Dentistry Flashcards
Dental disease?
Dental disease?
.Begins with the accumulation of an invisible substance, called pellicle on the surface of the tooth and is formed from proteins found within saliva.
.Gingivitis & periodontitis
.Toxins from the bacteria in plaque, aided by the irritation caused by the tartar results in gingivitis.
.Signs - sore, red, inflamed gums that bleed and if not treated periodontitis can develop.
.Causes the supporting structure of the tooth (the periodontal ligament) to become damaged and destroyed leading to inflammation of the periodontal tissues loosening the tooth and finally falls out.
.Use radiography to see the extent and type of alveolar bone destruction.
.Oral malodour
Periodontal therapy?
Periodontal therapy?
.Includes scaling, root planning and crown polishing.
.Process whereby dental deposits e.g. plaque, calculus are removed from the supra- and subginival surfaces of the teeth.
.Will cause minor scarring of the teeth.
Bulky supragingival deposits?
Bulky supragingival deposits?
.Use hand instrument to remove large bits first before using powered ones.
Scalers and curettes?
Scalers and curettes?
.Used to remove dental deposits from tooth surfaces.
.Scaler - a blade with a pointed tip and is used to remove supragingival calculus.
.Curette - a blade that ends with a rounded toe. Used to remove subgingival deposits and for root planning.
.Above the gingiva plaque (along gumline)
.Below the gingiva plaque.
Calculus/ tartar?
Calculus/ tartar?
.The hardened product of minerals from saliva and food that accumulates in plaque around the tooth.
.Removes remaining plaque and restores the scaled tooth surface to smoothness.
.Performed by applying a mildly abrasive prophylaxis paste to the tooth with a prophylaxis cup/ brush mounted in a slowly rotating slow speed hand piece running less than 5000rpm
.Prophylaxis cup/ brush - keep moving over the entire tooth surface for a few seconds per tooth.
.Plaque disclosing solution - use after polishing to see if teeth are completely clean.
.A semi hardened accumulation of substances from fluid that bathe an area and can be removed by tooth brushing and if left hardens into calculus/ tartar.
Elevators, luxators and extraktors?
Luxators, elevators and extraktors?
.Used to cut/ breakdown the periodontal ligament, which holds the tooth in the alveolus (tooth socket).
.Elevators - used to break down the periodontal ligament.
.Luxators - very thin end and used to cut the ligament.
.Extraktor - can breakdown and cut the periodontal ligament instead of using elevators and luxators.
Removing a tooth?
Removing a tooth?
.If you cannot remove it with your fingers then the periodontal ligament has not been adequately broken down
Sharpen elevators, luxators and extraktors with?
Sharpen elevators, luxators and extrakors with?
.Elevator & luxator - cylindrical Arkansas stone with some water on.
Extraktor - with a extraktor stone or flat stone.
Mouth gags?
Mouth gags?
.Release every 10-15 mins to close the jaw and keep a record of the times.
During dental surgery?
During dental surgery?
.Check vital signs every 5 mins and temp every 5-10 mins
.Towards the end lighten the anaesthesia
Dental post op?
Dental post op?
.Offer food as early as possible & drink
.Soft palate, palatoglossal arch, tonsillary crypts, tonsils and fauces.
.Area of potential space between a tooth and the surrounding gingival tissue and is lined by sulcular epithelium.
Gingival recession?
Gingival recession?
.Distance in (mm) from the cemento-enamel junction to the free gingival margin.
Supragingival scaling steps?
Supragingival scaling steps?
1) remove gross dental deposits using rongeurs, extraction forceps or calculus removing forceps.
2) remove residual supragingival dental deposits with sharp hand instrument, either a sickle shaped scaler or a curette.
3) a mechanical scaler, either ultrasonic or sonic is then used to remove residual dental deposits.
Over heating teeth?
Over heating teeth?
.Will cause desiccation of the dentine and consequently damage to the underlying pulp tissue.