production of antisera,
(e) investigation of the
pathogenetic mechanisms relating to viral infections and the subsequent immune
response of the host