Left Realism Flashcards
Lea and Young tackle black criminality and accept there has no been an increase on crimes committed by yourg blacks
accept there is institutional racism and racist ‘canteen culture’ amongst police
Relative deprivation
deprived compared to others around you
Lea and Young
argues frustration from the expectations VS reality tends to lead to feelings of relative deprivation
e.g black males choice of unemployment, training schemes and doing “white mans shit work”
‘social change and crime’
Jock Youg
argues late modernity is making crime worse:
-greater uncertainty and instability
-peoples desire for immediate/personal pleasure
-less consensus about morals
where a certain group is treated differently compared to others
groups find themselves on the edge of society
working-class white and black often alienated by schools, police and employment
economic marginalisation–> crime
Policing the problem
police often resort to ‘military policing’ as a method to solve crime through ‘stop and search’
alienates the community from them, e.g Muslim
looks at how environmental/if=nformal control effects crime
- recongises multiple causes of crime
- focuses on victims AND offenders
ignores other groups committing crime
cannot explain crime against women
not all relatively deprived resort to crime