Behaviour & Handling K9 & Fl Flashcards
Dog aggressiveness?
Dog aggressiveness?
.Caused by possessiveness over their owner or kennel, fear, pain, maternal behaviour, environment, other animals.
Pharmaceutical restraint?
Pharmaceutical restraint?
.Don’t leave animal unattended and never muzzle an animal that is dyspnoeic or suffering from emesis.
.Dog over 20kg get help with lifting
.Cephalic vein - runs down the dorsal aspect of the lower forelimb and blood should not be collected unless a very large dog. After needle is removed apply pressure to site for 30 seconds to prevent haemorrhage.
.Jugular vein - runs down either side of the neck and the person collecting the blood applies pressure to the vein.
Male dog behaviour?
Male dog behaviour?
.He will raise his leg without urinating to suggest a communication role (territory marking).
Female dog behaviour?
Female dog behaviour?
.Will have a season every 6 months but larger dogs once a year.
Cat behaviour?
Cat behaviour?
.Aggressive cat - has erect ears turned back and the pupils are constricted.
.Clawing and scratching - territory sign and maintains claw condition.
.Rubbing against objects & people - declares ownership of the territory.
Handling puppies & kittens?
Handling puppies & kittens?
.Encourages development & socialisation
.Puppy socialisation - from 3-16 weeks
.Kitten socialisation - from 2-7 weeks. Mothers each their kittens how to cope with frustration and are fully weaned by 7 weeks. They need handling for at least 40 mins a day e.g. playing, petting ect
Adult phase?
Adult phase?
.Begins around 6-7 months of age and are mature at 18 months of age in dogs.
.Cats are sexually mature at 6 months
.Punishment is not motivational and does not allow for new learning.
.Positive reinforcement - for a reward to be effective it must come within 3 seconds of the behaviour for the pet to make association. This will increase the likelihood of the behaviour occurring again.
The brains response?
The brains response?
.Amyygdala - involved in responding to our environment which is the survival response of fear, flight or fight.
.The cerebral cortex - is the more rational part of the brain responsible for cognitive function, so it decodes information and analyses it.
.While the amygdala is active, the cerebral cortex cannot function properly.
Chemical imbalance?
Chemical imbalance?
.Behaviour that is not the animals fault.
.Has an effect on the pleasure centre of the brain.
.Too much of it can promote agitation.
It is released after an adrenaline high and responsible for that sense of relief.
.Released as a result of a stressful event or danger.
.Linked to an animal’s energy levels. High levels can result in aggression, decreased levels can cause lethargy and depression.
.Regulates mood, controls sleep and arousal, regulates pain and controls eating.
.Decreased levels can lead to impulse aggressive behaviour, impaired learning, anxiety and obsessive behaviour.
Puppy parties?
Puppy parties?
.Maximum 6 puppies with 2 people per puppy
.Puppy no older than 16 weeks
.Provide lots of toys
.Keeping talking to the point
.Don’t force puppies to interact and don’t let owner reinforce their fearful behaviour
.Don’t let all dogs off the lead at once
.Mix & match two puppies at a time
.If dog is too stressed remove it
.Keep over confident puppy on lead unless friendly with a puppy
.Try to get owners to train their puppy to sit
.Kong toy - ideal for being left alone