Legislation & The Vet Nurse Flashcards
.Refers to both Acts of Parliament and regulations.
.Parliament - is responsible for approving new laws (legislation).
.Government - introduces most plans for new laws or changes to existing laws, but they can originate from an MP, lord or even a member of the public or private group.
.Before they become law, both the house of commons and house of lord must debate and vote on the proposals and then it goes to the parliament committee before getting the Queen’s signature to make it law and placed in the statute book as an act of parliament
Royal charter?
Royal charter?
.Created the RCVS in 1844 and was superseded by the supplementary charter of 1967.
.The royal charter came into force in 2014 and recognises RVNs as members of a regulated profession who are answerable for their professional conduct.
.RVNs have the formal status of associates of the RCVS
.The charter recognises the veterinary nurses’ council as the body that sets standards for training, education & conduct of RVNs.
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966?
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966?
.This act of parliament controls the work of both veterinary surgeons & nurses.
Veterinary surgery definition in VSA?
Veterinary surgery definition in VSA?
The art & science of veterinary surgery and medicine, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall be taken to include:
.The diagnosis of diseases in, and injuries to animals including tests performed on animals for diagnostic purposes.
.The giving of advice based upon such diagnosis
.The medical or surgical treatment of animals
.The performance of surgical operations on animals.
VSA schedule 3?
VSA schedule 3?
.First aid - Allows anyone to give first aid in an emergency for the purpose of preserving life & relieving suffering.
.Minor treatments - the owner of an animal or a member of the owner’s household or employee of the owner may give it minor medical treatment. Some exceptions to this rule e.g. farm animals.
.RVN - can administer medical treatment & perform minor surgery (not involving entry into a body cavity) under the direction of a vet providing care for that animal and the vet is responsible & accountable for the RVNs actions. Not equine unless qualified.
.Amendment to paragraphs 6 & 7 of schedule 3 order 2002 clarifies the term veterinary nurse within the act as one whose name is entered on to the register of veterinary nurses maintained by the RCVS. It also makes provisions for the training of student veterinary nurses, allowing them to perform schedule 3 procedures with the supervision from a vet or vet nurse.
VSA student vet nurse?
VSA student vet nurse?
.One who has been enrolled under the RCVS bylaws for the purposes of training as a veterinary nurse and who is employed at an approved training practice.
.Schedule 3 makes provisions for the training of student veterinary nurses, allowing them to perform schedule 3 procedures with the supervision from a vet or vet nurse.
The health & safety commissions?
The health & safety commissions?
.Is the body which oversees and monitors health & safety, producing reports and advising the government on health & safety matters.
Health & safety executive?
Health & safety executive?
.Is the enforcement body of the HSC and at present veterinary practises come under the jurisdiction of HSE inspectors.
.HSE inspectors can visit any practice at any time.
Health & safety at work act 1974?
Health & safety at work act 1974?
Employer responsibilities include:
.Appointmenting a competent person to oversee health & safety.
.Carrying out risk assessments.
.Supplying health & safety information to employees and visitors.
.Providing health & safety training for employees.
Employee responsibilities include:
.Taking reasonable care of their own health & safety and that of others.
.Cooperating with the employer over health & safety matters.
.Using equipment and substances in accordance with health & safety training.
.Informing the employer of any health and safety risks or lack of protection.
A health & safety policy?
A health & safety policy?
.Is required by any business that employees five or more people.
.This written policy contains information as to how employers will maintain the H&S of their employees.
Management of health & safety at work regulations 1999?
Management of health & safety at work regulations 1999?
These regulations follow on from the H&S at work act 1974, redefining and reinforcing the requirements of the act to include:
.Planning .Organisation .Control .Monitoring .Review
Health & safety at work regulations 1992?
Health & safety at work regulations 1992?
.Says it shall be the duty of every employer to ensure so far as is reasonable practicable the health, safety and welfare of all their employees.
.With this legislation came the requirement for employers to carry out risk assessments e.g. needles, animal bites, radiotherapy, fire, zoonosis
Standard operating procedures?
Standard operating procedures?
.These are written documents designed to cover the full range of work performed within the practice.
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (COSHH)?
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (COSHH)?
.Was introduced specifically to cover the management of risks associated with hazardous substances.
.This includes all pharmaceutical products and chemicals used in veterinary practice.
.COSHH data sheets for risk assessments.
.Clinical waste comes under COSHH.
Hazardous waste (UK & Wales) regulations 2005?
Hazardous waste (UK & Wales) regulations 2005?
.Disposable of waste from the practice.
.Clinical waste is any waste which consists wholly or partly of human or animal tissue, blood or other bodily fluids, excretions, drugs or other pharmaceutical products, swabs or dressings or syringes, needles or other sharp instruments that may cause harm to anyone coming into contact with them.
.Hazardous waste - the premises must keep a waste register, use consignment notes and keep these records for 3 years.
Hazardous waste containers?
Hazardous waste containers?
.Cytotoxic & cytostatic pharmaceuticals - purple or yellow containers, sharps into purple-lidded sharps bin e.g. glass containers, syringes, sharps, animal bedding, swabs and gloves for high temp incineration.
.Contaminated sharps - all sharps contaminated with blood or pharmaceuticals dispose in yellow lidded sharps bin.
.Non-contaminated sharps - dispose in orange-lidded containers for treatment such as autoclaving.
.Infectious waste - waste containing microorganisms like swabs, gloves and animal bedding from an infectious patient dispose in yellow containers or orange bags.
.Body parts - dispose of in red-lidded bins.
.Photographic chemicals - waste fixer and developer solutions. Dispose of by putting into seperate leak proof containers for each chemical and send to a permitted facility.
Non-hazardous waste?
Non-hazardous waste?
.Controlled drugs - should be denatured before disposal in leak proof container with other pharmaceuticals e.g. prescription drugs, contaminated bottles, syringes & packaging but not cytotoxic or cytostatic drugs.
.Schedule 2 drugs - required denaturing in the presence of a police officer.
.Other pharmaceuticals - should be segregated into leak-proof containers and done without mixing them together and put into packaging for incineration at a permitted facility.
.Offensive waste - swabs, gloves and animal bedding that is not infectious and not containing bodily fluids. Dispose into yellow bags with a black strip.
.Non-infectious cadaver - any pet cadavers that are not infectious can be buried or cremated.
.Domestic waste - food, household waste dispose in black bags into the non-recycling bin.
The health & safety (first aid) regulations 1981?
The health & safety (first aid) regulations 1981?
.This requires employers to provide adequate & appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they’re injured or ill at work.
.Vets are a medium-risk environment.
Minimum first aid provision at work is:
.A suitably stocked first-aid box.
.An appointed person to take charge of first-aid arrangements if under 20 employees.
.A trained first aider must be appointed if 20-50 employees.
Manual handling regulations 1992?
Manual handling regulations 1992?
.Avoid hazardous manual handling as far as is reasonably practical and reduce injury by having a good lifting technique.
Appointed person?
Appointed person?
.Someone who is appointed by management to take charge when someone is injured or ill e.g. calling ambulance
.Responsible for keeping the first aid book stocked and recording treatments given.
First aider?
First aider?
.Someone who has undergone an HSE-approved training course in first aid at work and holds a certificate to prove this.
.Training should be repeated every 3 years
.All accidents at work must be recorded in an accident book approved by the HSE.
Reporting of injuries, diseases & dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)?
Reporting of injuries, diseases & dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (RIDDOR)?
Legislate for reporting of serious events directly to the HSE like:
.Fracture .Loss of sight
.Anything that means you’re admitted to hospital as an inpatient but not for observation.
.Explosion .Release of substances e.g. radiation
.Must be reported asap by telephone then letter within 7 days using HSE form F2508.
Good lifting technique?
Good lifting technique?
1) Check suitable clothing & asses load. Heaviest side to body.
2) Place feet apart. Bend knees. Straight back.
3) Firm grip-close to body.
4) Back straight. Lift smoothly to knee level and then waist level.
5) With clear visibility move forward without twisting.
6) Set load down at waist level or to knee level and then floor.
Health & safety display screen equipment regulations 1992?
Health & safety display screen equipment regulations 1992?
.This legislation requires the way in which workstations are used to be regularly assessed.
.Workstation itself should be adequately lit with appropriate room and leg space with an adjustable chair and foot rest if required.
.Monitors should be adjustable & keyboards should be legible with a wrist rest provided if needed.