Ethnicity and crime Flashcards
Waddington S+S
police s+s e.m.g
unfair treatment and racism
reiner 2000
institutional racism
canteen culture amongst police, e.g suspicion, macho values and stereotypes
encourages stereotypes and mistrust from non white backgrounds
criminality of afro carribean
Lea and Young black people are more eliekly to be involved in street crime due to: -marginalisation -relative deprivation -subcultures
criticises theory that police/justice system are racist and prejudice towards them
other reasons for street crime
educational success 2006--> 26% bb got 5 A*-C mass media glamourises crime, rap artists family structure 90% lone matrifocal
ethnicity and victimisation
e.m.g likely to be victims of crime, disportionally to their number especially women
e.m.g more likely to live in w.c areas, for example higher crime rates, hate crimes, e.m.g are labelled
reasons for criminality:
structuralism views, how society is structured
social constructionist view: justice system unfair
functionalist agree
Becker argees due to labeling
not due to policing- poor socialisation, matrifocal family
statistics from ministry of justice 2013
3.1% population
14% of them are stop and searched and 8% convicted
statistics self report 2005
10,000 respondents
42% white offenders in their life
black more likely to be arrested, convicted