Anaesthesia and analgesia Flashcards
Anaesthesia is?
Anesthesia is?
.Body is without sensation.
.Inducing a state of sleep.
.A reversible dose related intoxication of the CNS where a patient is rendered analgesed, immobile and there is a suppression of consciousness.
.Reversible consciousness.
.The sleep is induced by anaesthetic drugs.
.The reduction or abolition of the perception of pain.
Muscle relaxation?
Muscle relaxation?
.Flaccid paralysis of the skeletal muscles that facilitates surgery.
.A test to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of the blood.
.Measures the partial pressure of co2 in the respiratory gases during respiration which reflects the pco2 in the blood.
.Is a measurement of exhaled co2 and will inform you of airway patency.
.The device is placed between the endotracheal tube and breathing circuit.
.Partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
.Partial pressure of end-tidal co2.
.The partial pressure of CO2in arterial blood. It is used to access ventilation.
.In arterial blood gives info about oxygenation as well as ventilation.
Partial pressure?
Partial pressure?
.Is a means of expressing a media (normally a gas) as a fraction of another gas.
.End tidal co2 (the amount of co2 in exhaled air)
.Arterial oxygen saturation measured via pulse oximetry.
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
.Is a test that checks how the heart is functioning by measuring the electrical activity of it. Used to detect arrhythmias.
.The electrical signal is picked up by electrodes, amplified and displayed on a screen.
.ECG measured as the difference in voltage between two electrodes.
Pulse oximeter?
Pulse oximeter?
.Calculates the percentage of saturated haemoglobin (blood oxygen levels).
.Shines red and infrared light, via a clip like probe, through a thin piece of tissue such as the tongue and measures the relative absorption of the two wavelengths.
.Non intubated.
Arterial blood pressure monitor?
Arterial blood pressure monitor?
.Monitors arterial blood flow or vessel wall movement in a peripheral artery and provides intermittent measurements of arterial blood pressure.
Anaesthetic gas analyser?
Anaesthetic gas analyser?
.Measures inspired and expired inhalant concentration.
Anaesthetic parameters?
Anaesthetic parameters?
.Body temperature
.Anaesthetic depth
.Patient status
.Equipment function
Canine parameters?
Canine parameters?
.Respiratory rate: 10 - 30 bpm
.Pulse rate: 60 - 180 bpm
.Temperature: 38.3° - 38.7°
Feline parameters?
Feline parameters?
.Respiratory rate: 20 - 30 bpm
.Pulse rate: 110 - 180 bpm
.Temperature: 38° - 38.5°
Normal spo2?
Normal spo2?
Pulse locations?
Pulse locations?
.Lingual artery
.Femoral artery - top of femur bone
.Carotid artery
.Dorsal pedal artery
Blood pressure?
Blood pressure?
.Normal = 120/80 mmHg
.Mean = 70-90 mmHg
.Systolic - is the blood pressure when the heart is contracting.
.Diastolic - is the pressure in the left ventricle when the heart rests between beats.
.Mean (MAP) - the average pressure in a patient’s arteries during one cardiac cycle.
Hypotension most common cause?
Hypotension most common cause?
.Excessive anaesthetic depth
.Is lost when overdosed on anaesthesia.
Anaesthetic depth too deep?
Anaesthetic depth too deep?
.Low HR
.Low RR
Anaesthetic depth too light?
Anaesthetic depth too light?
.High HR
.High RR
Isoflurane vaporiser?
Isoflurane vaporiser?
.Never set higher than 3%
Pop off valve?
Pop off valve?
.It prevents the build up of excessive pressure or volume of gases in the circuit.
.Should be in the OPEN or mostly open position except when manually ventilating (bagging) the patient.
Prolonged CRT suggests?
Prolonged CRT suggests?
.Millimetres of mercury/ unit of pressure/ blood pressure.
Anaesthetic drugs cause?
Anaesthetic drugs cause?
.Cardiovascular depression
Core temperature?
Core temperature?
.Temperature of the deep tissues of the body (Internal organs).
.Locations - tympanic membrane, oesophagus, intra-urinary bladder.
Peripheral temperature?
Peripheral temperature?
.Blood flow through the vessels under the skin.
.Locations - Skin, forehead, axillar/ underarm.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR?
.The goal is to deliver oxygen to the lungs by artificial ventilation and then transport the oxygen to body tissues by external cardiac compression.
.Aim of compressions is to manually force blood through the heart and the tissues.
Cardiac arrest types?
Cardiac arrest types?
.Asystole - without electrical activity (flat line).
.Ventricular fibrillation - appears as completely chaotic, irregular, bizarre deflections. There are no recognisable POT QRS waves.
.Elecromechanical dissociation - there is a normal wave form but no effective cardiac output.
.Is the measurement of the pco2 concentration in the respiratory gas during the whole respiratory cycle.
.It offers a continuous, non invasive way to reflect the partial pressure of co2 in arterial blood.
Anaesthetic machine?
Anaesthetic machine?
.Delivers oxygen, gases and volatile agents to the patient.
Comprised of;
.Oxygen, medical air, nitrous oxide and anaesthetic supply.
.Pressure gauge
.Pressure reducing valves
.Back bar
.Oxygen flush
.Fresh gas outlet
Cylinder sizes?
Cylinder sizes?
.C - J
.Fully cylinder - 137 + 100 KPa
Anaesthetic breathing systems?
Anaesthetic breathing systems?
.Deliver gases and oxygen to the patient and removes co2 from exhaled gases.
.Provides a means of manually supporting ventilation.
Y connector?
Y connector?
.Connects the ET tube with inspiratory and expiratory systems.
Tidal volume?
Tidal volume?
.The amount of gas that moves in and out of the lungs with each breath.
.Medium to large dog tidal volume = 10ml/kg
.Small dogs and cats tidal volume = 15ml/kg
Minute volume?
Minute volume?
.Minute volume = VT × RR
Fresh gas flow?
Fresh gas flow?
.FGF = VM × circuit factor
Functional residual capacity?
Functional residual capacity?
.Volume of air left in the lungs following normal expiration.
Residual volume?
Residual volume?
.Volume of air left in lungs after forced expiration.
Fresh gas flow?
Fresh gas flow?
.The gases delivered to the patient via the fresh gas outlet on the anaesthetic machine
.It is measured in L/min.
When do you switch off the nitrous oxide?
When do you switch off the nitrous oxide?
.On any breathing system 10-15 mins prior to the end of anaesthesia and 100% oxygen administered.
Heat and moisture exchangers?
Heat and moisture exchangers?
.Fitted between the ET tube and breathing system and contain a bacterial filter.
.They warm inspired gases and prevent the loss of moisture from expired gases.
Scavenging system?
Scavenging system?
.Used to gather anaesthetic gas after it is exhaled from the patient.
Pre - meds?
Pre - meds?
.Administered to decrease stress/ anxiety and the behaviours from them.
.Provide analgesia
.Muscle relaxation
ET tube sizes?
ET tube sizes?
.2 - 16mm
.Can be cuffed or uncuffed
Laryngoscope blade?
Laryngoscope blade?
.Should never be used directly on the epiglottis as it may cause damage and cause swelling.
.ET tube - is passed over the epiglottis and between the arytenoid cartilages and vocal folds into the trachea.
Larynx spray?
Larynx spray?
.It is used to desensitise the larynx to prevent laryngospasm.
.Spray the cats larynx with lidocaine wait for 30 - 60 seconds for it to work before intubating.
ALWAYS do what when turning the patient?
ALWAYS do what when turning the patient?
.ALWAYS disconnect the breathing system from the ET tube when turning the patient to prevent tracheal damage.
.The alveolar concentration of agent required to stop gross purposeful movement like a tail twitch.
Volatile agent?
Volatile agent?
.Respiratory depressant
.Cardiovascular depressant
.CNS depressant
.No analgesic effects
.Very little metabolism as excreted by the lungs.
Nitrous oxide?
Nitrous oxide?
.Slows down your brain and your body’s responses.
.It’s main use is an analgesic adjunct.
.Comes in blue cylinders.
Nitrous oxide and oxygen ratio?
Nitrous oxide and oxygen ratio?
.Non rebreathing system = Nitrous oxide Oxygen
2 : 1
.Rebreathing system = Nitrous oxide Oxygen
1 : 1
Jaw tone?
Jaw tone?
.Absent at an adequate level of anaesthesia.
Pulse deficits?
Pulse deficits?
.A heartbeat is heard but no pulse is felt and generally indicates arrhythmia.
Stroke volume?
Stroke volume?
.The amount of blood ejected from the heart in one beat.
Central venous pressure CVP?
Central venous pressure CVP?
.Pressure measured in the patient’s cranial vena cava directly in front of the right atria.
.The balance between the filling of central venous reservoir and the pumping ability of the heart.
.Relating to the perception of pain.
Noxious stimulus?
Noxious stimulus?
.A actual or potential tissue damage event.
Blood pressure monitor?
Blood pressure monitor?
.Is measured using a osillometric device or a doppler ultrasound flow detector.
.A cuff is placed over an artery around a limb. The cuff is connected via a pressure cable to the monitor. The monitor inflates the cuff until blood flow has stopped and then slowly deflated.
.It reports the systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure as the pulse returns.
Oesophageal stethoscope?
Oesophageal stethoscope?
.Used to listen to the heart and lungs during surgery.
Abnormal capnograph?
Abnormal capnograph?
.Dislodged ET tube
.Obstructed ET tube or airway
.Misplaced ET tube
.Leak around ET tube cuff
Capillary refill time gives you info on?
Capillary refill time gives you info on?
.Blood pressure
.Perfuse peripheral tissues
.Tissue oxygenation
.Measurement of blood volume and circulatory status.
Anaesthetic drugs?
Anaesthetic drugs?
.Used to achieve hypnosis, muscle relaxation and analgesia.
.Often employ several drug types to reduce the side effects of high doses of any single agent.
Downside atelectic lung?
Downside atelectic lung?
.Can take minutes to hours or even days to fully reinflate after anaesthesia.
Swallowing reflex?
Swallowing reflex?
.Lost at a medium depth of anaesthesia and usually regained just before the patient recovers consciousness.
.Arterial oxygen saturation measured from blood specimen.
.If Sao2 falls to 93% or less, it signals the need for oxygen therapy.
.The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood.
.It is used to assess the adequacy of oxygenation.
.Is the addition of heat and moisture to a gas.
.Where oxygen is supplied directly into the animals airway, it must be humidified because the animal’s own methods of warming and moistening the oxygen have been by passed i.e. not gone through the nasal chambers.
.The amount of water vapour that a gas can carry increases with temperature.