lecture exam 2 -head, trunk Flashcards
What is the epicranius composed of
occipitofrontalis muscles and epicranial aponeurosis
Function of frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead
Function of occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
retracts scalp slightly
Function of orbicularis oculi
closes the eyes (blink, wink)
Function of orbicularis oris
closes and purses lips
Function of zygomaticus major
elevates corner of mouth (smile)
Function of depressor anguli oris
depresses corner of mouth (frown)
Function of Buccinator
pulls cheek against teeth when chewing (some trumpet players stretch this muscle out)
Function of platysma
tenses skin of neck and depresses lower lip (pout)
Define mastication
Function of the mastication muscles
elevate the mandible
What is the main force that depresses the mandible
Function of masseter
elevate and protract mandible
Function of temporalis
elevates and retracts mandible
Function of medial pterygoid
elevates and protracts mandible and moves mandible side to side
Function of lateral pterygoid
elevates and protracts mandible and moves mandible side to side
Function of glenioglossus
protrudes tongue
Function of styloglossus
elevates and retracts tongue
Function of hyloglossus
depresses and retracts tongue
Function of sternocleidnmastoid
- each rotates head to one side
- Together they flex the head/neck
What bones does the sternocleidomastoid attach to
sternum, clavicle, mastoid process
Function of splenius capitus
- each rotate head to one side
- together they extend head and neck
Function of suprahyoid muscles
all collectively elevate the hyoid bone
Function of Digastic
elevates hyoid and depresses mandible
Function of stylohyoid
elevates hyoid bone
Function of mylohyoid
elevates hyoid and raises floor of mouth
Function of geniohyoid
elevates hyoid bone
Function of infrahyoid muscles
depress the hyoid
Function of sternohyoid
depresses hyoid
Function of omohyoid
depresses hyoid
Function of sternothyroid
depresses thyroid cartilage (voice box)
Function of thyrohyoid
depresses hyoid bone and raises thyroid cartilage
Function of superficial back muscles
move the scapula or numerous
Function of quadratus lumborum
- together they extend the lumbar
- each laterally flexes vertebrae column
Function of erector spinae muscles group
extend vertebral column
List the muscles in the erector spinae muscle group
Function of superficial thorax muscles
mover upper limb
Function of deep thorax muscles
respiratory muscles
Function of diaphragm
contraction pulls the central portion down, increasing vertical of thorax
function of external intercostals
elevate ribs during forced inhalation
in what direction do the fibers of the internal intercostals run?
Function of internal intercostals
depresses ribs during forced exhalation
In what direction do the fibers of external intercostals
Function of abdominal muscles
flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
Describe the structure and location of the external abdominal oblique
fibers run inferomedially, ran parallel to external intercostals
Describe the structure and location of the internal abdominal oblique
fibers run inferolaterally, similar to infernal intercostals
Function of perineum
- close inferior opening of pelvis
- supports pelvic organs
- assists w defecation, voluntary part of urination and childbirth
Muscles of facial expressions
epicranius Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oris Zygomaticus major Depressor anguli oris Buccinator Platysma
Muscles of mastication
Medial Pterygoid
Lateral Pterygoid
Muscles of tongue
Muscles of posterior neck
Splenius capitus
Suprahyoid muscles
Infrahyoid muscles
Deep throax muscles
External intercostals
Internal imtercostals
Abdominal muscles
external abdominal oblique
Internal abdominal oblique
Transversus abdominis
Rectus abdominis