Lecture 1A: CNS Development Flashcards
When does the cranial neuropore close?
Day 27
What is the order of the 3 stages or neural tube development?
Neural plate
Neural folds
Neural tube
When does the caudal neuropore close?
Day 30
What are the divisions of the tripartite brain from superior to inferior?
What are the divisions of the pentapartite brain, from superior to inferior?
Telencephalon Diencephalon Mesencephalon Metencephalon Myelencephalon
What are the vital reflex centers of the medulla?
Cardiac, vasomotor, and respiration centers
What “centers” are in the pons?
Sleep and respiratory
What are peduncles?
Large fiber tracts that connect cerebellum to other parts of brain
What is anencephaly?
Cranial end of neural tube doesn’t close
What is Arnold-Chiari deformity?
Inferior cerebellum & medulla elongated/protrude into vertebral canal,
Medulla & pons small/deformed,
Malformations of lower cranial nerves
What is spina bifida occulta?
Caudal end of neuropore doesn’t close
*Normal spinal cord function
What is spina bifida cystica?
Sac-like cyst at caudal end of spine containing spinal cord or meninges
*Spinal cord may be impaired
What is a meningocele?
Form of spina bifida cystica, but only meninges found in sac,
*Spinal cord may be impaired
What is a meningomyelocele?
Form of spina bifida cystica with meninges and spinal cord in sac,
*Abnormal spinal cord growth, lower body paralysis
What is myeloschisis?
Failure of caudal neural folds to close,
*Most severe of defects