Lecture 9: Heart and Blood Vessels Flashcards
Functions of the Cardiovascular system
- movement of body fluids
- transport of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues
- transport of carbon dioxide and waste products from the tissues
- temperature regulation
- distribution of hormones
- mediation of immune response- transport of immune cells
Flow of blood through the heart:
inferior/superior vena cava right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonary semi lunar valve pulmonary arteries lungs pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle aortic semilunar valve aorta arteries
Layers of the heart wall include?
Epicardium -mesothelium -CT (BV, nerves) Myocardium -cardiac muscles Endocardium -endothelium -CT- conducting system
Heart components: fibrous skeleton
components -4 fibrous rings surrounding the valve openings -2 trigones (connect the rings) attachment of -cardiac muscle -valves (cuspid and semilunar)
Conducting system of the heart
sinoatrial- generate/conduct APs through heart
atroventricular node
-transmission of APS from SA node
Purkinje cells/fibres and bundle branches
-modified cardiac muscle cells
-generate and conduct APs
Purkinje fibres
location -within CT of the endocardium -appear to be between endocardium and mycardium characteristics -large cells -peripheral myofibrils -pale/pink cytoplasm -almost appear foamy -found in groups
Cardiac Muscles
- composes the myocardium
- principal component of the heart
tunica intima -innermost layer -single layer of endothelium -supported by basement membrane -loose CT tunica media -middle layer -primarily smooth muscle cells tunica adventitia -outermost layer -CT collagen and elastic fibre
Where are elastic arteries located?
major distribution vessels- aorta, pulmonary artery
Characteristics of pulmonary arteries include?
inconspicuous internal elastic membrane (lamina)
- substantial tunica media- SM + elastic lamella
- vasa vasorum
Where are muscle arteries located
distributing branches- radial, femoral, coronary
Characteristics of muscle arteries
- prominent internal elastic lamina (IEL) and external elastic lamina (EEL)
- more SM and less elastin in the tunica media than elastic arteries
- vasa vaorum may be visible in large muscular arteries
Small arteries and arterioles supply/
capillary beds- located everywhere
Small artery/arteriole characteristics
tunica media-
-small arteries up to 8 layers SM
-arterioles have 1-2 layers
Tunica adventitia is thin and merges with surroundin CT
Types of capillaries
Continuous, Fenestrated, Discontinuous
Continuous capillaries
- muscle, lung, CNS
- occluding junctions
- only allow passage of small molecules - pericytes may be ass with endothelium
Fenestrated capillaries
endocrine glands, kidney, intestine
-fenestrations provide channels across capillary wall
-pericytes rarely associated with this capillary type
Discontinuous (Sinusoid)
liver, spleen, bone marrow Characteristics -fenestra and pores -pores lack a BM beneath the endothelium -larger capillary diameter -highly permeable
Venules and Small Veins
location: any small vessels that collect blood from capillaries or is a terminal branch of a vein
-small veins are less than 1mm in diameter and continuous with venules
-tunica media may consist of 1-few layers of SM
Medium vein
location: radial vein, tibial vein Characteristics tunica intima -usually diameter is less that 10 mm -endothelium +BM, may see thin IEL Tunica media -thin compared to same-sized artery -consist of 2-4 layers of SM, some collagen and elastic fibres Tunica adventita -thickest layer -collagen and networks of elastic fibres -may see vasa vasorum
Large vein
location: superior and inferior vena cava characteristics: usually diameter is greater than 10mm tunica intima -endothelial lining + BM -boundary with tunica media is unclear tunica media -relatively thin -more than 4 layers ofSM Tunica adventita -broad -SM and collagen bundles may be seen -contains vasa vasorum