Lecture 7B Flashcards
Study and prediction of maladaptive behaviors and processes over time
Developmental Psychopathology
Any behavior that doesn’t help to adapt/succeed in life, must be displayed in multiple contexts and sustained over a period of time
What are the 2 types of psychopathology in childhood?
Externalizing and internalizing
Acting out, excessive behavior that has insufficient control
Behavior deficits, anxiety, shyness, depression, less likely to be diagnosed
Impaired reciprocal interaction, delayed language, unusual activities; no positive emotion towards interacting with others
Autism broad spectrum disorder
When are problems with joint attention usually diagnosed?
3rd year
What are the first clear signs of autism?
Failure of joint attention, impaired social referencing
Deficits in aspects of a language that deal with social and communicative functions
Language delays
What are the core symptoms of ADHD?
Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity
Difficult concentrating, easily distracted, poor organization, lack of persistence
Blurt out things in class, make impulsive decisions
Can’t sit still, lot of energy, poor social skills, trouble in school
Recurrent patterns of negativistic, defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior towards authority figures
Oppositional defiant disorder
What are the risk factors for oppositional defiant disorder?
ADHD or learning disabilities, childcare disrupted by succession of different caregivers, family with negative child rearing practices