Lecture 9: Temperature Regulation Flashcards
Removal of heat from the body by air currents is _____.
Loss in the form of infrared heat rays is _____.
KE of molecules of the skin is transferred to the air if the air is colder than the skin is termed _____.
What causes a continual heat loss at a rate of 16-19 Calories/day?
Insensible perspiration
What must be stimulated for sweating to occur?
Anterior hypothalamus-pre-optic area
T/F: The anterior pre-optic area contains only heat-sensitive neurons.
False, also cold-sensitive neurons
_____ of skin vessels is caused by inhibition of sympathetic centers in posterior hypothalamus
Skin vasoconstriction, piloerection, & increased thermogenesis are all mechanisms to _____ body heat.
Vasodilation of skin vessels, sweating, & decrease heat production are all mechanisms of _____ body heat.
Where is the primary motor area for shivering?
Dorsomedial portion of posterior hypothalamus
The dorsomedial portion of the posterior hypothalamus is normally _____ by signals from the heat center in anterior hypothalamic pre-optic area.
What is chemical thermogenesis?
Increase in rate of cellular metabolism due to sympathetic stimulation
What is the set-point for thermal control?
Level at which sweating or shivering begins in order to return to critical core body temperature
What are some examples of pyrogens?
Proteins, breakdown products of proteins, & lipopolysaccharides
How does Aspirin reduce fever?
It prevents IL-1 from producing prostaglandins from arachidonic acid